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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by musicalmomma

  1. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    FaithMD...TODAY is THE day!!!! Check in a.s.a.p. and let us know how you're doing! Best wishes to everyone going in today!!!!
  2. musicalmomma

    How do you respond?

    No offence at all I never really viewed obesety as a disease either, before talking to my surgeon. He made some really good points. I know I put my self here, much like an alchoholic put himself/herself there. It comes to a point tho, where we're beyond controlling it without help. Oh I would diet, lose 40-60 pounds, then give up, because I was always hungry and sick of feeling deprived...then that nagging inside would turn into outright termoil within. Be it a mental disorder or disease, I know I needed help and therefore don't appreciate skinny people telling me I'm just lazy and took the easy way out. So, I see your point and appreciate it too.
  3. musicalmomma

    I need some advice

    I just can't get past that this woman is living under YOUR roof and is treating you so poorly! There is no one in this world that I would tolerate that treatment from...much less from a so-called friend who only has a roof over her head because I put one there!!!! Sorry to be so blunt/harsh, but honestly, how can she be a friend? Is it more of a co-dependent relationship? I don't know, it just sounds so abusive. I mean, I have several friends who I disagree with and they disagree with me, but never EVER do we try to make the other person feel guilt or feel small or feel like an idiot because we "don't agree" with each other. This goes WAY beyond her not agreeing with your decision...this is abusive and controling. She will only treat you the way you allow her to treat you. A real friend will stick by you when you say "if you don't agree fine, but keep it to yourself thank you very much". I think you got some great advice from the responders. I really think you should follow it.
  4. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    FaithMD...Can you believe it???? Tomorrow is the big day for you!!!! I am SO excited for you! You've been so patient and supportive of everyone. I wish you all the best tomorrow and I'll be thinking of you!
  5. musicalmomma

    Something to Think About

    I gotta agree with this 100%. For me...I just don't have an "off switch" to tell me I'm satisfied, much less full! Never have. I think I'd be foolish to think that once I reached my goal weight that magically the "off switch" would become enabled. Once I reach goal, I do want to take saline out slowly and see how I do, but you bet yer bippy I'll be at the surgeon for a fill if I begin to not feel full again. Because a lifetime of obesity doesn't get "cured", it gets managed. I will probably need this tool for life and I am so happy and proud to have it.
  6. musicalmomma

    How do you respond?

    Like you, I usually don't dignify that kind of converstaion with a response. I figure people like that NEED to put others down, in order to feel good. So, they're happy in their ignorance and wouldn't want enlightenment any way. Now, if I DID get roped into that kind of conversation, I would ask if they felt alchohoism, drug addiction, mental disorders, etc, were diseases. If they answered yes to ANY of the before mentioned diseases, I would challange them to re-evaluate if they were being hypocritical or bigoted in thier so called opinions.
  7. So glad to see constructive adice given here. I asked a similar question a couple of months ago and got mostly constructive advice, but I did get a VERY sarcastic attack for even ASKING the question and I was accused of looking for ways to cheat the band before I even got it! Anywhoooo...Now that I actually have the band, and I do have a very small amount of restriction without a fill...I still feel I will NOT get unfilled for any vacation. I am realizing that I really do have to change the way I look at food. This includes vacations and holidays for me. Now, I don't know that I will always feel this way, but Dang, just switiching from liquids to mushies and soft foods, I'm up 5 pounds...now I know part of that is pms Water retention, but part of it is not always making wise food choices. This is a learning experience for me and I have learned a lot in only 2.5 weeks! I'm hoping as time goes on, I will not need food for a crutch any longer and therefore, getting an unfill won't be a consideration for me. Now, I know I'll always love food and love eating, but I HAVE to learn to enjoy life with much smaller amounts and better choices. This includes vacation and holiday's for me. JMHO :scalesno:
  8. musicalmomma


    :clap2: TheG0hst:clap2: Very well said.
  9. musicalmomma

    What was your final straw?

