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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Christina2013

  1. Hey everyone! I just wanted to post a little something about the nerves that come before surgery. I have been seeing some comments about nerves before surgery. I have personally had over 30 and I still get nervous every time. This is normal. You are undergoing a huge change, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. My advice is to ask every question on your surgery day you can...no matter how insignificant it may seem. If you are like me and have trouble remembering, write them down. Getting answers the day of surgery can help alleviate some of the nerves...Good Luck Everyone!!

  2. I have been doing 3-4 Slimfast shakes a day, all the Water (flavored with crystal light!) I can drink, sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles, clear broth, and when I really need something to chew I have been sucking on sugar free hard candies. I won't lie and say it's all been easy. I have to do 3 weeks and I am in my 3rd week right now. I haven't been perfect and had some slips, but just keep telling yourself it will be worth it! Hope you have a better time with yours and if you ever feel like it's impossible, just get back on here and you will get tons of inspiration! How long do you have to do it?

  3. Hey all! I am exactly one week from surgery and cannot be more excited. I am also freaking out a little. There are so many different takes on what to expect after surgery. My question is this: What did you buy and use before and after surgery? What can you not live without? I am trying to make a shopping list of all the little things I will need and need some advice.

  4. Hey! I am in Corbin, and being banded on Oct. 2 2013....on my 3-week diet right now. I was supposed to be banded by Dr. Mobley, but my insurance (Medicare) won't pay unless its a center of excellence. So I am seeing Dr. Olsofka in Louisville. Dr. Mobley will do my follow-up care. I would like to meet others around me who have similar experiences. If you wanna chat let me know!!! ---Christina

  5. Hello All! So it's been awhile since I posted last. I have had to jump through so many hoops in the last year. I finally have a surgery date! Oct. 2 2013. I am officially on my 3-week liquid diet, and it sucks!!!! I have barely started (4 Days in) and I don't know if I can make it. I want to cheat soooo bad. My body keeps telling me that I am starving. I know I am not, but it is difficult. I am doing the Slimfast, Water, and broth. Anyone have any ideas how to make this more tolerable? I really want more salty foods (most of my stuff is chocolate or sweet) I have no clue as to what I can do to get through this experience. If you would comment and let me know how you are doing it or done it I would greatly appreciate the help! Thanks and good luck to everyone else out there!!! ---Christina

  6. I recently completed my psych exam. Almost 600 questions and I did my best to answer them honestly. After I finished, I spoke with the psychologist. He says that I apparently am Bi Polar. I have suspected this for years, but no doctor has ever taken me seriously. Now I have to do 4 visits with another psychologist before I can resume my lap band process. Has anyone ever had a similar experiance? How did you cope?

  7. Can anyone tell me if they have had an experiance like this?

    I have Medicare and my local bariatric surgeon said medicare requires six month diet. After calling several others in my state that are further away, they said Medicare DOES NOT require this. Medicare themselves have also never stated a time frame. I don't know what to do. I really don't want to have to travel very far to have my surgery, but I am so confused as to why I am getting so many different stories. Can anyone Help?

  8. I am 2 months in on my 6 month medicare required diet. The waiting is killing me and now I am starting to wander if it is worth it. I know without the surgery, I will never be healthy, but I am stll having doubts. This is a great site, but seeing all the people who are almost at their surgery date is making me sad. I want so bad to be where they are, but I am feeling like it just isn't gonna happen for me. Anyone else in the same situation?

  9. Hello,

    I also have to lose about 150lbs., but my surgeon wouldn't even consider anything but the band for me. I guess every surgeon has their own ideas of what will be best, but ultimately it is YOUR decision. To make my decision I made a list of the pros and cons of both types of surgery. This may help you out. You will do well in what ever you choose. Good Luck!!!

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