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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BeanieandRosie'smom

  1. They generally use Toradol in Mexico for an after surgery pain killer. It does fine to kill pain, but it does nothing to relax you like Percocet or Morphine. My surgeon in Mexico explained that they want you up and alert to prevent blood clots, pulmonary emboli, etc... (I am unsure if this is just over cautiousness because we are in Mexico, or what it is. Everyone ive talked to from the US has had Morphine). I was miserable when I woke up from surgery. Sooo nauseous, which is why I was vomiting blood. My surgery was a revision from Lap-Band (had my band done in Mexico too, same pain killer). Everyone is different, but I prefer opioid pain killers to Toradol or Ketorolac. FYI, if you really feel you need an opioid, they do have them on hand (my doctor told me, and one of the women in my group asked for them). I decided against it since my nausea was out of control and Morphine generally doesn't make your tummy feel too great! ;)

  2. Just wanted to update for all you upcoming sleevers. I feel almost 100%! Yesterday I was still dealing with issues from my IV site, but today I went out and did regular things and I can now sleep on my stomach again! It only took about three days to feel better. I don't really need pain medication (I have Toradol, no narcotics) but I'm still taking it on schedule to help with the discomfort and swelling in my abdomen. :) Even though the clear Protein is disgusting, I've managed to get it down fine! I visited the doctor yesterday (here in the states) and got some zofran for nausea which helps me sleep...something about laying down has been giving me nausea (?) I think it might be my post nasal drip...

    All in all, this was the toughest surgery I've ever had (I've had sinus surgery, lap-band, melanoma removal, gall bladder and now sleeve), and I thought I wanted to die when I was vomiting blood Friday night, but it's amazing what a turn around a few days makes. For all you wanting to die right after surgery---hang on! Especially you guys in Mexico with the crappy pain killers :/ You can do this!!

    Good luck and love to all!! :)


  3. Hey all!

    I will admit I haven't been the best about reading the posts in here since it got so huge! I just thought I'd give an update since my surgery was yesterday.

    I seem to be one of the people with lots of nausea (boo!) I threw up blood most of the night. I am a revision surgery so I'm sure there's more trauma with them removing scar tissue, etc...

    I am feeling better this morning, it's amazing, the pain is just about the same as it was getting my band placed! It's just the nausea that's killing me! Luckily the anti-nausea meds helped me sleep.

    The best thing I did was bring two of our down comforters from home in space bags for my husband and I. I didn't do this last time and the sheets were too thin here. I've been sleeping lots better with my cozy banket.

    I hope all you sleevers are going great!

    Love to you all

    Erika :)

  4. Hey there!

    I am currently in Tijuana, got converted last night. It was quite the rough night...I had a lot of nausea, but theyve taken care of me here! My Dr. I Jose Rodriguez. He did my band as well. I would highly reccommend him. He has done over 3,000 sleeves! He is a very nice man. I got to talk to him for about an hour the day before my surgery. :) he really specializes in tough cases so I feel safe with him. Please feel free to hit me up with questions you may have!



  5. I had a slight breakdown this morning! I was getting ready for work and just started crying my eyes out! It's not that I'm scared.... Okay' date=' maybe a little, but I think my biggest fear is failure once again. What if it doesn't work for me? This seems like such a last ditch effort and I don't want to screw this up! Anybody feeling my pain out there?[/quote']


    I am in the same boat. I'm a band to sleeve revision and I feel sick to my stomach! I thought the band was fool proof...well, apparently this fool screwed it up!!

    My nerves are on HIGH. I fly down to Palm Springs, CA (we have a home there) on Wednesday evening. The next day my husband and I are driving to San Diego and meeting our driver to head over the border. I will stay the night in a hotel in TJ Thursday night and then have my surgery Friday! Ah!!! I am so

    Scared! My husband does not understand...and no one in my family is heavy (including my husband) and so I feel alone. I have a great friend I met on here in June and she has

    Been my main source of

    Support! I am soooooooooooo grateful for her!!!!!!!!

    Will be praying for you and all the other August sleevers as well...BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!


