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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donna12

  1. 3 days post op and i feel lousy, lots of pain and very much nauseated
  2. today was somewhat better with pain but tonight my nausea is back i think its due to me not having a BM since last Monday, any suggestions? i just feel like i can't put another thing in my mouth to drink without puking.
  3. i can report today is al little better although the gas pains are still horrible. nausea has went away. i think my surgeon must have pumped me up full of air like a hot air balloon because i just can't get rid of this gas, its horrible.
  4. thank you all so very much at least i know i'm not alone. yes the gas pains are horrible. i try and keep hydrated but i'm so nauseated and my pain meds and nausea meds make me zonked out. i've got a good nursemaid, my mom, she's the best. thanks again for all the encourageing words...walk walk, drink drink and rest rest
  5. Yoplait is my fav, I do not like greek yogurt but was wondering if there is such a thing as sugar free yogurt? thx Donna PS: can't have it now as I'm in my pre-op diet, lol, but just wondering for future.
  6. cool Beans, I love Publix, I will look for it, thanks. I have a Publix about 30 mins from me, it's always a treat to shop there since all I have is Walmart and Kroger, Publix rocks! Love their fresh fish, fresh fruits selection. thanks so much for the tip.
  7. well today has gone well with the last day of liquids or shall I say pre op diet. Getting kind of nervous about tomorrow and lets just say along with my chronic insomnia that I take meds for I'm freaking out about getting to sleep early tonight. I'm already having anxiety about sleeping, not the surgery go figure. I mean yes I'm a little nervous about the surgery but I look at it as a new birthday and a new lease on life. But now coming down to the wire, I'm leaving the house in less than 12 hrs and so much to do to try and make it as easy on my mom who will be taking care of me post op, (don't have a hubby anymore) okay breathe, take it easy, relax, there, right?
  8. Almost there, woohoo. Tomorrow is last day of pre-op diet, cheated once (dr okayed it), had a salad from Arby's and let me tell you it was the best darn salad I've ever eaten...lol I wasn't able to eat the entire thing so I ate the rest of it the next day. Didn't use their dressings, had a low cal., low sugar vinaigrette one. Well, Wednesday is almost here and I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. to check in. I usually do not rise till 9:30 in the morning so 4:30ish will come early. Off the subject, I was typing in "www.lapbandtalk.com" and it comes up that the website is suspended and I cannot access it. The only way I could post this was that I rec'd an email that someone had responded to a previous post I had made and I clicked on the link...strange. Anyone else having trouble??? Thanks Donna
  9. I was insurance pay and my insurance BCBS-Cobra runs out June 30th and I went to my first seminar last month and got the ball rolling with my surgeon and explained to their office staff that I wanted it done, my ins pays, let's roll. I had to have a sleep study done, psych eval, Endoscopy and all of this took place in about 6 weeks and here it is and I have my surgery Wednesday. My insurance runs out because of my divorce settlement and I will pick up another policy July 1. Anyway, since my BMI was over 50 I didn't have to do the 6 month dr supervised diet required by insurance, they waived it. I'm 5'2" and weigh 285 now. I had to do a 2 week pre-op liquid diet which tomorrow is my last day of that. That's about all I can share with you, good luck, hope you can move forward quickly. Donna
  10. donna12

    Tips To Curb Sugar Cravings

    Carole, can ask you a stupid question, what sugar alcohol and sugar grams? Do I count them both or just sugar grams? I've become obsessed with reading labels now. thx Donna
  11. donna12

    Tips To Curb Sugar Cravings

    I don't think anyone could be more sugar addicte than I was. I am getting banded next week and since starting the pre-op diet my sugar cravings have stopped. I give credit to not eating carbs and being on liquids but I'm afraid when I start mushies like mashed potatoes etc that the sugar cravings will pop back up. Now, with all that said, I live in Western Kentucky and I have a grocery store nearby and it's food Lion and I have found a store brand Jello parfait that is sugar free and it is delish. It tastes like jello and cool whip. It has given me hope for those sugar cravings that might pop up down the road. Good luck to you.
  12. donna12

    Buyers Remorse?

    to you a great big virtual hug! I get banded next week and I'm sure I will have feelings like this, I already do to some extent by being on this 2 week liquid diet. I mean, my mom and I would go out to lunch pretty much every day and I miss that, not only my fav foods but miss going out but I either go to her house or she comes to mine and she will eat something and I will have my shake or broth during these past 2 weeks, tolerable. With all this being said, I do want to point out that my eye is on a healthier me. My weight destroyed my marriage, well, him falling out of love with me that is and having an affair. I was married for 25 years and just recently divorced, will be one year this month. I want to focus on a new me, a healthy me. One that can exercise for the first time in 20 years, do recreational things, fun things with friends and family that I have let weight hold me back. I have let my weight hold me back on so many levels and when I made the decision to have surgery I said goodbye to the old me. Yes, I seek counseling every 6 weeks on a regular basis and we talk about food addiction and how I will cope with things so I can honestly say my therapist is wonderful, I love him. One accomplishment of mine is to sit in a plane seat and spill over into the next seat with my hips, wow what a feeling that will be! I currently weigh 287 and at 5'2" I've got a long way to go but I can do it and so can you. I pray you find peace in yourself and move forward and don't look back. Look at food as nourishment to your body instead of missing out on it. On one last note, you would not believe the sugar-a-holic I was, I mean I would eat pies, candy, Cookies, even buy a birthday cake for myself so that I could eat it. Since starting my 2 week pre-op diet, I have not craved any sugar or sweets. I have confidence that YOU can do this and with success! Donna
  13. donna12

