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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by COnative

  1. Yup, I still live here. I am just west of Boulder. Man I know that hike you went on. I can't wait to do it where I don't feel like I am going to fall over from a heart attack. Diamond Lake was as far as I could get last year. That's my profile picture
  2. That is right! I totally forgot about that very important part about shrinking the liver. Very good point!
  3. Good luck with surgery!!!! How exciting! And to answer your question it pretty much boils down to the surgeons preferences. That is why you see such a varied response on here- its because doctors are that different with their philosophies and I personally don't feel one is right or one is wrong. If you trust who you are with that is all you need. I was surprised I didn't have to do anything pre-op but I am four months out and feeling great. I wish you all the best!
  4. COnative

    Drinking warning?

    I am sorry to hear that about your friend. I have heard of this happening. I didn't have to sign anything indicating I would stay away from alcohol. I think that this can also happen with food after awhile and people can put the weight back on. I wish your friend all the best and I believe it is never too late to get back on track.
  5. This was one of the most exciting moments since I was sleeved. At two months out from surgery on my birthday I went and had sushi. I could only eat 3 pieces but it was one of the happiest moments thus far. It is so nice that we can still enjoy our most favorite foods!
  6. OMG! I ate everything in site! I thought I would never be able to enjoy the same foods ever again! Man was I wrong! If I could go back and do it again, I probably wouldn't eat like I did before surgery because I am enjoying all my favorite foods- just not as much of them.
  7. COnative

    wine at 6 weeks anyone?

    Yup, I had wine about then without any trouble. And I have had a drink every week since my surgery September 3rd.
  8. COnative

    red meat?

    I wasn't told not to eat red meat so I started when I was cleared for food. Granted I started slow with ground meat. It fills you up really fast! So eat slowly. I think I tried steak at three months. Happy eating!
  9. COnative


    I am four months out and still suffer from this! The one supplement I added which you can take long term that helps is Natural Calm Magnesium Supplement by Natural Vitality. It dissolves clear in hot water and I usually have three teaspoons every night. It has been a life saver for me. I am usually recommending smooth move tea as well but since surgery it gives me really painful abdominal cramps. So far I have not experienced any side effects from the magnesium. Good luck! It sucks being backed up!!!!
  10. COnative

    in the hospital

    I hope you have a quick recovery! Thanks for the reminder to keep hydrated!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck! We will be sending good thoughts your way!
  11. COnative

    Any Sleevers from Dubai ?

    Not from Dubai, sorry but just had to say I really like your profile picture quote.
  12. COnative

    Best protien shakes?

    This is the million dollar question! There are a lot of options out there and a lot that are sugar free or low sugar. Your best bet is to check out the nearest health food store with a good return policy because it can get expensive trying protein powder. I returned a few that made me feel sick and thank goodness I could cuz some are really expensive. Good Luck to you- I think finding a good protein shake has been tough for a lot of us. Some good brands to start your search are: Thorne, Metagenics, Vega, and Jarrow.
  13. COnative

    2 Year Sleeversary!

    Thanks for posting! You keep the rest of us looking forward and onward. You look great by the way!
  14. Man! If you like seafood this is an awesome way to get your protein quota outta the way!!!! I buy a bag of frozen shrimp at Costco - 7 SHRIMP = 18g of PROTEIN and 100 calories! This is going to save my life cuz I am sick of those protein shakes! Granted I still have to do a protein shake but now I can cut one out of the day! YIPEEE. Just thought I'd share my excitement! :-) :-D :-P
  15. COnative

    Sleeved Sept. 17Th

    I'm right where you are. I was a little discouraged also when I saw that I only lost 7 pounds for the month of November. I eat the same amount of calories as you. Workout 5-6 days a week. My water probably could be better. Maybe that should be our focus for December to see if that is the missing link. But I'm still keeping positive cuz the scale is still moving in the right direction!!!! Glasses up! Cheers!
  16. COnative

    Still Hungry?

    I get that all the time where one day I seem to eat pretty good but the next day I am fighting to get food down. It seems like some days I just get fuller faster. But I usually get 40-60 grams of protein every day. And I get hungry but not as hungry pre surgery. You've done an amazing job so far! Congrats! That is awesome.
  17. COnative

    It Seams That My Weightloss Has Stoped

    I am not as far out as you but from what I read on here plateaus can happen any time throughout your weight-loss period. I had a four week plateau when I was a month out from surgery- that sucked. Change things up- like more exercise than usual or less. Eat more or less than what your body is used to. It sounds like your system needs a jump start. Maybe its too used to the usual grind. Good luck! Here is a link that I picked up from another member on here that helped. http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html
  18. Hang in there! What you are going through is perfectly normal. The first week to ten days are the most challenging. It will get better as your body heals more. Be patient to yourself and kind to yourself. Tea really helped warm me on the inside. All my best to you.
  19. COnative

    Sleevers In Colorful Colorado?

    You too, I'll be in touch!
  20. COnative

    Sleevers In Colorful Colorado?

    Well good luck tomorrow. You should do great. But don't be too hard on yourself if you get tired easily. You are on exciting new journey! Sounds like you can eat some good stuff- not too bad. All the best!
  21. COnative

    Do U Get Nauseated When U Eat

    I wish I could say it gets easier soon but for me, whenever I introduce a new food, I feel sick. It will get less and less over time but its definitely frustrating! Tea always helped me when I would eat something that didn't agree. Good luck.
  22. COnative

    Sleevers In Colorful Colorado?

    Nice! I just friended you. I am doing pretty amazing. I am what....11 weeks out and can eat anything- just not as much! I frickin love it! So you are probably still a little sore still and still on liquids or full liquids. More importantly- how are you?
  23. COnative

    Just Made Teryaki Turkey Burgers

    Hell yeah!
  24. COnative

    Sleevers In Colorful Colorado?

    I'm here. I'm in the mountains west of Boulder. Where are you?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