    Erika :)

  6. Hey!

    Don't panic! I cheated on Saturday and contacted my patient/surgical coordinator and she said it was fine!! She said they only expect people to try their best to stay on it. I cheated on the same pre-op before my Lap Band surgery in 2010, and the surgeon told me my liver looked great.

    My friend had her sleeve done in may and her surgeon didn't even have a pre-op diet for her. She did beautifully.

    I am sure you will be fine! I am around 250, so I'm not sure if the cheating makes a bigger difference if you are in the 300's, 400's, etc...but my guess is that you'll be just fine.

    Main point: no one is perfect, or expects you to be!

    Best of luck!!!!!!! My surgery is Friday! Eeeek! :)

    Erika :)

  7. Hey!! Don't panic! I cheated Saturday and told my surgical coordinator. She said it was fine, and they only expect you to "try your best." I felt horrible, but then I didn't feel so bad after she said that. My friend who had her surgery in May didn't even have a pre-op diet, and she was fine. I doubt there will be a problem. I had the same pre-op diet with my lap band and I also cheated, and they told me my liver looked great. I am around 250lbs. I'm not sure if how big a deal

    Cheating is the bigger you are.

    Main point: don't beat yourself up. No one is perfect! Good luck!!!

    Erika :)

  8. I had my surgery Aug 6th and I'm still in a lot of pain. I'm having really bad reflux and spasms and it's brought me to tears a few times. I'm starting to question if this is worth it? I can't even drink Water without pain.

    Please tell me that the pain and spasms and reflux will go away! I did not imagine it to hurt this much. Was I being too naive?

    Hey there, I haven't had my surgery yet, but my friend did in May (she's lost 60 lbs!) She had the same thing with spasms and such. It will pass! Don't worry. Praying for you!

  9. I am on my pre-op diet as well. It feels so strange because I have done this all before with the lap band! I even said goodbye to my beloved diet pop two years ago, only to realize I could have it again.

    I feel more mentally ready this time because I have dealt with some of my emotional eating, and I am wholly aware of just HOW emotional eating is for me. (That is something that the sleeve will not fix!!) I have a great book about emotional eating that has really helped me. It's called: "The Weight Loss Surgery Coping Companion." I highly recommend it to you guys having emotional eating issues, it will not get easier unless you address it! :)

    Now I'm here again, doing the pre-op and clinging to my diet coke & Pepsi (I would give up alcohol for diet pop in a heartbeat!!) But I am okay giving up gigantic portions because it will mean a healthier me.

    Much love & luck to you all!


    PS Yes it has made me gassy...and it did the first time too...too much meat and vegetables. My husband is doing the pre-op with me to be supportive....and let me tell you...his gas is making our house liable to burst into flames...ughhhh!!

  10. Hey Karen,

    I am ultra sensitive and I think a few of the things that have been posted were not as kind as they could have been. Everyone has those moments like "Ahhh! What have I done?!" But you'll get past it. I have had a lap-band for two years. I have hated every bit of it, but you know what's funny? We all kind of learn to adapt to whatever is thrown our way. It is only human. My "normal" became making sure I had empty cups with kids with me at all times in case I slimed!

    I am with you on being a big eater!! I love my huge portions and for me, food is a huge part of my comfort. I have been to counseling, which I'd recommend-find someone who specializes in weight loss surgery patients! I am getting this surgery and I don't think all my issues are resolved yet. I am working, one day at a time. Just remember that soon enough, this will be your new normal, and you'll be happy with how your body is looking and feeling!!

    Best of luck to you, and HUGS!!!


  11. CowGirlJane,

    You look fantastic! And reading your post made me cry! I think we all know how deeply emotional the "weight" issue is. I am so happy that you feel "normal!" I want to feel that way too. I hate my band so much and I am very nervous about my surgery (one month from today). It is so encouraging to hear that you can eat, (gasp!), veggies! With the band, I'd be sliming till every last bit was back up. I love carrots, peppers, all the fibrous stuff... Congratulations to you and much luck in the future!! ????

