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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by musicalmomma

  1. The 6 weeks post op are affectionately called "Bandster Hell". I'm dreading my pre-op and post op diet (liquids only 1 week pre-op, 2 weeks liquid post-op, 2 weeks puree'd, 2 weeks soft). My surgeon explained that our stomache has to heal and therefore we have to introduce food very slowly.

    I just remind myself that this is only for 7 weeks total...I try to remember what I was doing 7 weeks ago and how quickly that time passed. After the 7 weeks I can start experimenting with regular foods...protein first, then veggies/fruit, then complex carbs.

    Now, I have read a few posts from people that never needed a fill. For those select few, they had enough restriction with an unfilled band. I'm not counting on that being the case for me, but it sure would be nice :)

  2. I was banded on 4/30/07 and on my one week check up had lost 10 lbs. My question is for those who have had the band for a while. Was your weight loss consistant from day one or did it really kick in after the first or second fill. Also what is the recommendation for calorie, fat and protien intake.

    Congratz on 10lbs in one week!!! That's awesome!!!

    Ya may want to start a new thread with those questions...I think you'll get more resonses that way. And I'd be interested to see the answer to those questions too :)

  3. Well, I am prepared to curb my smoking around non-smokers but as for not smelling of smoke, that is a little too much to ask for. I wear expensive (and subtle) perfume and I put up with smelling folks doused with the cheap stuff. I also put up with folks smelling like last night's curry dinner, of second-hand garlic, and of an alcoholic's hangover. I also put up with screaming babies and shrieking tots. This is life as we live it when we live among other people. People are pretty interesting to be around and that is why I love living in the city but you do have to take the bad with the good. That's life.

    I think they were referring to Laurend's question about someone who has poor hygene on top of the smell of smoke...bad combo! I can deal with someone smelling like smoke...I think most people can...it's the B.O. that turns my stomache.

  4. ... but as a smoker, I'm getting pretty tired of the Gestapo tactics to keep us away from others...

    I'm sort of tired of a few people deciding what all the people will do. If you don't like to be around smokers, go someplace else.

    Don't try to force your opinions on others. That's not true democracy. That Hitler's Germany. Clearly, I'm an unrepentant smoker.

    I don't want to keep smokers away from me...I want to keep their SMOKE away from me. My smoker friends don't smoke around me, I don't fart around them...it's a beautiful thing! :)

    There are far more non smokers than smokers, so I don't think it's "the few" or a minority making this decision.

    It's not my opion I'm defending, it's my health.

    As far as non-partisan and unbiased studies regarding second hand smoke...that's just not true. There is just too many studies, proving the dangers of second hand smoke, to read in a lifetime...there's not one study (much less an unbiased study) I've ever seen substantiating the opposite. If you know of one, please post the link, so we can read it. That would be interesting.

  5. Hi Tommy...I know how you feel regarding getting a job. I also live in a very small town. For every job that opens up at McDonald's there are 15 applicants! When they have the choice between a spry, thin teen or a heavy, slow obese person...well we both know who they're going to choose. It's not even just the weight and the slow moving...they take into account how difficult it is to move around somone larger when things get busy. So, I feel for ya! I'm not Super Sized and I can't get a part time job to save my life!!! I hand in the application and they never even call!!!! This last application I handed in, I had my 15 year old daughter hand in for me. I applied to be a lunch room lady for next school year...I sure hope to at least score an interview.

    If you feel like people are kind of on the attack about "people who want a job get a job", it's because MANY people come on here, post a couple of time, asking for places to beg for the money, and won't make an honest effort to save up for it. They're looking for a quick fix. People who are looking for a quick fix probably wouldn't succeed with the band anyway, because the band still requires thought and work. I'm in no way accusing you of being one of these people. I totally sympathise with living in a small poor town! Fortunately, our town has one properous business and my husband has a high postion there and great insurance. I'm one of the lucky ones. Like BB stated, MANY people go to Mexico or even have it here and pay for it out of pocket. It can be done, but it may take a while. If you want it bad enough, you'll make it happen.

    Good luck!

  6. hi ja9va :wave: and welcome! I think we all get those pre-band jitters. The other day, I re-read my surgeon's Band binder. It has SO much info and really put my mind at ease. I'm actually more jittery about my pre-op testing! I worry that they'll find something that will keep me from getting the surgery. Then I worry because I haven't gotten my formal approval letter in the mail, but the Doc's office got the approval. So, I'm trusting them. I don't think they'd go ahead without proof of payment.

