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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by musicalmomma

  1. I wonder how much the chemicals they put into animal feed and animals, and the chemicals they use on fruits and vegetables has to do with it.

    I think this is more likely the culprit than obesity itself. I was a big girl but was almost 14 before menstration started and boobs started taking off. My friend, who was a string bean got her period at 10! This was before they began injecting hormones into livestock & adding it to chicken feed. Perhaps it's the hormones not only causing early puberty, but aggrivating childhood weight issues! things that make you go hmmmmmmm

  2. Just wanted to say hi. I am very pre-surgical for a lap band. I have my first appointment on Monday (March 12). At this point, I am told that I am a good surgical candidate. Insurance won't pay, but I am able to get the money to be a self pay patient. The surgery would be done right here in my hometown in south eastern WI. I'm nervous, I'm excited. I'm looking forward to a better, healthier life.


    Hi Bec! I'm in Two Rivers, WI...considered North Eastern...but pretty far south of the north if you know what I mean :confused:. I'm getting Banded in Green Bay...hopefully in early May. Not many of us WI people on here...so I just wanted to say hi :eek:

  3. I got a question whats does the preop diet consist? and how much do they want you to loose beforw surgery?


    Every surgeon is different regarding pre-op diet. Some don't require one at all (very few tho)...some require a two weeks of liquid diet only before surgery. My surgeon requires one week liquid diet only before surgery. Others have a variation of liquid & solids. It's all up to the surgeon.

    Weight loss pre-op? That's another thing. That depends on a number of factors. If you're going through insurance...they have a say in what they want to see before you have surgery. If you are self pay, your surgeon will determine what amount, if any, he wants you to lose pre-op.

  4. WOW though, 120oz of Water in a day?? I struggle to get my 60oz... I'll try it though, at this point I'll try anything.

    There were two recommendations...one was dividing your weight in half and drinking that many ounces in water...for me 131oz.

    The other was add 8oz for ever 25 pounds over weight you are...for me 64oz + 32oz = 96oz.

    The second option makes more sense to me and keeps my urine nice and clear. Which is a sign of adequate hydration.

  5. Who knows.. my doctor ditched me when I got banded so I haven't had a doctor since 6/1/06. I tried this new Dr. yesterday and all he said when he called was "I ran everything and it all is normal". I asked what he ran and he said "all I could". UGH Is there such a thing as a Dr. that has time??

    The other thing that ticked me off about him is he said "How much pop do you drink?" I told him I don't drink pop.. his response? "That's a first" with rolled eyes. I haven't had a single sip of pop since the night before my surgery! Why do they assume if you aren't losing weight it's because you are cheating??

    Sounds like you should keep looking for a primary care physician. I had a doc that was too busy to be thorough with explinations and such. I finally went off on him!!! I told him that I knew he was busy and I respected that, but if he's too busy to answer my questions thoroughly and professionally...he's TOO busy!!! I never had a problem with him after that.

    I'm sorry you're having such a frustrating time right now. Hang in there.

  6. I think that this is really misleading. I dont think it was WLS that was the route of these peoples probelms, but rather a preexisting mental problem that they failed to get help with.

    This just perpetuates the myth that WLS is bad. It is not a cure all, but you never see media saying "WLS Saved My Life" when that has been the case for many.

    Thumbs down to Oprah.


    I dunno...I haven't seen the show and perhaps she's just trying to make WLS candidates think about they're psychological and mental state before having the surgery. If she's just bashing WLS and trying to discredit it...shame on her! WLS has enriched SO many lives and there is just no denying the life saving benefits to many!

  7. How long does it take to reach the break through point?

    I dunno...but I've been drinking a minimum of 80oz a day for a LONG time and still pee WAY more than I did before I was drinking so much. It does slow however...at first I was going pee evern 20-40 minutes!!! Now it's like once every two hours. So, not so bad :confused:

  8. I'm sorry you had such a terrible day yesterday :confused: Is it unusual to have a tilted port? And is it usual for it to be MORE tilted the next time they check it? Can they go in and straighten it out? I'd be SO frustrated!! So I totally feel for you!

