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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by musicalmomma

  1. Hi luvinke :wave: I know how ya feel, but it will be over before you know it. Let us know how you make out
  2. :omg: WOW Stephanie!! That is AWESOME!!! It almost NEVER works out that quickly. Congratz! Join us over the the "June 2007" thread on the General Forum. There's a great, supportive, bunch over there
  3. Nevermind...I see the issue was resolved....didn't see the second page Best of luck to you Kimmie
  4. musicalmomma

    Working on the pre-op diet

    Hi BigHarlyGuy :wave: You're doing great so far! over 50 pounds in a month :omg: That's fantastic!!!! My hubby is a BigM50Guy...and waiting for insurance approval to get his band...he was denied the first time because his "BMI was too high", but it's in appeals now. I wish you the BEST of luck!!!!! Keep up posted.
  5. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    AAAAHHHH, my incisions are SOOOO ITCHY!!!!! OK...Got THAT off my chest... KT: So good to hear from you. I'm glad you're doing well. Last night I could sleep on my tummy too!! BLISS!!! Toni & KT: It is such a strange feeling...wanting to eat, but KNOWING you just can't. I haven't had any strong urges, but this morning, I felt SO GREAT when I got out of bed, I grabbed my protein shake and started drinking away...and dang if it didn't get backed up and emptied out s-l-o-w-l-y. It's learning how to eat all over again. So hard to wrap our heads around...but we'll do it Suzzzie: I love the idea of naming the band!!! Now my creative juices are flowing! I don't think my name will be as sweet as yours tho. If I had to picture my band as a person, I would envision a BIG bald bouncer outside of a bar...not letting in the "rif-raf" or too many people. So, I may name it Bubba or Butch...he can keep my tummy from going beyond capacity so everyone inside has a good time! hehehe If friends want me to over indulge, I can just say, "sorry, Bubba say's we're full to capacity at this time!" LOL....ok I'm really getting into this now!! Lucy: Sleeping is a little difficult at first, but in no time, you'll be back on your tummy. I've seen several people post that they slept in a recliner the first couple of nights. Maybe that would help.
  6. I also agree with everyone else. It's just not a feasible option. Even if you had a 5 bedroom house...why would you enclose yourself with a sister that hasn't even spoken to you in five years, and her kids?? I think it would be a disaster waiting to happen if you even consider it. Besides, there's probably something in your lease that does not permit 5 people sleeping in your apartment. You could fall back on that reason if nothing else. Stick to your guns. If she really wants to spend time with you, she'll work it out. I hope it all works out for you to spend some time together and mend some fences
  7. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm with LisaH and Heather (HottyToddy) here...the gas bubbles are the "weirdest" feeling. I do get a "heavy" feeling at my port site when I've been on my feet too long or pushed myself too hard. I sure wish the gas would dissipate...to have all that gurgling...24/7...and pass so little, it's a bit on the annoying side, but it will pass (pun totally intended) in time Good luck to everyone going in tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how you all make out!
  8. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    YAY Huntersmom is home!!!!! Glad you're doing OK. Don't worry, you'll feel right as rain in no time
  9. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I feel the exact same way Heather. I have the small band, but still, I don't feel hungry at all. I agree with you, I think the pre-op diet really helps with the after hunger. I'm sure the hungries are coming, but for now, it sure is nice not to feel ravenous.
  10. I agree with Carol. You faced the scale, you can face the doctor. You can face anything you need to face in order to get healthy. Remember, this isn't a "diet" that you failed...this is a new lifestyle and you need an adjustment to continue living that lifestyle. If you went 10,000 miles without an oil change in your car, you may have some problems with it, but you wouldn't worry about the mechanic getting upset with you about going too long without an oil change. Look at this as your maintainence appointment to get you up and running smoothly again. You can do it, you can face it. You are not a failure just because you had a set back. The scale is what it is, you're weight is what it is. Only you can change those numbers up or down. You lost over 50 pounds, you can do it again, and then some! You go girl! Don't let this keep you from your victory!
  11. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Welcome Bigbaby! And congratulations!! The day will be here before you know it. Kimmum & Nina...my thoughts and prayers are with you today!!!! Post as soon as you can and let us know how you're doing Tomorrow is a BUSY day in band land!!!! Day four and I am feeling pretty darn good! Still not hungry, but that's a good thing. I am able to drink more water today, so that's a good thing. I was thirsty but just couldn't get much down before today. I've lost all my surgery weight (gained 8 pounds of fluid) and am on the down swing again. Ya know what's so strange to me??? I drink about 3oz of protein shake and I am STUFFED. I just can't wrap my head around it yet. It's so exciting!
  12. musicalmomma

    ***i Am Approved Yay***

    Congratz!!! That is SO exciting...I remember dancing all around the day I got approved. You're a beautiful girl!
  13. musicalmomma

    Thank you all for your support !

