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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wanabethin

  1. It is! Thanks a lot. It is exactly what I'm feeling. Is more like a pressure than painful, but it can hurt a little bit. It's like I want to burp sooooo bad but I can't. Hopefully it will last a couple of day like yours.:nervous

  2. Ok, I have a questionconfused.gif Since yesterday I'm having trouble burping, I feel a lot of discomfort, and is hard to burp. Also, I feel like I have a lot of restriction, like the first days post-op. I need to chew, chew and chew. If I don't chew well, it hurts when it goes down. Anyone knows what it could be???help.gif

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  3. Ok, I have a question:confused: Since yesterday I'm having trouble burping, I feel a lot of discomfort, and is hard to burp. Also, I feel like I have a lot of restriction, like the first days post-op. I need to chew, chew and chew. If I don't chew well, it hurts when it goes down. Anyone knows what it could be???:help:

  4. Congratulation!!! It is an awsome feeling, wright? Here is a dance for you:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :whoo: :whoo: :whoo: :whoo: :whoo: :Banane20: :Banane20: :Banane20: :Banane20: :) :bananajump: :) :) :Banane57: :Banane35: :Banane35: :Banane35: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane01: :Banane33: :Banane33: :Banane33:

  5. sorry computer freaked.

    6 WEEKS! Can you stand it, so on June 28 I go for my next visit to discuss a fill. that is 9 weeks total, that just seems insane but they said some people can go longer than others and if it gets bad to call and discuss. I just don't get it, my friend is getting a fill at 6 weeks so I thought that would be my next appt. Although we have had different issues,, it still seems like so far away

    Hey! Cheer up! My first fill is on JULY 2!:faint: And I was banded on April 4.:cry I'll need a lot of cheers when everyone here goes for the first fill, and I still have to wait. I think I'm going to be the last one to get the first fill.:think

  6. I haven't seen the patient consultant at Dr. Carters office yet. They say since I'm so far away she will call me. I've called twice but no call back.

    I did talk to one of the nurses and she said I wasn't eating enough to eat more.:omg: :omg: NEVER tell me to eat MORE!!!

    Anyway I guess because they haven't seen me..they set my date for May 30th. We had surgery on the same day didn't we?

    I sent you an email but maybe it didn't go through. I missed the monthly meeting. I had appointments all day and couldn't spend the 2 hours there and 2 back.

    I'm fighting the hungery bug at every meal. I'm not eating anywhere near what I did but I don't get that full feeling like I did a week ago.

    I'm sorry I didn't receive the email. I missed the monthly meeting too, the weather was awful that day. I can't beleive I need to wait 90 days for 1st fill:faint: Let me know if you get it sooner, so I can call and ask for one:omg: I was banded the 4th, so imagine I'm sooo ready for that fill.

  7. :omg: I'm 18 days out of banding and now feel hungry for the first time. :faint: I HATE that feeling!! I've been loosing a pound a day but for the last two days I haven't lost anything. Sorry to vent but I'm just po'd at the moment. I'll get over it..but my doctor won't do a fill for 90 days!!!!!!

    May 30th is my first fill.:clap2:

    KAT...prayers coming your way for hubby. Sounds like they are taking good care of him and moving him where he will get even better care. :)

    Hello househuntress,

    I'm glad to know that you are feeling good:biggrin1: I have a question, How is it that you are getting a fill before the 90 days, that the Doc. says:confused: I need to know, I'm feeling hungry already, but with the doc. I'll have to wait till July 2nd for the first fill:help:

  8. wanabethin,

    Sorry to hear you are sick...our pediatricians trick...1/2 teaspoon of Benadryl and 1/2 teaspoon any flavor of Maalox...gargle then either spit it out or go ahead and swallow it. It really helps ALOT!!!

    Hope you feel better!

    Thanks for the advice!:nervous The gargles that my Dr. prescribed are pretty much that mix that you are saying with something else. I'm feeling much better today:clap2:

    And for those complaining about having the first fill 5 or 6 weeks after surgery, guess what I just found out today: MY DR. REQUIRES 90 DAYS AFTER SURGERY FOR THE FIRST FILL!:faint: NO EXCEPTIONS:cry :phanvan :eek: :angry :tired Whatever:tired My first fill is schedule for July 2nd. I have no restriction now so imagine then. I guess I'll have to go on a diet:eek:

  9. Ok, I'm sick:sick I had a hard time sleeping last night, I woke up every 2hrs. with pain in my throat and also feeling it very tight. I couldn't go to work today so I went to the doc., and I have a very agressive streph throat:cry He gave me an antibiotic shot on my butt:kiss , and prescribed liquid antibiotic and gargles for the pain. I guess I'm still week from surgery, I went back to work Monday and was already sick yesterday.:tired I can't eat b/c of my throat not my band. Take good care of your self before and after surgery. It might seem a simple proccedure but still is surgery. I'm going to sleep now, I'm sooo tired from last night:notagree

  10. Call your insurance to make sure they cover WLS. Some employers won't include any WL treatment when they get insurance packages for their employees. The only way to know is by calling the insurance and ask if they cover bariatric surgery and make sure they cover the lapband. Also, ask what are the requierments for approval. Some insurance requier 6 month supervised wl program, pshyc. evaluation, nutritionist consults, sleep tests, etc. Then you should attend a few different seminars from Doc. in DFW, there are a lot. Mine is Dr. Carter in Arlington, and so far so good, I really like him and his staff. Go to www.lapbandsolution.com and www.aigb.com Here you can find Docs. in DFW, dates for seminars and a lot of FAQ.

