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Everything posted by letsdothis!!!

  1. letsdothis!!!

    Why Am I Starving?

  2. I never thanked everyone for their answes so THANK YOU! And yes I do indeed need a new dentist, they almost kept me from getting my surgery by telling me I had infection that I didn't have!
  3. Only three questions: 1. By the time you are able to start working out is it hard for you to stay hydrated? If you start to sweat or are really thirsty are you able to drink Water well enough and a large enough amount to feel better? 2. Do you tell all of your doctors you have the sleeve? Example dentists, obgyn, etc. At my dentist office they ask your medical history and update it every so often but I don't want anyone in there knowing I had this surgery, is it really important for people like that to know? I understand your pcp, obv., but what about ppl like that? 3. What is this gallbladder pill people are taking after surgery? I only have one to prevent ulcers (pepcid).
  4. Post op day 6. Yesterday I started feeling kinda bad, my menstrual is on full gear:(, I've been getting headaches n more gas for some reason. The worst thing/pain is probably my hemorrhoid I developed it is huge, probably the size of a grape outside my .... you know... I'm using creams n medicated wipes but it is hurting so bad. I took stool softener, milk of mag and putting benefiber in my water but its not producing much. Then there is this light headache that developed yesterday, it is in my temples n the top of head and it makes me a little nauseous?/disoriented I guess you could say. I'm nit dehydrated so the only thing I'm thinking is maybe a detox because I didn't have a preop diet. Today started having gas everytime I drink which is also weird but maybe from the fiber? Don't know but hope I get some relief soon.
  5. letsdothis!!!

    Feeling Kinda Bad Today:/

    thanks for the well wishes! I am feeling so much better now! My dumb computer wouldn't let me reply back to this post! I wish i could take a bath but I still have my steri-strips so bath time next week i think. My headaches are still come and go but not as bad, my OTHER problem has went from a grape to a pea so I am soooooooooo very thankful for that! Hope you guys are doing well!
  6. letsdothis!!!

    Any VSG people in Hampton Roads?

    hope everythingwent perfect for u!!
  7. letsdothis!!!


    I was exactly like you and if your anything like me, even though everyone says it'll be okay, it still doesn't help and you still be nervous. I was sooooooo extremely nervous but I just prayed and prayed and everything came out amazing. All that worrying and stressing myself out for nothing. There is no reason to get yourself that upset really! I am doing so good right now and im 1 week post op-I've been doing good the whole time-my biggest pain is something thats not even surgery related. Everything is going to be okay! you may be in a little pain and you have meds for that and everything will get better every day
  8. letsdothis!!!

    Surgery Tommorow No Pre-Op Diet

    Same with me no pre op diet except liquids the day before
  9. letsdothis!!!

    Any VSG people in Hampton Roads?

    everything went great! Let me know how yours went! Hope ur feeling OK!
  10. 1 week post-op feeling better! :D ((Happy))

  11. Omgsh I have the same thing>.< even between my cheeks
  12. I always work up a sweat even if its just two things I'm trying on. Then what's worse I get excited n they don't come close to fitting and I feel so terrible and embarrassed.
  13. Yes! I want to have clothes that actually fit, not ones tht are too tight. Especially the underwear tht chaffes n the bra tht creates uniboob! I'm ready to actually go outside n not hide inside. To look good no matter what I throw on.
  14. letsdothis!!!

    One Week Anniversary!

    Tommorrows my 1 week! Can't wait till 2 so I can purrees:) glad ur doing so well!!
  15. That was great! Thanks for posting!
  16. letsdothis!!!

    Drinking Too Quickly

    I had surgery the third and I can drink 2 ounces every 15 mins. 8 ounces should take 1 hour. But if I wanted too I could drink more but I don't. My question is when is it safe to drink more and how much? I guess I'll find out on my visit the 17th. I can also start purrees then too, I can't believe how sick I am of protein shakes already but I'm sure a lot of that is in my head.
  17. letsdothis!!!

    Any VSG people in Hampton Roads?

