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O.T.R. sleever

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by O.T.R. sleever

  1. O.T.R. sleever

    Miss My Soda

    Really I have no problem with anybody eating or drinking anything they want to. I just believe we should all know exactly what we are consuming and what potential harm It can do. Aspartame is really on a person by person basis. Most people it really does nothing to(in limited quantities). But my best friend for example it causes ocular migraines in him, this is a migraine headache so bad that he loses his vision. And the craving for water cannot be quenched by anything that has caffeine in it. Caffeine is a diuretic and therefore dehydrates your body & increases your thirst.
  2. O.T.R. sleever

    Arkansas Sleevers

    Wow, I'm a truck driver from Springfield, Mo. Seems I'm always in one of y'alls towns.
  3. O.T.R. sleever

    Dating With My Sleeve ;)

  4. O.T.R. sleever


    We guys don't always remember that ladies aree more sensitive. He was probably trying to get a little chuckle and lighten up the stuffy medical atmosphere. It would have worked if you were a guy. Chalk another one up to difference in the sexes.
  5. O.T.R. sleever

    Anyone Get Surgery At Wbamc

    My dads wife had RNY at Beaumont. She had a very hard time with her recovery. But I do have to say she looks a lot better now & is a lot healthier. Granted this is a different procedure. Unless policies have changed, Beaumont uses surgeons from Sierra Medical Center to do these surgeries.
  6. O.T.R. sleever

    Miss My Soda

    I would challenge anybody that believes that sodas whether diet or not aren't poison to do a couple things. 1. go to your nearest bottling facility in the early morning. Sit near the truck gate and watch the trucks bringing the ingredients into the facility. You will see so any HAZ-MAT placards it's just not funny ranging from CORROSIVE, FLAMMABLE, & even ,yes, POISON. 2. Do the spoon test. Get a cheap spoon (you dont want to ruin your good ones), pour a glass of soda, and suspends spoon in the soda for several days. Then decide, do you really want this stuff in your body?
  7. Angelina Jolie is freaking HOT!!!
  8. O.T.R. sleever

    Over Eating

    I made its point to eat anything I wanted before my surgery, I went nuts, I probably spent more on food in those 2-3 weeks than I typically do in 2 months. Though many all this a "Food Funeral" and say that it's not good, I don't regret it a bit. Certain foods that I loved I over did so badly that I really don't miss them now (mostly red meats). I can say if I had this to do again, I would likely have done it the same way. *** I don't recommend anyone follow my example. All I'm saying is it worked for me.
  9. Tjmom, you are doing great! Your resolve to have a better life is incredible. So inspiring to see you come so far so fast. Just remember, when you push yourself this hard it's a lot like weight training. Your body needs a bit of a break to heal between workouts. Also I would greatly recomend deep tissue massages, they hurt like hell, but they help so much with circulation to your muscles, and thus speed your healing process. Keep up the great progress.
  10. That's the great thing about goal setting. Once you've reached it, you can celebrate, evaluate, and set another goal if you so chose. Congrats
  11. O.T.R. sleever

    You Look Pale

    Wow, your surgery day was a busy one. Not sure what you are consuming now, but I do agree that a lack of nutrients is the probable culprit here. I'm betting most likely low iron. I'm confident your nut will make he needed adjustments though.
  12. O.T.R. sleever

    Nsv For Me..again

    I can just imagine the warm fuzzies you are feeling. Congrats!
  13. O.T.R. sleever

    Surgery This Am...

    I'm so excited for all you ladies, today marks the beginning of a whole new life for you. Enjoy the journey, I can't wait to read your excitement & your frustrations. Since a few of you won see this till after surgery, welcome to the "losers bench"
  14. O.T.R. sleever


    I will admit. It worked. And they are entrancing. Here's one that works, just say that your on a mission to lose weight, and that you are" following the diet that is given to patients after WLS" then later when it's time to come clean you can simply add that the reason you chose to follow that diet is because you DID have WLS.
  15. People actually eat liver & like it? I thought it was just for punishing kids.
  16. O.T.R. sleever

    What To Take - Modified For Mexico?

    Pack light. You won't need much. Everything I brought fit in my carry on bag. Including my cpap. Which I really didn't need to take.
  17. O.T.R. sleever

    Body Shape Changes

    Anybody else find it funny how we describe the shape of our bodies by referring to foods?
  18. Check out a product called PB2. Ive never tried it but it's supposed to be a really good PB alternative.
  19. O.T.R. sleever


    Something about a girl in a gasmask scares me.
  20. O.T.R. sleever

    Vsg And Hiatal Hernia Repair - Cigna Insurance

    I think I'd talk to the Doc and see if he would be willing to fix and work out payment for that part. It really shouldn't be much. In Mexico the surgeons repair these as standard procedure with no extra charge.
  21. O.T.R. sleever

    Why Did I Eat That Ice Cream?

    I have a better question. Rather than "why did I do tha?t" try "what have I learned from this experience?".
  22. Fever, nausea, pain..........if you have a leak, you wil know something is wrong.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