    Hope this help good luck:D

  11. I haven't found anything that helps my sore throat yet :rolleyes:

    Heyyyyyyy Laura!!!!! I din't realized that YOU ARE BACK!:clap2: Welcome to bandland:D The pain, the pain:sick it feels like you have a knife in your stomach, I know. You are going to feel better before the week is over, trust me. Walk a lot, rest a lot:notagree Your sore throat will be better by tomorrow. My sore throat is b/c I'm getting sick:sick . I'm going to the doc. tomorrow, I'm afraid that I have strep, so I need to take care of that since I'm still recruparating, I don't want the infection to go in my insicions.

    I hope you feel better by tomorrow.

  12. Hey everyone, propel makes to go packs which i love and last week when I was at Walmart they had tang to go packs. Hope that helps

    Walmart has the biggest selection of to go flavors and varieties

    Thanks Jennnifur! I'm going to check it out. I glad you are doing well, and you need an standing ovation for going back to work tomorrow:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    You are brave!:clap2:

  13. Well, I went back to work today...wow, 8th graders w/ only 8 weeks left of school...NEED I SAY MORE. They were rough on me, but after a vacation and a sub the week before, I guess it could've been worse. EVERYONE said I looked great...which felt soo good to hear. I had a 12 and a half hour day today, am exhausted, but actually...with the weight loss so far, I still feel better than ever. I can't figure out the ticker thingy and am tired of trying so every so often, I will post here.

    280start/269surgery/259current/175ish(give or take 10)goal


    I have a question for my band sisters that were banded around my time (or before that too). What are you eating on the puree stage. Today I had (all of the following were measured)

    1/4 c. chix salad (blended)

    1/2 c. cott cheese

    1/2 c. egg salad

    1/2 c. mashed pot.

    I also had a Protein shake for Breakfast, Protein coffee, and protein tea.

    What do you all think. Is this too much? All of the above were eaten every 2-3 hours, and the 1/2 cups were eaten in 2 different sittings. I honestly want to know what your eating. I am gonna have 2 artichoke hearts now!

    Today I had:

    breakfast:11 oz protein shake(it takes me like 3 hrs. to drink it)

    lunch:3 oz cream of corn Soup w/1 tbs. chilli

    dinner: 1/2cup oatmeal and a pice of soft cheese

    I only eat 3 meals a day as per doc. No Snacks and a lot of Water.

    I'm doing exercise (walking 30 min.):clap2:

    I went back to work yesterday and now I'm feeling like I'm getting sick:sick with sore throat. I think I'm calling the doc. tomorrow.

    How is it going? How are you doing after your two long days?:phanvan

  14. Crystal light is awesome. I was a carbonated soda-aholic and never thought I could give that up, but I drink CL Classic Orange exclusively now. I never, ever drank Water plain so this is another healthy plus.. I'm finally getting my daily quota of water in and I'm loving it!

    Thanks for the advice. Today I was thinking that I needed to do something about the water b/c I'm not drinking enough. I guess I go tomorrow and look for it, I also love the taste of Tang. By the way, it looks like you are doing great, Teachlady, no complaints and always happy:D

    I went back to work today, and I feel great the whole day. The best thing is, at school (i'm a teacher) they don't know that I just have the lapband, and two of my co-workers told me that it looks like I'm loosing weight:clap2: I told them that I was trying a new diet:heh: .

  15. Tracy - from the sounds of that support group it's no wonder they're not doing well.

    They need SUPPORT not a pityparty.

    Has anyone else not had to go on a pre-op diet?

    I will be doing liquids for 2 days post op but i read so many threads that talk about liquids for a week or so to shrink the liver.

    How soon has anyone returned back to work after surgery?

    Anyone stay overnight at the hospital?

    I start my pre-op test all on thursday. this has just all gone soooo fast. In a huge way I'm thankful for not having more time to think about it.

    A week from Tuesday for ME and I'm banded!

    No pre-op diet for me. I don't know why but it's very different; from some docs. who tell you to go on a liquid diet for one or two weeks, to the ones that won't put you in a pre-op diet what so ever.

    I took 1 1/2 week off work, and I stongly recommend you to take at least a week. You are going to feel a lot of discomfort and very tired that first week.

