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Posts posted by mylynn1377

  1. So I'm 8 days post op and mostly content with ready to drink Protein Shakes, and assorted liquids. Once in awhile I get kind of antsy for a more flavorful concoction. Well I had to have something the other day so we threw some sirloin burger Soup and milk in the blender and liquefied it. Man was that good. So tonight we tried something else. I threw leftover tater tot casserole in the blender with cream of mushroom soup and milk. Wow...it tasted like tater tot casserole but liquid. I never knew how much I would enjoy something so simple that much.

  2. I've been doing pretty good with pain control only doing my Roxicet before bed. I over did it yesterday though and pushed myself to drink more Protein Shake than my pouch thought was good. I also decided to clean the kitchen and sweep and mop the floors....needless to say that was a bad idea. I have to put in a call to the drs today to see if I can drive later this week as my husband has to go out of town and I have no one else around here to drive to pick the small children up. We'll see what they say.

    The best thing that's happened is I've gone from 307 on surgery day to 295 this morning!

  3. Hope today goes better for you :)

    Thanks Bri. Today is a little better now that I know about the milk. I called just to ask the nurse because I have her after hours number and she said that if I can find a Vitamin that I can tolerate better for now then get that. I'm gonna check out the Gummy Vitamin selection the store today. She also wants me to get some of the shakes I had for the preop diet and drink a few of those a day along with the skim milk. Her biggest thing is for me to not get dehydrated. I just wish I had more patience for my littles today. Mommy is a grouch..according to my 4 yr old.

  4. Is anyone else 5 or so days out from surgery and they just can't get in enough liquid or Protein. I know I'm not taking in enough. I've been around long enough to know that your body has to have a certain amount of calories to function. I thought by today that I would be starting to really perk up and instead all I want to do is sleep. I haven't felt like this since the first few days in the hospital. I feel full constantly, hugely, uncomfortably full. Like I can't put anything else in my tummy or it will explode. I sip on my liquids, my Protein powders taste so gross that I can't get more than an oz down a few times a day. Today is the first time that I've really felt crappy. I can't take my Vitamins because they want to come right back up. I had an episode the other night where I couldn't take most of my meds because it was just too much in my stomach.

    Is any of this normal?

    I have switched to drinking some skim milk here and there which seems to sit well and has protein in it. I might have to go back to the thin shakes I did preop because I might actually be able to drink them. The weirdest thing is I can drink Decaf coffee in the evening and have less fullness issues with it. I'm wondering if its because its warm? I'm also concerned that I'm not walking around the house enough because I just don't have the energy. I took a nap and got up at 330 and now I'm ok with going back to sleep. I'm kind of worried that I'm getting so deficient in nutrients that my body just can't run right. Blah!

    I'll at least try to get a chewable multi in me and maybe an Iron. There is no way I can get the Calcium chews in right now. One tiny square scares me!

  5. I had a really restless night last night and I wine up feeling yuck. I did find out that I'm tolerating skim milk very well so I'm using that as my fluids/protein for now. All the Protein Powder I have is grossing me out and my chewable bariatric Vitamins aren't wanting to stay down either. So I know some of my lack of energy has to do with that. I'm going to try to get at least one Protein Shake in today and I'll build from that.

  6. Well it's Friday 4 days out from surgery and I guess I'm feeling ok. Struggling to get my fluids in and rarely getting in Protein. I feel uncomfortably full all the time. I'm taking advice and sipping slowly from my little one oz cups and just trying to keep hydrated. I can't even fathom eating food anytime soon. No real pain though so that's a bonus.

  7. I'm not in the buyers remorse stage of post op yet, but I am really wondering if this is normal. I know its a tiny pouch and all that but I'm not getting in anywhere near what my stage 2 diet says I should be. I can't handle thicker liquids at all. I walk around feeling like I just ate a large dinner with all the trimmings. I can't even take my night time meds because its just too much Fluid at once. I finally passed gas and had a bm but its doesn't seem to be helping with my tummy. I feel like I am so full that I can't even take a deep breath. It doesn't hurt and I'm not throwing up so good news there. I just don't understand how I'm supposed to be getting in 1/4 to a 1/2 cup of food a few times a day when I can't drink more than 1 oz of liquid every 15 minutes still. And it has to be warm and thin liquid at that. My insides are grumbling and I know I still have a lot of gas to move but its just crazy this uncomfortable feeling. I want some restriction but not to the point of malnutrition. It can't be good for my body to not get in enough Fluid daily. So I'm going to see how this goes this weekend and maybe call the surgeons office on Monday if it's not getting any better.

