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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by kparadisek

  1. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    I am excited! Like you I think I'm more excited about being out of work for 2 weeks! If I need more time then I will take it but so far just two weeks! We're going to do great!
  2. kparadisek


    How do they do a revision if you've already had the bypass?
  3. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    We are surgery buddies. I have to be at the hospital at 5 I'm the first surgery of the day at 7:30. Good luck! Keep me posted!
  4. kparadisek

    My Pre-Op Diet

    I've lost a few pounds on my pre-op but my problem is I don't have much of an appetite. I don't know if it's the stress from my job or what. I've managed maybe one shake a day (not most days). I have however had the meal that I can have each day but then nothing else. I did eat some frozen yogurt yesterday but I figured that replaced my shake. I'm scared to get back on the scale because when I miss meals I don't lose weight but I just can't get it together. Surgery is Monday so I'm going to try to do good this weekend! Good Luck everybody!
  5. I will say that it's okay to get your last supper in but remember portion control. Afterall you will have to use portion control when you reintroduce those foods back into your diet. Good Luck!
  6. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Good luck today on your surgeries ms_shea and courage and to anyone that I missed! We are cheering for you! Keep us posted!
  7. kparadisek

    List of Band to Bypass Patients

    I know the feeling! I hope and pray this works better for me than the band. I too weigh more than when I got the band. I cant wait for them to take it out. My nutri omits told me the other day that most bypass patients stall from 6-9 month but to continue with my protein and excercise because the weightloss will resume again and the scale will move in the right direction once again. She said not to be discouraged, so I'm trying to keep that in my memory bank for when the time comes. Good luck!
  8. kparadisek

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Soccermom you're really close to onederland! I can't wait for you to get there! I'm excited for you! Wifey your pics are great! You're on a roll! I can't wait for my tummy to look like that☺ My surgery is on Monday so I'm trying to get everything together before I go in. Congrats Ladies!
  9. kparadisek


    You can also take Flinstone Complete for your multivitamin. I too ordered Celebrate (Iron) Chewable. I also went to Walgreens and purchased either Nature Bounty or Nature Made dissolvables/sublinguals they recommended them at the pre surgery class I took a week ago. I chose Walgreens because they had them on sale by one get one 50% off and then at check out I got another coupon for $3.00 off.
  10. kparadisek

    August 2013 surgeries

    When you have a BM does it smell really bad? What about if you pass gas? I'm just curious.
  11. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Good luck to u and all the other 20thbypassers!
  12. kparadisek

    Pre-op liquid diet

    I drink Premier shakes in Vanilla or my Herbalife in Cafe Latte or Orange Cream. I too am getting excited! After learning that I will only be in the hospital for 48 hours or less I've decided to unpack some of my gowns in my bag. I'm still trying to decide what to wear to the hospital because it'll also be what I wear home. I did get my letter from the insurance company and put it in my bag since it waves my $300 copay????????! I'm excited about that! I need to go online tonight and order my chicken Soup from unjury for the liquid phase of my post-op. I've already purchased my first month of pills too. We can do this!
  13. I knoiw exactly what you are going through I'm on my second week of the pre-op diet. We celebrated my Moms birthday and with my family its always food and drinks. Needless to say because my diet allows for one meal I saved that for my Mom's house. She actually had prepared items that I could eat since she knows about my surgery next week. I had a small plate and actually got tired of eating so I wrapped the rest of it to carry with me. Granted since I've been drinking these shakes and eating the small meals I don't really require as much food. As for the drinks, everybody is used to me having wine, long island iced tea or a cosmo but I was on Iced Tea flavored Crystal Light so they all kept asking quesitons. I simply said I'm detoxing my body. I refuse to jeopardize my surgery so that was my motivation. All I could think about was my liver shrinking for my upcoming surgery and the 7 pounds I lost last week. I can't wait to see what the scale will say the end of the week. I'm also going to retake my measurements on Saturday or Sunday along with another picture. Good Luck! We can do this!
  14. kparadisek

