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Posts posted by Wolfgirl1978

  1. thanks for the feedback' date=' suegirl and Jonathan

    my insurance specifically excludes coverage of any type of bariatric surgery for any reason--no matter if it is medically necessary or not...I work for the State of Louisiana (the obesity capital of the south outside of Mississippi), and none of the insurance plans offered to state government workers covers any type of bariatric surgery...it is ridiculous since the benefit payments they have made to cover all of my comorbidities from the diabetes and obesity are staggering...go figure[/quote']

    I also work for the State of Louisiana, and I was also self pay because, like you said, our policy excludes bariatric surgery no matter what. I paid $14K ( which I borrowed from DOC credit union) for a surgeon in Lake Charles to do my surgery. I just said a prayer and made up my mind I'd be forever indebted to the hospitals and such if I had complications. Luckily, I did not, and have not so far. I'm three months out, and don't regret my decision.

  2. This month has been rough for me. I left my husband because of his drinking, my five year old started Kindergarten, and I've already gotten phone call from his teacher about his behavior, now I found out I have a parasite that's been making me sick for over a week.

    I thought I had a normal stomach virus, but come to find out after testing it's a parasite. I had to go to hospital yesterday to get fluids because of this. I'm miserable and haven't eaten hardly anything in a week. I should be getting better now that the problems been identified and I'm getting meds.

    Just had to vent a little

  3. MDefabio' date=' you are a very nice lady! And you look very happy and lovely with you and your Hubby is it? You're doing really great too with your progress![/quote']

    LMD you are such an inspiration to me. You give sound advise to all of us new sleevers. There is so much more wonderful things that could be said about you. I hope I am as successful as you are!

  4. My marriage fell apart post sleeve, but not due to my Weightloss. I had enough of his alcoholic ways, and me and my 5 year old moved out on labor day. I'm sorry but when you break your nose and receive a concussion but dont remember how it happened, you've got a problem. We've been married since last October, and his "problem" started surfacing in January of this year. I had enough. Not the role model I want for my son. Maybe I have more confidence because of my weight loss. I'm sure he'll tell all his friends it's because I lost 63lbs, not because he's a drunk. But I don't care.

  5. My husband, before we got married, last October did confide that he was a recovering alcoholic. I guess I did not understand exactly what that meant until recently.

    We got married on 10/31/2011. In January, I thought he was having a stroke, but right as I was about to call 911 he confessed he had just guzzled a bottle of vodka, thus the slurring and stumbling. There have been many more incidents since then like this one. He has even been to some AA meetings to try to appease me.

    Last Saturday he was drunk before 1030 in the morning. He had went out to buy donuts, and guzzled a bottle of tequilla on the way home. He tried to lie and tell me some melatonin made him do all that. Then he went to drive himself to get something to eat. Later during the week, sober this time, he got mad at MY 5 year old and slap him on the leg pretty hard. This weekend was the straw that broke the camel's back. Me and my mother went out of town together, and he promised me he would not drink, since the previous week had been pretty bad. When I got home he was trying to change a spare tire, and when he spoke his speech was slurred. He said he had taken his Xanax and that it made him do it. When I went into our room to unpack, I noticed glitter all over our floor, then I saw all the knick knacks on my bookshelf were broke, and everything was askew. I also noticed our dresser was all crazy and pushed into the wall, and the aquarium was on the edge of the dresser. I asked him about this and he denied knowing anything about it. Well I told him that he needed to come look, because if he did it, then one of his teenage daughters had been in our room. Well finally he fessed up he had been drinking and he woke up and there was a mess, and he doesnt remember anything. He stated his nose was broke, he had bumps on the back of his head, and his face was all scratched up and he didn't remember anything.

    I went and spoke with his 16 year old, who has Aspbergers, and she states that he was out of his mind, he fell face first on hearth of fireplace, he fell off of the couch several times, he tried to put on a tank top in the dryer like it was pants, he kept walking into walls and he left the house in his car twice.

    Folks, this was enough for me. I know its supposed to be through thick and thin but I cannot raise my 5 year old like this. He has made several promises to me about getting help, and only does it for a day or so. Don't get me wrong, he is not verbally abusive, or physically abusive, and he's been a good husband except for this. My sanity is shot. My son and I moved to my parents last night, and I am looking for a place for us. I just had to vent.

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