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Lenny D

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lenny D

  1. My surgery was on Tuesday morning 9/30. I was released from the hospital today. I don't have a lot of pain other the the gas pain that everyone reports. My problem is that I can't keep anything down. Not even water. Anything I drink makes me sick to my stomach & comes back up. Anyone else have this problem? My doctor says that I shouldn't worry & give it a couple of days. Anyone have any advise.
  2. Lenny D

    Out to lunch

    I'm scheduled for surgery on 9/30/03. I have a question about the liquid diet phase of the post-op period. My work requires that I travel to customers offices, so I'll have to brown bag my lunches on workdays. What do I bring. My docter suggests Carnation Instant Breakfast, but I can't start mixing shakes while I'm on the road. What about Slim Fast cans? They seem to be convenient to travel with. Suggestions appreciated. Lenny D
  3. Lenny D

    2 Days to Go

    Thanks Lioness! Thanks Alexandra!
  4. Lenny D

    2 Days to Go

    Well, in two days I will officially be a bandster. My surgery is on Tuesday morning. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM. Somthing tells me that I won't have any trouble waking up in time. I'm not nervous, but I would sure like to get this over with. Thanks to all my fellow bandsters & soon to be bandsters.
  5. Hi, new member to the group. My surgery date is set for 9/30/03. I'm in the process of getting my pre-surgery tests squared away. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for a Veinus Doppler Test, Pulmonary Function Test & pre-admission blood tests. Seems like everyone wants a piece of me. I had a upper endoscopy last week. The admission clerk and the nurse kept asking me if I was there for a colonoscopy. I told the nurse that if one more person asked me that question, I was going to hang a sign on my butt that said "Other End". The test went fine. Counting the days! Lenny D
  6. Lenny D

    New Member

    The tests are a pain in the neck, but the important thing is qualifying for the surgery. I wouldn't care if they wanted me to sprint around the block naked. As a matter of fact I'd sell tickets. BTW, I'm 7 days to go & counting. Soon to be a bandster!!!!
  7. I'm a guy, but I read somthing interesting about women's clothing styles. The expensive clothing manufacturers have a scam going concerning women's clothing sizes. According to the article a size 12 in an expensive women's dress is equivalent to a 14 or 16 in more reasonably priced dresses. In this way they get women to buy the more expensive clothing so the feel good about fitting into a smaller size. Is this true? Any of you gals have this experience? Lenny D
  8. My surgery is scheduled for 9/30/03. My insurance company approved the Lapband after about 4 weeks, no questions asked. My doctor's office handled all of the paperwork. I have Horizon Direct Access PPO, which is a New Jersey BC/BS group policy. Lenny D
  9. Lenny D

    New Member

    Hello neighbor. My surgery is scheduled for 9/30/03 at St Barnabas. My surgeon is Michael Nusbaum. Lenny D
  10. Lenny D

    Out to lunch

    Great idea about the soup. I ususlly travel up in the Bergen County area. Thanks for the suggestion Alexandra. Lenny D
  11. Lenny D

    New Member

    I'm having Lapband surgery, Sunni. I guess that they are more thorough about pre-op tests for old geezers, like me. They don't want to worry about us dropping dead on the operating table. Very bad for business. Lenny D
  12. Lenny D

    Out to lunch

    Thanks Wendy.
  13. Lenny D

    Out to lunch

    Thanks Tosha!
  14. Lenny D

    September Bandsters??

    Soon to be a September bandster. My surgery is scheduled for 9/30/03. I can't wait to get this thing done. Keep on trucking.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
