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Everything posted by sleevemeup

  1. I had mine out in 2010, and depending on what I eat, have the same problem (probably not as bad as you). I do find that when I have protein shakes, it happens a bit faster. I stick mostly to unprocessed foods because I have celiac, but I believe that helps. I have also found that taking digestive enzymes helps a great deal. I am in my 3 month program that my surgeon requires prior to surgery.
  2. This is comforting! I am just over 40 bmi, but I don't have co-morbidity either. My insurance requires 40+ and that is basically it. We shall see... I am in my docs 3 month supervised that he requires. Hopefully having surgery sometime in Sept! My fingers are crossed, please let us know your outcome!
  3. I'm out here in UT, and I haven't been sleeved yet- I am here! Have you checked with your doc? I have no blood pressure (go figure), but my husband who is relatively thin has really high blood pressure (go figure again). If he goes off his meds, he feels horrible.
  4. Patrick, with your commitment, I know you will do great! You will be ahead of me, so I am watching you (not in a stalking way).... I'm really hoping the drain thing doesn't happen to me, that's what grosses me out. The catheter, well for women ( I had one with my c-section), wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I did pee myself (tmi?) once just after they took it out b/c I couldn't feel it until, well it was too late. My husband, just like your wife are very supportive, so we are very lucky. Your time will come before you know it!
  5. sleevemeup

    No More Spanx

    I can't wait to loose the spanx and hopefully go commando again. The first time I tried them in a dressing room was a nightmare. I was there with my friend and we both decided to try them. Kinda like trying a swimsuit on in the store. Anyway, BOTH of us got stuck (my friend is very thin) we were talking back and forth and started laughing so hard we almost peed ourselves. They are great, but I want to shred those things....
  6. I'm only telling a select few as well. I am doing a 3 month pre-op lifestyle change with diet and exercise prior to my surgery. I am hopefully going to drop a few before the surgery. I may change my mind, but for now I don't feel like it's really anyone's business and if I loose 20-30 lbs. I don't want to hear "see you can do it, why do the surgery". The only family members I may tell (other than my husband and son) would be my Dad. Other than that I have told my 2 besties.
  7. I had my consultation and meeting with the Nut yesterday. I know that everyone needs to have a scope prior to surgery, but has anyone else needed an upper gi as well? I have had some problems with ulcers in my past, but not had anything for over 5 years. Kinda freakin out. If anyone else has experienced this, please let me know!!!
  8. Well, here I go!!! My 3 hour appointment is this afternoon. I have turned in all of my "stuff" required by the doc. I am picking up some records of supervised weightloss to add to the pile. I have kept a bra and my favorite skinny pants from the past. I was looking at them last night and I showed my pants to my son. He about fell off his chair. He has never seen me thin. He couldn't believe that they were my pants! I showed my husband my bra, and he couldn't believe I have saved it all these years. I think he is still skeptical as I have tried everything to be able to loose weight. Nonetheless, he is super supportive of the whole thing. My only stress is my insurance company. We have been with them for 7-8 years, and it is a small employer funded trust. They have always sent things through approval at lightning speed and we have never had a problem getting anything approved, so I am hoping this is the case. I have met all of their criteria, and they have paid all of my claims that I most likely wouldn't have had if I had been thinner. I am so looking forward to starting my 3 month pre-surgery weightloss that my doc requires. It's not a pre-op thing, they just probably want to see how we follow directions and if we want to exercise. I do both, so that will be a relief for me. I am meeting with the doc and the nut. So EXCITED!!!
  9. sleevemeup

    Ready For This!

    Good Luck!!! Prayers and thoughts!
  10. sleevemeup


    I hear you! I am feeling the same. I went to my seminar a few weeks ago and have my consultation appointment today. The only people that know I am even considering this are my husband & son, and my 2 besties. One of which is in the same boat as we are... I wish we could do it together, it would be great to do it as a team. I think when she sees what is possible, I hope she does the same. My other friend is super supportive, and knew my from my rocking bod days. She knows exactly where I am at. Stick with it, you won't be sorry. I applaud your courage! It gets easier, this forum is wonderful!
  11. sleevemeup

    Man Lost 400Lbs, Regained 250Lbs.

    amazing, I think "yup" sums it up for me. Truly heartbreaking.
  12. Also.... for those of us with autoimmune issues, I have found a way of eating which I am trying to see if it can be modified to sleevers. Obviously, it needs to because I have not been able to loose weight on it! I have noticed that I do feel better though. Check out Paleo or Primal Blueprint. It's basically protein, fruit and vege based. You eat totally grain free and some people don't eat dairy. So, you can modify it. It was easy for me because of Celiac. My brother has MS, and it has helped him a great deal. My father-in-law has RA, and I am trying to get him into it, but he is single and not too good with anything other than the microwave! If anything, it is a great read and very interesting. It is a lot of work because you don't eat anything processed either. They also have a great workout, based on crossfit.
  13. Wow, glad to know that there are others with issues! Not glad you have them, but relieved that I am not alone. My autoimmune problems aren't as bad as some, (Celiac & Hashi's), but nonetheless I hope this will help me regain my health. I wonder if it will re-boot our immune systems?? Curious to hear or experience if this has happened!
  14. sleevemeup

    No Breads?

