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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Vicki0618

  1. I am trying to find all the NSV I can find. I did a little blog about the ones I have seen so far. And I looked back over my blogs and I realized I blogged about the day we went to the Third Day Concert (almost a year ago) and the shirt I wanted to wear didn't fit. Fast forward to today and I am wearing that shirt..the one that didn't fit!!!

    Hopefully the picture will attach. The pic on the left was last year and it's a picture of the Concert picture...but you get the idea. The one on the right is today. Not a before and after, but definitely a before and during!! I still have a ways to go but I can definitely see the progress!!


  2. I never found the sweet spot either. I lost most of the 50 I did lose with the band in the first few months. After that it was just trial and error. One day I could eat something, the next day I couldn't. I would eat a bite or two and feel stuck but still be hungry. But worse was that I was throwing up almost every day, because it didn't matter how much I chewed the good stuff (salad, chicken etc) would not go down. I could eat all the junk I wanted (ice cream, cake, frozen yogurt etc) but nothing that was good for me. Until 2 years out and the band slipped and basically I couldn't even swallow water....and that bad boy came out!!! Yay, I could eat...Boo...I regained all the weight! So very very glad that I have my sleeve now and that is all behind me!

  3. I actually came on here to tell everyone that I was eating Soup tonight and I felt the fullness! I'm 2 weeks out and it's been pain I've felt, not fullness. But I'm full!!!! Such a relief! I'm so excited to have felt this.

    Isn't it amazing??? It's such a relief, I was a little afraid after the band but so far the sleeve is definitely what I thought the band was supposed to be! LOL

  4. For anyone who is trying to decide between the lap band and the sleeve, or anyone considering converting from the lap band to the sleeve. I cannot say strongly enough...Go For The Sleeve!!! The difference is night and day. With the band I could eat very little, but I was always hungry (still had my whole stomach) with the sleeve, I can eat very little and I can honestly say I am full. For example at lunch today I had 4 oz of cottage cheese and 2 oz of imitation crab, and I couldn't finish it. Not only oould I physically not finish it, but I was honestly full! Whoot Whoot!!! Before the sleeve, I told my husband I never felt full until I was stuffed (which might explain my obesity :)

    Today was my 3 week post op appointment from getting my sleeve. I am doing very very well, no side effects, no problems. I'm getting in all my liquids and all my Protein. Doc cleared me to carefully and slowly start adding in more foods. And best of all I have lost 19 lbs since surgery and 43 lbs since I started the pre-op diet. That's 43 POUNDS!!! That is only 7 lbs less than I lost in the entire 2 years I had the band!!!

    SLEEVE OR BAND????? 100% SLEEVE!!!!!!

  5. I also didn't have a leak test after surgery.

    I have had 3 c-sections and this is WAY WAY less pain. It's uncomfortable and if I twist or bed wrong I do feel a pull but I was off all pain meds by day 2

    In terms of nausea, I echo what someone above told you. Tell the anesthesiologist before surgery and he'll give you something to help. I had one bad bout of nausea the first night that resulted in dry heaves. But even then the nurses were right there putting something in my IV and it passed fairly quickly. Don't let that scare you!!!

    Good Luck!

  6. The food Network was my one of my favorite channels before the sleeve. I quit watching when I realized it was cruel, like pulling wings off of a fly,....and I was the fly. :huh:

    Don't even get me started on the food network. It is on at our house all the time. Yesterday after the 3rd episode of Chopped, I told my step daughter that I was changing it. She says "Why" I'm like, "Seriously??? I CAN'T EAT!!! Like Anything!!" Oh and I should point out that while they were watching chopped they were making Breakfast for dinner...with Bacon. :angry:

  7. Well in the hospital they ask you to rate your pain on a scale of 1-10 10 being the worst pain ever. I can honestly say that I never had pain above a 5. I was uncomfortable but with the pain meds it was nothing. I was sent home from the hospital with liquid vicoden and I haven't used it at all since day 2.

    Now, my husband says I'm a bad-*** and I guess I'm pretty tough, I have had 3 c-sections and had a lap band placed and removed but I really think this was the LEAST painful of all of them.

  8. Hey Pammie, I totally know what you mean! The first couple of days I was sure there was no way I could do it But I have discovered that warm liquids go down easier than cold. So by drinking warm tea broth etc. it definitely helps. I am also drinking decaff no sugar iced tea (well lukewarm not iced) Yesterday I managed to get down 48 oz of liquids plus 1 - 11 oz Protein Drink. So almost 60 oz. which I guess is ok for day 2. I just feel like all i'm doing is drinking. I keep hearing every day gets easier so I'm really hoping!!!

  9. Well I had surgery Wednesday and I'm going back Monday. And I'm sure ill be fine. I'm still tired about 1/2 thru the day but I have a sit down job so I'm not too worried. Am I hungry? Well its hard to explain. I guess its hunger but its a very different feeling than before. Its more like a little nudge saying. ..."hey you need to get something in here." Where before it was an overwhelming urge to put something in my mouth.

  10. Three days from getting my sleeve! I was banded back in 2008 and had to have it removed in 2012 due to a profound slip. So I has been 2 full years since I had the thing and the surgeon still had to remove some scar tissue left from the band. I know some surgeons will do the band removal and sleeve at the same time, some prefer to wait in between to give the stomach time to heal. It's going to depend on your surgeon and how much damage has been done by the band.

    So far, this surgery has been much easier than the band. Good luck as you go forward!!!

  11. I'm home....3 days post op! Doing very well. I am having some sort of reaction to the dermabond glue they used on the incisions and they are big red and puffy. Not oozy at all. Took a pic and sent to the dr they said it's a reaction so I'm using benedril to combat that. Other than that I'm not in any sort of discomfort. Actually this surgery was WAY easier than the band placement or removal. I was able to sleep in my own bed first day home!! Just sipping sipping sipping....I was able to get in one Protein Drink yesterday and part of one today. I have found that warm liquids work much better than cold. Each day gets better!!!!

    Oh and for any of you wondering....I did gain 5 lbs in the hospital from the IV fluids and gas they pumped into me. However as of this morning (3 days later) I have dropped all 5 plus 2 extra!!!

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