    Please Explain

    when calculating sugars do I count sugar grams and sugar alcohol grams too? thx, Donna
  14. donna12

    To Those Of You Considering Surgery

    ok, I have to agree on the crack cocaine part, I do not do drugs and never have but I've been on a liquid diet now for 9 days and will have my surgery this next week and I cannot wait to eat mashed potatoes of all things, lol. I have not lost a lot of weight during my liquid diet because i have had to eat Protein bars, about 4 when I felt very weak and almost passed out, was not getting enough calories so the dr said for me to eat a certain Protein Bar. So far I've lost 7 lbs and I'm happy with that don't get me wrong. Only 4 more days left to drink and eat broth and Jello, never though sf jello could taste so good. I literally used to gag at jello but now it's my go to dessert.
  15. thx for the advice, I think from what I'm reading here I will take it easy for the first week and do protein shakes and liquids as you all say afterall there are stitches in there to heal. I mean my surgeon is reputable and I have confidence in him I guess he just does things differently. I met with him today and his nutritionist. I only have 5 more days to go on liquid diet. I've had to eat 3 protein bars during the process as I was not getting enough calories and felt like the passing out stage so he okayed it. I actually found a protein shake I absolutely love so that is a good thing for me. thx again.
  16. very interesting, thanks for posting this website as I am having surgery next week. My doc is sending me home with a 24 hr liquid diet then on to mushy foods, wonder why so fast on mushy foods. All I've read on here is everyone is on liquids for a week or two. hm? Donna
  17. donna12

    Drinking My Last Coke

    yes, I know how you feel, last week, actually 8 days ago, I had my last hooray meal and said goodbye to bad food and Sprite. I'm not addicted to carbonated drinks but on occasion I would get one when I went out to eat so that night before I started my pre-op diet I got one and said goodbye as I drank it. I'm going on my 7th day of the diet, 7 more days to go, woohoo then surgery. Hang in there.
  18. @ IL_MissKitty, glad we're on the same day, woohoo, June 13th can't get here fast enough for me. My caloric intake is about 400-500 calories a day in shakes, jello, pudding or broth.
  19. Hi everyone, first off let me say that I may not be able respond, somethin is up when I hit repond on my compuper, hm?? Anyway, my surgery is June 20th and I called and talked to the nurse today and asked about vitamins and she said "oh its not like gastric bypass, you should get all the nutrients you need". From what I've been reading on here everyone is on a multi-vitamin and my DR doesn't require it. Just concerned here. thx
  20. my surgery is June 13, woohoo. I'm on day 6 of liquid diet, been tough. had a couple of day in between where I almost passed out and had to eat a protein bar, okayed by my doctor. Wasn't getting enough calories. Ready for this journey to begin!!! good luck to all.
  21. Thanks everyone for your concerns. Today is much better. I got up a little earlier than usual as I am a later sleeper and got my first shake in and more Water. Yesterday, I can honestly say that I didn't push the water until late afternoon so I think I was feeling the affects of dehydration. I did call my surgeon office this morning and he said I needed to contact my reg. dr., go figure, anyway, I have my Endoscopy tomorrow a.m. by my surgeon, hope he doesn't find a hernia and all goes well. He did mention an ulcer but I don't think I have one and don't think yesterday's symptoms were from an ulcer. From friends on facebook and you guys on here and what I've searched it was dehydration. Feeling normal today. However, will be glad when surgery is over, liquid diets are done and I can move on to mushies and start to live a normal healthy lifestyle with healty food choices. I've had enough of Protein shakes I can take...lol\ Thanks again to everyone that was so concerned. Donna
  22. ok, I'm going on my 5th day tomorrow of my pre-op diet and these are my symptoms: very very lightheaded and dizzy, almost to the passing out stage, hardly can walk because I'm so weak, heart palpitating, headache, nausea. My doc said for me to do 3 shakes a day, broth, jello, popsicles (all sugar free of course) water or water with crystal light. I'm doing all of this and still feel yucky. My head is swimming so bad that I am unable to drive safely. Help!
  23. well, I'm not sure if I'm diabetic or not. Had blood work done last year and I wasn't but since then I have gained about 30 lbs and have family history of it. I am to see my surgeon Thurs for blood work and such but I think I will call in the morning and see what his nurse says. I understand that my body is going thru a shock, I mean from going thru eating high fat/high calorie and carb diet to liquids and no sugar is bound to shock your system. I'm trying to hydrate myself but its hard because I'm so nauseated and to drink anymore, whew! Thank you for your advice.
  24. 4 days in to my pre-op diet and I'm craving all my fav foods. Just wanting to eat, ANYTHING! I think I could eat a grilled rat, lol. My protein shakes are filling me up and I'm not hungry it's just that I'm craving food. Got 10 more days to go. How you get over the head hunger?
  25. donna12

    Head Hunger-Help

    Oh I'm in trouble with White House Black Market,oohlala. Eye on the prize!!! Yes I've been very dizzy and light headed as well. As a matter of fact, the first night I almost passed out, fell back onto my sofa when I got up and then fell to the floor. I was shaking all over, it was an awful feeling. I have felt like that a couple of other times so my mom has been helping me out some. Yes about the sf popsicles and Jello. I really didn't used to like jello but now, OMG, love it!!! ha ha ha Thanks guys, ur the best.

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