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Posts posted by Crystal927

  1. My church has a ministry called FaithFit. 18 months ago and 80 extra pounds ago, I attended the Step Aerobics class and truly felt like I was going to die. I could not do it for more than 15 minutes and seriously was afraid that I was going to have a heart attack. I attended just a couple of times before I knew it was not for me. Now that I am 80 lbs less, I thought I would join the Zumba class that was starting up for 12 weeks. Everyone said it would be fun and not to worry about looking ridiculous. Okee dokee. So....last night I went. It was NOT fun and I did look ridiculous! However, I see the potential for being fun and I will go back. The biggest achievement for me was that I moved for a solid hour. Not sure what I was doing but I was sweating and MOVING and I did it for a whole hour! I didn't feel like I needed to stop and catch my breath. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to stop a couple of times but I didn't.

    Here is the one thing that really got to me. I was still the biggest girl in the room. I know it doesn't really matter but it is habit for me to look around the room to see if I am the biggest and I was. Ugh. I had all of these negative thoughts starting with "what's the use?". I felt an overwhelming urge to run out of the room because I thought I was going to burst into tears. I am better today and I know I just need to keep going. I will get there. For me, I am a true believer in the voice of truth (God) and not the deceiver (Satan). It was just a temporary thing that I let get to me. I have worked too hard to let one out of control thought get in my way of achieving my goals.

    Thanks for letting me share.

    Mrs. CMK I just wanted to encourage you... :) Sounds like your spirits are lifted today...I know exactly how you feel...I have done zumba over the past two years or so and have the same horrible habit of "surveying" the other attendees and not wanting to be the "entertainment" for everyone cause afterall, I can't move like them, etc. I want to encourage you to keep your head held high and don't let the lies of the deceiver creep in and win! You are SUCH an inspiration and encouragement to the other ladies in that class, and other people outside of the class just by being there and doing your best! Keep up the hard work, you are inspiring others to do their best and not quit. Don't underestimate the power of the Father to shine His light SO brightly through even our greatest weaknesses!! (especially through our weakness and our tough times!) You've come so far! over 80 lbs thats amazing!!! You are loved just as you are, right where you are; you are a princess of the Most High King! Keep shining!! :-)

  2. I just got my approval today!! So excited and relieved. Surgery is scheduled for Jan 10th.

    Hey! I'm in bama too!

    They just submitted my paperwork to insurance this past monday...We had to do mine the snail mail way due to my lack of medical records the past 3 years....so they could take up to 30 days to respond...i'm hoping its sooner than that..but nonetheless i'm on my way!!! hoping to be a late january bandster!

  3. You should definitely check out the Syntrax Matrix line...They are fabulous!! haven't had a bad one yet! They have all kinds of flavors and to me they all tast like slightly melted milkshakes. I have the "blender bottle", there are no dissolving issues, and they do not taste powdery or have that funny Protein aftertaste. When mixed with fat free milk they average about 32 g protein, 2 g carb :-) I was doing the "trial runs" as i'm still pre-op and wanted to find some that i liked, b/c like you, I don't like many of the shake options. I have found myself actually wanting these!! woohoo! I ordered mine from www.mybariatricpantry.com they actually have samples you can order so you don't sink money on something and then not like it :-) Good luck to you!!!

  4. I started shopping for Protein Shakes now, while I'm on my 6 mth dr supervised diet. I tried many brands that leave that nasty taste...but I have found a gem...Syntrax Matrix...they have all kinds of flavors! The banana cream, strawberries n cream, milk chocolate, and mint chocolate are my favorites...its not at all like drinking Protein, its more like having a treat! Mixed with 8 oz of fat free milk, it comes up to right at 200 calories, 32 g protein, 3 g carbs...I have found myself wanting to drink a Protein Shake now that i've found these! I ordered them and some other things to just try out from www.mybariatricpantry.com the people there are super friendly and they ship really fast. You can order samples as well...that way you don't have a cabinet full of gross protein that you spent a lot of money on. They also offer specials, so be sure to click on their "specials" tab for possible savings codes! Good luck!!

  5. Hey all :) I am about a month away from being banded; I have my last 6 mo appt next week! (woohoo!) I have asked my dr about taking Biotin and he said it would be a good idea to go ahead and start taking it now. I have super thick hair so I'm not really as worried as I would be if I had thin hair, but I am afraid of the Hair loss factor (I've never been put to sleep so I have no idea how those meds are going to react in my system!) I too, read the reviews and people saying that it caused bad breakouts...I have acne prone skin even now as an adult, so I don't need any "help" breaking out...I had also read many people who said that taking biotin helped clear their skin, so I was hoping I would be one of those people. I've been taking (2 - 5,000 mcg) a day for almost a month now and I'm happy to report that I think I may be one of those people! My face has been clearer than it has been in a long time!

  6. Hi Kristin,

    HOPE .... You are right that is the critical piece. The Pain will get us to the surgery but I have found only Hope will carry you down the path to Victory.

    "Hope in Your Future is POWER in Your PRESENT".

    Seize your Victory every day.. I did and so did my sister www.300poundsdown.com and others following "30 Seconds to Victory plan."

    People mistakenly think that this journey is about doing the Extraordinary but it's not... It's about doing the ORDINARY, DAILY.


    Lee, all I can say is thank you for sharing your sisters blog. I have been reading it for the past hour or so. All I can say is wow, God is good! I'm thankful for her and you and sharing your journeys so that those of us who are a few steps behind on similar adventures may find abundant amounts of encouragement in your stories! Thanks!

  7. Good afternoon all! Has anyone had to go the route of sending in a letter from your primary care dr with pictures for the last three years versus the records for the last three years to show that you have indeed had the require BMI for that long??

    I'm kind of in a pickle and am starting to panic. I am a little over one month away from being finished with my 6 month dr. supervised fitness/diet. My insurance also required documentation for the last 3 years. However, the last 3 years i've only been to the urgent care (who moved locations), another dr (office is closed now), and the orthopedic who didn't weigh me. The first two are really giving me a HARD time about sending my records over because they are in "storage". I'm starting to panic because I don't want this to hold me up. Its like, being "healthy" is now coming back to haunt me on the medical records front.

    If I can't get that documentation, my insurance will take a letter from my primary care physician along with photos from the last 3 years. I dont' really want to go this route because it takes alot longer to get approved, and my current primary care physician is new to me (just 5 months now) so I'm not sure if he can vouch for the last three years that he hasn't known me. ANY help is appreciated, hoping someone was in a similar situation and can put my mind at ease, almost in tears! I'm SO close!

  8. Thank you so much!!! Right now i'm just counting down the days! I have already cut out sodas - almost 5 months since my last swallow yay! If everything else were as easy to let go of as the sodas surprisingly were I'd be doing good! I've also started taking chewable vitamins everyday, and have tried several brands of Protein Shakes until I found some that I like, and have replaced Breakfast with shakes everyday. So, was there anything that you wish you had known beforehand that you know now? My biggest anxiety comes in having never even had an IV or been put to sleep. I don't have a fear of needles or anything...just the unknown ya know? I fully trust the Dr as he's a family connection so I don't have to worry about his qualifications, trustworthiness, etc...I'm just a worrier! I get so excited reading your and everyone else's success stories! I have an idea of where Leeds is, I have a sister that lives in B'ham, she's in nursing school at UAB. So great to have finally come across people in alabama!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
