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Posts posted by Crystal927

  1. Hey honey! I know what you are feeling and I don't even have a surgery date yet! I just got my insurance approval last week and have a class to attend prior to setting a date. And I have been having all kinds of emotions since I found out it was approved, because it is real now...its really going to happen! I've done a ton of research and reading so I'm comfortable with the changes that are coming, but girl....I have never had surgery either, I've never even had an IV!!!! I'm not scared of needles or the surgery or anything like that...its just the unknown, it will get ya! But girl, you hang in there, this time tomorrow you'll be on the other side and you'll be able to come back and tell me how I just need to calm down that its not bad at all :) I wish I had more to share from experience but I'm still on "this" side of it all too, but wanted you to know that you aren't alone in the vast degrees of emotions you are feeling! Hang tight, you got this!!! Just think, the life you've always wanted is about to begin TOMORROW!?!?! how exciting is that? :D

  2. Let's see..for me...my biggest fear is that I will fail. BUT I'm not going in with failure as an option. I am trusting and believing that this is it!! I know that I can lose the weight, I've done it before, I just need this tool to help me keep it off once its gone once and for all! I can't wait to see that boost in confidence as those first 30-40 lbs fall off and then to grow from there. I'm a really active person, I love love love to travel and do all kinds of adventurous things (white Water rafting, skiing, snorkeling, jet boating, etc) I can't wait to be able to do more of those types of things that I have always wanted but couldn't due to weight limits (zip line, paraglide, kayak, etc) So for me its not really about being a certain size as long as its one that allows me to do all of the things I want to do! In my mind my goal would be 161 just because for my height on the BMI scale that puts me "normal" and I've never been 'normal' lol but really...I just want to be healthier and happy!

    I also really enjoy doing mission work here and overseas...The thing with going overseas is that I've always needed a "buddy" to go with me so that ya know, no one embarasses me on a plane because those seats are so 'small' ;) So I look forward to the freedom I will have that if I just want to hop on a plane I won't have to plan everything around my size and can just GO when the urge hits :) Besides satisfying the spontaneous traveller in me, I'm also doing this for my health... during my 6 month doc supervised diet for my insurance I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at just 30 years old... :( Fortunately it wasn't real high but was high enough that I was put on a diuretic to bring it down for surgery purposes and once I start working out again we expect that will be enough to keep it in check. I am really blessed that I haven't had any other health issues, heart's good, lungs are good, sugar is good, cholesterol very surprisingly is perfect...so my "insides" are all good for now and I'd like to keep it that way as well as getting the outside to match :)

    I'm also considering a career change. I am currently an accountant. I'm good at it. But I have no passion for it nor do I really like it. I started college doing Pre-med and between being overwhelmed with too many classes I started questioning myself and I bailed. I've always really loved working with people and I have been told multiple times that I have "too much" personality to be an accoutant, I just don't "fit in" this field. So recently I've been exploring options in the bariatric field. Nutritionist? Nurse? Personal Trainer? I think that while walking through this journey I can be taking steps toward a career change as well...I'm not sure what that looks like just yet, but I think I would really love getting up every day and going to work with people just like me, I know I could be passionate about that. So now its just to figure out what that looks like and how it will work out.

    So thats me in a nutshell, fears, expectations and goals :) Sorry for the novel length, I tend to get going and it just grows from what I ever intended it to be!

  3. Hey! Now that I figured out how to "join the group" I'm posting my reply :) I was perplexed when it told me that I cannot reply to this topic.

    Anyways, I'm Crystal from Alabama. Unlike many of you, I don't have a date yet for my surgery, I have to attend a BEGIN class next Tuesday and then they will call and schedule my surgery. I received insurance approval last week after doing a 6 month doc supervised diet. I really can't wait to have this journey even more underway!! Like Felecia, I struggled with the decisions to do WLS. Not sure why you struggled but for me, I was one of those people who felt like I'd be taking the "easy way out" I never thought of it as a tool that helps you along in the journey that you are indeed still the one making the food choices and exercise choices. So back in 2010 I gave this weight loss thing my very best effort...I worked out at Curves, did Zumba 2 times a week, got into fitness bootcamp, did >10 5k's and trained for and finished a half marathon. At my peak, I was working out 4 hours a day and working a fulltime job. It was an incredible year and I learned SO much about myself. I am strong and determined. When I crossed the finish line of that half marathon, it was one of the best days of my life because I had completed something that no one else ever expected me to, but worse than that, I never expected or believed that I could but I did. With God all things are possible! Over that year I lost a little more than 70 lbs. I absolutely breaks my heart to admit that in the last two years since then I have put most of that back on. Its just not realistic for me to live that like that year every year...I mean 4 hours a day? So the last two years I've thought and prayed over this WLS topic and I've done my share of studying and reading up on it. I think I'm pretty well educated in what's about to take place in my life so hopefully there won't be many surprises. I've found Protein Shakes that I like, I've been taking chewable vitamins for about 6 months now, I had my last carbonated beverage May 28...and I'm trying to make conscious efforts to not drink with meals and to take smaller bites and chew alot. I really just can't wait to get back into a routine and see some positive results...I look forward to watching everyone's journey and enjoying encouraging each other along the way! I'm ready to start making myself a "rewards" list for certain milestones along the way and achieving them one by one on the way to the life I've always wanted! Good Luck to all!!

