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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by musicalmomma

  1. I was banded on the 8th, so surely someone else will be the June Guinea Pig before me! :P LOL Mine is July 2nd...who's going for a fill before that?

    Someone posted a calendar with all our names on it for our band dates, but I can't recall who? I would love to see that again if it is updated! That's quite a task, though, with all of us!

    Have a fantastic weekend everybody!

    Sorry, my doc won't fill before 6 weeks :( I sure wish he WOULD fill sooner! I NEED one!

    Can't wait to hear how you early fillers do! :)

  2. My woe??? I am up FOUR pounds!!!!! I've biked 6+ miles 3x per week, did Water jog for 45 minutes 3x per week, and various other light exercise! My calories have been between 900-1200 daily. I just DON'T get it!!!!!! Last Monday, I weighed in at 252 (after weighing in at 243.5 on Saturday)!!! That was up 8.5 pounds!!! So yeah, I dropped 4.5 of that this week and I should be happy I guess. But I REALLY thought that I only gained water weight because of PMS (which my period STILL hasn't started) and I expected to get on the scale today and be down ALL 8.5 pounds PLUS a couple more!!!

    I know, I know, "I'm in the healing phase...", "My body needs time to adjust from being on a liquid diet for so long and switching to food..." But DANG....people are asking me ALL THE TIME "How much weight have you lost????" I want to smack them!!!! I really should be thrilled to be down 5.5 pounds since surgery 3 weeks ago....but I WAS down 9.5 pounds 9 days ago!!!

    I feel bummed! But...I KNOW it WILL come off...this is NOT a diet...this is a way of life and I am GOING to make this work for me!

    Thanks for letting me vent :P

  3. The point of the band is to create a small pouch...so a small amount of food STAYS in the pouch for hours, passing ever so slowly in to the main stomach, thus warding off hunger. If you drink with food, the food goes down much faster, leaving you hungrier faster. The only time I PB'd, it came as a surprise and came up very 'gently/easily'. I wasn't expecting it at all, thought I was just going to burb, and there the stuff was...had to grab a napkin quick and "bow my head to pray" while spitting it out. It wasn't a big deal, but I realized I was eating a little too fast. I just stopped eating at that point.

  4. Treatment Effects. Wonder who thought that one up? Can't you just hear the talk around the conference table??

    "Ok, people! Our task for today is to come up with a palatable word for the slimey orange oil that is discharged from your anus when you use this stuff! Barney? Got any ideas? How about you Claire? Bob?"

    Barney: "How about 'squeezins'"?

    Claire: "Metabolic Products"?

    Bob: "Lube"?

    .........what a vision.

    LOL!!!! TerriDoodle you are hillarious!!!

  5. On the Myalli website, they recommend taking a change of clothes with you because of the "treatment effects" (in other words SIDE effects) because of the oily "discharge".

    No, thanks!

    Eeeewwwww....that is SO gross!!! Perhaps I'll rethink this! I'm already eating low fat...how much can it really help beyond that? I don't want to have to buy depends...I don't think they make them in my size!!!! hahahaha!! Guess we women could always put a sanitary napkin on the back end of our panties! LOL

  6. Yeah, I'm shooting for the highest BMI in my range. If I feel I need to lose more, I'll go for it, but I can't even PICTURE myself under 155! I got down to 207 once and I looked pretty darn good! I had the appearance of needing to shed about 25-35 pounds. So, I'd be darn thrilled to hit 175!!! But that's too high, according to the BMI scale! Oh how I hate BMI!!!! :) Heheh ;)

  7. I was just at GNC and saw a book about this Alli and the guy there told me that when taking it if you go over 11 grams of fat per meal, you get the oily substance in your stomach, which I am assuming means this orange diarrhea stuff? Not sure, but he did say that the three main ingredients that were in when it was sold prescription only are taken out so he really doubts people will stick with it. Deanna

    I'm not sure the GNC guy is correct. From what I read, it's the same exact drug, only half the dose, to make it OTC acceptable. Either way, that stuff is DARNED expensive!!!!! Even at Walmart it's $50 for 90 pills! With 3 pills a day...that's $50 per month!?!?!?!?!

