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Posts posted by donna12

  1. my premium was lowered but my ded. went from 2500.00 to 3500.00, I mean who can reach that for Pete's sake. Yes I reached my ded. this year due to health probs and in/out of hospital and also I will be losing all lap band aftercare with Anthem BCBS KY, they will no longer cover any bariatric surgeries or any aftercare so I will be paying out of pocket for fills from Jan on, sux! I'm not in the green zone yet and I see my surgeon once a month still. When 2014 gets here and all gets into play, I believe everyone will be singing a different tune about ACA/Obamacare. I mean what happened to Pres Obama promising me that I get to keep my ins, NO I DIDNT, Anthem BCBS changed my policy to something totally different and I pray it covers as good as I've got now on prescrips and dr visits. If I wanted governed healthcare I'd live in Canada!

  2. I find it incredibly sad that people feel the need to put "not racist" when speaking out about again Obamacare or Obama.

    Race has NOTHING to do with it and anyone who assumes it does is a moron. It's completely ridiculous that people feel the need to say "not racist". Funny, I don't remember anyone saying "not racist" when speaking out against Bush or Clinton. Speaking out against Obama is no different.

    Seriously, anyone who tries to play the race card for simply not agreeing with the president is a complete idiot.

    <end rant>

    Missy, on another thread race came into play I believe and the fact that I called it Obamacare instead of ACA.

  3. Sharpie, I really hope that is not true. No one should be making those types of judgements here. There are obvious issues with this Healthcare plan and rather then berate our neighbors and fellow Americans, we need to be active and be in touch with our Congressmen and Senators and our President and let them know that they need to take up these challenges and not just argue them but DO something about them.

    They are not allowed to hold our government hostage to get their points across, but they should be doing their jobs as we do ours every day to feed our families and pay our taxes. The bitching and moaning needs to stop and ACTION needs to be taken. Not just to fix the things that are popular, it is true that we might all be a bit uncomfortable with what results but change is never easy.

    This is something we can all relate to!! Look how hard it has been for us to change and transform our lives and we have this awesome tool to help assist us. We have teams of medical doctors and insurance companies and support groups friends and family all helping us to change. Some of us make it, some of us flounder, some of us fail only to rise up and try again.

    Don't judge others, we all have the same size yard stick and beating each other over the head with it won't change the facts. Putting them together instead of wielding them as weapons might....

    I have faith that we can make things better, for ourselves with our conviction and perseverance and or the whole world using the same formula we use for ourselves it takes the courage to put it out there and do it.

    There are always pioneers who lead the way and B-52 is putting it out there today, Hooray to you for calling out the issue. Missy..cheers for taking up the stick, count me in and let me know what I can do to affect some change!

    Oh let me chime in here on this: I have written to my Congressman and Senator both and gotten nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with Sharpie, sorry. I am by no means a racist in any shape or form but this ACA is out of control. I did not get to keep my ins policy like Obama promised, my deductible increased $1000 which will never be met and will be the downfall of my funds coming in and my out of pocket was raised also. Not sure about the RX part of it, sure hope it stays the same as I'm on several meds and one cost $500 if you don't have ins and I simply can't afford that. It seems that our political figures in Washington don't listen to us little people. Enough said.

  4. thank you guys, and you crack me up too, I can't wear something skin tight, oh my but I get where you're coming from and yes my size 22 jeans are getting too big in the legs, woohoo and NO MORE boxy sweaters...I need to be elected to see Stacey and Clinton on What Not to Wear...bhahahaha.

  5. I met a sneaky little bastard today. His name: chocolate cupcake. I've had a crappy' date=' crappy week work wise in addition to the one month mark of losing my bestie, so I decided I deserved to let myself indulge on the cupcake that was nicely placed on my desk as I loaded my students on the SpEd bus. Two bites in and what happens? That little bastard, devil of a chocolate cupcake gets stuck! And I mean STUCK! I've had minor "stuckage" (i think i just invented a new word) in the past that passes quickly with little discomfort. Not today. That bastard cupcake caused some hellacious pain in my chest and for the first time ever, my mouth started salivating to try and get that a*****e cupcake down. I just knew that the lapband gods were trying to teach me a lesson. I stared down that a*****e half cupcake that sat on my table taunting me as walked frantically around my room trying make his bastard half cupcake portion pass. If that bastard cupcake had human qualities he would have been shaking in his boots knowing how much I hated him at that moment. I walked over to that cupcake, picked that bastard up in his stupid little napkin, and smashed him to pieces. He was then emphatically thrown in the can never to see my teeth again. So what is my point? Sneaky, little bastard, a*****e chocolate cupcakes are the devil and not my friend. I hate them. I hope they burn in hell. Forever. Thank you. You may now rejoin your regularly scheduled reading. AND be on the lookout for those sneaky little bastard a*****e chocolate cupcakes....and you should also watch out for their siblings too, like vanilla, strawberry, etc. Sent from my iPad using LapBandTalk[/quote']

    I was cracking up and I am one with a clean mouth lol sorry u got stuck good story

  6. bakers chocolate is half the sugar as regular chocolate. melt some add nuts of your choice, dollop on a cookie sheet cool and than put in freezer bag and put in freezer. enjoy a piece when you just need candy.< /p>

    I don't mean to sound dumb here but are you talking about the bark choc like for instance the white choc that comes in a large package that is scored and you pop it in the microwave to melt and then dip pretzels into it like at Christmas time and of course I'm talking pre band eating...ha ha ha but is that bakers choc?