    I need to be more pro active and make my shopping list and start getting a few things. The great thing is, we eat so little after surgery that I shouldn't need to have cases upon cases of food! :)

    Accountability: Yesterday I stayed 100% compliant to medifast. Have lost 6 of the 10 pounds I gained back, so I am confident that there will actually be a LOSS at my pre-op physical! :whoo: I didn't exercise yesterday...will make an effort to get some in today. The only good thing about medifast is, you're not supposed to do much excersise, in the first three weeks, because of the ultra low calories!

  7. Well, I have said enough, as one private message sent to me stated. Like I have said in every post these are my personal opinions I wouldn't talk for anyone else so again to the one that was offended Im sorry and anyone else at that point. Im keeping my mouth shut from here on out. Like I stated many times before I see both sides. Since I was a smoker for almost 9 years and now Im a non smoker. I don't think anyone is wrong everyone has good points. Have a great week :)

    Hey, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't think you ever said anything outrageous or offensive. I personally don't agree with you, but I think you've stated your opinion in a courteous way. Don't stop posting on account of a private message...if you can work it out with that person, great, but most of us see that you weren't trying to attack anyone...at least I didn't feel like you were on the attack :)

  8. There's definitely a difference, but not in the way you seem to be looking at it. So many of us in the super morbidly obese category feel as if we've gone so far now, there's never any way back. When I finally realized how bad I was, even though I never felt that way, its beyond disheartening. Some of us look at you "lower BMI" and wish we weighed that much, and if we did we'd be happy about it. I don't think there's a bitterness looking "down" as you seem to be putting it. You suffer from the same prejudices we do, and we did when we were at that weight. Of course I'm speaking for myself, I shouldn't say "we".

    Certainly there are times I see someone in the lower 200lbs who have just gotten a lap band and I wonder how on earth they qualified for surgery. But as tempting as it may be to go with the flow and say "well if its only 60lbs you need to lose you coulda done that without surgery", I know that 60lbs still seems impossible to me. The 40lbs I've lost in the last 11 months seems beyond what I thought I could do.

    Honestly though I know its actually harder to be losing at that lower BMI. We will eventually hit the same stage (at least I hope I do) and fight fight fight past the "obese" and into "overweight" and then god willing "normal" bmi ranges.

    There shouldn't be a division there, but there is. I'd like to not log in and see labels attached to different BMI types..but the reality is most of us feel better surrounded by others going through the same thing. And alot of folks don't think losing 60lbs is the same as losing 160lbs.

    My DH could have written this!! He looks at me and thinks I'm just a little over weight!! He's 438, so I'm sure I do look good to him.

    We both struggle with seeing people with 30-35bmi's getting surgery...but we don't know their stories and we try not to judge. We just moved to the town we live in now about 18 months ago and I recently made a friend here that is MAYBE 20lbs overweight and she goes ON and ON and ON EVERY time I see her about how fat she is and how she's still in "fat lady" clothes after her FIFTH baby in SIX years was born 5 months ago. This drives me NUTS!!!! I finally looked her in the eye and said to her...."this fat lady doesn't want to hear it, go tell you're skinny sister!" We both had a laugh at that and she realized how insensitive she sounded. I mean, if I could look like her, I'd be doing cartwheels!!!

    Anyway, from my husband's point of view, I think he feels more 'hopeless' to change than I do. His 250 pounds to lose vs. my 100 pounds to lose makes it difficult for him to relate to my anguish...but I truly agonize for him and I'm glad we're doing this together.

  9. Welcome to the Junie's crew Missy! We're an excited bunch!!!

    Lynette, I'm sorry you got post poned ;) You're taking it VERY well. I think I'd be pitching a FIT! I hope it passes quickly.

    Accountability: Sticking to plan today. I NEED to get out for a walk still. I'm waiting for the kids to get off the bus so we can go together. On the up side...I must have been retaining A LOT of Water cuz I already lost 4 of the 10lbs I put back on. SO, I should get those 10lbs off before my appointment on the 15th!

    How's everyone else doing??

  10. Now, as it happens I do make a point of not smoking around non-smokers and I expect that they make a point of not preaching around me! :tired It's only polite.;)

    This is a great point!! And several other have made similar points...no one lost weight because of nagging and insults, no one will quit smoking or any other habit through those means.

    Question to smokers who've tried to quit...OK, it was easy for me to break that habit (lord know's I can't seem to break any other bad habit!)

    ....anyway...smokers, how would you rate the "quit helps" like the patch, gum, lozenges, etc in effectiveness for actually quitting smoking? Did they help at all? Not at all? Only for a time?

