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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by musicalmomma

  1. musicalmomma

    July Exercise Challenge

    Hehe Crabby54! I thought you were being AWEFULLY ambitious!!!! Great goals everyone!!! Don't forget to update me on your progress, so I can update the chart :eek: Name…………Goal in Minutes…Completed…..To Go MM………………..480 …………….50……………..430 FarmerE…….. …….480 …………….0……………..480 Lucy……………….900 …………….0……………..900 Huntersmom………480 …………….0……………..480 Eva………………...960 …………….0……………...960 Dana………………480 .……………0……………...480 Bkat……………….??.........................0………………?? Suzzzie……………900...............……0………………900 Glindab……………240……………..0………………240 Cbm818…………...480……………..0………………480 Jackiep12………….480……………..0………………480 Crabby54………….450……………..0………………450 Bigbaby……………360……………..0………………360 Carebears………….560……………..0……………….560
  2. musicalmomma

    Mushie Stage Woes

    Hi there Jackie...I think I have gained some muscle mass, but I also realize that my body has to adjust from that liquid phase I was on for so long. Now I'm on to the soft food phase...the weight is coming back off SLOWLY!! I'm only up 3 pounds now, but dang I feel SO GOOD physically and the scale is moving downward again so I'm OK with that for now. I keep reading on here how weighloss is can be particularly slow, or even non-existent, until we reach the correct amount of fill. So, I've resolved to be happy if I only lose a pound per week and be patient regarding getting proper restriction. If I didn't have this band, I KNOW I'd be gaining weight, so every ounce off is more health gained Thanks for your encouragement
  3. musicalmomma

    Surgery set for 7/20

    Congratz on your date!!! It will be here before you know it! Only three weeks!!! Being nervous is understandable, but it will be over quickly and you'll be on the road to a healthier you in a short time.
  4. Welcome to the forum :wave: It's hard playing the waiting game, but it will be over and you'll be banded before you know it!
  5. musicalmomma

    Will I fail?

    Most of us who are banded or are getting banded, have mental and emotional food issues. Most of us have yo-yo dieted and then binged our way back to plump-ness. You're not alone Like tachlime said, you really won't be able to "binge" like before. Even if you want to, the restriction of the band limits how much you can eat. I'm not saying there is no way to defeat the band, on the contrary, you could eat ice cream and chips to your hearts content and gain weight...but if you like to binge on pizza and burgers and stuff like that, it just won't be that easy. Only you can decide if you're ready to take this step. I believe that most of us had our moments of doubt, but I am SO glad that I went through with it. I'm four weeks out and haven't had a fill yet, but I still have to eat VERY slow or I'll feel VERY uncomfortable until the food passes. I am learning a new life style and it's great to have this tool to let me know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, when I've had enough to eat. I'm exercising regularly and I just feel SO good! Mentally and physically! Best wishes in whatever you choose
  6. musicalmomma

    July Exercise Challenge

    Adding more courageous July-zer-cizers July 1 is Tomorrow!!! Name…………Goal in Minutes…Completed…..To Go MM………………..480 …………….0……………..480 FarmerE…….. …….480 …………….0……………..480 Lucy……………….900 …………….0……………..900 Huntersmom………480 …………….0……………..480 Eva………………...960 …………….0……………...960 Dana………………480 .……………0……………...480 Bkat……………….??.........................0………………?? Suzzzie……………900...............……0………………900 Glindab……………240……………..0………………240 Cbm818…………...480……………..0………………480 Jackiep12………….480……………..0………………480
  7. musicalmomma

    Frustrated and Confused!!!

    I can not even begin to describe my disgust of people that have NEVER had a weight issue, telling those of us who do, that we don't need surgery...just diet and exercise!!! I just want to kick the crap out of them, and as they lay there, bleeding profusely, tell them "you don't need a doctor to sew you back up, you just need to shake it off and toughen up!" then hand them a band aid!!!!! (OK, day dream over) Honestly, I would look right in Mr. Beefcakes eyes and say..."OH, how much weight did you lose??" And after he's done stammering around and tells me about the 10 pounds he dropped and muscle he gained, I say..."that's what I thought...you never had a weight problem, but all of a sudden you're the Dali Lama of weight control! When you've walked a mile in my shoes, then preach to me about diet and exercise!"
  8. musicalmomma


