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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by farmgirl04

  1. I agree with Scout 1234 completely. I did take a paperback that I had picked up at a garage sale just to occupy me prior to surgery. It was one that if I lost or left behind I wouldn't miss too much. Anything else, except cell phone, would have been a waste of time because I slept! The one thing I wish I had prior to surgery were plain white cotton tee shirts, not too big. I wear them under the compression band, at first over the bandages, and within a couple of days just the tee shirt. And a lanyard for when you are allowed to shower, which differs drastically from doc to doc. Good luck. Take your pain meds when you need them, don't be brave! I still (3 weeks out) use my Valium in the evenings, especially as I am doing more each day, and my stomach muscles definitely spasm. No surgical pain for at least 7 days now.
  2. farmgirl04

    Some Advice One Week Out

    Looking Ahead, how are you doing? I'm thinking about you!
  3. farmgirl04

    Not a happy, cheary post, be warned

    Hi all, I'm feeling much better today. I've done some simple things like decide to not make the greens for the table. Just putting away the cups, floral foam, and scratch collecting greens off the to do list helped a lot! I've made the executive decision to make a turkey early on Xmas eve, that way the men in the house can A. Lift it! and B. Eat their own dinner and finally C. I can take some down to my daughter. She, being 38 weeks pregnant has been given 12 hour call on both Xmas eve and Xmas day (not sure they thought that one through) and her husband has decided to go to him families traditional Xmas eve party 2 hours away. I said no way to her coming home to an empty house even if all she's doing is eating and going to sleep, so I'm spending the night there for support and just in case someone decides to be a Christmas baby! Feeling much more relaxed today. I'm trying to decide if I'm up to 7 hours in the car tomorrow to go have some face time with Dad, something that would heal us both! Just not sure I'm up to it, and I know there is no way to talk anyone into driving me! I know he'd understand, and be upset if I jeopardize my health, but he's also 97 and grieving as well. I wish we had transporters!
  4. farmgirl04

    Some Advice One Week Out

    I'm so sorry you are feeling so badly. I never had the type of pain you're describing. I only had 2 drains, one on each hip, and got the last one out on day 17. My worst pain has always been from the drains and now drain sites. As my daughter, a doctor herself, told me once the drains are removed those spot go right back to day one of healing so they always will be the last to stop hurting. I also didn't have staples, I have glue and dissolving sutures. Since you obviously had an infection I sure wouldn't hesitate to contact dr ASAP. It may be something as simple as changing to a different antibiotic. I didn't have the emotions from my surgery, mine was from losing my mom. I would take your emotions as one more indicator that you are sick, not just healing! About the showering, I really loved using a lanyard to hang my drains off of. It gave me plenty of freedom both in the shower and when drying off. Call your doc, feel better, and let us know how you are doing! I'm sending good thoughts and wishes your way! PS I did have my belly button relocated also, but never felt even a twinge from it. Call your doc!
  5. farmgirl04

    Not a happy, cheary post, be warned

    I had my band put in August 2012. Basically got to goal a year later, this past august. I have been running once my body and legs could handle it and battled a bad rash under my belly no matter what I did. I also had 3 c sections, the last one 25 years ago, not sure of that made a difference. I casually asked my bariatric doc about removing it, she sent me to a plastics doc, but didn't think I'd have luck with insurance company. I saw the plastics doc who told me it was probably 75% with insurance on the bottom! above the belly button was more like 25-50%. They turned around and approved it 100% in less than 2 weeks! So I got it all done! Now I'm recouping. It is so worth it, but as an independent woman I have a hard time being hands off in life. A cute note was the day we buried Mom. I was 3 days post op. Mu dad is 97 and holding his own. He and I were on the same nap schedule most of the day, so we would just snuggle up in the hotel bed together! It was nice to have each other there when we woke, and it allowed my siblings to know he and I were taking care of each other.
  6. farmgirl04

    Not a happy, cheary post, be warned

    On a happier note, I still can't get over the fact that I don't have to lift my belly when I wash- that it's all flat now!
  7. farmgirl04