    I just wonder because I think smoking can be closely similar to over eating. I know diet pills (prescrip or otc) only help in the short term and dieting only works in the short term...mainly because of our emotional and social attachment to eating. Would you say that's accurate for smokers as well?

  11. My guess is, people aren't really responding because they don't know WHAT to say to this post.

    I waiver between two opinions...

    1. You do have a mental disorder that needs treatment PRONTO!

    2. You're a compulisive liar and attention seeker.

    I surely hope it's the first option, because with the proper meds and good therapy, you can live a life of purpose and satisfaction.

    No one who gets raped four days ago is so cavaleir about it, or goes out partying the very next night, or is thinking of who her next love interest could be...unless they are seriously impared emotionally and/or mentally. If you were raped, please get help. Help for dealing with the rape and help for your disorder. You can get past this disorder and live a productive life. I've seen it first hand!

    If you weren't raped please don't insult those who have been raped, by crying rape, just so you can get attention. Rape is a horrendous crime of violence and violation. It should not be casually mentioned in passing, to a group of strangers, and shurgged of as "no biggie, on to the next guy".

    I've read several of your posts and got a good feel for the patterns you go through...it really does seem BP. But, I am no pshychiatrist or therapist, so I'd really suggest you follow up on that if you want to be well.

  12. I think I'd file a complaint with your HR department. Let them know the hassle you're being given and let them go to bat for you. That's simply outrageous!!! How dare they!?!?!?! Not to mention, us fat ladies HATE having our pictures taken and avoid it like the plague...AND how many pictures actually have DATES on them!!?!????!!! Seriously, if you haven't let HR in on it, find out who handles the benefits, make an appointment to see him/her, tell them this is STRICTLY confidential, but they are going to have to do something about this insanity!!!

    ((((HUGS)))) It's really frustrating to jump through all of these hoops, but once that approval is finally received, it's sweet relief!!! (Then of course the reality of it starts to set in!!!! hehe)

  13. Hello Junies! Just checkin in...stuck to my medifast with 100% complaince today...did light exercise too...whoo hoo!!! Not to mention the mountain of laundry I got through! :( We had a pipe burst in the basment over the weekend and had to move the dryer in order to dry the carpet...needless to say, we had LOTS of laundry to catch up on! :mad:

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!!! Our day is a-comin'!

  14. Well if only there could still be an adults only section of the plane and cleaner air, whines Green, she could do without a cigarette! Afterall, there is always the nicotine patch!:(

    It's the noisy infants and the dirty cabin air which gets Green these post-smoke days!!:cry

    Those noisy infants annoy their parents as much if not more than the other passengers...cuz it embarrasses the parent...at least when my kids were small, that's how I felt. One of my little darlings cried for SEVEN hours from London Heathrow to Philadelphia...she finally drifted off to sleep TEN MINUTES before we landed!!! That was a nightmare of a trip for me, hubby and everyone within earshot! Although, MOST people were very kind and understanding about it. Now when I fly and babies cry, I just THANK THE LORD it's NOT ME having to deal with a crybaby for the entire flight! hahaha

    As far as those kids kicking the seats...I don't understand parents that let their kids be so darn obnoxious! It's hard to travel with kids...ya gotta keep them entertained for SUCH a long time now, I guess once they sit down on the plane, the parents just zone out from exhaustion! haha!

  15. This is the most inspiring and moving thread I've ever read. Thank you all for sharing your stories. I'm truly moved.

    For me, well, I let my mom keep me from getting surgery for several years. I am now 38 and finally realized that my mom is going to out live me if I don't get this under control. I finally had to sit her down and explain that she can't possibly understand what a battle this food addiction is. She would always open up her book of 'self control' stories and unintentionally make me feel like an out of control loser. She'd tell me that when she gained about 20 pounds once...a lady pointed it out to her and she just cut back her portions and execised and if I just did the same I would lose weight! I looked at her and said..."Mom, I am NOT 20 pounds over weight...I am 120 pounds over weight! I THINK the time of cutting back and taking a walk are past me...I NEED HELP". She still struggles with my decision, but she's being MUCH more supportive as the time draws closer.

    My actual FINAL straw was watching my WONDERFUL husband go from 250lbs when we met 10 years ago to 438 pounds today! He was denied for the lap band because his BMI was "too high" REDICULOUS! He's appealing, but the truth is, we BOTH want to get healthy and fit and feel good doing routine things. We want to take our kids skiing and white Water rafting...we want to ride the roller coasters with them...we want them to know we value our health and set a good example for them so they hopefully won't struggle with this in adulthood.

