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Everything posted by gwynne

  1. I started at a BMI of 32? that is about 9 weeks ago. I'm 5'7" Today, my BMI is at 24.6. I've lost about 50lbs since surgery. It's fantastic, except that I'm still struggling with the energy level and dizziness, which I suspect is due to hypertension medications that I am still on. Anyhow, its totally worth it, not for the weight loss, but a healthier me, because of the VSG, and how lil i eat now, im making smart choices for food. More Protein, Water etc. I snack, but healthy stuff like baked almonds, tuna chunks in brine/water... fruits..etc I'm very please post surgery, and the only time i felt bad, was when I went for an expensive buffet (mother's birthday) and could hardly get anything in.. waste of money~~ otherwise, I say go for it.. totally worth every penny!
  2. gwynne

    Stomache Feels Empty At Night

    Oh dear, i tried warm Water n notice my stomach is empty so i have some warm milk n a diabetic digestive biscuit! :-(
  3. I didn't have any pain meds post surgery. I would think its the anesthesia?
  4. I did! the first week post op. but it kinda just went away after awhile. Freaking annoying when you're so tired and wakes up everytime you just fell alseep.. hang in there, it will be over in no time
  5. HI you all, I can only get to my gp tomorrow evening hence im posting here to see if anyone can help. I was running a high fever on Monday and havent had anything to eat until this morning. On wenesday, i blacked out twice in the office. Cold sweat, vision went pitch black, couldnt hear a thing.. Lasted for about a min each time. Then when i regain vision, i needed to throw up n ran to the toilet and had to poop n throw up at the same time...very very weak.... So no appetite for another day, bearly got any food in but i mamage to push Water down... This morning, i had a banana, was feeling better but now d nerves just right at the nail bed hurts soooo bad. Toes and fingers... Also on d finger tips, as im tapping on my ipad its hurting! I have no idea what is wrong with me n i'm terrified... Has this happened to anyone? Or any idea what could possibly be wrong with me?
  6. gwynne

    Getting Sleeved With Low Bmi...any Risks?

    We have the same BMI pre op. according to my doctor, with a lower BMI, the complications are less likely to occur and recovery should be easier. I was sleeved 04/21. 6 weeks PO, and i feel absolutely normal, just dizzy occassionally. Good luck!
  7. Im im abt 6 weeks post op.5'7", highest weight was 203 lbs. now i weigh 162 lbs. No excercise regime yet, but i try to walk more, in malls etc.. :-) I have no idea where i'll stop but my target is arnd 123? I have no idea as to how longi shld take.. No target dates what so ever... Just goin with the flow.. See where ,my sleeve will take me and enjoy this journey! As formthe loose skin, well ,y weight yoyo all my life hence stretch marks always there. But noting hanging unnecessarily yet... Cheers
  8. gwynne

    Why Am I So Cold?

    I went to do some research and here is what I found, http://www.livestrong.com/article/305720-how-come-when-you-lose-weight-you-feel-cold/ I hope my body is not rationing the fats... God, its so hard to strike a balance in life. You eat, you put on weight, you don't eat, you dont lose weight...
  9. gwynne

    Skin Firming Lotion?

    COcoa butter formula, they have a series for weight loss and stretch marks. I'm using it now, hadn't been diilligent with applying it everyday, but it smells good though.. :-D I have doubts as to how useful they are, but since its cheap, its worth a shot!
  10. hi! i was sleeved on 04/21. SO far, I don't think i've had any major problems eating anything except greasy food. Like butter? I cannot have butter, I feel terrible after butter. And i suspect i ahve problems with banana too.. anyhows, I eat about 3-4 spoonfuls of anything,, including chicken. the amount i eat is not depended on the hardness of the food, which i find it rather strange... So in general i eat about 3-4 spoonfuls of anythig... Oh! as for having only 2 meals a day, there is no way i can eat only 2 meals a day, im more of 4-5 meals a day. I get hungry every 2-3 hours, and its quite frustrating sometimes, but on the positive note, at least im not shoving everything down my throat at one time... As for Fluid wise, i don't really monitor, i just keep drinking all the time!
  11. gwynne

    15 Day Post Op 21 Lbs Down But Stalled 3 Days Now...

    I stalled since week 2 PO. Stalled for about 3 weeks, then drop 2.2lbs suddenly, then another 2.8lbs in another week. Be patient... It will comeoff eventually!
  12. gwynne

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Oops, out of curiosity, does anyone encounter the same issue? I have strange appetite and it differs every 2-3 days. For eg: for 2-3 days i can hardly have 3 tablespoon of food each meal. Then the next 2-3 days, i have very good appetite! Its so frustrating to plan my meal... I saw my surgeon a few days ago and explained my situation... All he said was " i recommend you dontneat so much" Wth?? He didn't even ask what i was eating everymeal. Im either on fish, chicken breasts... All steamed or beancurd!! And just 1 -2 oz of it each time. I get hungrynevery 2-3 hours too... Is that ok? Am i over eating?
  13. gwynne