    Not a happy, cheary post, be warned

    Thank you all for your support. I think the fact that I had to fight so long and hard, right up to the end, for Mom to have the death she wanted- at home and with family, that though sad at her passing, I was so relieved that we were able to have it happen on her terms, that grieving was different for me immediately. My sister is experiencing the same thing. It is like we are finally able to let our guard down, so to speak. It was a real battle to keep her at home, with Dad, which was all she wanted! Now the fight is leaving me, and reality is settling in. Just to add to it all I walked out to feed my sheep and found my oldest ewe down and dying. I simply turned and walked in and told the boys to deal with it because I couldn't handle any more. They did, thank goodness. He'll of a day! This 10 pound lift limit is really constraining, which I knew it would be, but after 3 weeks everyone else gets tired of it too! There is so little I can really do! I water my chickens a gallon at a time. One other strike against me is that walking, then running, had always been my go-to mental health support, and I can't even rely on that for another 3 weeks! Thanks so much for listening. It really helps to vent!
  8. I'm on day 17 from a full tummy tuck, and just got my last drain out today! Yeah! Re showers, my doc was the same- shower every day after my first appointment. He suggested the lanyard as well. It worked really well. I would even hang it on the door hook, knob, or wherever, to make drying off easier. He told me no serious walking till 4 weeks, and no walking that would make me sweat (just so I'd know how much to push it). Absolutely nothing that would stress abs! I bet he would include upper body and arms in that. Walking only till 8 weeks! I'm only taking any pain meds at night, I'm a 'rotisserie' type sleeper, rolling over all night, so sleeping on my back with a pillow under my knees isn't easy. I'm still in the binder from the hospital but he said if things keep going well I can switch out to a spanx type product till 3 months out. Hope things keep going well for you! We all have a great 2014 to look forward to!
  9. This is to those of you how have done this already. I'll give hard numbers so it makes sense I hope. My surgery was two weeks ago tomorrow. The morning I went in I weighed 143. I don't know how much he took (I'd guess 6 pounds, I forgot to ask). Today I weight 144! I know I'm getting NO exercise, obviously, but I'm also being very careful about what I eat. I'm eating less than pre surgery to try to balance the lack of calorie use. I know once I can start even walking things will get back on track, but is this normal? Is this fluid? I have one drain still in, but it has finally stopped much output so it will be removed Tuesday. FYI, I feel like the weight is going to my thighs. Is this some weird head game I'm playing on myself, is this normal, did you guys go through this as well? I'm torn between eating to recover and not eating to take the weight off! Help!
  10. farmgirl04

    Weight gain post tummy tuck

    If it means anything to you at all I would do it again tomorrow! Really, the hardest part of it all for me has been learning to be patient when things need to be done that I can't do yet! My family is teaching me that it is okay to do something's on their schedule, not mine! Really! Good luck! My tidbit of info is from my doc, get some new white tee shirts to wear under the binder, it makes it much more comfortable. Ask me any questions-I'd be happy to answer them since it is still so new for me!
  11. farmgirl04

    Weight gain post tummy tuck

    Thanks miz73, the swelling in my legs isn't so much swelling as not as flabby up high as I remembered! On a lighter note, I asked my daughter who is a ob/gyn resident who, with kindness, had nothing sweet to say to me about getting on the scale after surgery. She said basically just what you said. Fluid retention, and strict orders to stay off the scale for a few weeks I guess I had dreams of seeing 135 again!
  12. farmgirl04

    No Need for Tummy Tuck!

    I'm 57 years old and 10 days post op from a full tummy tuck. Mine was 100% covered by insurance due to rashes. I run about 15-18 miles a week, and can't wait to start again. So far so good re the surgery. I still have one drain in, hopefully it will come out next Tuesday (day15). By far the hardest part of this is maintaining the restrictions (no lifting more than 10lbs). If you want it seriously check into it! I'm sure glad I did.
  13. farmgirl04

    Tummy Tuck on Halloween

    Just had my first post op, later than usual due to my mother's passing. I lost one of my drains, the other one is still producing too much to remove. I see him again next Tuesday. Hopefully the remaining drain will come out then. Otherwise, everything is looking good!
  14. farmgirl04