    I'm not sure about that...I do know my DH wants a little hair there...says "it's too much like a pre-puberty girl if not and that just feels wrong!" (his words, not mine!) My DH actually likes to shave me there...go figure! So I never really have to worry about the wax thing. Besides...I have thin hair EVERYWHERE, so I don't require much maintainence. (Can't believe I am posting this!!! LOL)
  9. musicalmomma

    OMG my date is set

    Today's the day! Let us know how you make out :eek:
  10. musicalmomma

    July Exercise Challenge

    Think I may have it this time... Name…………Goal in Minutes…Completed…..To Go MM…………......480..…………….0……………..480 FarmerE……........480 …………….0……………..480 Lucy………….....900 ….………….0……………..900 Huntersmom….....480 .…………….0……………..480 Eva………….......960..…………….0……………...960 Dana………….....480..…………… 0……………...480 Bkat…………......??.........................0………………?? Suzzzie………......??.....................…0………………??
  11. musicalmomma

    July Exercise Challenge

    Well darn! I made a chart...BUT it won't post properly...I'll be back, hopefully with something that works!! Bkat & Suzzzie, would you be able to give me a minute or hour goal for July 1-29? Thanks :eek:
  12. Way to go!!!! Congratulations :eek:
  13. musicalmomma

    May I Join The June Bandsters???????

    Welcome to the group
  14. All VERY good suggestions. I also suggest shaking up your exercise and eating routine. You said you have a Protein shake every morning and that your diet is fairly consistent. Perhaps you should have some scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast for example. And perhaps you should try some more aerobics and less weight training for a spell. Like Jachute said, we all really should exercise pretty much every day. As our stamina builds, our routine should also build. For example, if you do aerobics for 30 minutes and it's gets easy for you, then step it up to 45 minutes. Our bodies tend to get used to "the same ole, same ole". I found on any of my previous "diets" that any time I hit a plateau of any length, I'd change up my routine and within days, the scale started to move again. Maybe it's time to take up a sport...volley ball is a great work out (especially in the sand) and MANY sports bars have leagues in the summer. These are all of course only suggestions, but there are ways to exercise without "exercising" per say. I HATE going to my group work outs...but I love the Water, so it's no biggie...and I LOVE riding my bike by the lake...it's not only exercise, but it's fun for me. Find something you think you'd enjoy and go for it. My next feat?? Roller Skates!!!! Oh yea! I used to LOVE skating as a kid and hope to do it again as soon as I get a little more weight off. And, like others have suggested, it may be time for another fill Best of luck to ya!
  15. musicalmomma

    June 2007 Bandster Calender

    OH MY!!! I count a total of 113 June Bandsters!!! Thanks for posting the calendar :confused:
  16. musicalmomma

    excitement fading - please help

    Stone translation for us USA'ers: 1 stone = roughly 11 pounds. My DH is from the UK and I believe that's what he told me. I only know this because his mum keeps losing and gaining and only speaks on "stone" so he had to translate for me. luvmyiggy: Like the others have said, your concern is ligitimate. My DH is 437 and should be banded in August (hopefully we'll get the date today!) He has the same concerns you do. Then he thought to himself, "if I don't do this, I will just GAIN more weight and end up bed ridden!" He resolved, like many others have, that if he only loses 100 pounds, he'd still be worlds healthier than he is now. However, he has hope and faith that he will get to his goal of 225 because he will finally have a tool that will help him recognize feeling full. I was banded June 1st and have only lost 6 pounds since surgery...I was VERY discouraged until reading some posts on here that reminded me that if I hadn't had the band...I would have probably gained weight in the last 3.5 weeks. When I look at it that way, I just rejoice in my decision to take control and get healthy. So, when IS your surgery date? Keep us posted :confused:
  17. musicalmomma

    So Hard!

    I told practically everyone I know too...BUT...I wish I had waited until after getting proper restriction. I HATE being asked everytime someone sees me "How much weight have you lost?" I hate that people are veiwing me as a guinea pig. I have several overweight aquaintences that all of a sudden are really chummy with me only because they are curious about lapband for themselves. I hate that none of them will get on the dang internet or go to a stinkin seminar to get educate themselvs and that all of a sudden I am the guru of WLS. I hate that I have been reduced to a "Band" and being watched like a hawk. I'm less than four weeks out and haven't lost much since the surgery. You should see the disappointment in people's faces when I tell them how much I've lost. They know NOTHING about the band, so they assume the weight should fall off like RNY. I hate having to explain how it all works, because it comes across as me "making excuses". I hate that that people that barely know me feel it's appropriate to ask me lots of personal questions. I'm sorry to be so negative. I am NOT ashamed of getting the band, so please don't misunderstand me. If I were ashamed, I wouldn't have told so many people. I just wish I would have waited for proper restriction and for people to notice the loss, before I told them about it. Right now it's just painful to walk into a group setting and wonder "who's going to ask me about my weighloss this time!" If you can take the constant badgering after the surgery and don't mind being an open book, even when loss may be slow at the start, then go for it. But if you think you may feel the way I am feeling...think about who you REALLY want to know and only tell them.
  18. musicalmomma

