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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Vicki0618

  1. Vicki0618

    Next Step

    Well it's Step 1...and hold!!! Because I had a lapband it is technically a revision (even though I've had it out for 16 months) The Bariatric Center in South Sacramento has only been open for 2 months so they aren't doing revisions yet. (Although my Dr. has done many) so he has to get approval from the muckity-mucks at Kaiser. Worse case, I'll have to go to Richmond or wait for a few months. Nothing I can do, but pray. I should hear something in the next couple of weeks...
  2. Vicki0618

    Not So Fabulous Nsv

    I can't wait until I have to suffer with these horrible problems!!! LOL
  3. Hi All...I have been reading and lurking on here and after alot of thought, soul searching and prayer I think I might be ready to go down the WLS road...again! I was banded back in 2008 and had all the normal PB, slime, vomiting and general crud that you have when you are banded. But I did lose 50# so I was willing to deal. Until Dec 2010 when it slipped and completely blocked my stomach. So thanks to Dr. Fisher at Kaiser Richmond, he removed the blasted thing and lo and behold I could eat again.... Fast forward a year and I have regained all the weight I lost and it brought friends. I am soooo discouraged since I now weigh MORE than I did when I got banded. And it doesn't seem to matter what I do, I can't seem to lose it. (of course 2 years of eating or trying to eat banded probably messed with my metabolism a little bit...not that it was good to begin with). So here I am back looking on the internet and considering my options. I had not done any research on the sleeve when I got banded (dr didn't offer it) or I probably would have gone with it then. However, I am more than a little nervous about going down the road again since to be honest I hated the band. So please tell me how the sleeve is different from the band? Aside from the obvious. I want to know the real stuff, even the bad stuff, I don't want to go from bad to worse. Thanks all.... Vicki
  4. Vicki0618

    My First Nsv.....and Second!

    Whoot Hoo!!!!! That's one of my goals once I get sleeved!!! Doing a little happy dance for you!!! :D
  5. I am scheduled for my Orientation on Tuesday 3/6/12....That's next week!!! At Kaiser (South Sacramento....new bariatric center....whoo hoo) to get my sleeve. I'm not sure exactly what the process is going to be since I was banded from 2008-2010 but at least this is a start. According to the gal on the phone my file has been run by a surgeon already and he said unless I have scar tissue or damage from the band I should be good to go. And so it starts...bring on the hoops, I'm ready to jump!!!
  6. Vicki0618

    ...and The Process Begins!

    Thanks Andy!! Lissa, that's what I'm hoping too!
  7. Oh, I didn't know the complication rate went up. Then I'm glad that I had a year or more between... Keep me posted, I'll be anxious to see how you do with the sleeve and what your comparison is. Good Luck Wheetsin!!
  8. I wish they had taken mine out and sleeved me at the same time. But to be honest, I didn't even ask. At the time I just wanted it out of my body! But I have read on here of other people that have it done at the same time. Definitely something to ask the dr about. One surgery instead of 2!
  9. Becca and Andy...thanks for sharing your experience. I have made up my mind. I'm getting sleeved...now I just have to get my insurance/doctors to agree with me! LOL Ellendeette, has your doctor checked for a slip?? Sounds like the same thing I went though. Couldn't eat, bad reflux etc. Had all the Fluid removed from my band and it was better for a few weeks...then it started again. This time I could barely swallow Water and the acid reflux was HORRIBLE!! This time they checked and it had slipped so bad it was sitting vertically and basically cutting off my stomach....and that was it, it came out!! Keep your fingers crossed and send some prayers my way. I'm really hoping doors continue to open and everything just goes through smoothly! Vicki
  10. Vicki0618

    What Scares You?