    A friend of mine and I decided to go in halfsies and split the bottle. This will give us a two week supply to see if it really works or not. Her DH and my DH want to try it too. So, I guess that's a one week supply each! Don't know if we'd see results that quickly, but heck, I think we'll give it a whirl anyway.

  8. Add me to the other parents who are having "slight" second thoughts because of their kids here! I have two young ones, ages 3 and 6. But I have to keep reminding myself of the rewards -- I will be able to go out and be active with them, I will be able to be the cool mom and run around the park with them and go bike riding and swimming, I will be able to take them for a hike and play basketball with them. I want to be that mom. So that is why I have to do this for me.

    You got the right idea Minty!!! You go girl!! You're kids are gonna love the new and improved mom...mine already love my increased energy!

  9. MM

    Yes I feel better thanks... I'm taking it a little easier on the exercise front now though! Unfortunatley my weight loss has slowed right down but it is still going the right direction so that's good! What exercise are you doing? What are you eating? Is your weight loss still as consistent?

    I'm biking 6+ miles 3x per week and Water jog for 45 minutes 3x per week (take Sunday's off...maybe just a walk with the kids). I'm on to soft/mushies and my weight is up slightly, BUT it's PMS time and I'm retaining water...today I've been pee'ing A LOT so I expect a dip in the scale soon! I'm not too concerned about my weight at the moment, it feels SO good to have that 40 pounds off that I'm just enjoying that for now. If I don't see a drop again in the next week or so, I may be crying in my canned chicken :) hehehe :)

    What are you eating at this point?

  10. Hi. I am new here. I am considering trying to get the Lap-Band done to help me lose weight. I just called my insurance (Aetna) and the lady said it was not covered. Did your insurance cover the procedure? Did they give you are hard time about getting it covered? If you did not have insurance how did you go about paying for the procedure? Thanks so much.


    My insurance did cover it...HOWEVER, the first lady I talked to at the insurance company just blathered out "it's not covered". I told her "Oh yes it is!" Because I had just emailed my DH's HR benefits department and they told me it was covered if I met the criteria. SO, the rep put me on hold, came back, apologized and sent me the criteria in writing.

  11. B: 1 egg, 2tbs low fat shredded cheese, whole wheat tortilla (50 cals/8g fiber!!!) = 206 cal

    L: 5oz Arby's roast beef = 377 cals (should have stopped at 3oz)

    S: 1/4 cup cucumber = 4 cal

    D: canned chicken, LFmayo & wasa bread = 235 cal

    S: 1/2 small banana = 46 cal

    Total: 868 cals

    Also taking multi-Vitamin & Calcium suppliements.

    Can't wait to get past the "soft phase" so I can add in some more veggies and FRUIT!!!!

    felt compelled to add exercise too:

    45 minutes Water jog work out

    15 minutes lap swimming


    539 cals burned...yeah baby! :)

    I'd be interested in seeing other's daily work out routine. I'm always looking for ways to vary my work outs....right now I bike 3x per week (6+ miles) and Water jog 3x per week (with water weights).

  12. B: 1 egg, 2tbs low fat shredded cheese, whole wheat tortilla (50 cals/8g fiber!!!) = 206 cal

    L: 5oz Arby's roast beef = 377 cals (should have stopped at 3oz)

    S: 1/4 cup cucumber = 4 cal

    D: canned chicken, LFmayo & wasa bread = 235 cal

    S: 1/2 small banana = 46 cal

    Total: 868 cals

    Also taking multi-Vitamin & Calcium suppliements.

    Can't wait to get past the "soft phase" so I can add in some more veggies and FRUIT!!!!

  13. MM

    Yes I feel good... except I went for an 8km walk today around the block and I've "done" something not so good... have pain/uncomfortable feeling on the left side of stomach where band is... like I've pullled stitches out!! Husband is angry that I've overdone it and hurt my new stomach, I said to him that I would never do anything purposefully to hurt my surgery but I am just trying to be dedicated to the cause.. now feel upset and depressed!!!