    Last supper effect

    In my opinion most people feel one of two ways that they want to enjoy their last supper (favorite foods, sweets, etc. all the things they believe they will have to live without) and then the other half decide to try to challenge themselves as lose weight. I would have to say I somewhat suffer from both as I made it my own personal goal to lose weight (I'm down 19 pounds and surgery is on Monday) but at the same time I've also indulged in my favorite foods but with limitations. I think after looking at the scale going down for the past 2 months and seeing that my clothes are fitting better it helps to keep me focused. Someone suggested writing down why you want the surgery. I believe that will be a tremendous help to you. I also believe in keeping your eyes on the prize. Commit to making some positive changes as you are working towards a change of life not a diet. The habits we form after surgery will be the habits that we will live by for the rest of our lives. Granted many of us will want something that we truly enjoy (when it comes to food) but programming ourselves to know our limits will be what will keep us on track and help to make us successful in our weightloss goals. Focus on that 20 pounds that you need to lose and put a plan of action in place. We can do this. Try chewing longer whatever you're eating longer to savor the flavor that tends to help me eat less. After all we'll have to chew longer once we have surgery so just get a headstart then it won't be so hard after surgery. Good Luck! You can do this!
  15. kparadisek

    Wanna see my bathing suit?

    You look good!
  16. kparadisek

    Fabulous February Post-Op's

    I agree with Cecilia! You do look fabulous! You don't even have a stomach! I hope mine shrinks like that!
  17. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Good luck Tina and T-T and all the other 19th bypassers! Keep us posted!
  18. kparadisek

    Pre-op liquid diet

    Okay, my Mom is celebrating her birthday this weekend and I'm expected to attend. Of course there will be food which I can't have and wine which I can't sip. I've decided to take a bottle with some Crystal Light in it or two to sip on so nobody recognizes that I'm not having a cocktail. After all my Mom is the only one I've told. She asked me could I at least have one drink I said no I'm to scared it will mess with my liver and I do not want to have to reschedule my surgery just for one day of fun. I'll get through this I'm just going to keep my eyes on the prize!
  19. kparadisek

    Pre-op liquid diet

    I know the feeling this is day 5 for me. I am glad that I do get to have a meal of 4 oz of meat (broiled, grilled, bake or canned and drained) plus no more than a cup of veggies (there are a list of them that I have to avoid) so I've been going for salads or collard greens. I can have 2 to 3 shakes a day, a small piece of fruit, cheese stick/dairy, and SF jello/popsicle so I guess I should be thankful. It's still a little hard because I'm use to having whatever I want when I want it. I was starving at lunch today but went home and fixed my shake so it took away the rumble in my stomach. I can't wait for dinner though. Hang in there you'll get through it. We have to keep our eyes on the prize(Surgery in 10 days) Yay us!!! We can do this!!!!
  20. kparadisek

    August 2013 surgeries

    What kind of protein shots did you get? Idk if I told you my Mom had the same surgery you did in 1992 and she's still doing great! Her Dr. Wants to post her before and after in his office. I'm still trying to convenience her. The scar doesn't look to bad either. I'm so glad you are doing good!
  21. Okay, I'm not post op yet but I keep reading where some people are saying that even though they are usually not emotional people they tend to be very emotional after surgery. Do any of you know why this is? What do you tend to think about to try to get your mind off of it? I'm not a cryer so I'm curious about this. I hate my job but thankful for it because that's how i pay my bills. I just wouldn't want to be an emotional wreck at work because it will make me feel as if I'm letting my guard down.
  22. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Good luck today Joy and Missy! We're cheering for you. Keep us posted!
  23. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Tina call your surgeons office before you take anything. I just had my pre-surgery class and was told to discontinue Motrin, Advil, aleve, my water pill, etc for 1 week before surgery. i was told I can have Tylenol and my felines tone vitamins so call to be certain. I don't want you to mess up nothing. I have seen on here in the post op thread section where people had colds and still had surgery.
  24. kparadisek

    August Surgery List complete

    Good luck today to those having surgery! Keep us posted!

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