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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brlgirl

  1. brlgirl

    Rudeness in the other forums

    I know exactly what you mean and I HATE it. I have posted what I thought were simple questions/comments and "people" come back with smart ass answers or are just plain mean. My last posting I actually put that I don't want lectures or anyone telling me how they ONLY eat healthy stuff. I thought this was a place to ask questions and get them answered by those who have been there before.
  2. I am in mourning...well kind of...let me explain. This weekend I got partially stuck on a chocolate chip cookie--not one of those hard, dry ones but instead it was one of those warm, gooey, chocolately, surely directly from Heaven. It looked and smelled so good that I guess all rational thought left my head because although I sure enjoyed that warm, gooey cookie...I suffered almost as soon as I swallowed it. This made me wonder...how many of you are now mourning foods that were once a huge part of your life and now you can't go anywhere near them?? Please...I don't need lectures saying "oh you shouldn't have eaten that." or "You know Cookies aren't healthy, I only eat health stuff." etc...yeah...I know all this stuff and really don't want to hear it. I am not the only one who has/or will do this--and yes...it was a learning experience...but it was also a huge disappointment that I will no longer be able to enjoy this yummy treat. I know that I'll get over it and move on. Please feel free to share some of the foods that you are mourning...maybe together we can share a moment of silence and a few smiles and then move on toward our new healthy life.
  3. brlgirl

    Bandster Rules

    In addition to what everyone else has said...be sure to still have fun and enjoy your life...don't the band rule everything you do.
  4. brlgirl

    I'm In Mourning...wanna Join Me?

    Thank you for posting something that you are missing. This is what I wanted to hear...not "oh have a bite if you want it." We all have things we miss/must steer clear of no matter what thoughts enter (or my case leave) my head. Thanks for sharing.
  5. brlgirl

    How Do I Admit?

    you have a 13cc band...maybe all you need to "restart" yourself is a little bit more of an adjustment/fill. I felt that same way and I when I got my last fill I started feeling the "fill" and was able to easily get back on track. I think it's ok to get stuck and need some help...we've all been there or we wouldn't be here.
  6. brlgirl

    I'm In Mourning...wanna Join Me?

    You're right!!! If I want something I'm gonna have it (or at least try a bite to see how it goes down before trying another). I do know that there are foods that I can no longer eat because getting stuck just isn't worth it--no matter how good that bite tasted--such a pizza, my mom's chicken and noodles. Thanks for your kind comments.
  7. I am using True Results and Dr. Riley was my dr. I have been really happy for the most part. I liked Dr. Riley...except that I only saw him immediately before my EDG and my actual band/hernia surgery. Once I've been banded I have not seen him again...instead I go the "clinic" and work with the nurse practioners--they are the ones who do the fills/unfills. I will warn you...that scheduling an appointment can be difficult...especially if you work and need an appointment after 3:00--they only do those on Thursdays. The amount of wait time is really crazy...I have waited up to an hour between the waiting room and in the individual "fill/adjustment" room. And...oh the traffic is horrid--especially if you happen to have an appointment on a day when there is a Texans game or if it's Rodeo time--my last appointment was the first pre-season Texans home game and it took me 2 hours to get back to Katy. Don't get me wrong...I love my band and the ladies at the center are very nice. I figure that I can deal with the above if I can get healthier (and skinny too).
  8. brlgirl

    "stuck Episode" Best Thing To Do Is....

    Boy...after reading these...I am not looking forward to a real "stuck" episode. I have finally had enough of a fill that I can feel it and things have gotten partially stuck--probably from not fully chewing and/or not eating the right stuff (such as that bite of bread that looked so good). I had one this weekend and the only thing I could think to do was to take a couple drinks of Diet Coke...the bubbles did help me to burp which seemed to shift the item and it went down. It did hurt a bit afterward and I noticed that any appetite I had before was gone. Good luck to everyone!!
  9. brlgirl

    September Autumn Challenge

    Hi everyone. I am so very excited to post a weight loss this week...I got my first fill in which I actually can feel the band working. This week I am so very proud that I am down 5.2 pounds.!!!!!
  10. I had the very same problem. This summer I got "stuck" at the same weight and finally got fed up and joined Weight Watchers. This has really helped me...I haven't told them I am a bander...but it has given me some of the structure that I was missing---sidebar---I was told to follow a 1200 calorie diet, but was given no information as to even how to begin a 1200 plan. When I asked the nurse practioner she simply said "you look at the calories on the container and stop when you get to 1200 calories." Really??? Maybe I'm an idiot but this wasn't working for me and I had to do something else---end of sidebar---I went back to what I knew...and I knew worked. Sure, I don't always get all my points in...but I am able to easily adapt to my higher Protein needs without being pentalized. Anyway...this is just a suggestion...hope you are able to find something to work because I know how frustrating this can be.
  11. I hate to admit it, but I look at the bottle of vitamins every morning as I'm getting ready and then just walk on by...probably because they taste HORRIBLE (they are citrus flavored chewable). This week I have decided that if I am making my 4 year old take his vitamins then I need to take mine...so I am really trying to remember. My goal is to finish this AWFUL bottle and then get some that either taste better or I can actuall swallow. I saw the petites...are those small enought to be swallowed or do you need to cut them in half?
  12. I understand!!! But remember that "we" are filled slowly so that we can adapt to the band. I have found that with each fill my "intake" has decreased and so has my awareness of what I need to be eating (and not eating) and to really pay attention to the cues my body is sending me. Don't worry...the "green zone" is coming. Take it easy and use this time to really learn about how the band is working with your body--oh...and get really excited with each pound you lose!!!
  13. brlgirl