  4. Hi Crystal - blisters can take you out of the game, right ?! With the problem you are having you may want to get some Body Glide and use on toes before you put the socks on. It's very popular product for triathletes and long distance runners. It's inexpensive and comes like a stick (like deodorant). You can prob get it at the running store or you can order online.

    Have great day !


    Thanks Lee! I actually used body glide and it did help! I also tried moleskin....my feet took a beating as I tried to find what worked and didn't work lol fortunately once I finally went to the running "expert" and got the right shoes all of my problems went away except the blisters on the toes next to my pinky toes. Unfortunately I'm really stubborn and trained for and completed my half marathon before I went to the running store (makes sense right?? Wait until after you've torn your feet up to take care of them??) so now I deal with two toenails that falloff every 6 or so months and they aren't cute when they grow back. Doc says "cost of being an athlete" yeah he said that to a >300 lb gal he was seeing for ins purposes for WLS!! I kinda giggled! Now so that I don't look like a complete idiot, while training for the race the only problem I had was the occasional blister and I ticked off a tendon in my foot on a long training day so I didn't have constant issues while training...but on race day it was much different terrain - many hills! Which I had not trained on too many...so I'm guessing my feet were moving differently etc with all the elevation change but by just mile 6 I knew my feet were bleeding but I also knew if I stopped I wouldn't start again so I just pushed and finished then I realized it was pretty much as bad as it felt when I pulled those shoes off! Wow...so now you have my feet story with even more details than I intended on ever telling anyone! I suppose I will lea w it be and hope that someone else won't be as stupid as I was and heed the advice you're giving Lee!

  5. Kara!! I giggled when I read that you watched a surgery on you tube!!!! I've watched one too!! The whole thing! 48 minutes worth haha I thought I was the only "crazy" one to do that. It actually made me feel more calm about it. I'm such a control freak it just made me feel better to see what was actually going to be happening! Plus I've always been intrigued by all things medical, so I found it to be really cool! I too, have been concerned about the anxiety that I'm sure will be extreme by THE day but my Primary care doc says that he will see that i get what I need lol I'm not even specifically worried about the actual surgery it's just all uncharted territory for me, never been in the hospital, never even had an IV. Not scared of needles or anything like that; its just the unknown that gets me I guess! We are going to be fine though girl!!! Look at all these people who have "gone before us" haha and be encouraged!! I have prayed and prayed and prayed some more and I am confident this is the right thing for me. Now I'm just trying to live with that reassurance and peace as these last few weeks pass.

    "Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace that passes ALL understanding shall guard your heart and your mind" Philippians 4:6-7

  6. Awesome !! Let me know how it goes and good luck : ) get some good socks too its very worth it!!


    Listen to Lee!! Socks are almost equally as important as shoes! I have loved Nike socks, not sure the style name but they have a band around the arch that keeps the sock from twisting or shifting, and they have the "tabs" on the back that helps with preventing blisters. I have a hard time with blisters and these were the best I found...until recently...I ordered some Injinji socks...and while I haven't put in any major miles in them yet, I have worn them all day and they felt great. The ones I got are actually "toe socks" which sounds weird, but I was prone to getting blisters on the bottom of my toes (odd I know) all I can figure is my feet are made weird and my toes are just hugging each other or something causing that friction, these socks keep that from happening!! And they have the tab in front and back. That's just two that I have found that work for me...the idea of buying one or two pair and trying them out is great advice, I have a drawer of socks from buying more than one and not liking them (new balance and Adidas mainly) good luck!! And depending on what part of FL there is a great running store in Pensacola and if I'm not mistaken they have one in ft Walton beach too I just can't think of the name of it right now. Bummer. I can find out if that's close to you though!

  7. Hey! I thought I'd throw out my two cents worth on shoes :) I learned the hard way if you are going to be doing anything that amounts to much (mileage or hours working out in the shoes) you should go and be fitted by an expert, one who can look at your pronation/gait so that you don't end up hurting your feet/ankles and end up on the couch due to injury. I trained for a half marathon back in 2010 and I didn't know anything about shoes and wearing the right ones...so I did what any girl would do and bought some cute ones haha turns out they were all kind of wrong for my feet...I finished the race with bloody feet and 3 toenails that turned black and fell off...also caused an issue with a tendon in my foot b/c the shoes weren't supporting my feet correctly...so SUPER long story just to say that you should go to a sporting goods store and find out if they have someone working there who does that...I went to a store here in my hometown that sponsors alot of races in the area and they have someone staffed that does just that. I ended up needing a "neutral" shoe and the first pair I bought was by Brooks...(i've had several Brooks now they are great) Currently I'm wearing some by Mizuno they are great and are even super cute! Its amazing the difference, and I didn't even realize the others didn't feel good! So thats my rant on shoes, haha sorry for the novel...Good luck to you!