    I am in the pre- stage, but I have Celiac Disease (gluten). I have had it for years, and before there was such a variety of gluten free foods, there wasn't much out there that tasted good. When I was first diagnosed, I would have killed for toast. After several years of finding other ways to make "sandwiches"- mostly lettuce wraps, I got over it. When my son was diagnosed, we found some gf breads that were tasty, but I seemed to be over the attachment or addiction of bread. Which is good because the good stuff is $6+ a loaf. I am hoping that after this surgery, I will feel the same about food!
  15. sleevemeup

    Skin Firming Lotion?

    I totally forgot about Mederma! Great for scars too!
  16. sleevemeup

    In A Few Days

    Yeah! You are so close! I can understand your excitement to go on with life- healthier and stronger. I have unfortunately had a series of surgeries this past few years and have found that once I have made it "real" in my mind, the stress goes away, and I actually look forward to getting it over with and look forward to post-op. My jitters would be because of anticipation of actually feeling better- so it's a positive for me. My last knee surgery, I was in so much pain and knew from previous experience, that I would feel so much better once I had it fixed, I couldn't wait to have it done. I don't really know what to expect for this- but I am looking forward to getting my life back! I am hoping to have my sleeve in September. If I could have it tomorrow, I would. My surgeon requires a 3 month pre-op program. Best of luck on the 7th, don't worry- you will be fine! Please let us know about your experience!
  17. sleevemeup

    Skin Firming Lotion?

    I spent over 10 years in cosmetics, that being said.... don't waste your money on expensive creams/lotions. Keep your skin well exfoliated, and moisturized. You may see a little difference with the expensive products, but once you stop using them the benefits go away- same with cellulite creams. Cosmetic companies send us all of the products to try- free, which is nice because when you leave the cosmetic industry, you know what to spend money on, and what to pass. If you do choose to spend some money, I think Clarins products are the best bang for your buck, and my favorite would be Erno Lazlo's skin firming cream- but that is pricey. I love aveno, and jergen's products. Nivea seems to sit ontop of my skin, unless I exfoliate and apply it immediately after when my skin is still wet. Another thing that works great is Nutragena's skin oil. I exfoliate, and apply in the shower when my skin is wet and let it soak in. Just before I put my clothes on, I make sure to remove excess oil, as it can stain your clothes. Don't get me wrong, some of the expensive creams are nice, but if you are expecting a miracle you will be disappointed. If I had a bunch of money sitting around, I'd probably spend it on creams, and a personal trainer, spa appointments, etc.... but I don't! lol
  18. Hello, I have my consult next Friday, June 8. So excited! My insurance requires a 40 bmi. I have had a little bug this past week, and have lost weight. I am not quite at 40- barely under. I could wear heavy clothes, eat a bunch of food, I don't want to be under for the appointment. Do they weigh you with or without clothes, and any suggestions would be appreciated!!! I don't want to change my appointment.
  19. sleevemeup

    Can't Make Up My Mind.

    It's the BMI that matters. I am 5'6- and I weigh 255 ish. I do carry it well for that much weight. I also have a lot of muscle from my pre-fat days. I have kept up my activity, but at my weight I keep hurting my joints- sometimes to the point of needing surgery. I can loose for the most part, but can't maintain the loss or get to the point where I am low enough to enjoy my life again. You need to decide what it is that you want for yourself. Be thankful you have a shorter distance to reach your goal!
  20. sleevemeup

    My Achilies Tendons Are Killing Me!

    I had Achilles tendinitis in both legs from an antibiotic reaction. It is very painful, so I totally feel for you. Be very careful!!! I spent 6 months in aircasts, on steroids and anti-inflammatory meds. Heel lifts help a great deal. If you have visible swelling, check with your Doctor. You really don't want to let it get to the chronic level or worse a rupture. Before I couldn't stand it anymore, I kept on exercising- which made my recovery much longer. I think the only reason I didn't rupture is because I am female and for some reason men rupture more often. Also, I probably spend more money on good shoes now, not pretty ones, but good shoes.
  21. sleevemeup

    Tape Tape And More Tape

    Olive oil!! I used it for my knee tape incisions.
  22. Best of luck and prayers! By chance, do you have PCOS? I am just wondering and if so, did it help with ins. approval?
  23. sleevemeup

    Feeling No Support

    Other than my husband and son, I have only told my bestie and some long time close friends that have issues similar to me. We have all struggled together over the years, I am the first of my small group of friends to do this and will most likely not be the last! Other than that, it's not really anyone's business! My father is severely overweight- more so than me- I want him to see that it can be done, and maybe he will follow suit. I have chosen not to tell him at this time. I know he would be supportive, but we only really see each other a few times a year, and I want him to SEE the change first!
  24. sleevemeup

    Dreading Pre-Op Diet

    You all are way ahead of me... I am going in for my consult and meet with a NUT next week. My surgeon requires a 3 month program before he will even do surgery. Both exercise and diet. I am sooo looking forward to it. Probably because it is the beginning of the end of this weight thing- finally. For some reason, I feel better and do better with parameters. I think we all go into this journey in different ways, food is like loosing an old friend.
  25. I am so happy to have my first consultation on the 8th! I am nervous, excited and relieved all at the same time. I have everything ready. My surgeon requires a 3 month program before he will do surgery. I am so looking forward to starting the 3 months of diet and exercise. I want this gone, I want to live, I want to move on. I know I have made the right decision. I think the next 2 weeks will be the most difficult- anticipation you know! My goals- By September- Complete the 3 month, hopefully loose 25 lbs. Schedule and have surgery. October- Post-op, down a total of 45 lbs, give or take. Onderland by December. Crossfit by January I am sure I will have additional goals going forward, but this is how I stay motivated and focused. What do you do to stay focused and motivated??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