    Suzanne....First of all you are an inspiration!!! Secondly, my biggest fear is that this won't work. I have already failed at the band....well technically I guess it failed me!! I was banded in 2008 and lost 50 lbs which I guess is deemed a success because it was 50%. However, it twisted and basically cut off my stomach, I couldn't even swallow Water. So in Dec 2010 it came out. I thought I could at least maintain my loss...but nope! Here it is a year later and I have regained it all!!! So here I am going through the process to get a sleeve...and I'm thinking this is my second WLS, what if this doesn't work, or if I have severe complications, or if...if...if. Reality is....fear or no fear, I am doing this. For me, for my health, for my new husband (who married me AFTER I regained the weight...love him!), for my kids. And reading everyone success stories just makes me more sure I'm making the right choice.....wish I would have had the option 4 years ago!!! Now, I'm just praying everything goes smoothly!!! Thanks for the inspiration! Vicki
  11. I have no idea how long the whole process will take. My PCP just referred me to the Bariatric Center this morning. So I could be in for a few more months of classes etc before surgery. Since I had a band before I don't know if they will require me to do everything or not. Hopefully, I'll get some answers when I get to orientation. I'm just glad I won't have to take an entire day to drive to Richmond for an appointment.
  12. Hi All...Just FYI, I went to a Weight Loss Surgery Class last night at South Sacramento Kaiser and found out that they now have a South Sacramento Bariatric Center. Just thought I'd let everyone know, especially those who end up driving to the Bay Area from up north. I have been referred over and when I speak to them I will confirm if they are doing the sleeve in Sac...if not I'll still go to Richmond! Have a great weekend everyone! Vicki
  13. WOW!!! It's amazing what a difference 20# can make! You look great!!
  14. Vicki0618

    Sleeping On The Sides..?

    Hi There, I felt like that after I got my band...and then again after I had it removed (yeah )...hopefully I'll be sleeved soon. Anyway, it helped me to use a pillow under my stomach when I slept on my side. Kinda reminded me of being pregnant but I was able to be comfy and sleep. I think the pillow helped to relieve the pressue on my abdomen. Hope you get some good sleep soon!!! Vicki
  15. JellyBeans....you are a HOT MAMA!!! You're eyes just sparkle!! Congrats.
  16. WOW, Oregondaisy.....here's hoping I do that well!!! What was your reason for the revision?? Are you happy that you are sleeved now? Looks like you've had the sleeve for awhile now....still glad you did it??
  17. I'm pretty sure I have decided on the sleeve. Now I just have to go through the process. How was the recovery? I will only be able to take a week off work (which was plenty with the band) and I'm a mom so I'm really hoping I can bounce back quickly. Seems like the sleeve is a much bigger surgery.
  18. I have been relatively impressed with everything I have read about the sleeve....seems like almost everyone is happy with it. I have seen a few people with complications but I would expect that with any surgery. However, I thought I was being very informed when I got my band too. But the band definitely wasn't the way I wanted to live. So no throwing up?? No "getting stuck"??? Can you actually eat REAL food...like chicken, and steak?? I felt like the band made it impossible to eat real food....processed foods seemed to be all I could eat...no matter how small the bite, or how much I chewed. I'm pretty happy with everything I have read/seen so far....hopefully I will get cooperation from the doc when I finally get to talk to him.
  19. Hi There...at this point I'm looking for information and seems like this is the place. I had a lap band from 2008 (placed by a Sutter Dr) until December 2010 when it slipped and blocked my stomach completely. Dr. Fischer at Kaiser Richmond removed my band. Fast forward a year and I have regained all my weight and it brought some friends. So here's the question...I have heard that Kaiser doesn't do revisions. However, since my band wasn't through Kaiser what are the chances of getting a sleeve now? I've done alot of lurking and reading and it seems like the sleeve is a good way to go. Although I did lose weight with the Band I was pretty miserable the whole 2 years, so second question is for anyone who has gone from a band to the sleeve...how is it different?? Thanks in advance to anyone who responds! Vicki
  20. Vicki0618

    Going going......

    A picture journey of my weight loss!

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