    My husband is concerned that I'm going to get dehydrated. I kind of think they should have kept me the extra day at the hospital so I could keep IV fluids at least. Is this pretty normal?

  8. A friend of mine is a bodybuilder and a personal trainer and I know that in training for competition she eats simply. Mostly lean chicken and non-starchy veggies. PB2 and Protein Shakes and drinks at least a gallon of Water per day. The night before competition she carb loads with complex carbs, wild rice, Beans, etc. And right after she hits a Protein Shake. That is what most body builders do in general. I would hydrate really well the day before the run also. It will carry over to the next day. Eat a light Breakfast of some Protein and carb and make sure you have light protein, like a shake, available for right after the run. Drink electrolyte replacing drinks in between.

  9. Our local spa does a series of Slenderquest Body Wraps. My husband thinks that would be a great reward while in the weight loss process. It helps you loose inches and is supposed to help tone the skin a bit. I can get it done and get a facial or mini massage while I'm wrapped so I think that may be what I choose as my reward.

  10. Here is something I'm wanting to try as soon as I can eat regular food..hoping I can tolerate dairy!

    Shelly's Baked Ricotta

    8 oz of Ricotta cheese

    1/2 cup grated Parmesan

    1 large Egg, beaten

    1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning

    salt & pepper to taste

    1/2 cup Marinara Sauce

    1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese

    Mix ricotta cheese, parmesan, beaten egg, seasonings together and place in a oven proof dish. Pour marinara on top and top with mozzarella cheese. Bake it in the oven @ 450 for about 20-25 minutes (best) or nuke it till hot and bubbly. I usually made it first in the oven and heated the leftovers in the microwave.

    For a sweet Italian fix:

    Mix ricotta cheese and SF Torani Syrup for a mock cannoli filling.


    Fage Yogurt with SF Torani syrup

    Faux Ice Cream - freeze yogurt or Protein shakes in popsicle makers

    SF pudding (with or without added protein)

    oatmeal and Cream of Wheat (with or without added protein)

  11. OK well I'm soon two weeks post open so ill be starting phase two I'm bored to death with cream Soups pudding and yogurt I need help the entire baby food meat n veggies scare me I can do fruit but other then that I'm scared please help

    A friend of mine told me that she just took a little bit of what the family ate and ran it through the blender. Like lean ground turkey browned with a tiny bit of low sugar spaghetti sauce. And then throw it in there. Low fat or fat free refried Beans with a tiny bit of soft cheese. Just mash it up really, really well. Cottage cheese and some no sugar applesauce on the side. Soft scrambled eggs with a tiny bit of cheese. Just make sure its mushy. Steam some green Beans or carrots and toss them in the blender. You could make chili and toss it in the blender and have blended green beans on the side. Just make sure it's not too spicy.

    Baby food fruit isn't bad at all. I tasted every baby food that I ever fed my kids so that's an option if you run into issues. For a treat I still take unsweetened applesauce, add some splenda and cinnamon and microwave it for a few seconds. That is really tasty.

    It really depends on what's allowed for your Stage 2. I have my book in front of me for planning meals and I know I will be super excited to get to eat food again. I'm planning on having some oatmeal, letting it cool, adding Protein powder to it for a treat. Ummm a really good website is theworldaccordingtoeggface com. She is 4 years out from RNY and has a lot of really good recipes and ideas for food. You should check her out.

  12. I won't miss having to specially request a table at restaurants because I know I won't fit into a booth. I won't miss doing things like housekeeping and laundry on "good days" because I never know when I'll feel good. I won't miss getting into new vehicles and waiting to see if the seat belt fits or not. I won't miss being the fattest out of my trio of best friends. I won't miss getting all of the super duper plus size clothing catalogs in the mail. Oh and I won't miss having to hunt forever for a bra that is comfortable and actually fits right.

  13. Soy hurts the absorption of the meds and also slows it down. I love lots of soy products, but I majorly limit myself. Also, you have to take your thyroid med at least 2 hours away from any supplements. Calcium and Vitamins also block the absorption of Synthroid.

    Yes Nel, trying to figure out when to take all my bariatric supplements after surgery was kind of a major undertaking. Can't take Iron or calcium close together or the calcium won't absorb. Can't take either anywhere near my levothyroxine because then my thyroid meds won't work right. Ughh... so I have to do calcium chews late in the day and take the rest of my Vitamins at night. That little pill is a pain in the booty!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