    I have my date :)

    I guess I have been extremely lucky, that or reality still hasn't hit yet. I had a full tuck, hip to hip and with muscles tightened. I had it done Monday. I see the doc on Wednesday. He had wanted to see me last Thursday but as many of you know I just lost my mom and that was the day we buried her. I'm up and putting around the house. Trying not to do too much. I'm down to oxi at night only, but still sleeping a fair amount during the day. I think I could physically go back to work at one week, but I know my brain is absolutely useless!
  15. Hi All, I got my surgery date, Monday December 2! Knowing everyone is different I'm wondering how long people here have taken off from work. I will talk to my doc when i have my pre-surgery visit but wonder what real experiences say. I am a para-educator in a high school with no lifting, but some walking. I am able to take it easy if need be. I'm hoping to take off 2 weeks, then work two weeks and then have Christmas vacation. My thinking is even if things are much worse than I think I'll still have Xmas added on. What do you all think? Ann
  16. Hi everyone, now that I am on the recuperative end of my tummy tuck I am trying to get an idea of how to eat till I can start exercising again. I'm drinking a lot of broth and lemon tea, but don't want to go too heavy on the meat end since I won't be burning many calories right away. I certainly don't want to come out of this weighing more than I did going in! How did all of you handle it? Ann
  17. My concern is that I know how much to eat given regular activity. If I were to eat the same amount while lying around I'm sure I'll stretch my pouch and start gaining. Boredom has always been my enemy so I'm trying to be proactive and plan ahead. I'm sure as I feel better and start doing more things (knitting) it won't be as big an issue.
  18. Thanks! I can't wait to start moving around more!
  19. farmgirl04

    Freezing feet and hands

    Hi All, now that I am close to or at goal I find that as winter approaches I am absolutely freezing! Fingers and feet turn white when they get cold. Anyone else have this issue? This happened in the past when I was thin but it seems absurd, it's not like I had that much fat on my extremities! It's not even November and I'm in fleece pjs, fleece sheets, 2 blankets, and a quilt, and wearing socks to bed! Husband is not thrilled;) . It doesn't help that we have an old drafty farmhouse that we keep at 62 so we don't spend every penny on heating oil! Sigh. Annie
  20. Hi Everyone, just got home from my full tummy tuck. Glad to have been given Valium to help control the muscle spasm in the top half.
  21. farmgirl04

    Home From Hospital

    Made it through the day. I'm so sorry to say that partway through the family dinner I had to leave and go lie down in one of the hotel rooms so I missed a huge part of the family healing time, but it was that or face planting in the plate. My daughter said I turned white as a sheet! It least I was there! Now to readjust and get back to couch sitting! I have 5 movies waiting at redbox for my son to pick up for me
  22. farmgirl04

    Home From Hospital

    AJ, when I took my first shower yesterday I wasn't surprised at what the bottom half of my abdomen looked like, rather I was really surprised about the top half! That seems to be where the swelling is, at least I hope that is swelling. It is also where most of my pain is coming from. Did you experience this? I'm not worried about it , just surprised. I don't see my doc till next Wednesday since we are burying my mom today. I truly had an angle watching over my surgery! Today will be a very long day, with an hour drive each way to the cemetery, and a family dinner following. At only 3 days post surgery I've noticed that one drain produces a fraction of the other. I strip it every time I empty it in case there is a clot, but nothing changes. I'm just hoping he doesn't remove it next week only to have an issue like you had. Are you driving now? Sorry if I'm rambling but these drugs really make me loopy!
  23. farmgirl04

    Tummy Tuck on Halloween

    On a lighter note..... You're an over achiever! On a more serious note, I got my pre-op phone call this evening
  24. farmgirl04

    I have my date :)

    My doc is low key about this. Wants me out of the hospital that afternoon even though insurance covers the night. He doesn't like the.increased exposer to infection. Other than not lifting more than 10 pounds the first 6 weeks he wants me pushing and up and going .
  25. farmgirl04

    I have my date :)

    Don't have bandages. I never had them with my 3 c sections, doc never mentioned them. Can't I drain my own drains?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
