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Posts posted by musicalmomma

  1. Hi Deborah!! We have a lot in common :) I should be banded in April, but had to put it off til May because I have a women's retreat, 1200 miles away in April, that I'm leading worship for and want to be at my best. I cleared my schedule for the summer. I told folks I'd be back as soon as I recovered but wasn't sure how long it would be. I know I won't be playing guitar until the wounds heal, but I have NO IDEA how long it will be before I can sing full voice again. Apparently there are breathing exercises after the surgery and some people have difficulty with full breaths for a few weeks! So, I asked my doc if this surgery could possibly affect my voice for the long term and he said it shouldn't ;)

    So, is your date set? Are you getting excited? Mines at least two months away and I'm absolutely giddy!!!!!!

    Best wishes!!!

  2. Oh - and I am 5' 4.5". I beleive that the insurance charts put 150 at the top end of my range - but my doc says I will be skin and bone at that weight, according to my body fat & lean mass ratios. I am so much more comfortable - even at 290 - that I am pumped every day. I look pretty good for a fat babe. :]

    This is SOOO interesting to me!! Top weight for my height, according to all the charts is 157. But the body composition my doc took (body fat & lean mass ratios) said I would be at 30% fat or less at 180! Hence my goal of 175! What a relief that is!

  3. There's not a bubble for me...but I should be paying $1500 plus copays. So with DH and me both doing this, we figure on putting out about $4000. Fortunately, we opted for flex spending this year and have $100 per pay deducted, pre tax, ($2600 total) to reimburse non-covered medical expenses. Sooooo I figure we'll be tapping the credit card for 1.5k-2k. Nothing next year's tax return won't take care of! Thank God!!

    Now, I gotta ask my doc how many/long fills are covered in his price!

  4. Hi Danielle :) I'm in the waiting process too. I've been heavy all my life too! My very own mother tells me "I hate to see you taking the easy way out". She means to be supportive and thinks it's merely a matter of self discipline. It took me three years of serious consideration before deciding to take this route. I finally had to stop listening to my mother and anyone else that would stand in my way. No one knows how hard this is unless they've walked in a fat prison for years. This is not the easy way out. It's merely a tool. It will not fix your psychological dependance on food. That is something you'll have to work on for yourself, or even through counselling, OA, a support group, or something that that helps with finding constructive ways to cope when the cravings hit.

    Now, this is JUST me, but I would not have been emotionally ready or mature enough to have been banded at 20 and I was married with a baby at that time! I know I would have found ways to "out eat" the band, because I hadn't dealt with my emotional attachement to food. HECK, I'm still working on that one...gained a lot of ground, but I don't know if I'll ever be totally free from wanting to use food as a crutch. I'm only stating all of this to give you some food for thought. I am in no way discouraging you from doing this...only want you to make the most informed decision. Research is very important...but equally important is to be sure this is the right decision at the right time.

    Keep us posted and best wishes ;)

  5. I agree, I only set the Ticker because that is where I want to be, if i get down to 200lbs I will be happy( I was there for a long time and happy with e at a size 14) 175 I will be more than happy but my surgeon said 140 is where I should be but probably wont get. So I figured to set my goal at 175 I was reaching for something great and reachable, and when I get there, who knows I might reset it.

    Just a personal thing to feel like I am accomplishing something and have something to work towards, but not set in stone!

    I am SO there with you Jennifur!!!! My doc said the highest I should be is 157!! I have it in my mind that I will be perfectly happy and satisfied with 175! Like you, when I get there...if I wanna lose more, I can. :)

  6. That's a good question...my doc said that I'd have to crush ALL pills for life (or get liquid or chewable).

    What I want to know is...WHY??? If that pill is tiny and I don't have much restriction...can't I just swallow it? For instance I take a pill that is about half the size of a pencil eraser...why should I have to crush it?

  7. If this is being posted in the wrong forum, I apologize.

    I get Acid Reflux at night when I eat certain foods. My bariatric program coordinator said, in passing mind you, that reflux and heartburn are usually resolved with WLS.

    I've been reading LBT for a few days now and wondered how many that had acid reflux before lapband didn't have it any more post-op.

  8. I agree with Jack.. you are only on this planet once and this is leading to a healthier new you.. probably extending your life!! 18,000 bucks in nothing! We think nothing of spending that on a car or an addition to a house and what not.. why not ourselves??!!

    Good Luck and please stick around.. the advice you get here is wonderful and you also get a taste of tough love if you need it and it can really get you out of a funk!!


    ~Donnamarie~ :)

    Wow...this is so true...I never thought of it this way. I was so worried about the $3000 or so hubby and I would have to shell out, that insurance won't cover...WOW...the guilt is GONE!!!! Thanks :scared:

  9. Yeah it's really frustrating...especially at first when you're doing all the "insurance required" appointments...my husband had a meeting with his boss...told him he was going to have surgery in a few months and will have MANY pre op appointments. His boss was really great about it. However, everyone in the office is now pressing him about "what's up wit all of these appointments??? are you dying or something??". He's a very private person and just keeps telling them he doesn't want to talk about it. Hmmm....how did I get here in my ramblings??? Oh yeah...the office staff isn't thrilled with all the appointments...but his boss is cool...and that's what counts. For me...I'm a stay at home mom...so I gotta lug at least one kid with me to every appointment!! lol

  10. Maybe walking isn't your thing. I HATE the treadmill...I don't mind walks outside, but there are only about 4 fit months here in Wisconsin for that sort of thing. The only excercize I can stand is swimming/water jogging.

