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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donna12

  1. donna12


    I snack on low fat string cheese when I get hungry between meals, not often but that's my go to snack.
  2. donna12

    Thirsdays the day, sad...

    Look I don't want to sound harsh but you need to really think things thru, do you want to be married to that for the rest of your life? I am almost 2 yrs divorced next month from my high school sweetheart, I was married for 25 yrs and for the last 3 yrs of our marriage I litterally watched him become an alcoholic due to a high pressure job. Not making excuses for him but he is who he is and what he is and it ruined his life, he's nothing now. He eventually lost his career, me and still drinks like a fish and tries to work. I have no tolerance for alcohol, sorry. If this man can't put you first and treat you like a queen and treat you like he can't live without you or live another second without you then he doesn't deserve you! Yes, you chose this surgery to better yourself and your health and he should be there for you first and foremost. Will he be there when your first born is comes into this world? I hate to think that you will go thru this journey alone but you have us to lean on for support. Good luck Thurs. Big hugs.
  3. donna12


    I, unfortunately take meds that make me crave sweets and have a very difficult time with it. I love Walgreen's brand "Nice" sugar free hard fruit flavor candy and also crystal light sugar free hard fruit flavor candy but do indulge in skinny cow twice a week.
  4. I went into a normal store today and bought a size 22 denim capri's, I was so excited. I think I will try on a pair of size 22 jeans tomorrow. So glad I did this!!!
  5. donna12

    New snack!!

    wish you could ship me some! The only target I have is not a super target, bummer. Wonder if Publix has them? Kroger or Walmart???
  6. Line Dancer, you said it all, what a way to start a week for sure! Thanks all of you for your comments. I went from a size 26/28 to this, wow. And in tops I'm in a 1X now, I just can't believe it. My mom has lost weight too and she's passing her jammies to me, its funny, it feels like Christmas around here for me, hee hee. I'm getting Coldwater Creek jackets from her from last summer that she can't wear anymore and I can, summer jackets with tanks and I'm also in some 18/20's shirts, I'm just so stoked! IN aw of myself.
  7. I have to have a colonoscopy soon, have a consultation June 11th and then I will schedule it, having probs and also looking for cancer since my brother is battling colon cancer right now and the kind of cancer he has is hereditary and I was told to get ck'd out and since I'm having probs well, now is the time. I see my lap band surgeon June 6th and I bet he will want to do an unfill, so not looking forward to that since I'm in a green zone or happy place with my band. Just now got back up to 5.5cc's in my band and feel great from my gallbladder surgery and big unfill back in December.
  8. I'm trying to update my profile pic and chosing one from my pics on my computer and for some reason it will not let me update, I can choose one but then when I hit update nothing happens, hm?
  9. donna12