  12. My surgery is one month from today and I'm freaking out. I have a buddy I'm talking to about her experience with the VSG, and she has done wonderfully. I am just afraid that I will hate it. I have had my lap-band for almost two years and I'm 10-15lbs heavier than I was when I GOT my band. I threw up or "slimed" every day. I am so nervous and afraid I will feel trapped in this new decision, even though I'm so desperate to get this weight off. I am also scared that I'm not mentally strong enough!

    Anyone with helpful words or advice either way would be so appreciated!

    Thank you!

  13. Hi B and R's Mommy and anyone else who's done or doing the band revision to sleeve in Tijuana......how much does this cost in Tijuana? Has anyone done a price comparison of the costs that the various doctors in Tijuana are currently charging?

    B and R's Mommy. Wht is Dr. Rodriguez' charge for that? How many days in a TJ hospital? Anyone else who can help with pricing and their doc's levels of experience would be great. I'm trying to not reinvent the wheel and hoping one or two or three of you have already invented this wheel?

    I think my insurance here will pay for the band to come out. I want to then wait about six months for my stomach and esophagus to rest and heal as much as they will and work on my own behavioral patterns of self-sabotage. Then in 6 months' date=' and only if I'm emotionally ready and practiced at self-discoplina and following the rules I will go to TJ and pay cash for the Sleeve. Please share pricing.

    Thank you,


    Thank you,


    Hi Sara!

    Dr. Rodriguez charged me $6700 for my revision. There is a $500 deposit to hold your date. It would be cheaper for just the sleeve--but Im not sure if he would charge more even if youve had yoir band out because I know its still higher risk because our stomachs are still more fragile.

    Dr. Rodriguez did my band in 2010 and I had a wonderful experience. I hate my band, but the experience I had with Dr. Rod, from his coordinators to his team at INT hospital in TJ was fantastic. He speaks perfect English and is a very nice man. If you would like more info, including contact info--please email me! erikaj@aol.com. I am not even a tiny bit worried about what things will be like since I've been there before. I will be in the hospital for three days which is included in the price. My husband will come with me this time. My mom came with me the last time and she says I received "doting care." I would agree. Not at one time did I feel neglected or like I was receiving "sub-par" care.

    Please email me and I can give you more of the "scoop" and some advice as far as what to bring with you, etc... (This time I am bringing my favorite fuzzy blanket!)

    Best of luck to you!!



    (if you email me I could give you my number if you'd rather chat on the phone. I am so enthusiastic about this doctor I would love to talk to you!)

  14. I wasn't trying to be mean about other's surgeons. I was just saying what I had heard and thought it was pertinent to the discussion. I said that he seems to be a good surgeon, but here are the reasons why I, personally did not choose him. (Him being Dr. Almanza, my mistake). Personal comfort, we all make decisions every day that are different based on who we are. I didn't think it was unfair to present the criteria of why I chose one surgeon over another. I wasn't trying to run a slander campaign. Good luck to you in your journey!

  15. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/29062-opinion-of-dr-almanza-and-his-facility-in-tijuana/

    Read....This isn't the only place I've heard these things. It's all personal choice and comfortability level. I have no doubt that Dr. Almanza is a competent and capable doctor, (as I did say before). Obviously there are many happy with him! I am not a "hater," and I'm sad that this was said, not exaclty classy. I have friend who is connected closely with the mexican surgeon's community, and has had several surgeries herself there, one with Dr. Almanza in 2010. She told me what she knows... I was just presenting the info I had, and did not try to "knock" him. I am just more comfortable paying more and getting a different setting. And FYI, Dr. Aceves is one of the pricier doctors. My quote for surgery with Dr. Almanza--for a Lap Band removal and sleeve revision was more than half what Dr. Aceves' quote for the same procedure. Dr. Rod is in the middle of the two. I'm glad you are happy with your decisions! We are all entitled to our own respectful opinions! Good luck to everyone, and let's keep it positive on here. :)

  16. It must be awful to not have that family support! I wouldnt have been able to get it! My mom has encouraged me to do the sleeve (and is footing the bill!) My dad is supportive, mainly because I think he's worried about my health. He was a little concerned that I thought WLS was a panacea (I know better after a failed lap band!) but he wants me to do it! My husband is so laid back. He is supportive of anything that makes me happy. To say I don't deserve him is an understatement since I am the nagger/moody/grump of the year!