    Have you thought about joining the local YMCA or Fitness club...maybe even Curves?

    The YMCA also has pilate's, yoga, aerobics, and many other classes available to try :( My Y actually started a bariatric Water work out at 5:30am for large people that don't want to excercise in front of skinny people. They encourage you to even wear shorts and a T-shirt if it makes you more comfortable. You could also ask your Surgeon's program coordinator to recommend other options.

    From what I've been told over and over again from the Doc and nutritionist, that it's most important to find an excercise plan you will like. So keep looking :)

  11. Like was stated by some other people in the "Antisemitism in France" thread, this statement comes across like you believe and expect others to believe in God because you fear Hell, not because you actually have faith in God or believe that Jesus is your savior. IMO, fear of what may happen if you don't believe isn't a good reason to be a Christian.

    On the contrary...I love the Lord with all my heart. He didn't only free me from an eternity in hell after this life. He has enriched my life here on earth beyond anything I could ever ask or think. God isn't only interested in my eternity, He's interested in my here and now. So if I came across as only wanting fire insurance, I apoligize. It wasn't my intent :(

    I also don't expect others to believe as I do. I only share what I believe and why I believe it, what others do with that is up to them.

  12. The thing I can never, ever understand is why learning, expanding and growing into a better person - perhaps even a better Christian - is a bad thing. My ex used to go crazy if anyone, however innocently, questioned anything written in the Bible or spoken from his church's pulpit. Blasphemey is one of his buzz words. How ignorant do you have to be to allow yourself to be that brainwashed, that indoctrinated? In his case, pretty darned ignorant!

    I dunno...but when I die...if I find out that there's really nothing after this life, I've lost nothing by professing faith in the Son of God. The opposite couldn't be said by those without faith when they come face to face with God.

  13. Hi,

    I am new to this group and I had surgery on 01/31/07. I feel the same way. I can eat anything I want but I am being really good. I have lost 20 pds before & after surgery. I should be happy but not happy. I have been working out 5-6 days a wk and getting in over 80 grams of Protein a day.

    I can't have my forst fill until May 1. That sucks. My insurance won't allow before 3 months.

    I know I have lost inches but lets face it that the # on the scale is what would do it for me.

    Jayne from NJ

    Heck, I'd scramble the money and get the fill myself!!! No way I'd be hungry until MAY if there was any way around it.

    It seems really common for people to get hungry by the 4th week and not have much if any restriction. At least, according to what I've been reading it's common. I was at a support group last night. A lady was there that was 5 weeks out and has gained a little and is very hungry. She is really frustrated too...but gets a fill next week, so she's hanging in there.

    Good luck :(

  14. Personally, I would look into another doctor. Get a second opinion and price schedule. Seems weird to me they want another $5k if you don't lose 40-50lbs.

    And YES...if you lose 50 on your own, you may still want to consider surgery. Many people, myself included, can lose weight with relative ease...it's losing it ALL and keeping it off that trips most of us up. The band lets us know when we're full and is a good tool for acheiving life long health. But it's only a tool. It's not a cure all.

    I know it's frustrating. I was so mad at how much red tape there was to this and how long it's taking (I should get banded in May or June...insurance stuff). Then I realized...this time is being given to me for several reasons. #1 - am I serious about this enough to see it through for life? #2 - Start making changes to my diet NOW that I know I'm going to have to make after surgery anyway, so it's not so difficult post-op. #3 - prepare myself emotionally for a life long change in eating habits. #4 - begin excersizing so it becomes a habit prior to surgery...etc etc etc.

    Keep your chin up...and don't just stick with the first doctor at the first seminar you attended. We have three docs in our area and I found the best through research and asking my pcp.

    Best wishes for a healthy future :(

  15. Musicalmomma:

    Yep hubby loves the change! It was a long road and many changes will happen from the banding until I was ready for ps. Enjoy the changes in your body and be prepared for the changes personally that weight loss brings. When are you planning on being banded? Good luck and enjoy the journey!

    Thanks for the encouragment :) I am getting so excited! Going to my first support group tonight. I hope to be banded by early May, but it all depends on the insurance company.

  16. Guess I'll chime in here...

    I've been fat all my life...fat baby...chubby toddler...plump kid...bulky adolescent...FAT adult. My mom tried to psycho-analyse me till the cows came home!! Years and years of self doubt and wondering WHY I over eat has led me to this conclusion...


    I over indulged all of my life. I used food to soothe hurt feelings, combat boredom, Celebrate lifes big and little accomplishments, and any other emotions in between. It was just my choice of coping methods. Nothing serious ever happend in my deep dark past. I had two loving parents. I was brought up in love and taught morals and values. So, I guess my 'reasons' are boring, but hopefully since I don't have any deeper psychological attachements to food, I will be able to overcome my obesity with the tool of lapband added to exercise and proper diet.

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