    CG I did a trial membership a couple of yrs ago for 6 months, loved it, of course I am into that kind of thing and my lineage on my mom's side dates back to 1600's to England and Ireland and it was cool to see documents for that but I already had names and dates but my dad's side I ran into a dead end, not sure why. Had to give it up because of finances but would love to get back into it someday. Well, worth the money if you have the time to put into it.
  10. Now I know where the 4 lbs gained in the last week and half has come from looking back at the food diary. It is my sweet tooth, somehow I have to get a handle on it and don't know how. I need help, physical and mental help with it. It wasn't a gain with food choices it had to be from the sweets I chose once a day. After my main meal, my largest meal either I chose to eat my main meal at lunch or dinner I crave something sweet terribly, and I'm not talking oh yea, you're just craving it, its like I gotta have it or I will go nuts crazy gotta have it kind of feeling and feeling deprived feeling so I will grab a bag of skinny cow candy, skinny cow single serve ice cream or a fiber one fruit bar that reminds me of a pop tart, yes confession time again guys, anyway its bad and I need to learn somehow to deal with it. I didn't have this surgery to set myself up for failure I had this surgery for myself to get healthy, heart healthy and to be able to accomplish things in life that I've never been able to accomplish, for example I want to zipline for the first time, I want to fit into an airplain seat without my BUTT spilling over into the next seat, I want to be able to take a flight of stairs without getting winded, oh wait did that last night, woohoo, took a flight of stairs instead of the elevator at the hospital where my support meeting was for lap band mtg. But things like that is what I'm talking about. I watched my dad be overweight when I was young and although I wasn't around when he was 28, he had his first heart attack at 28, he was very unhealthy. In the late 80's early 90's he decided and was told to lose the weight or he would die so he went on a strict diet and lost over 100 lbs on his own, the day he died he weighed 135 and he died of a massive heart attack and I certainly don't want to be destined to that ending. I had to stop seeing my psychiatrist that I've known for 7 yrs because of insurance issues, they stopped paying and I can't afford to pay out of pocket and I'm heartbroken, I loved my therapist. I have found someone else but its not the same, just not the same at all, I'm not happy. Where I live, I live in a small city and there aren't any good dr's here, all the good dr's are in Nashville TN and are expensive and well to be truthful I miss my shrink!!! I also should add that I'm Bipolar and along with that comes binge eating episodes. yes I takes meds but the disease is still there. Ok, enough ranting. Thanks for listening. Just need to get a hold on my sweet tooth, why did someone have to invent sugar. sigh!
  11. donna12

    Vitamins and Protein

    Chez, I need to bump up my Protein, if I add Protein powder to food items, does it change the texture like cottage cheese or chicken salad for example?
  12. donna12

    Banded 5/13 - help!

    Calm down. lol. You're right on track. Everyone is different. You're still in the healing phase and some people even gain during this time, it's not uncommon. Focus on healing, just be patient it will all fall into place and will come off before you know it. Just follow your dr's orders and rules and you should be just fine. Donna
  13. I was in a hurry this morning when I posted, sorry. To address another poster, I did ck into SSI or disability but I'm not sure if this applies to everywhere but here in KY you have to had work history in the past 10 yrs and I havent worked in 15 yrs so that discounted me for any benefits which sucks because there are days that I literally cannot get out of bed due to my bipolar issues and meds and my anxiety issues. I had a great day today, spent it with my mom. We decided to go on a picnic at a lake. She made us a light lunch and some fruit for me for dessert and we packed the car and off we went. The lake was beautiful and so was KY weather, 70 degrees and sunny today. We pitched a blanket and enjoyed watching all the boaters and just each other. Thanks Chez, I know this too shall pass.
  14. Oh my goodness I never in a million years expected these kind of responses, wow. I'm touched, and thank you so much. To address some of you, yes I will and do cherish every moment with my mom, she is my rock and has been here fore me during my divorce and losing my dad, who was the strong one there, her when daddy died, go figure, it was here husband. I know she didn't mean to be insensitive but it just hit me wrong I guess. I will check out a local gym next week, I promise. And yes, I will sit outside and take in the wonders of what God has created. Thank you again for all you're responses. Donna
  15. donna12

    Vitamins and Protein

    let me know how the protein stuff is?
  16. donna12

    170lbs gone

    I as well would love to hear about your journey and your story and congrats you look amazing.
  17. donna12

    A poem for all of you!

