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Posts posted by Anniesmom12

  1. Sorry to hear this is an issue for you. But you really do have to use some self control. And I am well aware that it is so much easier said than done! I have to remain aware at all time about what i put in my pouch..... I try to eat healthy but I choose wisely and good quality foods. But once in a while I will just crave something...and I know me...If I dont eat it then i'll nibble all around until i finally eat it anyway. I have learned to eat a single bite and walk away.

    The surgery wasnt a "cure" just a tool. My brain has had way more changes to learn than my stomach! But everyday i start off with the mindset that I am not going to go backwards!

    Hope you get things on the straight and narrow soon or you'll lose the "tool" to help yourself with!

  2. I too suffer from food addiction! I have been really good at staying busy since I had surgery and have not gone back to my old ways of eating when bored. But I've had a crazy time this past few months with being stressed and snacking!! I still try to keep on the move so I dont get bored...but stress "snacking" seems to be creeping up on me. I eat healthy things we can have when I "stress eat" but feel like I am eating too much of them.

    Oh if the brain could have a bypass too....it would really help!!

  3. I am so sorry to hear of your loss! I will pray for peace for your heart.

    I too used to surround myself with people who were helping me kill myself. I joined some BBW clubs, never had trouble getting a date...but deep inside I was so unhappy with myself!

    Thank you for this post, it reminds me where and why I started this journey! I am by no means close to being at goal (89 lbs to go!) but I am no where near where I started.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you today! May your heart be lightened and your sorrow be less!

  4. Well no but got out my stall. I was at 237 for what seemed like ever. I've been eating super good! Doing a lot of walking haven't been to the gym but looking like ill be turning 30 at or around 222:)

    I'm good with that! I've lost 15 lbs in 2 months. A lil more than what I've been averaging.

    Thanks for checking in lil over a week to go!!! :)

    Way to go!! I am still kinda stuck...not losing a lot but a little will do! I am less this year than last! Hoping to make it by my bday Oct 6.

    I am proud for you!!

  5. Amen! I celebrated a NSV yesterday too... went to my one year check up (everything was great) and then had to go have lab work done. I always dread the lab work...no the actual stick itself...but the sitting in the lab chair. Yesterday as I sat down I realized that I had plenty of room in the chair...no longer did I have to squeeze or sit sideways!!

    It's a good feeling to fit places now!!

    Happy for your NSV!!

  6. I get that at work and home! I dont "indulge" very much...but once in a while a little something sweet (and I mean a LITTLE bite of something...like a cookie) wont hurt me. I HATE people watching everything I eat too!!!

  7. i was ok in front of other people because i felt i had to be. But when alone a few hours (the first couple of days after surgery) I'd cry my eyes out. I felt overwhelmed with the emotions of my past overeating and what it had done to me and I felt relief to have the surgery and get the help I needed. So i was on a roller coaster of happy tear, sad tears and a fear of the unknown if this would work for me. The emotional part lasted maybe a couple of week...then all was right again.

  8. Go ahead...let it out. I remember the aggrivation with my dr's office prior to surgery too! I could have smacked the scheduler in the mouth more than once for making me jump througth hoops I thought were NUTS!

    Hang in there... it'll happen. Just do as told and give it time. Althought I have to admit patience is NOT one of my strong points...so I totally understand!

  9. I love those little packets. I keep one in my luchbox, along with other non-perishable healthy options. That lunch box goes everywhere with me.

    I keep a lot of nonperishable snack stuff in it in my car.... helps when I am running errands and need to snack. If I know I'll be out and about all day I pack a cooler with Water too!

    My Grandmother used to tell me "Failure to plan is planning to fail".... means more to me now than it did then!

  10. Just try to focus on the end results you'll have. Relax in a nice warm bath, have a manicure, take a walk...anything to just release the stress. I had the same issue... happy then scared. I had to reassure myself of why i needed the surgery, how I had prepared for the surgery and that all would be ok.

    I hope you find peace! Best of luck to you!

  11. wow, I can tell you that I dont have this problem....because I have to have been the only seriously overweight (370+lbs) female to have NEVER had big boobs!! (I was all butt and tummy!!) I was lucky to be a big C cup when I was pregnant. I've always had tiny boobs! I am happy to say they have not decreased in size at all since the surgery...only the size of the bra's have changed....cups still a B!

  12. I remember those cravings... but I also remember that I decided one day to stop at McDonalds and indulge in my craving just to get it out of my "system". I ordered a cheeseburger, fries and tea.... (and of course a choclate chip cookie) the lady placed my order on the tray on the counter and when I looked at it I realized that there was NO WAY I could eat it.... the smell made me sick! From that day on I stayed away from the fast food places. It's a mental craving for the junk food.... hang in there and resist. It'll pass and you'll be better for it! (PS: I didnt eat the food, wasted almost $10 and tossed it in the trash! Lesson learned!)

  13. So hard to believe it's been a year already! It seemed like such a long wait during the 6 months preop and now it seems like it flew by! I had a very quick and painless recovery from surgery...was back full time at work in 2 weeks (But...I must say I work at the ER of the hospital where I had surgery and that made it easier for me) I have had very little that upsets my pouch, but I am VERY careful of what I put in it.

    I have learned so much in my journey this far like what Portion Control is, how to fuel my body instead of feed it, exercise really does give you more energy, Water is your best friend and that I can be healthy, happy and do things I never thought I could do. I am starting to venture out and live and it feels wonderful. Being able to drop off the worries of not being able to fit in my car seat belt, not being able to fit in movie theater seats or booth seats. Being the "fat" friend or the only one not chatting about the latest styles.

    Looking back I only have one regret...NOT DOING THIS SOONER! But looking forward I am planning so many things that I would never have planned, thought of or even dreamed of!

    My quality of life is so much better now.... If you are considering the RNY DO IT! Dont wait! Life is too short to live like I was living...or not living!

    I am a little over half way to my goal of losing 200lbs... my body has leveled off right now, but I am working to get it stoked back up for those last 100lbs.... I cant wait to be at my goal! Thanks to all here for the support and encouragement. Wouldnt have made it this far without it!!

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