    Today's the BIG day Kim!!!!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!! Can't wait to hear how you made out!
  14. musicalmomma

    I'm so mad today

    With friends like that, who needs enemies? Perhaps he was just having a bad day...but if this is really his attitude towards over weight people, it's time to kick that so-called friendship to the curb! There's a name for friendships like this...Toxic! Friends that put you down to make themselves feel superior are not friends and you'll fare much better without them.
  15. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Best wishes Insub!!!!! I pray you have an uneventful and smooth procedure and that you're home safe and sound soon!!
  16. Ya know why this is so inspiring to me? You didn't post this the moment you had the "ah-ha" moment. You had your "ah-ha" moment, acted on it, made changes, saw results and posted it two months later! So often, I'll get an "ah-ha" moment and blog about it almost immediately and once the uphoria of that moment passes, I slack off, letting myself and everyone I may have inspired down. I think you'll be a TERRIFIC life coach!!!!! Thanks for sharing your story :welldoneclap:
  17. musicalmomma

    New here.

    :wave: welcome to the forum :welldoneclap:
  18. musicalmomma

    June12th, 2007 surgery date?

    Hi :wave: come on over to the "June 2007" thread in the General forum. There's A LOT of talk about concerns, excitement, anxiety, etc... :welldoneclap:
  19. musicalmomma

    Getting hungry already??

    It amazes me the difference between post-op diets. I was on clears for 24 hours, then here's a sample of the diet I'm to have for the next two weeks: Breakfast: 1/4 cup skim milk & 1/4 cup apple juice Lunch: 1/4 cup low fat, strained cream of chicken Soup & 1/4 cup skim milk Dinner: 1/4 cup low fat, strained cream of mushroom soup & 1/4 cup pineapple juice Between I am to constantly sip on high Protein shakes and Water or crystal light. I wonder why some surgeons have patients on two weeks of Clear Liquids. Seems to me, the protein is needed to help heal. Ah well, we'll all get the same result in the end...IF we follow the pouch rules :welldoneclap:
  20. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Missy. I totally understand how hard that darn pre-op diet is!! It's a real butt kicker!!! I started my period the first day of my pre-op...I was NOT pleasant to be around! haha! I'd advise letting your surgeon know just how weak and dizzy you get on this...perhaps he'd allow some extra lean protein...chicken or fish perhaps. Extra lean protein should still allow the liver to shrink, which is what the pre-op diet is for. I know it's hard to call your doc about this, because we've been programed by our docs to 'stick to your diet' and they don't want to hear any excuses, but bariatric surgeons know and understand our struggles. I think you'd get support and understanding :welldoneclap: Hang in there and let us know how you're doing :success1:
  21. musicalmomma

    Length of hospital stay

    I was supposed to be over night, but ended up in for two. My heart rate and blood pressure wouldn't come back up after surgery and I was very nausious (sp?). Since I live 45 mins from the hospital, the surgeon felt I should stay another night...glad I did...I would have been fine, but it gave me peace of mind to know I was in the right place if a complication arose. Got home last night and feel pretty darn good today!
  22. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    tanderson, LisaMack, huntersmom, & serena: Best Wishes today!!! Post soon and let us know how you're doing!!!! Nina S & Kimmum: Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! Are you excited? Nervous? You'll both do great!!!! Jue 6th is a BIG day for our June crew! So exciting!!!!
  23. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hey Crabby! I lived in Stanton, right near Delaware Park. I still miss it...well, I should say, I still miss all of my dear friends and family. Lucy: I read your post and it brought back a flood of memories! That was a VERY hurtful thing for that woman to say. People just KNOW they can sting us about our fat, so they ignorantly go for our "weak" spot when they're offended. I'll never understand WHY people that MAKE the mistake in driving get so offended when politely corrected!!! Everyone feels invinsible in their little tin tank I guess! So....who's on the table today??? I forgot to check the calendar...will come back to that in a few... Feeling WAY better today! Still sore, but got some much needed rest and the protein shakes are going down easier. My family was SO good to me. Hubby slept in a chair, by my bedside, BOTH nights! My 16 year old and her friend took care of my 5 & 7 year old all weekend and cleaned the house too! What sweeties. My 5 year old has been doting over me too, bringing me water and fluffing pillows and such. I am blessed with such a nice family! It's HARD to keep up with this thread...we're growing so fast!!! I'm so excited for us!!! Maybe next June, we can have a meet & greet somewhere...ah there I go, getting all ambitious!!!! hehehehe Have a great day everyone!
  24. Hope your feeling better soon Mel I just have to say 20 pounds since May 22nd??? WOW! That's phenominal!!! Way to go!!! Keep up like that and you'll be feeling terriffic in no time! Shauna: 23 pounds since May 21st??? You and Mel are my inspriation!!! I'm two days out and feeling like a stuffed pig! All this gas and fluids has me looking like I'm 9 months pregnant!!!
  25. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Home again!! YAY!!! As soon as I went back to my room, from the hospital pc, my nurse from the day before came in...she was SO wonderful and I felt an immediate sense of relief that she'd be my nurse again today. Well, the doc told me that I have unusally thick skin and that doing a fill without Flouro may be difficult. We shall see. On the up side, I had lost more with my pre-op diet than I thought, for a grand total of 31 pounds since January! Sweet! Especially since I wasn't watching my diet AT ALL the month of April and half of May! The surgery went off without a hitch, just had a hard time shaking the anesthesia....once I got that all out of my system, my vitals returned to normal and I FINALLY got released. I'm a little uncomfortable, but it's bearable...VERY swollen and VERY full of gas...I look 9 months pregnant!!! Hubby just went to get me some gas-x strips. Gosh I hope they work! Thanks for checking up on me everyone...I hope by tomorrow to be lending a more supportive hand to all our Junies to follow!

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