  9. My Psych guy was as looney as a...well LOON! He was in a sweat suit and his two dogs were in the office with him. He was approximately 40lbs overweight and has had WLS. He had no problem telling me how fat I was either lol! However, he remained fairly professional when he spoke to me....THEN DH went to him a week later...well he was still in his sweat suit with his dogs...DH told me he was flinging the "F" word around like a sailor!!! DH and I don't really swear and we both wondered what about DH made Dr Looney Tune think he could relate to DH that way!? THEN just today, our progam coodinator called me and said to have DH call her, because she received his psych eval and he had some recommendations for follow-up. I took the time to tell her our experience! I don't think they'll be recommending this guy in the future.

  10. Awww Ms. Vicky :o That was really hurtful!!! I'm sorry. I know how it feels...I was out bike riding once, and a couple kids were out in their drive way playing and their parents were putting stuff in their car. As I passed them I smiled and said "hi". One of the boys said..."haha...look at the fat lady on the bike! HAHAHAH". I stopped my bike, stared him down for a moment...as his laughter wained...I said, straight faced "Look at the little boy who's parents haven't taught him any better!" His dad then came down the drive way and pulled the kid in the house by his collar!!! Ah that felt good!!!!

    For some reason, some of us feel that we somehow don't have a right to stand up for ourselves when someone insults us. It took me a long time to start speaking up to ignorant comments...now if someone makes a weight related comment to me...I simply say "Thank you Captian Obvious!" Shuts them down pretty quick.

    Keep up the good work!!! You're doing great! :)

  11. Definitely the peel. Feel sorry for you...been there, done that :o

    I've been afraid to try any fruit yet, but I understand that you should peel anything with a peel.

    Amen to that! I haven't even been banded yet, but have had an apple peel go down PAINFULLY slow!!!!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  12. I know I'm not a boomer...or vet...but I just wanted to say that National Health Care, as in the UK is NOT all it's cracked up to be. My husband is from the UK and his family still lives there. No one wants to be a nurse because it pays diddly (nurses here think they have it bad pay wise, but it's nothing compared to the UK). So care in the hospital is seriously lacking and that's IF you can get into the hospital when needed. If you need surgery...good luck! Unless you are ready to draw your last breath, you are not a priority. Only the privatized hospital provide good care and most can't afford it because a tiny little town house costs upwards of $200k...my in-laws sold their modest 3br town home, in a modest suburb, for $400k! DH and I thought of starting our lives together there in the UK, and realized we wouldn't be able to maintain our standard of living there because the job that paid him $20 an hour (9 years ago) would have only paid him $12 an hour there. And if something is $15 here...it's 15 pounds there...about $23! We don't have it as bad here as we'd like to think. We've just overindulged ourselves so much since the 50's that somethings gotta give! National health care isn't the answer imho.

  13. I just called my mom and was telling her about the saga I've been going through to try and have my stuff sent from my old surgeon to the new one. You know what she said? "This is getting ridiculous! Just pretend you had surgery and lose the weight that way!"

    Thanks, Mom. I really hadn't thought of that.

    I've never been successful at losing weight and keeping if off in the past because I GET HUNGRY and eventually fall off the wagon. That's why I want to have this surgery, so I won't be hungry! If it was so easy to "pretend I had surgery," doesn't she think I would?! You would think that being obese herself, she would know what I am going through. I don't want to wind up like her, with high cholesterol, diabetes, and a double knee replacement. She "doesn't want to worry about what the surgery may do to me later in life". Geez, Mom, it isn't like I am having RNY. This surgery is ENTIRELY REVERSIBLE. If I start having problems, I can have it taken out. It isn't like I am having my intestines rearranged or my stomach chopped into bits. I know she doesn't like the thought of me having surgery, but I would rather risk surgery than risk being obese the rest of my life.

    She sounds SO much like my mom...except my mom has been trim all her life except for a couple of years where she gained like 25 pounds and took it off through potion control!!! She just can't understand!! I just finally asked her to trust me and if she can't support my decision, I'll leave the topic out of our converstaions if she will and we'll just agree to disagree.

  14. Hi Stacy. You are definitely NOT alone! Have you thought of joining Curves? Many of the women there are larger. I belong to the local YMCA and believe me...they have ALL shapes and sizes there. I foung the Y to be a fairly non-threatening environment.

    Good luck to you :o

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