  7. There are specialized blood tests that your PCP can order to either rule out or confirm a autoimmune diagnosis. You should not need to see a rheumatologist for a Dx. The rheumatologist may be better able to manage an autoimmune spectrum disease, however I have had much better treatment outcomes with my board certified internal medicine PCP.

    I'm sorry you are having to go through all of this...it's scary and when you don't feel well all of that is amplified. Perhaps your PCP can order additional tests for you to rule out specific disorders. What was the name of the test you tested positive for?

    I hope you feel better and have some answers to your questions very soon...

    He did do specific blood test but not sure what. He is a internal med dr. I'm at a loss

  8. wow where do I begin: Let me begin back on Aug 17th when I came in from outside from taking my dog to potty and (as some of you know I live with my mom) I came in and the room was spinning, I immediately couldn't stand up, I was falling to my right side and all of the sudden I went down. She finally managed to get me up with the help of furniture and walls to get me to my bed. She called my best friend over and after and hour and half of debating whether or not I could walk to the car to go to the ER I was unable and of course she thought I was having a stroke so she called an ambulance. So off to the local hospital I go, small town here...after an hr in ER the dr came in after a CT scan and said I had a blood clot on the brain, What??? Talk about scared to death so I was immediately prepped to be transferred to Nashville by ambulance. Tons of testing went on throughout the night and next day only to find that I did not have a blood clot nor no signs of a stroke at this time, the neurologist on staff suggested for me to see an ENT that it must be inner ear. So I came home and made an appt with my reg. PCP and he said well it could have been a mild TIA and not shown up or yes inner ear so let's get you in to see an ENT. Went to the ENT here in town, he gave me Meclizine, I was on that for 1 month, did not help with my dizziness, nausea or sometime walking drunk. My mom has been driving me since I am still dizzy. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago when I decided this ENT wasn't helping and I made an appt to see another, out of town, he said we'd get to the bottom of it. Now fast forwarding to 2 weeks ago, I went in to my PCP because over the last few months my legs have been aching, ankles hurting when I walk, so he took blood and it came back and tested positive for an autoimmune disease like fibromyalgia, lupus, RA. He suggested for me to see a Rheumatologist. I've searched and searched for one in Nashville but all are full with appts till December and the one we have here in town is not good and so I found a group in Paducah Ky that has a dr there but yet again I have to wait to get in, so I wait and still in pain.

    You ask why the title of detox? I was reading the side effects of aspartame and it was horrible and let me tell you I was addicted. Every bottle of Water I drank and that added up to 5,6,7 a day and every bottle had a packet of Crystal Light in it, I cannot stand plain Water, it gags me so Friday I had my last Crystal Light but tonight I fell off the wagon, I couldn't stand it any longer. I had a MIO bottle around and squirtted a few drops of it in my water. Now it is sweetened to with Sucralose, got to study up on that one. I had been drinking bottled water with crystal light in it for years so maybe this has caught up with me, I don't know.

    All I know is that 16 months ago when I had surgery my thoughts were "oh I'm gona lose weight and feel like a million bucks and exercise", well that hasn't come yet for me because of my aching body and other health issues along the way.

    I do wish and hope the Rheumatologist can find out something when I go and shed some light on maybe why I am in pain everyday and I also read where autoimmune diseases can also go along with inner ear probs, lovely. huh?

    Thanks for listening to my so called rant.


  9. thanks blue but I guess I still look at myself and see 294 lbs and I know there are lots more people out there that weigh that and I don't want to disrespect or degrade that weight I was there once I know how it feels but I just can't look at myself and see progress.

  10. today I spent the day with my (deceased dad's) side of the family at a mini family reunion. Of course all my cousins couldn't make it but one did and all my dad's siblings and spouses were there. Yes of course it evolved around food. We went to the Cracker Barrel of all places. Sheesh, what do I order and not worry about getting stuck, lol. I ordered catfish and 1 side and it was yummy but I could only eat half of the piece of fish and brought the rest home. Now you are wondering about my title, body image, we as a family took lots of pics and as usual I hate my pic, I look so dang fat in it. Even after 72 lbs lost I feel like a freakin cow in this pic. Maybe its what I was wearing Idk but I hated all the pics from my short hair which by the way is thin and falling out so I had to cut it off right down to how fat I looked. Anyway fun was had by all today, lots of laughs and many stories told to me by my daddy's brothers when they were kids that I had never heard. Pic attached. I'm wearing the teal sweater and my mom is also wearing a teal sweater but she has on a denim jacket.



  11. My son went to Big Blue Madness last night!

    I during right up to my meal sometimes. I try to wait 10 minutes usually. 45 minutes wait time after. If I drink too early, I find I am hungry a little faster.......not good at all!

    dang, forgot to watch big blue madness last night, of course it would have been an hour delayed here in Western ky...can't wait for the real stuff to start. woohoo

  12. I'm 16 mos post op and I was already kind of baby fine hair but now its really thin, I mean thin like crazy, I've tried everything I even take Biotin and all it does is make it grow but no new growth, its just a thin mess. I've had to cut it off shorter, ugh. My stylist said I could try Nioxin but that really doesn't promote new Hair growth it just keeps it from falling out. I wish I knew the answer.

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