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Everything posted by donna12

  1. donna12

    Pre-Op Diet Blues

    I've had the pre-op diet blues too. I'm going on my 4th day tomorrow,had a bout the first night where I almost passed out when my blood sugar dropped. I will admit I have cheated and ate 2 lite string cheeses when I felt like passing out again. Got until the 13th to do this diet, well that is my surgery date so I guess I will do my last Protein shake on the 12th. Good luck on yours, we can do this! Donna
  2. thank you sasha for the recipe, I will have to have my mom go shopping for that while I'm recuperating at her house along with KFC's mashed potatoes I told her today, hee hee, that is when I get to mushies. This all protein shake pre-op diet is awful, I'm gagging. I'll be glad when this is over, that's for sure.
  3. the high Protein shakes should be taking care of that I would think but I'm not a dr or a nurse. I'm 2 days in and the shakes are gagging me, trying to chug them down the best I can. I'm drinking Isopure, one bottle has 40g Protein, I only drink half at mealtime. My fav is the Grape. My doc said if my sugar dropped or I felt like passing out to eat half of a Protein Bar, they told me Pure Protein, it was the highest in protein grams that I got today. My first night, last night, was awful, I had nausea, headache, dizzy, the shakes all over and nearly passed out. Today I'm better, much better. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Donna
  4. Here it is 8:40 pm and this is what I've had all day today. 2 protein shakes, 16 oz of water, 1 cup of broth and one sugar free jello. Now I am nauseated, have a really bad headache, I'm weak and cannot stomach my last protein shake. I know I dindn't get my water in and that is because I was on the road traveling. Hope the next 13 days don't feel like this.
  5. Don't be nervous, it will go smooth. I'm sure it's the lack of water that I didn't take in today. I also do not know whether I'm diabetic or not and my blood sugar could be low. I called my surgeon and he called me back and told me to drink some juice, I did, but not feeling much better yet. said for me to call his office in the morning and get right in if I'm still feeling light headed and dizzy, nauseated etc. CAlling it a night and maybe I can sleep it off, lol. Good luck tomorrow on ur pre-op diet.
  6. Thanks everyone, I've opted to take a multi-vitamin as many of you have done or are doing, after all I should be on one anyway, I know, Iknow. Thanks again. You guys are great!!!
  7. donna12

    What's Up With Liquids?

    I expect all of you all to be telling me this in 2 weeks okay! Surgery date is June 13th. Starting liquids tomorrow, well when I awake in the morning.
  8. Got a call from the nurse this morning and my surgery has been moved up to June 13th instead of June 20th. She said to me "I know you weren't prepared for this news and would have loved a last great meal before your pre-op diet so I will allow you to do that today, early afternoon and have a shake tonight". I don't know what to think of her comment. Yes, I would have loved a great last meal or a last hooray meal but face it that is what got me here in the first place was overeating and eating the wrong foods. Yes I may go out to eat today but will make a healty choice, it's time to start changing, for life and start eating to live.
  9. thank you for posting the saying from T.D. Jakes, wonderful!!! As a recently divorcee with the exception of my wonderful and supportive mom I am riding this alone, and of course you guys. Even my brother's wife has her little comments like "well, you're going to really have to watch what you eat and the pre-op diet, I don't think you can do it". Stuff like that. My mom on the otherhand, "if it will make you deal with it easier and I'll do the liquid shakes with you", of course my mom is 5'7" and 180. But to think that my mom would sacrifice and do that with me, wow.
  10. donna12

    Experiences With Blue Cross

    I have BCBS-MI but live in KY (my ex-hubby's policy) anyway, there is a 6 month dr required diet unless your BMI is over 50 then they waive that. I started this about 3 and half wks ago and I haven't gotten any EOB's yet so I'm not sure how it will pay on Psych visit, sleep study, surgeon's appt, etc. Hopefully it will only cost me 20%. My surgery is scheduled for June 20th since my BMI was 52 I didn't have to wait the 6 months. I start my pre-op diet next week. My journey is just beginning. Good luck on yours. Donna
  11. donna12