  8. Hi Kara, Hi Crysta,

    I got banded 12/17, one month today. Still very new so if you have questions the answers will be fresh in my mind. Congrats to both of you. You will like this site, it is so helpful, and for the most part the people are nice. Good luck to both of you. If I can ever help or just want to chat, I'm banjo257.

    : )

    Thank you so much!!! you've had great success already -26!!! Congrats!!! I've been kind of 'forum stalking' for about a year now as I wrapped my mind around the idea of the band...and I've really dug in and read a ton as I was completely my insurance required 6 months. The pre-op diet is whats been on my mind alot this week...i won't know what the guidelines for my dr are until the 29th when I go for his BEGIN class. But once I get those guidelines I'll probably be seeking some ideas on what you did, etc!

  9. Kara - I'm definitely like you...can't wait to get this part behind me and get going! I have another half marathon on my radar for this year and I just registered for a 5k in April, hopefully thats enough time to recover and feel like getting some miles in. I gave this weight loss thing a good honest effort the "natural" way and I lost 70 lbs...It took me almost a year and I spent 4 hours working out/training for 1/2 marathon/zumba a day after working all day...it was very fulfilling and I still can't believe that I, me, Crystal finished a dang half marathon!!! But as soon as that was over and I went back to 'normal' life working, exercising like an hour 3x a week...I gained alot of that weight back and have been 'beating myself' up about it ever since...I'm ready to have this tool that can help with the hunger and help me keep my nutrition on track..i'm not afraid of hard work, I actually get a rush out of doing really hard things lol

  10. Hey girl...I have some Syntrax matrix Protein that's 110 calories 1.5 fat 2 carbs and 23 protein it says you can mix with Water but I never have I always mix with fat free milk which adds about 9 G protein but also about 90 more calories. Their flavors are really good, I've got banana cream, strawberries n cream, and milk chocolate. I actually like them, like I want them haha I've been drinking them for several months now for breakfast.

  11. Me too :) I have a good friend who had this done 3 years ago so I have a good source of help when I have crazy questions, and I've done a TON of research so if you think of anything shoot me a message and we will figure it out. More than anything maybe we can help encourage each other through this! I just know I'm super ready to get this done and get past the 6 weeks post op "downtime", and back to the gym (and Zumba!)

  12. You've got a great attitude girl! Keep it up, good things are coming!! May not know the reasons why it hasn't worked out yet, but I promise ya its with some purpose...maybe your new coverage will be better than what you have so it will turn out to benefit you more in the long haul?? From what i've seen on here you are always so upbeat and positive...don't let this get you!! And I understand needing it years ago...it took me so long to wrap my mind around actually doing this...but now that I see it as the tool and help that it is...I have been having to practice extra hard on patience cause its like c'mon already....couldn't we have done this like yesterday!? Hang in there girl...

  13. Hey Kara :) I don't know so much about "mentor" haha but i'll be a buddy :) I just got insurance approval yesterday and have my BEGIN class Jan 29 then I can schedule my date...looks like it will be mid Feb as well, originally was hoping for January but it just didn't work out like that. Oh, and I'm from Mobile, AL where snow hits the forcast for one day and people panic and post like crazy on Facebook ;)

  14. Hey!! Maybe the new insurance will cover it and ya know, actually approve this for you come April!?!?! At least you were able to find some kind of explanation, I think I would've driven myself crazy trying to understand and figure out "why not?"

  15. I'm scheduled for my nutrition class on 2-20. I start my pre op on 2-11 and my surgery is scheduled for 2-25. I have BCBSAL I turned my paperwork in on 1-11 after 4 pm and got approved today. I'm ecstatic!!

    Yours went fast! I also have BCBSAL (where in AL are you?) and mine was sent off 12-31 and I just heard today. Granted I didn't have medical records for the last 3 years and had to submit photos through snail mail. I too am ecstatic!!! I know these next few weeks are going to fly by, I just can't wait to continue on this journey!

  16. Thanks! I have to go to a BEGIN class (i think this takes the place of nutritionist and numerous pre op visits for my surgeons group) I can't schedule surgery until I've completed that class and the next one is Jan 29 so I am setup for that day and then I will be able to schedule my day! The class will be 2.5 hours long and I was told to wear comfortable shoes b/c they are going to want to see that I can walk (???) maybe I should bring them my medal for finishing my first half marathon as an >300 pounder?? hehe...I mean, I'll jump through whatever hoop they want me to, but this was the first i've heard of something like this. Let's get it done and on the books...I'll walk forwards, backwards, sideways, jump, rollover, may even run for a little bit if they will schedule me haha Can't wait! what about you? got a date yet?

  17. Congrats, Crystal!!!!! Such a relief to just have that HUGE hurdle out of the way. So much stress waiting for approval! My surgery is actually on the 29th. So I look forward to following our progress together!


    Thank you!!! thats so exciting!! And you are so right, such a relief! I did well "waiting" for the first two weeks, but this week it had really started getting the best of me! we shouldn't be too far apart...I would love for them to get me schedule for Feb 8-12 sometime so that I can use my Mardi Gras holidays at work for recovery! The 29th is a great day :-) My mom's birthday! Whats your Pre op diet look like, all liquieds? Keep in touch! I'll be praying for you!

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