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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Scooby_Who

  1. I got my first fill yesterday, and my doctor wouldn't tell me the amount! He said that he's found it counterproductive to tell patients because they fret about whether it's too much/too little. All he would say was "it's the standard amount for a patient with a 10cc band." I thought about pushing the issue - because legally, I do have a right to know that information - but I like my surgeon a lot and decided to just chill out. So far, I feel fine and the liquids are going down fine. How long do you have to stay on liquids? I was a little bummed because I thought it was just 24 hours for me, but then when I re-read the materials to prepare for my appt, I saw it was 48+ hours!

  2. Did your doctor recommend eliminating caffeine?

    If you drank beverages with caffeine pre-LB, do you still drink them?

    For me, my dietician did recommend eliminating caffeine, although strangely, I could never get a clear answer on *why*. After reading several articles, different practice recommendations, and information from Allergan, I have resumed drinking 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. I haven't had any soda, but that wasn't a big deal for me to give up because I rarely drank it anyway.

  3. My surgeon basically said whenever I feel good enough.

    The fitness consult girl said start a regimine after 4 weeks (walking + weights).

    The nutritrionist yesterday said walking/biking now is okay, but no horseback riding (I own a horse and asked specifically).

    So, I haven't been told anything consistently. So far I've just done some walking at a moderate pace.

  4. I totally understand your frustration, but remember that averages to over 1 lb per week, and that ain't too shabby! I keep hearing "expect to lose 1-2 lbs per week" and how exercise will be critical to maintain even that pace. *Especially* yesterday at my 2-week follow up when I expressed disappointment over losing only 3 lbs since surgery two weeks ago on 5/30.... (Disclaimer: Today the scale was down 2 lbs, making it 5 lbs, but still ....) I lost about 12 lbs pre-op, so I was giving this some hard thought last night (after I had a somewhat sarcastic pity party for myself). This is just like any other weight loss plan - eat less + exercise. And just like any other weight loss plan, it's gonna be sllllllllllllooooooooowwwwww for some of us. I'm still working on getting that mantra mentality down in small bites (along with my mushies - har har), but it's helped me to periodically give myself a reality check or two.

  5. No offense taken here by anything anyone said. I started with a BMI in "only" the obese range. Had the surgery for several reasons. Are some of those vanity related? Yep. Are some health related? Yep. We all have our own intensely personal reasons. Would I be annoyed/frustrated/couldn't always relate to people with much less to lose if i started at a much higher BMI? Quite possibly. I think I'm just a "free to be you and me" type of gal and thick-skinned to boot, so none of this offends me. I like the candid discussion and different view points and frankly just shake my head at some of the holier-than-thou comments.

  6. I was banded last Weds (May 30). I've had the assorted aches and pains with the incisions and the pain with my port. Over the last 48 hours, though, I've been having very sharp, stabbing pains in my upper right abdomen. It's above where the incisions are, and it's inside my body. It sort of feels like the painful, stabbing side stiches you get when you exercise, especially after eating. It's painful enough that it takes my breath away.

    I have not exercised, and I'm still on full liquids and have been very careful with how many ounces I've taken in. I spoke with the surgeon's office, and they said it could be from the port. I just don't feel that it is - I believe I've had that pain, and this is a different pain. If it gets even worse, I'm going to call them again.

    Have any of you experienced this?


  7. Hi there - I was banded 5/30 and on full liquids for a few more days. Here's what I'm allowed to have:

    Protein shakes (at least 2, up to 4)

    SF popsicles

    SF Jello

    skim milk

    4 oz of light OJ, prune juice, or V8 juice


    "strained soups" with "no particles" - I have interpreted this to mean Tomato Soup, pacific brand creamy Tomato, V8 brand potato and leek Soup, and campbell's broccoli cheddar, which I emulsified with a hand-held blender. My instructions say the Soups should have no meat.

    on day 9 post-op, I can add the following:

    creamy soups (still no meat or chunks)

    LF cottage cheese

    baby food

    pureed fruits and vegetables

    then 3 days after that comes the pureed/mushy phase -

  8. My materials from my doctor say that popcorn and chips are things that have a high risk of getting stuck and are foods that should be avoided forever. Well then I was reading an old thread on here where people were talking about popcorn and chips (including chips and salsa) being slider foods. I'm curious - what are these foods like for you?

  9. I'm still in the "full liquid" post-op phase, but my recent bouts with chest tightness/pain have got me thinking ahead a bit. Clearly I know all too well what "full" feels like pre-LB ... the range from satisfied, to full, to overstuffed and uncomfortable after really overeating. The physical sensation is in my abdomen, sometimes even lower.

    So my questions are -- Is the feeling different with an LB? Is it up higher, like in the chest? Is it a pain instead of a feeling of fullness? Other than carefully monitoring ounces/volume, what is the body's signal that you've had enough food?

  10. Hi - I posted a similar topic yesterday. This morning I called my surgeon's office. They said that they pain is normal and is due to the esophagus not being used to the lapband. They said to be careful about the max ounces of liquids and record everything. (Personally, I kind of don't think it's related to the liquids I'm drinking bc I have the pain starting right when I get up in the morning before I've had anything to drink at all.)

  11. I just tried to keep busy by doing things that I thought would help me post-op, like cleaning house, organizing, looking at recipes for thin/non-chunky Soups, etc. I also tried to spend a lot of time outdoors but had to be kind of careful because I was very light-headed during that liquid diet phase. Oh, and I ate more SF Popsicles and SF Jello than I'd ever eaten in my life! Hang in there - you can do it.

  12. Hi everyone - got banded yesterday. The pain is a little worse than I thought especially on my right side where the port is. The pain meds just seem to knock the edge off. Liquids seem to be going down fine and I actually do feel hungry! Tomorrow I start "full" liquids, and the list of foods says I can have strained Soups so I'm pretty excited about that!

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