    Banded June 8 2012...pre-Op

    my date of surgery is June 20th and I start all liquids next week. I'm really nervous about starting all liquids, I mean, I'm a grazer, I tend to snack at night while watching TV whether I'm hungry or not, yes that is why I'm overweight I guess huh? No control! Wish I could have a salad with my shakes...
  12. thanks everyone for your input. I was concerned mostly because prior to surgery I will be doing protein drinks for 2 weeks and that's it and of course following surgery the required diet plan. Question - everyone on here raves about "liquid vitamins", once I'm banded I will not get my first fill for a month will I be able to swallow a vitamin pill or do you suggest liquid vitamins?
  13. what is the best sugar substitute that everyone uses? thx Donna
  14. I read "reasons why you want the surgery" thread and someone had thoughts of being scared of having it done because of not being able to lie down to sleep afterwards. Has anyone experienced this? Or did I misread this. Freaking out.
  15. went to see surgeon today and explained to him that my insurance was running out (BCBS) June 30th and if at all possible could he do my surgery by then, yep he said, sure can. Of course, I have a sleep study tomorrow night, drink barium stuff next Wed., ew, and an Endoscopy June 5th and start pre-op liquid diet shakes June 6th. So ready for this wonderful opportunity in my life. So thankful and excited.
  16. Through Christ all things are possible! Congrats on your 9 lbs lost. Can I ask what brand Protein shakes you are drinking? I'm shopping around now and trying them to see what I can tolerate. I tried EAS Advatage and it was nasty and litteraly almost puked it up, couldn'd finish it. Of course I'm not on the pre-op diet yet but supplementing a meal with a shake at this point to try them out. I wish you the best of luck, I know you will do great. Donna
  17. I see my surgeon tomorrow, can't wait. I've had the Psych Eval done and a 2nd sleep study Friday night at the hospital and the nurse coordiator is working on insurance but I called weeks ago and BCBS pays for it and I don't have to wait the 6 months diet due to my BMI being 52. I'm so ready to start this journey.
  18. I agree, Let's do this!!!
  19. Not banded yet. I see my surgeon Thursday, woohoo. Tonight I'm going to try EAS Advantage Strawberry Protein shake, I'm freezing it a little first. Trying different ones first to see what I can tolerate for my pre-op diet. Hope I like it. This is the brand my doctor recommended. Anyone else had these?
  20. can I ask a really stupid question here, exactly what kind of sugar free syrups are out there that you try? Flavorings or syrups like choc. and strawberry syrups that go on ice cream? I was at Walmart today when I bought the Protein shakes and I didn't see the powder in the container, hm??? Verdict on the shake---I gagged. The initial taste wasn't that bad but after drinking the slushy mess for a minute I almost threw it up. Are they all like this? I have to do this 3 times day for 2 weeks pre-op, but then I gag and sometimes throw up brushing my teeth, can't help it. I also have a weak stomach to certain smells and textures like tofu, gross. I will get my protein in when I get into real foods in the form of meats and fish, mostly fish, I love grilled or baked fish. I bound and determined to do this pre-op diet even if I have to hold my nose, I do not want complications for the surgeon. Thanks ChrissyLu on wishing me luck on my appt this week. Donna
  21. Sojourner you are so right, the trade off's will be for the best. I haven't been tested for diabetes yet but stay thirsty and if I had to guess I'm pre or on the verge of being diabetic since my dad' side of the family is or was. Also, I am looking in to the future of not being morbidly obese again and becoming a statistic of certain cancers i.e. colon and other cancers that can be found in obese people. I am looking for a bright future ahead of a healthier me and lots of activities to participate in, like Relay for Life to name one.
  22. hate to keep bothering you with questions but is ShopRite online or a store near you? thanks, Donna
  23. Well I hope you did stop and pray about it as that is what I will probably be doing soon. I will miss, let's see, chips and dip, Cracker Barrel, pecan pie, J. Alexander's carrot cake, pizza, Pasta I guess that's enough belly aching for me for now since yes you're right these are the things that got us here in the first place, oh and sweet tea.sorry...But I know in the end it will all be worth it, I will be able to do normal activities like a normal person and hopefully won't have sleep apnea. Just found that out this week. Had an at home sleep study done with a monitor and it showed I stopped breathing over 300 times during the night, scary huh? Going for another sleep study this Friday night at the hospital and being hooked up to a CPAP this time. Hope you are doing well. Donna
  24. Well, I'm not banded yet, trying to get everything worked out for surgery by end of next month but have been shopping around for different protein shakes since I have to do a pre-op diet. I had a protein shake this morning, I have to say it was very tasty, mango, but I think it was high in carbs. Guess I will learn all of this when I meet with the dietitian. Towards the end of the shake I was gagging, I have a very easy gag sensation, the taste wasn't gagging me it was the thickness and the thought of thick liquid going down and I just about threw it all up. I even gag and throw up when brushing my teeth, that's how bad it is.
  25. donna12

    So, The Process Begins!

    My Psyc Eval took about an hr and half and only took a week to get in. I was given 2 different DR's and I chose one that I knew of and went to her. It cost $300 up front. She asked questions about my eating habits, about my overall emotional status, we talked about my divorce which took place a year ago and my separation that took place 3 yrs ago and that is when I turned to food for comfort. She asked me why I wanted the surgery and how I was goin to cope with new eating habits and the pre-op and post-op diets, just things like that. It went really well. You'll be fine. Some Dr's give a written test or computer test called MMPI but mine didn't. You can google it. It's no biggie, no worries.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
