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Everything posted by letsdothis!!!

  1. letsdothis!!!

    Self Pay Usa

    It just depends on the doctor/office. I called around to several places and allot of them do not include any pre-op tests or after care. My doctor includes everything and year of pre-op care and nutrition counseuling(can't spell lol) and exercise classes!
  2. letsdothis!!!

    Doing A "i'm Getting Surgery" Dance!

    Congrats! I get my surgery date next week- well I should- and I am so hoping it will b in 2 weeks or less!
  3. letsdothis!!!


    how long did you stop for? I will say a prayer for you! That is a situation I would just really sit down with my doctor and discuss the risks and the chance it will happen again. I don't know too much about sleep apnea but I think you are put on a cpap? machine or something during surgery, maybe I am not too sure you'd have to ask someone, anyway so maybe you can get tested for it and then if you do have it you can go from there.
  4. letsdothis!!!


    why did you stop breathing?
  5. letsdothis!!!

    Had To Go To Er, Surgery Is In 6 Days!

    o my goodness you poor thing!
  6. letsdothis!!!

    Any VSG people in Hampton Roads?

    I haven't found anyone any cheaper but I will say that Dr. T's fee dosen't include any pre-op tests or visits after either I think. I know for sure not the pre-op. Dr. C includes all pre-op tests, the surgery, hostpital, drugs, etc., and a year of checkup ups, gym classes and nutrition classes. He is double board certified in surgery and medicine and really wants you to succeed in maintaing your loss.
  7. letsdothis!!!

    Is This A Problem For Anyone Else?

    Bigguy u sneaky guy you:P
  8. Did you have your gall bladder removed DURING surgery and if so why? Also, if you self-paid did this cut your price down and by how much?
  9. letsdothis!!!

    What Was It Like While You Were Under?

    lol thanks guys for your answers! About how long were you out for? DId you wake up naturally or did someone wake u up?
  10. letsdothis!!!

    Gallbladder Question!

    I know one person who was self-pay and it cut the cost because her insurance paid for it(the gallbladder). So since she had it done at the same time the insurance paid the hospital stay, meds, etc. and she just ended up paying for the pre-labs and the vsg. I also know someone who had a hernia repair at the same time and the same thing ended up happening, she ended up paying half of what she would of paid! Just wanted to know of anyone who had a similar situation.
  11. Will post a faceless picture after I get my surgery date:P

  12. I too am in my twenties and I know exactly how you feel:( I feel like im wasting all my "hott" years! Hopefully I have good genes and I will be hott up in my 60's! When I get this sleeve I'll certainly be healthier and that will help! I am going to self-pay as well, my insurance covers it but my bmi is on the low side so I am having to self pay. I get my surgery date June 5th!
  13. Well just a lil update, I got to go to my seminar earlier than expected so now I actually get to have my meet with the surgeon on June 5th! Super excited! I'm not sure what all you have to do before surgery, the pre-op diet etc, I am so excited to find out! I hope that my surgery can be sometime in June!
  14. Def. sounds like my in-laws! I am 100% percent sure that no matter what I am not telling them. They have always talked about me because of weight, my husband is extremely physically fit, i am the polar opposite of him, but I have pcos and my body fat flares up over the sight of food! Anywho, my sister in law has gone as far as to say that she has a "phobia" agaisnt fat people. I just want to lose the weight and be like "BAM look at me now" lol. I mean I am still having to work hard, diet and excercise, I just needed some extra help. But no matter what, in there eyes i would be a loser who had to get surgery to lose weight and I would forever be talked about.
  15. letsdothis!!!

    Six Months Today :-)

    WOW! Congrats!!!
  16. It is so interesting hearing everyones opinion, i do think it does depend on the person. I really think I am going to keep mine hush, not because I am ashamed( I know I can only lose the weight with this) but I don't want to hear everyones two cents...and I also know I need positive energy and I know that I could get lots of postivie but with that being said everyone is an expert these days... That is very sad about the lady who didn't/couldn't tell her husband btw! I couldn't imagine not having even a single person to support me, esp. my hubbs! I couldn't do this without him!
  17. I say USE COMMON SENSE. I can def. Understand y your family is upset but it does depend on where exactly your going. There is an actual Drug War going on and shouldn't be taken lightly, they are actually kidnapping random ppl, dipping bodies in acid to get rid of them and like someone said earlier I believe they just found Forty bodies headless and tied up n the street. Where do you hear of things like this in the us? They are comparing the death count to war in Baghdad. Long story short God forbid something happen to someone but if it did do u think they would be alive to post it on this site?? I just had to say something on this, if you do go just don't be nieve and go with your gut. Check everything and the facts out for yourself!
  18. letsdothis!!!

    Any VSG people in Hampton Roads?

    Everyone in Newport News who was/is your doctor?
  19. Hopefully I will be just like you! I don't know anyone who has went to this surgeon but on paper he looks good-I just have to see! I had given up the surgery route and have tried so hard on my own:( I really feel in my heart this is the only thing that is going to work for me.
  20. Thanks for all your answers! I am hoping to be a "fast" person, i've been waiting all this time it seems and now that I know I want to do it I am just so eager to start the process. I haven't even been to my seminar yet, I have been to one but not with the doctor that I am wanting to go to. The one I went to I didn't feel so good about so this doctor I am hoping is "the one". I go to my seminar on the 5th of next month!
  21. letsdothis!!!

    Did Anyone Self Pay In The Us?

    I am self pay 14,000. Includes everthing and post-op for one year. My insurance does cover it but you have to have atleast 5 years of medical proof that you have been obese and while i have been, i have NO proof. I would rather get my surgery done now than jump through the hoops and waist time only to get denied, I am so ready to get this done and change my life now-no more waiting!

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