    2 more days! I just had my surgery on the third with Dr. Clark
  18. Wow...this feels amazing..posting in the POST op section:P I am day five post-op and decided to write a little on how everything went. I got to the hospital at 5:30 on tues morning, by the time they checked me in and I got a room it was prob 6:30. I used the bathroom in the waiting room not knowing I had to give a sampl, they started me an IV wide open to fill my bladder and up and get me to pee. TMI alert there will be some TMI moments in this so please bear with me! ^.^ I was verrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, extremellllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nervous but they couldn't give me anything until I had talked to everyone(nurses) that I needed to talked to. Besides giving me an IV they gave me some thick yellow stuff to swoosh around in my mouth and swallow, it was ok, it was an anitbiotic. They used my urine for a pregnancy test. I talked to my doctor, 2 anthesists, and 2 nurses and they all basicaly were telling me everything you already know. The anthesist(can't spell) made me feel sooooooooooo much more comfortable and better because I was a nervous wreck. I was gripping onto the bed and everytime they would talk about putting me under I started to tear up. They gave me some antibiotic for my stomach, pepcid, through my iv and then right before they wheeled me away to OR they gave me some ver-sad. The lady was saying after they gave it to me I probably wouldn't remember nothing but I remember everything, all it did was make me very calm. I remember looking around the OR but I couldn't see too good because I obv. can't wear my contacts/glasses. People started putting Patches and stickers all over my body and unting my gown. I remember the anthesist telling me they were going to give me some oxygen and to take some deep breaths and then I would go to sleep but psshhh I know that wasn't any oxygen! LOL! As soon as I took one breath I was knocked out! Next thing I know I was in the recovery room! SOOOOO hAPPY! I was still a little disoreinted but I knew I was ok. They gave me some pain meds and then wheeled me off to a room where I could see my hubbs. I was so very tired, I would fall asleep mid coverstation with people, all i wanted to do is sleep. They took me to x-ray to do a swallow and it took like 2 hours because the radiologist was busy doing something. It was uncomfortable laying on the table for a while. They took me back to my room and I heard 2 nurses talking and it sounded like they said someone had over 40 scans and showed 2 leaks!!!! It started freaking me out! I don't think they were from my doctor, I think I was his only patient that day but it sounded awful! That would explain why the other doc was so busy! After they got my report that I was leak free they gave me my discharge papers! I hadn't even walked yet or had anything to drink. I thought that was VERY odd. THey said I did extremely well compared to most people and since I did so well with the swallow I would with my liquids which I have been! They have me some ice chips and a wheel chair and I left a 2 pm! Now since I am at home I have been feeling VERY GOOD. Day one and two I mostly had gas pain and nauesa. I did notice that no matter how much I hated it-walking really helped with the gas. Pehengren helps with the nausea and I still haven't threw up even tho sometimes I want to. The first two days I also have not got my Protein and i notice that made me more sick feeling, when I would get some in it made me feel better. TOday i havent done so good with protein either, only 35 grams, i have been sleeping alot so that messes me up. My incisions have been hurting, esp the one my stomach came out of, so that is why I am taking pain pills, but that is really my only pain now. My period started today, I got a hemmorroid, ouch, and then I am consitpated so all that is causing discomfort. My hubbs went to the store and gave me enema lol!!!!! It really helped!! I feel alot better now, now I am going to be putting Fiber in my Water. Well I have typed way too much so I am going to sign off for now! Sorry the last part isn't as detailed as I wanted it but if anyone pre-op has any questions, feel free to ask me anything!! & BTW I HAVE LOST 8 POUNDS!
  19. letsdothis!!!

    5 Days Post Op!

    Storm warning my doctor used to have people stay but now he does almost everyone outpatient because he found people heal better at home. I am so grateful I could come home. Patrick I am so terribly sorry that you are not able to sleep-good sleep always makes you feel better and lets your body recover. The first night I could not sleep at all and had terrrible back pain, pillows would not support my lower back if I sat up and I could not lay down in our bed, I blew up our air mattress and have been sleeping on that. I don't have any drains though and am sleeping on my side wth a pillow under neath my tummy. I hope that you can get good rest soon!
  20. letsdothis!!!

    July 3Rd!

    Who has a surgery date of July 3rd? Where are all my sleeve brothers and sisters? Lets keep in touch with each and share our journeys!
  21. Let's see...I don't really need help with too much, sometimes I need help getting up if I am laying all the way down. I found that I have to sleep on a air mattress, it seems to contour my body n I can sleep on my side. Sleeping in my bed was painful for some reason n its a comfy bed. As far as pills go I'm taking percocet phenegren n pepcud all in pill form n its no problem whatsoever- I just snap them in half n thy r already really small.
  22. Hey guys, had my surgery yesterday. Surgery was at 7:15 i was discharged to go home at two. Did have lots of gas pain and nausea. Don't know which was worse probably nausea. Took some phengren at home and wanted to throw up but jut kept swallowing and everything stayed down. Drinking everything is a breeze! Everything stays down fine! Im so happy! Walking really does help! as much as you want to lay down if you walk I promise it heals you. I was feeling pretty bad all day but by 8 I was feeling great because of all the walking. Today I am feeling super! Only pain is from the incisions and i am taking percocet for that and it is managing well. Taking vitamins and pepcid starting today and it is fine! ALready drank a protein drink this morning and is also tolerated well! Do not fret you guys you can and will do this! Prayers and well wishes for all! XOXO
  23. letsdothis!!!

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Hey guys, had my surgery yesterday. Surgery was at 7:15 i was discharged to go home at two. Did have lots of gas pain and nausea. Don't know which was worse probably nausea. Took some phengren at home and wanted to throw up but jut kept swallowing and everything stayed down. Drinking everything is a breeze! Everything stays down fine! Im so happy! Walking really does help! as much as you want to lay down if you walk I promise it heals you. I was feeling pretty bad all day but by 8 I was feeling great because of all the walking. Today I am feeling super! Only pain is from the incisions and i am taking percocet for that and it is managing well. Taking vitamins and pepcid starting today and it is fine! ALready drank a protein drink this morning and is also tolerated well! Do not fret you guys you can and will do this! Prayers and well wishes for all! XOXO
  24. at home feeling nauseous

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
