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Posts posted by Mommy2three

  1. I was sleeved July 17th. I'm down about 50 lbs, not as much as I wanted but I lost my mom a few months back and that really stalled my progress. I'm actually back on this site to hopefully get some inspiration and help motivate myself more. I'm finally starting to drop some weight again but I have 50 lbs to get rid of before I reach my goal of 150 :). So happy to see everyone's success stories!

  2. I have been stuck for about a month at the same weight. The thing that worries me is I'm ALWAYS hungry! I mean starving, and I drink my Water like I should, plus I'm eating my Protein and not snacking on sweets. I just don't get it, why do I feel like a bottomless pit? I'm making an appointment with my Dr tomorrow but figured I would see if anyone here has gone through something similar.

  3. I recently lost my mother, and I am three weeks out from surgery. I am not looking for any "no no you shouldn't do this" from anyone, I am however looking for advice from people who may have been through a similar situation on what they did to maintain correct "eating" (if you can call it that?)

    I feel like I eat a lot of food, now I am told by my family that I just eat more often through out the day but when I do eat I eat very little.(I have also had a few days where I would realize around 5 or 6 that I had not eaten anything yet that day) I am not making the best choices as far as what I am eating, and this is not something I am proud of, as I do not want to waste this new start!! It has been hard though, in the past when I have been depressed I have always had food to turn to, and I am really trying not to fall into old unhealthy patterns. I do find that with my mind else where and trying to arrange my mother's funeral, I am not getting my Protein and I am not getting anywhere near the exercise I need to.

    I am thinking I am going to start a food diary, which I am sure I should have done from day one, but with taking care of my mother, and my children I just haven't found the time or energy to do so.

    I would love any other suggestions that anyone may have to help me get back on track!


  4. I'm sorry, but I'm with LT on this, and I've noticed it is usually the same damn people who feel they are entitled to comment and be rude as if they are are the all knowing sleeve gods. LT has every right to say something back to these people who feel it necessary to scold anyone who does something they deem "bad" like a child.

    I posted something a while back and had one of the same people talk to me like I was an idiot and yes, it did get to me. Even if it shouldn't have, because I thought the point of this forum was supposed to be about support. Support is not running your mouth and acting like you are so much better because you have never done anything wrong when it comes to your sleeve.

    To whoever said it looks bad that LT said anything back, you're insane. Personally I would stand up for myself too. It's getting old people, if you don't agree with what someone has done it's ok to express genuine concern, but stop being so judgemental. We have all been in the same position, we are all trying to make our lives better and share our experiences.

    Just my opinion

  5. I am a week and a half out and I watch my little ones. I have a 7,2, and 11 month old. I live with family so they help me with picking up the little one. My two year old knows mommy's tummy is hurt and so I can't pick him up. I cook for them no prob, i try to go outside with them to walk while they play. The first days were tough, but you can get through it. I sleep when they take naps to regain energy and get me through the day

  6. I'm feeling great, so far. Knock on wood. Just really really tired, hope this passes soon. I've been drinking pretty good had a Protein Shake today. The pain isn't too bad now. I won't lie, the first day was horrible I was in and out of it thanks to the anesthesia. When they took the drain out on the second day it was definitely easier to take a full breath. How's everyone else doing? Best of luck to everyone still waiting to go in.

  7. Thank You and good luck tomorrow. I have 3 children as well will you let me know how post/op went and if you are still able to care for your children while you are recovering . Again Thank you

    I will def let you know how it goes, should be interesting since my two youngest have their birthdays coming up less then 3 weeks!

    I am getting sleeved tomorrow also! Good luck to you!!! Would be nice if we could chat and exchange stories!

    good luck to you! see you on the other side, I would love to chat and share stories :)

  8. Have to be at the hospital in less then 36 hours. Getting super super nervous. I know everyone goes through this, unfortunately I have the extra stress of a very ill mother and a marriage that is falling apart :(

    This two days of clear liquid only is driving me a nuts, but I'm sticking with it!! Best of luck to my fellow July sleevers!! Hopefully I'm not the only nervous one :)

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