    Are you feeling better KT? I've found that my stomach aches a little, where the incisions were/are almost every time I finish any exercise that includes using my stomach muscles...it usually passes in a couple of hours tho.

    I hope you're feeling better now :)

  14. Hey all - I rarely post here but I am less than a week out from my surgery. I am starting to get a really bad case of cold feet. I am on my liquid diet and doing quite well - already down 16lbs but thoughts like "can I really live with this for the next 40+ years of my life" are really weighing me down. I also just found out that my insurance only allows for semi private rooms. The last thing i want is to be in a room with some stranger after surgery keeping me up all night. Anyone experience these feelings?

    Hi bigsexy :wave: First, I think Nina gave you some GREAT advice on the page before this. Secondly, I think most of us parents have those feelings. I actually had a little scare after surgery (I was FINE) but I began to cry thinking "my little girls need their mommy!" Of course, here I am, three weeks out and doing fine. But I think it's natural to feel the way you're feeling.

    My surgeon came to see me in the prep area, right before surgery, and asked me "still want to go through with it?" I said, "Of course! Why do you ask?" He said he asks all his patients that and that he even had one that changed her mind IN PRE-OP, got dressed, went home, and had the surgery a year later when she was more mentally prepared. He said she's doing great now too!

    I agree with Nina. Remember all the reasons you committed to the band in the first place. I looked at it this way...I would have most likely died a premature death, possibly a very painful one, if I DIDN'T do something. So, after weighing all the pro's, con's, risks, & benefits, I opted to see it through.

    Hang in there and keep us posted on how you're feeling.

  15. I was banded in January and can't seem to order small portions. I dont eat it but I order it. It makes my husband nuts cause it is a waste of money. Now that my son is home from college he is eating my leftovers but I can't break the habit either. And I won't eat leftovers. If i can have only a few bites I dont want the same thing again the next day. I want new food!

    This is how I feel...I'm not a left over kinda person...maybe with pizza, but eh...pizza??? I need to lay off that stuff. I'm glad more places are offering 1/2 portions, like Applebee's...but I just can't seem to shake the anxiety of possibly "not having enough". On the up side, DH should be getting banded soon...if his stinkin appeal would go through...and we can split meals then. And my DD will also split meals with me. I just wish I could get over the "worry of walking away hungry". Heck, I've only been at this three weeks, so I guess I should give myself some time to adjust :rolleyes:

  16. Devils advocate here...I'd probably call my surgeon's office and explaine the situation. I know that my surgeon would have let me have a lean Protein and veggie in this case as long as my surgery was still a few days away. It can't hurt to ask...and if he/she says no...use one of the above excuses :rolleyes:

  17. Here's my issue. The couple of times I've gone out to eat, I've ordered based on my hunger (and because I'm afraid I won't have enough!). Then I end up with about 3/4 of my meal left and am full. This is great...but I could have ordered smaller portions or less, but my habit of ordering BIG is SO hard to break. I have wasted money and food because I THINK I can eat a lot, but of course (and thankfully) I can't.

    So...How long did it take you seasoned bandsters to "get it" and order smaller portions?

  18. You had surgery a week ago. Is it possible you're feeling the effects of the anesthesia coming out of your system? ...

    This really can be a BIG part of feeling emotionally unstable. I react TERRIBLY to anesthesia! Every surgery I've ever had, day 5-9 (at least) I am an emotional wreck!

    Also, yes, you are quite young and the emotional impact may be a little stronger for you...you're still at the 'party' stage of life (not calling you a partier) and many young adults live on pizza and cheeto's! LOL It can be quite devistating to "think" you can never have this stuff again. Like others have said, you don't have to get a fill...you'll probably be able to eat most everything with no fill...perhaps not as much tho.

    If yo had a psych eval, I'd advise contacting the doctor that you went to and maybe have some follow up therapy. I'll bet once you recover more fully and begin to exercise and are able to eat some "real" food, you'll start to feel better. Hang in there and keep us posted.

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