    I can't say that there was a "final straw" moment for me. I had been looking into for over a year when I finally went for a consultation. I am almost 39 and did not want to be Fat and Forty! I want to be FIT and FORTY! My triglycerides were through the roof...runs in the family...and my cholesterol was borderline high. My dad had a couple of heart attacks, angioplasi (sp?), and a quadrupal bypass all before the age of 60! I knew I was looking at worse because my dad was never obese! He did gain a little weight when I was young, but took it off when he started to feel big. I read of some people that died of heart attacks in their mid 30's and I just realized that I needed a drastic solution! I yo-yo dieted most of my life and needed something more permanent. I chose lap-band over RNY because I didn't want my insides rearranged and cut apart. I wanted to stay in tact. I also didn't want the malnutrition issues that most RNY'rs face. I didn't want to lose my hair. It's already thin!
  10. I can't believe I am "confessing" this...I didn't feel the need to really go in to it before...but... I was on an all liquid Protein shake diet for 1 week pre-op. I got SOOOOOO tired of it that day 5 & 6 I had beef jerkey for dinner. I figured it was high protein and didn't add carbs. I didn't tell the doc. I asked about my liver after and he said it was perfect!
  11. musicalmomma

    I'm FREEZING and FED UP!

    Being cold is also a side effect of Ketosis...if you are on a high protein, low carb diet, losing at a pretty fast pace, you're probably in Ketosis and one of the down sides to that is being cold all the time. Hot tea/drinks help.
  12. musicalmomma

    First Fill

    Same to you KT!!! You're half way there! You must be feeling wonderful Yes, I am SOOOO looking forward to vacation and I feel wonderful too! I put on one of the baithing suits I bought a couple of months ago. I hated it when I first bough it...put it on today, to go to the YMCA, I LOVE IT! I know I'm still a big girl, but it's quite flattering (all things considered). We're going to Myrtle Beach...I can't wait to get a boogy board and ride those waves!!!!
  13. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm so glad to read that I am NOT alone in eating stuff a little too soon! I kept excusing it by telling myself that "some doc's don't even have post op diets" or "some doc's do only 1 week liquid, 1 week mushie, 1 week soft"...etc! I really think part of it is the shock to our system when we've eaten so little or been on liquids for so long then all of a sudden...there's too much...or a soft solid and BANG we're up a couple of pounds! I know that it COULD cause a slip...but like others have said, if we could slip THAT easily, I doubt the FDA would have approved it. Now I am NOT excusing myself. I am back to protein shakes and mushies today...I am up a couple of pounds because of poor choices. This is definitely a HUGE adjustment and big learning experience!!
  14. musicalmomma

    Has anyone bee sucessful without fills ?

    I'm only a little over two weeks out and can't WAIT for a fill! I've very loose...although I do get a tiny bit of restriction and can't eat "as much" I still get hungry faster than I should and therefore this feels like just another diet right now...but I'm hopeful of reaching my sweet spot within a few fills and hopefully by then I'll also be mentally adjusted to the band as well. This is a MUCH larger mental adjustment than I could have imagined, but I AM adjusting! That's what counts
  15. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Nina :wave: No, I can eat any mushie my little heart desires! Now I REALLY have to be careful about keeping the calories low! On another note...I wish I had told NO ONE about my surgery!!!!! I am SO frustrated! LOTS of people are asking me..."how much weight have you lost so far?" I snapped at a lady yesterday for it. Poor lady! I know it's because she's interested in the surgery, but DANG, I'm only two weeks out!!!! Give me a break!!! A few people have asked and then said, "it's just because I can SEE that you've lost..." Or something to that effect...but I've lost 40 pounds since JANUARY! Only 10 since surgery...why are they noticing NOW all of a sudden!? I just so wish I had kept it to myself. Today I get to go to church and be asked by many more people I'm sure!
  16. musicalmomma

    First Fill

    My doc will do a fill at my 6 week post op appt if I feel I need it. I have to wait 7.5 weeks tho, because I'm going on vacation 6 weeks, to the day, after my surgery. I asked him if I should wait or do it before going. He said I should wait and just enjoy my vacation.
  17. musicalmomma

