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Posts posted by NerdyMHC

  1. Hi Everybody! I have been training for my first 5K and I am trying to work all of the bugs out! When I first began running, I was having problems finding the right sports bra to bind my boobies so they would stop flopping and pulling and hurting. I found that wearing two sports bras (one that is really snug and the other for extra support) along with a tight active wear top works well, but now I am noticing my other problem: My Pannus.

    It's not huge, but it is enough to bounce around and make my shorts pull down and push my shirt up while running. I thought about wearing Spanx while running to try to combat this and was wondering if anybody has experience with wearing them or any other solutions that you have come up with. I just want to be as comfortable and non-floppy as possible while running!

    Thanks in advance for your help!!!

  2. I am 7 months out and sometimes when I stand up, I get really dizzy. My husband, who is a nurse, says that I need to drink more Water and get more salt in my diet. Then he went into the chemical explanation of why and I zoned out...I can't science.

  3. I didn't take it as rude...We have definitely all been through the ringer! Looking back at pictures and hearing other people tell it, I was skinny with nice curves...I never weighed myself back then because I always thought I was fat, even when I was young. I remember being only 12 and allowing myself a lemon drop three times a day, for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner because I thought I was so huge.

    I created a self-fulfilling prophecy and when I got a job and moved out of my mom's house, I was free to eat however I wanted and whenever I wanted and I did! My family was very poor and we would sometimes go days without eating, and if we got to eat out, it was a great treat. The dopamine created in youth persisted as I got older and food became a coping mechanism and a treat for me. When I was old enough, I sought that dopamine rush through food all of the time!

    I consistently gained weight, but never felt that I was so big until I saw a picture of me that made me realize I had a problem when I was about 23. I started exercising, watching what I ate, and using phentermine to lose weight. I lost about 30 pounds and then steadily gained it back...Thus beginning my yo-yo dieting routine that landed me in sleeveland.

    I am grateful every single day when I wake up and don't feel controlled by food. It's amazing!

  4. I just got over an almost two month stall (started at about my fifth month and was my first stall ever!) where I kept bouncing between the same two pounds, no matter what I did! I exercised and ate right and did everything that we're supposed to do, too. I just rolled with the punches. I started to get discouraged towards the last couple of weeks, but then I got on the scale last week and BAM...4 pounds gone!

    I think as far as stalls go, we just have to wait them out and keep doing what we're doing. I only weigh once a week and right before I got on the scale during the stall, I gave myself a pep talk and said "The scale probably isn't going to change and that is okay, because at least I haven't gained a crazy amount either!" Then I would get on the scale and meet my expectations of not having lost, or like last week, be pleasantly surprised at a 4 pound lost!

    Good luck and don't worry! A lot of people have ideas of how to break a stall, but when it comes down to it, you just have to let your body do what it is going to do and wait it out!

  5. Hi Jessica!

    Great job with your weight loss! I think carbs might have a little to do with my stall. I also think that my working out has something to do with it, oddly enough. We have a new gym in town that does some pretty intense workouts and I go Mon, Weds, and Fri. I can't help but wonder if this sudden change in workout might be causing a little bit of the stall, as well as maybe building muscle. I am going to try the Keto diet to limit my carbs and hope that that, combined with my inability to eat a lot and working out break my stall! Good luck to you on breaking yours!

  6. I have reached my 6 month Surgiversary and I have been stalled for a little over a month. My scale refuses to go past 228! Grrr! Luckily, I have been seeing the results in the pictures that I have been taking that are encouraging me not to give up.

    The one in the orange dress is from July 2012 and I was at my highest weight of 290. The black dress is from last week, at 228. I had my surgery in October of 2012.

    post-29899-13813664724366_thumb.jpg post-29899-13813664725837_thumb.jpg

  7. I am 5 months out and do this, but I have never gotten sick or have had any bad consequences and I don't know if my eating fast is the same as other people's eating fast. I have always been one to chew well and savor the flavor...lol...I don't, however, count between bites or put my fork down for any amount of time. I just eat until I start to feel satisfied and then I stop and satisfied turns into a little full. Not uncomfortable, but definitely a full feeling.

  8. I have to start this post by saying that my experience is not typical...I just had a freak occurrence so don't go by my story...I am just happy that my gall bladder is out and I don't have to worry about the pain anymore!

    I had my WLS in October and my gall bladder went South quickly! I had it out in January. I had the horrible pains and then the really horrible attack that caused an ER visit. I had an ultrasound that confirmed that I had biliary sludge and stones. A week later, I had my gall bladder out. It was an outpatient surgery and it hurt way worse than my sleeve surgery! I was very sore. To be fair, I had no pain after my sleeve surgery though so I guess I am not a good source for that.

    I was sore for a week and then I had a horrible allergic reaction to the stitches. My stomach was so red and itchy! My surgeon prescribed hydrocortisone cream to help with the itch. AND THEN...lol...The incision above my belly button would not heal...

    After the butterfly tape came off, It kind of gaped open. No amount of band aids, creams, or gauze would make it heal up. Finally, a month after surgery, I asked my husband (a nurse) to check it out and he started probing it with a q-tip and the q-tip went IN about 2 inches and a whole bunch of clear Fluid came out. I freaked! My husband called my surgeon while I was crying and hyperventilating and she said it was called a seroma. She said that the Fluid that came out was sterile and had just resided in a tunnel underneath the skin. She said not to worry about it and that it would heal on it's own and about a week and a half later, it did!

    Now I am doing well...The only problem that I had was the really loose bowels that I had for a couple of weeks...And when my stomach started rumbling, I had to make sure I was near a bathroom or I would have been sorry! A week after having my GB out, I had some coffee before a movie with a friend. I spent about 45 minutes of that movie in the bathroom! lol

    Don't worry too much! You will be glad you got it out!

  9. When, or if, you are in the solid food stage of your diet you will be able to eat most things, as long as they agree with you and in small amounts. This is where it is very important to pay attention to what you are eating. My husband and I constantly ate at fast food restaurants post surgery and we often frequent fast foods now. The difference is I will get a grilled chicken filet, no bun, no sides, and no drink (There's no point in getting something to drink when I won't be able to drink it for 30 minutes) or a small salad with light dressing and I usually only eat the meat and a bite of the lettuce, barely dipping it in the dressing.

    It isn't good to rely primarily on fast food, but there are things you can do to get the "fast food feeling" but not the fast food calories and carbs. I find that because my options are so limited when going to fast food places that I don't have the desire to do it as often. I'd rather eat at home, where I have more options.

  10. I really like the injectable birth control sticks (implanon, nexplanon). They inject it right under the skin in your arm and it is good for 3 years. My gyno says that weight gain is minimal as well. Everybody is different, but last time I was on implanon (I'm on nexplanon right now which is the same thing, basically) I never had a period, which was great! It is progestin based so you don't have to worry about estrogen. Here is a link to the nexplanon website:


    I hope that this helps and that you are able to find a good solution!

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