    Please I need advice, Hubby disapointed me

    Thankfully, my DH is having lapband too (hopefully in August). BUT, when I read your original post, I saw red!!! Not so much that he told his dad, but that he didn't TELL you he told his dad...that he was callous and sarcastic...sounds like he's actually a lot like his dad. It's a shame, because he and his family have you thinking you have to put on a happy face and be nice in the face of their insults and bigotry. I think MANY people have us fat people thinking we need to be "nice" or else they'll attack our weak spot, our weight! I used to try my best to be "sweet" when being mistreated, because I was so afraid of being insulted and hurt by superficial, heartless people. Then I realized...."NO ONE knows better than me just how fat I am...ONLY I can give them the power to hurt me by pointing out the obvious." Believe me, when this finally sunk in to my brain, I did NOT let anyone walk all over me again. I stand up for myself. I don't ever deliberately make waves...but when faced with being mistreated...you betcha, I stand up for myself. I really hope you find your self confidence Kim. Being nice to keep just to keep the peace, is in a way, dishonesty. Think about it...if you let people walk all over you and let them believe that it's just fine with you, then you're lying to them and yourself. Be true to you and stand up for yourself lady...you're worth it!
  19. Just a thought, but it may be cheaper to call the reservation number and ask for two seats. It may be a little embarrassing to tell that one person (and perhaps the people at the gate), but heck, to have to extra seat can give SO MUCH comfort.
  20. My DH JUST got his approval today!!!! (after a LONG appeal process!) He should be joining you August band-babys too
  21. musicalmomma


    Well, I started at a tight 26 jeans and I am now in comfortable size 22 and tops were 24 or 26 and are now 18/20. Feels so good to get into clothes I didn't think I'd ever get back into! The problem? I have more 24's and 26's than 18-22's! (and I refuse to buy new clothes until the 20-22's are falling off!)
  22. musicalmomma

    Mushie Stage Woes

    Thanks KT and Insub I can't tell you how good it is not to be alone in this! Insub, you are absolutely right! My body did and does need to adjust from coming off of so little calories! The scale is finally going in the right direction again...I sure wish I had the strength to just stay off of it!
  23. musicalmomma

    Hello from Northwest Wisconsin

    Hi Deb! :wave: I'm in Two Rivers, WI...so on the other side of the state Just wanted to welcome you. I don't know anything really about the docs in MX, but many people on here have gone there and are doing great!
  24. Josephine, First...GREAT job on your wonderful weightloss AND maintaining it for almost a year! Way to go!!! With that said, I believe you are more the exception to the rule. Most of us DO need fills and we get the band to aid us in feeling full, so we can lose the weight. Most of us can not maintain weight loss, much less get to goal, on "head power" alone. So, while I totally congratulate you on you wonderful success, it seems you did most of the work on your own. I personally got the band because I CAN'T do it on my own and really need the restriction to feel full. Most bandsters do. pjrugby: :hug: Hang in there. It does sometimes take a few fills before getting restriction. I'm three weeks out from surgery and I also am able to eat anything I'd like...I don't because I don't want to gain weight, but I sure could and it sux feeling hungry most of the time while we wait for proper restriction! I'd really suggest sharing this with your surgeon and even ask for a more agressive fill the next time. Please don't feel like you wasted your life savings...it takes time to get to the point of proper restriction. I know it's hard to be patient. I am feeling VERY impatient too. My first fill is scheduled for July 23rd (and I'm concerned he won't do it that day too). Apparently I have a thick abdominal wall and he said he may have to do it under x-ray...which means making an appointment at the hospital. I can't feel my port under my skin...so I am really afraid I'll have to wait even longer for a fill! So, I blubbered on and on to say this...you're not alone. Hang in there...we're here for you!
  25. musicalmomma

    Food Cravings!

    I hear ya sister bandsters! The cravings are HELL! But I'm going to have to be more like Woodys and tell them to kiss my butt! It toughest for me on the weekends...I almost FEAR the weekend...anyone else?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
