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Big AL

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Big AL

  1. Big AL

    Michigan Bandsters

    I am will be attending one of the information seminars provided by the Port Huron Hospital in January. So far the only date I see they have is on the 19th so it looks like that's when I'm going. I have a couple questions.... One, is there anyone else going from here? And the other is, what question did you wish you had asked at the seminar but didn't. Or was there something you wish you would have done different? I am traveling about 3 hours to get there and I want to get as mush out of this as possible.... Thanks for your help!!! AL
  2. Big AL


    This may sound like a stupid question but it is one that has been in the back of my mind since I have started to look into this procedure. Can you drink beer? I am by no means an alcoholic but I do enjoy hanging with friends and haveing a few (sometimes several) beers every few months. I know that loosing weight is way more important than having a few beers once in a while. But, if I will never be allowed to have them again I need to break it slowly to my inner Homer Simpson. AL
  3. I have been thinking about having the Lap Band done for about a year now and I am ready to start looking at some doctors. I have been researching The Lap Band Center of Michigan at Port Huron. Anyone who has been to this hospital or has any opinions please let me know. I live about three hours from Port Huron so I want to be as informed as possible before I go to one one the seminars they have. The biggest hurdle is to first see if my insurance provider will cover the cost. My employer (Pfizer) is changing providers next year and I will find out who that will be next week. Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks in advance for your help. This board has been a great resource for me in my journey so far.... AL
  4. Big AL

    Port Huron Dr.'s

    Troy and Port Huron are about the same distance for me to travel. I have checked out Dr.Deol before but it looks like she doesn't take my insurance. I will check again just to be sure. Thanks for your help. I have a question that is off the subject a little. I see people put their weight at with their signature. Usually there are 3 weights posted. Is the final wight posted a goal weight or your current weight? Just wondering. Thanks again for your help. AL
  5. Big AL

    Port Huron Dr.'s

    Thanks for the info!! My wife and I are expecting our second child any day now so I doubt I will make it to any of the seminars this month. I guess they have them every other month? So it looks like I won't be able to attend one untill Jan. I'm trying to be patient.... Glad to hear that everything went well at Port Huron. I'm a little nervous about surgery but I know I have to do something about my weight (345#). I hope everything is going well for you. Thanks again! AL
  6. Big AL

    United Healthcare

    I just found out that my employer will be using United Healthcare again next year. I am moving forward with my plans on being banded but I am just getting started. ANYONE who has dealt with UHC and has any advise to pass along I would really appreciate it. Thanks!! AL
  7. Big AL

    United Healthcare

    I found out today that the DR I was looking at is covered by UHC!!! The guy on the phone at UHC said he thought that the procedure would be covered but just to make sure I should find out the billing code the hospital uses for this procedure and he could then tell me more. Sounds like things are looking good! Now I just need to go to one of the seminars this doctor has (it's required before surgery) and see when I can get everything scheduled. I am the type that once I want something I want it yesterday. From what I have read so far sometimes it takes a while to get everything scheduled so I am learning patience... Thanks everyone for all your help. I will post any new developments. Keeping my fingers crossed!!! AL
  8. Big AL

    United Healthcare

    Thanks for the info Lulu!! I guess I just need to find out from UHC what I need to do and find out where I can go that accepts UHC. Thanks again for the help! AL

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