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O.T.R. sleever

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by O.T.R. sleever

  1. O.T.R. sleever

    Help! How Do I Get Past This Stall?

    Get off the scale. Sometimes I think we trade out food addiction for a scale addiction. I know it's hard to resist, but like anything else it gets easier with time. You'll never quite understand how much stress it releases by scaling weekiy. Hey, doesn't stress affect weight loss?
  2. O.T.R. sleever

    Post Op Questions

    Well, let's see, I've seen a lot of recomendations for Gas-X strips, never needed them myself. Hunger? I have het to feel hunger at all. I had a few cravings early on but even those went away pretty quickly. Numb butt syndrome---- I'm totally lost on this one.
  3. BillysBelly, bro, from your avi I'd say your doing great. you know what's good & not good for you. If you enjoy that occasional dog or sandwich, I say more power to you. Guys gotta be guys sometimes. I'm actually looking forward to hitting goal. Then I'm gonna go to El Paso and get me some Chico's Tacos. I'm thinking a single order will do the trick. I use to eat 2 doubles and a single. (I wonder if I'll still like them?)
  4. Sarah, your avi reminds me of the banana phone song. Hahahahaha Something you should know about sleep apnea is that most Americans have it. I'm in the trucking industry and it's common practice to have any driver with a BMI over 32 tested for sleep apnea. Over 85% come up positive. This is definitely not the end of the world, actually if you're dealing with insurance, this is a big benefit. Chances are that once you hit or get near your goal weight you will be retested and have a really good chance of curing the problem.
  5. I see so many threads about "I don't want anybody to know". Have tou ever stopped to think about the other side of the coin? When people are secretive about things if you enquire, don't you then assume the worst case scenario? In an office environment the rumors are always so much worse than what is really going on. My suggestion is to tell them what is going on. You don't have to go so far as to disclose everything. But give them enough to relax their curiosity or concern. For example. Do you have diabetes? Tell them you are undergoing a procedure that will hopefully cure your diabetes. Do you have sleep apnea, heart issues? Tell them you are getting a procedure that will cure ore minimize these conditions. All of these would be true, and once you've had the surgery, you can go back and tell the rest of the story if you so chose.
  6. O.T.R. sleever


  7. Outstanding!!!! You are on a roll... Err, umm I mean walk:)keep it up. You're turning this NSV into an NSV V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
  8. O.T.R. sleever

    Day 2 And I'm So Hungry

    IDK about others, but for me I had a few cravings the first 7-10 days then it just went away. Now my biggest problem is remembering to eat. I often miss meals because eating is not something I look forward to anymore. It's become a burden, kinda like fueling the car, or washing it. It needs to be done, but I wish I could pay someone else to do it for me. I've actually gotten to the point where I'd really rather just have meal replacement shakes. Just because I can drink them faster and be done with it.
  9. O.T.R. sleever


    Does this use whey protien isolate or concentrate?
  10. O.T.R. sleever

    Recover Time..

    Everyone is different. The best advice I've seen is to arrange for 2 weeks then see how you feel after a few days. You can't measure your progress based on someone else's.
  11. O.T.R. sleever

    Ultimate Sleeve Question: Does Size Matter?

    What PDXMan said I would also like to add that there is a difference in surgeons also while some may use a smaller bougie and staple/ sew loosely around it. Others may use a larger size and staple/ sew tightly around, thus creating the same size sleeve. so really no matter how one might question the size of their sleeve, you are never quite sure what you really have. The good news is your results are much more dependent on you than your sleeve size, or even which surgeon you choose.
  12. One thing to consider also is living really close to his or your parents probably isn't the best thing for your relationship. I know the best thing we ever did was pack up and move 1000miles away from our parents no more interfering and nobody to easily run to.
  13. O.T.R. sleever

    Quit Smoking

    The unfortunate truth of the matter is that the only way to successfully quit smoking is to become so disgusted with what it is doing to you that you simply refuse to ever light up again. My dad smoked from the time he was 15+- till he had his first heart attack at age 36. He was in the Army and otherwise in great health, he passed out on a PT run. While in the hospital preparing for his first angioplasty he was give an option by his doctor. QUIT SMOKING OR DIE. He made his decision then to quit smoking. It wasn't easy & still today, 23 years later he says that in moments of stress that he is tempted. I am so glad to see that you said you ARE quitting. That alone gives me hope that you can do it. I love the fact that I never saw the word try in your post. I can tell you, my dads go to was chewing gum. He was buying Extra sugar free gum by the vendor pack.
  14. O.T.R. sleever

    Feeling Down

    This all will soon pass, I know in the moment it seems almost unbearable. Now is the time for you to concentrate on all the benefits you will reap from this temporary discomfort. It is all so worth it. You already know this, you just need to refocus on where you are going rather than where you are at.
  15. O.T.R. sleever

    Loose Way More Weight With Low Carb

    Absolutely you'd much rather feed your body energy through protien than carbs.
  16. O.T.R. sleever

    Anyone Get Surgery At Wbamc

    Sent you a PM with his number & my first name.
  17. O.T.R. sleever

    Feeling Down, Obsessing Myself To Crazy Town

    I have no problem with dispensing with sports drinks all together, as long as you are getting all the hydration you need.
  18. Wow, you are not going to like me very much.. What I see here is a woman married to a boy. You went out and found someone you thought you could fix. I hate to tell you this, but you can't fix him or his family of enablers. Secondly, when you got married, didn't the preacher(or whoever) say the words "and now you are one"? What is all this "I support this" and "he can buy for that" stuff? Doesn't even sound like much of a marriage to me. Do you both have common goals that you are both working toward together? Or are you simply two individuals living under one roof bonded by a piece of paper? Where would he be if you split up & he couldn't run back to his grandparents? Can he stand on his own two legs? I would highly recommend reading the book "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud. If at all possible I'd recommend he read it also.
  19. O.T.R. sleever

    Keeping It Secret

    My opinion, If I felt it was someone that would give me a lot go grief over it I just wouldn't say anything till after the surgery. Then afterwards I'd inform them that this is what I did. The down side is they will wonder why you didn't trust them enough to tell them beforehand. This is really not an easy decision, you are gonna have to ask yourself , if you want to keep this quiet because you think they really can't be trusted to support you through this, or because you haven't come to terms that this really is the best, well thought out, & thoroughly researched decision you can make for yourself? If you trust them otherwise, then I think if you get all the facts together to answer the questions they will have, and are ready to show them that you've done your homework on this, then they may be the best support system you could have. They're love for you won't change, it's their concern & all the misinformation out there that you will have to overcome
  20. O.T.R. sleever

    Feeling Down, Obsessing Myself To Crazy Town

    May I ask, how much excercise are you getting in? Gatorade is great, but you really don't need all those electrolytes if you are not sweating heavily (from excercise). One of my tricks is I dilute almost everything I drink. If I have a 20 oz Gatorade I'll add anywhere from 10-20 oz of Water to it.
  21. O.T.R. sleever


    Thereis a thread called "learning the lingo" that might help you some. I'd post a link to it but I haven't figured out how to do that on iPad yet. And Onederland is when the first digit of your scale is a 1(under 200lbs)
  22. O.T.R. sleever

    Anyone Get Surgery At Wbamc

    This thread is bringing back so many memories for me. I was an Army brat, dad was air defense so I have so many fond memories of El Paso & Tacoma areas. Anybody care to throw in Würzberg, Hanau, or Wertheim? Oh yeah, if your in El Paso and need automotive work, my dad's shop is Jerry's Automotive on Dyer st. That's my shameless plug.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