    I have an 18 year old and 15 year old daughter from a previous marriage. My 18 year old suffers with Juvenile Rhumatoid Arthristis, since she was seven. With all the meds she's been on, and my poor example, she's 280 pounds. My prayer is that once she see's my success, she'll give lapband a try!

  16. My insurance company approved me (90/10)!!!! Sugery will be scheduled before 6/1. I am so excited I'm about to jump right outta my skin!!! Woo! Hoo!!!!! Had the fitness consult last Friday. Started excercising already!! Ready to get 'er done!!!!

    Congratz!!! I'm also scheduled for 6/1 with 90/10 coverage...soooo exciting!!!!!

  17. How are all the June bandsters doing? I've been trying to stick to my high Protein diet and get to the gym 5 days a week. Anyone else need some pre-op accountability? Let's motivate each other to work as hard as we can, even before we have the bands installed.

    Oh GOSH I need accountability! I lost 28 pounds on my pre-op diet and have gained back 10 in the last six weeks!! It seems after they submitted my file to insurance, I went crazy!!! I'm back on track. I started on medifast again today. I hope to drop those 10 pounds before my pre-op physical on the 15th...yes, that's 8 days away, but I know I can lose 10 pounds in that time if I follow medfast to the letter...cuz I'm sure at least 5 pounds are Water. OK, I'm rambling here...I just want desperately to get a grip on my diet so the pre-op liquid and post-op diet won't be such a shock to my system!

    My goal is to lose 15 pounds total before my surgery on the 1st! SO, here I am to be held accountable by my June Comrades :nervous <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

  18. I was a smoker as a teen and several of my friends are still smokers. What I can't understand and my smoker friends also don't understand, is why people get so upset over a smoking ban. Can't smokers go two hours without a smoke? If someone can sleep a few hours without a smoke, surely they can enjoy a meal out without one and light up in the car after.

    Yes smoking is legal, but finally politicians are making it illegal to force those around smokers to suffer for their personal choice. For me it's just common courtesy (and my smoker friends feel the same way) to consider those around you when you light up.

    There was a scene in this movie with Tim Allen (I can't recall the name) that cracked me up. A guy was smoking a cigar in a resturant and the guy sitting with Tim Allen asked the smoker to put it out, explaining that he was trying to enjoy his $25 steak and couldn't because of the smoke. The smoker looked at him and told him to "bug off" and the man said to him "See, I could come over here and fart on your food, but I don't because it would be rude..." That scene, while very funny, is so true...we don't excrete our gas in public just because we have the urge....why? because we don't want to offend anyone and don't want to embarrass ourselves. The point is, people really should be able to make it through a meal without lighting up. As always, JMHO.

  19. I see several people need to vent regarding LB and underhanded retailers. I too have had LB rip me off. I just don't shop there anymore unless I just CAN'T get what I need online or at another store. I guess they feel since they are a 'specialty' store, they can make up the rules as the go along...I don't know, but I haven't bought a LB garment in over a year and don't plan on it any time soon. They're a joke! However, I was REALLY surprised to walk into Walmart yesterday and find a WIDE assortment of attractive plus sizes! I went there, hoping to avoid LB, because I had to get specific colors to match the rest of the band for a performance tonight...I thought for sure I was doomed to go to LB, but I tried on 9 outfits and picked between the best two! I never find that many nice things at wally-world! OK...rambling....point...I feel yer pain...LB is rediculous!

  20. Hi everyone! I thought the day would never come but here it is June 6th 2007! I am so excited I have been waiting forever for this. I bet you all are excited too to proceed with this life changing procedure :D How were some of your journeys getting to this point? Anyone want to share? As soon as I got my date today I wanted to get on this site and find the June 2007 thread and post! :D My brother who is doing this with me is having his surgery tomorrow. The time went by so fast for him and believe it or not he was not even hungry on the liquid diet losing 20 lbs! I hope I can do as well as him cause I get nausous when I am hungry. Does anyone else? what do you do for it? Well I look forward to getting to know you all, supporting each other and losing weight together!


    Hi Becky...that nausea passes. The first 2-4 days on a liquid diet, you go through a detox period. All those toxin's and preservatives and sugar is being flushed out, causing headaches and nausea in some. If you start to feel nauseaous (sp?) have another shake and that should help. I start my liquid diet on 5/25...trying to cut back now to prepare myself. Good luck! :)

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