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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Meowmom

  1. I was banded on July 19th. So far loosing about 1 lb a week. I had one fill and didn't notice much difference after. I go Tues for next fill. Sure hope it will make a big difference. I am very hungry and can eat about 2 cups at this time Way too much.

    How are the rest of you doing with this? Would love the feedback.

    Dose anyone know how many Cc's are the best for good restriction? I beliee my band is 12 CC's.

    Thanks for the input.


  2. I bet you never thought a meal that looks like an infant's plate would excite you so much(smile..LOL) Glad to hear you are doing well

    I had my 2 week post op Wednesday. My Dr. said I could go to regular food. Interesting how they all differ a bit on that issue.

    I did get 2 CC's added and was happy about that, but don't really feel much difference. I have been pretty hungry and can eat about 1 cup or a bit more. I have been trying to stay under that, but I get hungry after a couple hours.

    How are you all doing with that part? I lost 20 lbs. in the first month and don't want to gain any of that back.

  3. Tomorrow is my big day! I can't believe it's finally here. I'm all ready to go and I think that I have everything that I will need for the first two weeks post op. I'm so excited!, not feeling nervous. If I'm nervous about anything, it's that we will oversleep in the morning, have a flat tire on the way to the clinic, I'll wake up with a fever, etc. That would be the only thing that would throw me for a loop, if something happened that would make my surgery not happen tomorrow. However, I'm very confident that around 9:20am, in the morning, I'll be having my surgery. I have many people that have promised to be thinking of me and saying a prayer: that my body will be strong, my surgeons hands will be steady and sure, my anesthetist will be vigilant and I will have little pain and heal quickly. I trust in God's will and know everything will go smoothly.

    My real challenges will come afterwards. As I read these messages and blogs, I've come to realize that I am entering a whole new life style. I'll need strength and encouragement along my journey. I'm a food addict and have been for a long time. food has a calming and almost numbing effect on me at times. It's what I turn to when I'm tired, bored, anxious, stressed, etc. It's also a big part of family get togethers and celebrations. My two grown daughters are overweight also. They are very supportive of my decision, as they know how much I want this. I'm hoping I can inspire them both to change some of their eating habits before they are my age. I come from a family of large women. We all love to cook and feed ourselves and anyone else who walks through our door.

    My husbands family had a family reunion last weekend. Right in the middle of my Protein diet. It has been planned for months and I knew it was coming, of course. I signed up to bring all the plates, napkins, cups, etc. I did not cook, like I normally would have. Several of my inlaws commented on my missing brocolli salad, homemade meatballs, choc. cake with butter cream icing. They were a bit dissapointed. But they survived, and I was able to survive also. I ate my Protein Drink and veggies, along with one bite of my husbands hamburger. I called that a huge accomplishment for me, as there was tons of mouth watering and fat laden foods. I still had a really good time and so did everyone else.

    I know this is not going to be easy and I will have some hard times and a few set backs, But one step at a time I'm going to climb this mountain. On the other side lies better health and a new me.

    Very well said. You will do great as you have a great attitude.

    I m one week out today and am feeling great. I actually have more energy already. The food thing hasn't been hard. I don't feel hungry, and it is actually kinda nice to not have to plan and decide what I want to eat all the time.

    Now that I can see the weight loss and am feeling better, I want to stay on the eating plan even more.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. Just got my first fill. It was no problem at all! I was so nervous and the surgeon even noticed! He put 4 cc in my 10 cc band. I only felt a prick from the numbing shot. Other than that, no pain! Water went down fine after.

    How far out are you from surgery? I am one week and feeling hungry. Worried about gaining back what I lost last week.

  5. Getting banded TODAY (July 25th). At hospital now, waiting to start prep. A little nervous but excited! It doesn't seem real just yet. All the best to everyone!

    And all the best to you, too. Hope you do as well as I have been doing. 1 Week tomorrow and going to a movie with friend today. Just burning and pain near port site. Otherwise feeling good.

  6. i'm still days out till my 1st fill and this bandster hell is winning! my hunger is back and with a vengeance. i don't even want to get on the scale because i'm scared of seeing how much of the weight i lost i've gained back :( i'm trying so hard to make good choices and to keep to my 1 cup servings but it's not enough!!! the good choices isn't so hard. i know i need to stay away from the bad and that's more mental than anything but the servings is a hunger thing....i think. all i know is that after a 1 cup serving meal i'm still hunger and looking around at everyone else's plate like i could eat theirs too!

    ugh, how does one survive this with their sanity and confidence that this will work in the long run??? because right now i'm starting to question everything!