    Even though my immediate family is supportive, I am not telling my extended family. I know theyd be against it and I didn't tell them about my lap band.

    I had to tell my boss since I'm taking time off, and she was not supportive, and neither were my coworkers. It's hard when they have no concept of what the sleeve is or really WLS in general. They don't think I'll be safe, and just don't understand. Mainly because they are naturally stick thin!

    Good luck to everyone. Don't let anyone get you down---or as my mom says "Don't let anyone steal your joy!" this is your decision for YOU. You know the risks, this is a choice you will live with, and no one else! My husband keeps telling me to ignore others and not psych myself out!




  17. I was actually just talking about this with my mom. I am not lactose intolerant, but I have a fairly strong IGg delayed allergy to milk, as well as an "instant" allergy. It makes my stomach upset, but I've been in love with dairy my whole life. I've never been able to tolerate milk shakes too well, straight up milk is hard for me. After I had my gallbladder out last September, everytime I ate dairy for a few months, I was extremely nauseous and even vomited. I have a strong feeling that I may not be able to eat my beloved Greek yogurt and cheese after surgery! I guess I will be searching for soy Protein Shakes? ! I bet I will have a hard time with whey. Good luck to all of you with dairy tolerance!!

  18. I forgot to mention that I was at INT hospital in Tijuana like one of the other people posted--just a different doctor. It is not a huge hospital, but very clean and professional. I don't know your location, but I know Dr. Rod does surgeries at Star Medica hospital in Juarez also. If I wasnt close to San Diego, I would definitely go there...it looks super nice. It is also a very large hospital--so again, personal preference. I will get you a price as well! I can't remember exact, I will ask my husband. :)

  19. Hi Sunshine Squirt!

    I had my lap band done in Mexico in 2010 through BeLiteWeight, with Dr. Jose Rodriguez. I am again going back for my sleeve surgery. I believe he is a superior doctor, (there are many in Mexico!), and I really felt safe and taken care of when I was there the first time. His prices are a little more than Almanza, but far less than say Aceves (who has received excellent reviews).

    I contemplated using Dr. Almanza because he is so cheap. I did a lot of research and although I think he is a great surgeon, I read some things that scared me. He does do several surgeries in one day. Most of the Mexican surgeons do, but some of them do far less which is reassuring. He works out of a clinic which makes me a little uneasy, even though I've heard there is a nearby ICU. There were a few hold ups/robberies that were confirmed by Dr. Almanza's staff. (Louise) That freaked me out. They also have recovery houses that people can choose to stay in, or a hotel. The recovery houses have more than one bed in each room and relatives/spouses cannot stay with you there. I have heard from a reliable source that there are reasons why doctors like Almanza can do their surgeries so cheap. They don't use brand name staples and materials. I know for a fact that Dr. Rodriguez uses Johnson & Johnson staples, Allergan bands, etc... That is worth the extra money to me. My facilitator said you can contact companies and ask them if a certain doctor or hospital uses their products.

    With Dr. Rodriguez, I'll be staying at the hospital for three full nights which is all included in the price. My husband can also stay in my room with me. I stayed there in 2010, so I know that the rooms are very clean, and have private full baths with shower, toilet, and sink. (And a flat screen tv with English TV!) Dr. Rodriguez and his staff of doctors all speak English which is comforting. I've heard that Almanza does not speak

    English but has a translator. (Not vital, just personal comfort levels I guess).

    If you want more info, I'd be happy to connect you with my AWESOME facilitator, Jessica. I've known her since 2010, and she literally gives you her home phone to call her. She answers my emails within the hour. She is amazing. I love Beliteweight and I totally trust them. http://www.beliteweight.com/

    Good luck to you!!


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