    awesome! I just printed it, thank you so much.
  18. donna12

    I've got to get a handle on things

    I never thought of it that way, take it and post it on the fridge and read it over and over and how it took my wonderful dad, that comment just hit home for me, thanks. Wow what a reality check that just was. Yes I typed it but I typed it not thinking but after reading it again and then you guys saying it, what a reality check. I want this more than anything. Donna
  19. hey now, don't step on our Ky wildcats, we bleed blue here....hee hee. Thank you for the pep talk. My mom bought me a beautiful boquet of flowers a bit ago with all colorful gerber daisies in it to cheer me up, God love her. Between you all and her being my biggest cheerleaders how can I go wrong! Thank you again.
  20. I attended my lap band support mtg tonight (monthly), big turnout, the nutritionist leads it. Had 4 ladies in there in their pre op diet phase and one having surgery tomorrow I was so excited for her that I was joking around and told her I just may show up at 5:30 am with pom poms to cheer her on, of course we just laughed. I'm almost to my one year bandiversary next month and though things have been slow coming off I'm proud of my weight loss, wish it was more but very proud and never in a million yrs did I ever think I'd be sitting here thinking I'd be down 68 lbs in 11 mos and how great I feel. My nutritionist tonight at the meeting was saying as long as you're getting 4 oz of Protein a day you're doing great. Well, I can eat 3 to 4 oz of protein like a chicken breast for example or a piece of baked Tilapia in one meal. Now you're listening to someone who's losing hair right now and I told her that. She mentioned to me that it could be hormonal, yes I agree, I've had a hysterectomy in '04 but I am on a patch but I guess my hormones could be out of whack at this stage so I don't disagree with her completely there. She also was telling everyone not to count carbs or calories. This goes against everything I've read for over a year being on here from all you veterans and all the books I've read and all the research I've done. Today's meals and don't judge: Breakfast was a half toasted bagel (I know carbs) and a spoon of Peanut Butter, lunch was out and about-Chick-fil-A, I had 6 pc chicken nugget, apple sauce and choc. milk (drank before meal) and dinner was 3 oz of chicken salad I made with light mayo and 5 low fat crackers. No Snacks today. confused Donna
  21. CG you hit it girl, self doubt in me is so true. I feel like a failure here lately and especially today when I woke up this morning and had gained a half lb that makes 4 lbs in a week and half. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Everytime I say something to my surgeon he supports my nutritionist, they both don't count cals, carbs or Proteins just tell me to eat my protein first then veggies and carbs last. Heck this is his rule: The girl sitting behind me in the meeting last night was having surgery this morning and she was excited that she was going to be able to eat mashed potatoes tonight, yea. His rules don't follow ya'lls. He doesn't do a liquid diet after surgery, he sends you home on mushy or soft foods right off the bat. I didn't do that I did liquids for a week then mushies after reading on here but still. I love him to pieces don't get me wrong. And then I looked at the girl sitting next to me that had lost 134 lbs in a yr and half and was super skinner with no sagging skin and was just having a pity party for myself because I have sagging skin already on my inner thighs and my arms have always been huge and they hang and are heavy. I just started walking a few wks ago and all I can do is about 20 mins or my knee will give out, yes I know sounds like a pity party and may be so but I feel like such a failure.
  22. Why is it I crave so so so bad something sweet right after I eat each meal? I don't eat something sweet because I can't or I'd throw up, I'm at my soft stop point, I hiccup and I know to stop eating but the craving is horrible and I just want to graze and it's there for at least a couple of hrs. To the point I wait a couple of hrs and give in and eat fresh fruit or a applesauce or immediately after eating I will put a piece of sf hard candy in my mouth. How do I overcome this?
  23. donna12

    What serving sizes really look like

    Terry I posted in reference to this post in hopes of getting pics as I cannot click on your link above, if you're wondering why I posted a question...lol
  24. I was wondering what a serving size really looks like? Terry posted earlier on this subject but he attached a link and I cannot click on it so I was wondering if anyone would take a pic of their meal and post for me? Thanks Donna
  25. I am 11 mos post op and have undergone 2 surgeries in this 11 months and about to go under anesthesia again in about 3 weeks for a 3rd time. My hair was already baby fine but now, now it's falling out, thin. I can't get enought or all my Protein I should get in, in a day's time, I take 3000 mcg's of Biotin. My hair has no body, it's horrible. I experienced dry brittle and breaking hair about 2 mos in and got that under control now this! My surgeon said the following: add a Protein Bar or Protein shake to your diet each day", well hello, that's calories and I'm sorry I could just gag over another protein shake but I certainly don't want to lose my hair if that is what I need to do. How much Biotin do I need to take and does it cause your hair to be super soft or limp/no body? Thanks Donna

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