    I can relate. I am 5 days post op and so far have been OK with the full liquid diet. But today I have been doing more activity wise, and am feeling very hungry.

    I can't do the Protein for over a week yet.

    I guess it is Water to help. I sure don't want to gain back the 10 lbs. I lost on the liquid diet. It really is a bummer to feel so hungry and crave other foods that I'm not suppose to have, so soon out.


  7. My surgery was Wednesday July 18, I was very exited about the surgery but cant not lie, the first couple of days were rough. Gas pain was awful, regardless of the gasX strips, as a matter or fact I still have some have gas pain. Now that its been 5 days I am better and planning to go to work tomorrow.

    My only complain is that there are instances during the day where I do feel hungry. Any suggestions

    Surgery 719...Yea, I was very surprised that we don't get any restriction till after post op appt. and swelling goes down.

    I do feel like I can eat more than the 1/2 cup, but try to stop at that point. So afraid I will gain weight. My post surgery full liquids diet says to eat 5 small meals a day. So I would have some lite yogurt or lite yogurt smoothies around to help thru the hunger. Or maybe some sugar free Jello so you aren't' getting to many calories.

    Good luck


  8. How far out are you from surgery? I was expecting to have restriction right away, but the Dr said the swelling has to go down before I can have my first fill. I do feel as if I could eat way more that 1/2 cup, but am trying to stay to the diet.

    How long do I have to wait?

  9. Surgery in the morning!! Can't believe it's finally here. Have lost a total of 17 pounds on the two week preop diet!! Congrats all that are banded and those waiting to be banded!!

    Banded Thursday 7/20. I am feeling very well. Just a lot of soreness on the left side.

    Good luck. Think positive and remember this is the start of your new life. I just keep telling myself that. And be patient with yourself.

    I lost 10 in 3 days on liquid diet but am up 3lbs. as of yesterday. I believe it is the IV fluids they give us in the hospital. I am sure it will start coming off quicker now.

  10. Hi everyone.

    Surgery Thursday. I had to stay one night as well, but didn't mind. They kept the pain meds coming and I had great care. I live alone and thought that best as am still a bit weak and lightheaded.

    I feel pretty good. Incisions are pretty sore, and I am having quite a burning sensation in my stomach, sort of like bad indigestion. The Gas X strips do help quite a bit, so I recommend them. Otherwise feeling quite well. For those of you that have surgeries coming up, it isn't bad at all. And good luck to you all.

    The new live starts now!!!

    I was down 10 lbs on the liquid diet, and 15 from the beginning of the process. So I have a pretty good start on this. Someone even commented that it shows already. Wow...


  11. This time tomorrow morning I have to be there for my surgery! How am I supposed to sleep? ? Not sure how, I could barely sleep last night too, lol...Excited, nervous, a bit scared (never had surgery before) and more excitement! Where are my July 17th Buddies?? Here's to an amazing month for all of us July Bandsters!! :D

    I'm here, I'm here...July 17th. Good luck to us....


  12. HI Bibi

    I am getting banded on the 19th, so we should stay in contact thru the process. I only have a 3 day liquid diet, so am halfway thru the first day. Not too bad so far, and I believe keeping busy is the best thing to do to avoid the hungries.

    I think 15 lbs. in 9 days is amazing. Feel proud of yourself. Just think this as the beginning of your new life. I am sure it is all going to be great!

    I will think of you Friday.


  13. To all you great Bandsters that have replied to me with your awesome and very helpful responses. I feel so supported by all of you. I think I have made up my mind that the LapBand is the right decision for me.

    To' bigenuff'... I loved the site you referred me to and found all the answers I needed there. I knew I had to get out of the Kaiser rhetoric to get my answers. Please continue to refer others to that site. I am also going to pass the info my fellow per-surgery friends.

    To Cindysmom...Hurrah for you! I am so inspired. I think loosing slower especially at our age is the secret. And a better way to ensure long term success. I will know in a week or two my surgery date. Will keep in touch. Not sure how to work the site yet, but will friend you as I move ahead.

    Thanks for all the help

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