    I didn't stay overnight at the hospital, mine was an outpatient procedure, and I stayed at the surgery center for around 4 hrs. Good luck for you next week, I bet you can't wait:D

  16. I go back to work tomorrow too:cry ! I am excited to see my students, but Monday and Tuesday are 12 hour days, and I am scared that is gonna be a bit much. But oh well, gotta jump back into life right.

    Hello Kity,

    I was banded a day after you, I'm a teacher as well, and I'm going back to work tomorrow too:cry I'm feeling great, so I think I'm ready to go back, besides I teach pre-k and have the best teacher aide in the world to help me out. What grade you teach? Did you tell the administrators that you were having Lap-band surgery? I didn't, because I think they might get mad at me for taking time during the school year and not waitting for the summer vacation, but I need it to do this now, so I did:D They think I had a hernia surgery:heh: Good luck tomorrow and let me now how your day went.

    Good luck to all of you to be banded tomorrow, I'll keep you in my prayers:)

  17. Hey! Glad to hear your doing well! I'm usually pretty tough but I think not getting the pain under control let it take over. I wasn't told until we were going to drive the 2hours back that I could take two of the pain pills at a time. I think I was taking the lowest dose:eek:

    Do you go to the support groups on the last Tuesday of the month? I'm thinking about driving the two hours; at least this first time. I haven't met in person any bandster yet. At least not that Dr. Carter did surgery on.

    I'm looking forward to meeting some others that had the same surgeon.

    He and his staff have very very kind and understanding.

    I'm going this month to the support group to give it a try. We can meet there if you decide to drive the 2hrs. I don't blame you if you don't. Where do you live? I live in Arlington so I'm like 10min. from doc. office. Are you feeling better now? Everyday I feel soooo much better, I'm close to feel normal again.:clap2:

  18. I had my surgery on April 9th. I was self pay so stayed the first night in the hotel the surgery center provided.

    The pain was much more than I had anticipated. My doctor doesn't want his patients drugged to the point of not walking and sipping. It was ROUGH!!

    I'm 4 days post surgery and feeling much better. I still have pain at the port site and pulling of that area. I'm trying to learn my lap band body..which is very weird. I think I swallow air and it doesn't go down..painful but it teaches you quickly what NOT to do. I'm trying hard to drink as much Fluid as I need..but I wasn't good at that before.

    I will start full liquids tomorrow and don't really know the scope of what that means yet.

    My advice to those that are coming. Make sure you have someone to help you for at least 3 days. Be kind to yourself this time in your life and take two weeks off if at all possible!!

    I was going to take off only one week but decided for the first time in my life I was going to take care of myself.

    My husband has been an angel about helping me, even though he wasn't onboard with the idea of lap band at first.

    I'm now starting MY NEW BEGINNING!!!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

    I'm glad to hear that you are well now. We have the same Doc., but apparently the process was easier for me. I had a very smooth process from begining to end. I agree with you that people should take more than a week to go back to work. There is a lot of discomfort and you are always tired. I took 1 1/2 week off, I'm going back to work on Monday, and I think that I'm ready, I have my strength back, and the pain in the port area is minimal. Welcome to banland, and you will feel A LOT better afer a whole week. Keep on walking and rest a lot.:)

  19. tomorrow is my day. i'm not nervous about the actual surgery but about the pain afterwards. I'm so chicken. well everyone, keep me in your prayers. i'm typing this from my hotel room in monterry, mx. i will be staying at the hospital overnight tomorrow but will post again as soon as i am able to. off to dreamland...

    Good luck Chica Chula and my prayers for you too.:clap2:

  20. Thanks so much WannaBeThin!

    I will take all the prayers sent my way! I plan on the rest and will try to walk as much as I can but we are due for a bad snow storm tomorrow as well as a again on Sunday to Monday... Could just walk in circles around my house huh? I hope that I am not so tired that I can return to work on Wed. but.. if not.. I can just call in.

    How are you doing? Still sore? Pain? Sleepy?

    Walk in circles around the house its good enough for those first days. Sorry about the snow storm in spring:phanvan I'm doing just fine, getting better and stronger every day. I tool 1 1/2 week from work, I'm a pre-k teacher and I want to make sure that am ready to go back to the classroom. I'm returning to work on Monday:phanvan . The bad pain is gone, and now it my belly feels like when you sore like from exercise. When I go out for a while, like to the mall, I get very tired and need a nap.:notagree You are taking less than a week off work, hopefully you have a desk job, and still you can get very tired and the port area hurts a lot when you are sitting down for a while in front o a computer(use pillows). If you can, I would recommend you to take more days, at least a week. Now, once again good luck tomorrow, and post when you feel better to let us know how you are doing. Let me know if you have any questions, that I can help you with.:)

  21. I just left mine on until my first post-op appt. (6 days after surgery). I was freaked out about taking the bandages off and messing with stuff.

    I was banded 7 days ago, and still have them. I don't have the courage to take them off, I think is going to hurt :phanvanouch! and my post-op appt. is next week (Thursday, the 19).

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