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Hi all, Sleeved 04/21. Highest weight recorded at 92kg today i weigh in at 75 kg! Mostly lost in the first week,then the scale slowed down... I thought i stalled, but i guess its just losing soooooo darn slowly, i stepped on my wii for a more accurate measurement and realise another 1 kg lost in a week. 1kg a week seem rather slow to me. my bmi is currently @ 26. Because im an asian, my standard bmi should be btw 19-23... So still gotta work on it!! Love the sleeve, love this forum, love this thread, love all of u! C'mon people we can do this!!
  14. Hi Everyone, This morning I had a NSV which struck me to ask this question here. I bought a dress long ago, could never get into them (Yes, yes, i didn't try them on.. but it's so pretty!). Tried them this morning, it was kinda lose... but, at the arm hole, it's tight... So I was wondering, if you can all share which body part do you think it's the hardest to loose the inches and what do you intend/have done to help? Personally, its the arms for me. The skin is really loose there, i've been applying all kinds of lotion, spanx, etc, it's just going too slow. Now my arms look like their bigger than my body ( ok , I wish...) Gwynne
  15. hi, just as i popsted earlier that yes, i no longer sweat buckets... no no no!!!! It has started again.. Has it got anythign to do with my metabolism or wat? This is disheartening. My colleagues realised that too. initially post surgery i dont perspire at all, now it has started all over again.. but i still get cold rather easily, which i never did before surgery... bummer... i hope it's just the weather here...
  16. gwynne

    Sleeping ....

    I had the same problem initially.. I think its until 3 weeks post op, i happen to turn during my sleep and it was ok.. it didn't feel strange anymore... I guess you maybe still healing, the stomach's swelling hasn't gone down entirely. Dont sweat it, before you know it, you'll be sleeping on your sides. Cheers
  17. gwynne


    Hi! I have the exact same problem! Im nearly 3 weeks post op, lost 35 lbs since week 1, and i've been in a stall since week 2. My diet hasn't change much. I'm still on mainly mushy food. And yes, I get hungry everytime! but after 2 bites, i feel full, i stop. It is said in some research that having more meals in smaller quantity aids weight lose. Don't think that is going to cause a failure! So don't sweat it... Just becareful of whatever you are snacking on. I realise Chick Peas (Garbanzo beans) fill me up easily, they're cheap and rather tasty. Usually they are soaked in salt and slightly sweetened water. I just wash them off and munch on them all day. They do make me a lil gassy but don't think it applies to everyone. Cheers and take it easy!
  18. Hi All, I've been taking Aspirin for blood thinning purpose since 4 years ago due to a Angioplasty done. Sleeved for nearly 3 weeks now. Everytime I run on the treadmill, regardless how fast, how long, even when i thought i was going to die, my pulse never pass the 100/min mark... I read a chart that says at my age, to get into the body work out zone, it should be at 130/min. My goodness, am i doing something wrong? Any advise is much appreciated. Thank you!
  19. Hi blackberry juice! Yes indeed.other than aspirin, i'm on atenolol and cozaar... Do they do anything? Ps: you are a true inspiration to me!! So envious ! Thanks for taking time to help
  20. I;ve been overweight since 6. Weight yoyo all the time during teenage years... To make the decision to be sleeved means you love yourself enough to take a big step and change your lifestyle and change the way you look. I'm 3 weeks post op, sometimes I wonder if i'll be the rare few who doesn't lose all the weight... and it scares me. Whatever it is, if we follow the diet, (but not to the extend we deprive outselves), i'm sure things will happen. Slow and steady! Patience is crucial here. I keep telling myself if i lose it too quickly, it might rebound. The key to this surgery is a healthier you! Healthier = happier! Stay strong, and lets all do what we need to do now! Go for it!! I can't wait to reach the maintenence stage!!! You go gal!
  21. Hi! I know wher eyou're coming from. I use to have excessive prespiration too! It's really embarassing when we eat out, i'll be using the whole packet of tissue otherwise, i might end up having a soupy lunch.... And yes! since the day post-op, I stopped. I thought its just because i'm not eating carbs anymore, hence i tend to feel colder/ no sweat! Would like to read the article you are referring to. Cheers to all sleevers! It's great! Good luck to your journey too!
  22. WOw! Thanks for the advise, I will check with my doctor when I see him next week!
  23. gwynne

    Here Goes!

    Definately!! see you on the loser's bench! Please keep us posted after your surgery.. of course when you're ready! CheerS!

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