    I need some advice

    I have to agree with Alexandra. I know she's your friend and you love her and she's important to you, but right now, she's toxic. I would explain to her (as I have to some of my friends/family) that this is MY decision and MY health. I told them that I don't take this decision lightly and if they can't support it, to keep quiet about it and we'll talk about other things. I even warned my mom that if she couldn't support or at least keep quite, that I'd stop talking to her until it was over. What's more important to you right now? Keeping her friendship or getting the band? If she's a true friend, she'll be there for you when it's all said and done, even if she needs to stay away for a while as you prepare for surgery. Just my .02.
  18. musicalmomma

    Less than three weeks!

    Almost there Lauren! This has been a LONG road for you. I know I was getting frustrated when I was still playing the waiting game and finding people getting their band within days/weeks of deciding to have it done. I had a hard time being happy for them because it was so much work and took "so long" for me. You REALLY hung in there, much longer than most would, and I am certain that with your determination, you're going to be 100% successful!!
  19. musicalmomma

    Monthly Subforum request

    This would be GREAT! I feel like my last several posts were totally missed by...well just about everyone...because we're posting so fast and furious...I practically just gave up on the June thread because it's too darned impossile to keep up.
  20. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi all :wave: Just checking in I'm two weeks post op and 8.5 pounds down since surgery...not too shabby! Especially since I moved to the mushie/soft phase a little early (Doc OK'd it...kid's don't try this at home...without doc 'OK'). I feel wonderful! Exercising every day, except Sunday. Biking between 5-8 miles a day, swimming, and started light weights yesterday. (gotta be careful with the weights for the first 6 weeks) I still manage to feel hungry, but do get a little restriction with just the band, very little! It's been difficult to decipher whether I am actually hungry or just want to eat. It's so rare that I'd ever let myself get hungry in the past, feeling hungry several times a day is new to me...I don't like that feeling. BUT I find that drinking a glass of Water gets me by for about a half hour or so. I really DOES make a big difference, not drinking for an hour+ after eating! If I drink sooner, I do get hungry faster. So...that's about it. Congrats to all who've been banded recently and best wishes to those who are coming up in the very near future!
  21. musicalmomma

    Truly, I'm not looking for sympathy, just need advice.

    Sherri Jo...you are gorgeous!!! Thanks for posting the picture...it's always nice to put a face to a name. And as far as being jumped on and accused of "looking for sympathy"...well, heck!!! You deserve a little sympathy in my opinion! It's a terrible situation you're in and when people lash out at someone who is already hurting terribly, they have issues that go too deep for any message board to help! Shame on them!
  22. musicalmomma

    Somebody, please kill me.

    Double Ditto from me!
  23. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I'm not sure if you meant this question for me or not...but no, I've lost 38.5 since my consultation in January.
  24. musicalmomma

    High Blood Pressure Questions

    That's not exactly high is it? More like borderline? Isn't normal 120/80? My BP is usualy 130-80 and every doc I've ever had feels it's fine. ???
  25. musicalmomma

    Truly, I'm not looking for sympathy, just need advice.

    Hi beachgirl :hug: First, no you would not die of being single or alone. You have your kids and grandbaby...trust me, it would be rough at first, but you'd get through it, should you not be able to work things out. Many of us have made it before and many will after, you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. I was a stay at home mom of two little girls when I had to suddenly make it on my own. I thought I would die too, but Surprise! Here I am, 13 years later...alive and well Happy too! Yes, I'm re-married (9+ years) but I got my life together and was quite self sufficient before remarrying :huggie: Would your husband consider going to counseling? From the sound of it, he probably wouldn't. It's VERY common for a man to hit a mid-life crisis at his age...especially when they get married and have children so young. They start to panic and think their life is half over and they haven't 'really lived'....so they chat up young girls, buy big boy toy's, and act like teenager's all over again. Sound like anyone you know? If he won't go to counseling and keeps pushing you out...I'd say...go out...leave....my bet is he'll be beggin you back in NO TIME! Who knows, by that time comes, you may have found your strength and may just tell him to make it on his own! Best of luck to you

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