    Trouble Getting Things Down

    After reading many of the posts and talking to the nurse practioners at my clinic...I'm just wodering if you taking too big of sips and if your shake is too thick. I have also read that sometimes "we" can have difficulty with breakfast and that sometimes a couple sips of hot tea/coffee will kinda un-plug whatever is causing the problems. These are just thoughts.
  14. Hello everyone. Not long ago someone posted a fun topic where we listed all the foods we were no longer able to eat--I really enjoyed that one...let me know that I am not the only one who is no longer able to eat some of my favorites. But...now I have a new question. I was filled to 6cc last week and I think I am getting really close to my green zone...however...I have also noticed that I have been having difficulty with foods--such as chicken (especially when it is DRY, salad, etc. I am wondering you can help by listing some of the foods/types of foods that you can eat since you are at or near your green zone. Thanks bunches.
  15. Thank you so much sHeLLaBee for your response...that is what I was looking for...some actual foods that I can try. I am having such a hard time and getting stuck on what I though was good stuff. Thanks
  16. brlgirl


    Dr. Riley was my surgeon and I didn't have a cath...I used the restroom immediately before I went into surgery and then the nurses had me use the restroom again before being discharged. You really aren't in surgery very long and once you are awake the recovery room nurses get you up and moving.
  17. brlgirl

    September Autumn Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ brlgirl Goal weight for September 29th~ 220 Weight on September 1st~ 224.2 Age~45 Dietary goal for September~very simply...to eat slower and to make sure that I cut my food (especially the protien/meat) into very small bites to keep from getting stuck. Exercise goal for September~ continue to walk 5-6 days a week Personal goal for September~ stop drinking diet coke for good. Date banded~4/26/12 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~42.8 What is your favorite Fall Activity?~ being outside when it finally cools off (I live in Houston and it is still hot till maybe Oct).
  18. brlgirl

    You Had Your Surgery And ..

    I have only lost 42 pounds and I have found myself touching my collar bones alot...and even looking at them in the mirror to see if they are more visable than the day before. Oh...the little things.
  19. I can no longer eat pizza...well actually it's the crust that I can't eat, but really...what fun it is to scrap the goodies off the top??? I am not able to eat bread...it doesn't get stuck but it hurts when it goes down--so no more bread or pasta--it caused a bunch of pain the other night when I took a bite. The only trouble I've had with meat is when I take too big of a bite and don't chew it enough. I cook most of my meat in the crock pot with either some sort of liquid or soup--which marinates it and makes it really tender. When I have a burger I cut it into small bites and add ketchup or bbq sauce to add some moisture.
  20. brlgirl

    Busy Moms

    I am not yet at that green zone...so I appreciated this topic. I am a teacher so eating whenever I'm hungry is nearly impossible...so I have to pack my lunch bag with a bunch of stuff-just in case. I also take protein--usually left over from the night before's dinner--a greek yogurt, a Jello pudding (to stop any of those sweet cravings), fruit, raw veggies (carrots are a favorite). I will also pack a breakfast item in case it's one of those days that I get hungry early. Sometimes I eat everything I pack...and sometimes I bring most of it back home. I have found that I would rather pack more and bring it home then try to find something on the run. I am looking forward to the day when I am at that green zone and won't have to pack so much.
  21. brlgirl


    I have chocolate cravings when I am having my period...I will admit that I do allow myself a couple bites...after years of battling weight I have decided that it really isn't worth the battle to try to fight the cravings. I allow myself a little bit..I figure a little bit once a month won't hurt anything...I tell my husband it may even make me nicer. I try to even it out by walking a few more steps that day. I think that cravings of any kind are natural and if you give in...then you admit it and get right back on the "horse" and start up again.
  22. My dr. put in 3cc during surgery...funny thing was I had no idea that this happened. I just thought that the "full" feeling immediately after surgery was just part of the post surgery swelling. I was surprised when, at my first fill, the nurse removed 3 cc from the band (she "removed it" so that she could determine how much if anything was added during surgery and they we can add from there). To be quite honest...I am glad that I had the 3cc fill....it really wasn't much, but it did get me started in the right direction. I would definately tell people, if given the option, to have the dr. give a slight fill...it isn't enough to limit you...but is enought to get you headed in the right direction from the start.
  23. brlgirl

    You Had Your Surgery And ..

    I love this topic. I have lost about 42 pounds and am not able to; --take long walks following my 4 year old who is riding his bike. --I am wearing a size 18W--which is awesome since I was in a 28 --using a small plate and actually being full/satisfied when I'm finished --I am finding myself making plans for activities that will involve lots of walking--such as hiking, museum and zoo trips, etc. I know this isn't much...but it's a start.
  24. brlgirl

    Fill And Yank!

    That sounds very unusual. I have only had 2 fills and have felt the needle going in both times...but have never ever felt the needle come out. Wonder what he did that was so different???
  25. brlgirl

    When Did You Feel Restriction?

    I have a 10cc band and i would feel some restriction the first few days after a fill, but this last one I have noticed that I am feeling the restriction a little bit every day...I am currently at a 5.5cc. I go for another fill next week...I am hoping that maybe I can get at least a .5cc which will take me to a 6--we'll see.

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