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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brlgirl

  1. brlgirl

    where are all the people

    I am always wiling to talk...especially to those who aren't afraid to admit mistakes. I haven't told very many people so being able to talk openly about the joys and problems of having the band would be most welcome. Off topic but I thought this might be a good place to ask...last night I was walking across the living room and noticed a pizza commerical on tv. I just froze was was so hypnotized looking at that pizza that the rest of the world just kinda turned off...has anyone else done that or just me??
  2. brlgirl


    I was wondering if anyone has used it to thicken soups/stews? I have a crock pot recipe that I really like, but it is kinda soupy so I like to add a little rice to thicken it and was wondering if quinioa could be added as a thickener?
  3. brlgirl

    October Spooktacular Challenge

    Name, real or screen~brlgirl Goal weight for October 29th~210 Weight on October 1st~217 Age~45 Dietary goal for October~to really aim for the 1/2 cup serving size...I am currently at about 3/4 cup....also drink more water Exercise goal for October~continue to walk 5-6 days a week Personal goal for October~to continue to find even a little bit of joy in each day Date banded~4/26/12 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~50 pounds!!!!! What is your favorite Halloween Activity?~my son is 4 and has finally getting "into" Halloween so I think this year just having fun with him as we participate in various fall activities will be lots of fun.
  4. In June I was to recieve my second fill and I had to cancel it becuase I had pneumonia. It is impossible to reschedule and expect to get an appointment within the week so I just had to reschedule for July. To be very honest, it really didn't matter much. The antibotic I was on really took away my appetite so I wasn't eating and I was just plain exhausted to waiting a month didn't hurt anything. I would call the clinic and ask if they think they should reschedule.
  5. brlgirl

    September Autumn Challenge

    Hello everyone. After a fun weekend in San Antonio, TX with family I am very proud to say that I stayed the same this week. Still at 217.
  6. brlgirl

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    I have been attending meetings since June and no...I didn't/haven't told them that I have been banded. I have learned first hand how other people view the band and I just didn't want to deal with that. Yes, I do lose more each week (typically at least a pound) than the other members but that's ok...I continue to attend because of the life style changes it gives. I also really like being part of a weight loss group that I get to talk with face to face. Good luck to you!!!
  7. brlgirl


    I think this is kinda funny...I mean our drs/nurse practioners tell us to wait at least a minute between bites, chew, chew, chew and not to do anyting during the meal (no books, tv, computer, etc). I don't know about anyone else, but I am more likely to successfully wait between bites and chew, chew, chew when I have something to keep my mind busy. If I am sitting there looking at my plate and waiting I am more likely to eat more and faster. I honestly think that this is one of those situations when the "professionals" can tell us what they think but it should be left to us...we are the ones doing it everyday.
  8. brlgirl

    Keeping The Silence

    Sorry to hear about your mom. I don't see any problem with not telling everyone. I told my husband, my family, 2 friends, and two co-workers (one of whom is considering lapbanding). I told these people because I wanted a few people to know so that I could do what I needed to do without strange looks or questions. I think that it is your right to tell anyone you want. Wishing you tons of success!!!
  9. Can I celebrate with you?? This weekend I also hit the 50 pound mark. I know excactly how you feel and isn't it wonderful!!!!!! I don't know about you, but I am very happy to be a Big Loser!!!!!
  10. brlgirl

    September Autumn Challenge

    Hello everyone...sorry I am a bit late. This week I lost .6 pounds---that's not much, but I have lost 50 pounds!!!!!
  11. brlgirl

    Amazed By What Other People Eat

    Funny...I observed this same thing last night at church. On Wednesday night my family goes to church where we get to eat a home cooked meal and then then fellowship with other church members (kinda like going to a good friend's for dinner). Last night was pulled pork BBQ (I live in Texas and this is a fairly "normal" thing to have), chips, a cookie and salad--overall nothing bad. As I patiently waited between bites of my bunless meat which was slathered in BBQ sauce I watched my table-mates eat and was surprised not so much with the volume they ate (we were all given the same amount), but the speed. I can't believe I ever ate that fast-I mean I don't know if some people even tasted their food they were eating so fast. I found myself smiling inside that I have been able to slow myself down and I am finally (after 45 years) able to say that I am able to appreciate and enjoy the taste of the food instead of swallowing fast to get more.
  12. I was so sorry to hear about you getting "chewed" for drinking a Protein shake...I was also thinking about drinking one for breakfast--partly because I seem to get a stuck feeling after eating Breakfast (which may be caused by my allergies) and because I have so much of the drink mix left--I don't want to waste it. I have been having problems with dry meats...I have found that I need to add some form of moisture to it--whether that the sauce (BBQ,ketchup) or marinade. When I have made something that goes down well then I will eat it every day for lunch until it's gone--such as the cabbage rolls I made last weekend. Good luck to you!!!
  13. Good for you!!! You look amazing.
  14. Never heard of Grillsmith...but it sounds like a wonderful option!!!
  15. My husband is supportive to a point. He is very happy that I am losing the weight, but really doesn't take the time to understand the band and why things get stuck/cause pain and why sometimes I have to drink a soda to get something unstuck. My husband, like a couple referred to here, isn't overly interested in anything but sports--but maybe when I get "small" enought I can put on a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader type costume and finally get his attention. (Really don't think that will EVER happen no matter how small I get!!)
  16. brlgirl

    Fried Chicken Meat Only

    I have found that fried chicken is can be a bit too dry for me--without the skin. I usually have to add some BBQ sauce or something to make it a little softer. I will admit that after I pulled off the skin I did lick my fingers just to get a taste of that yummy greasy taste--and oh was it good--but I had to stop there because just the thought of the skin makes my chest hurt!!!!
  17. I am probably the exception...but I had the surgery on a Thursday and went back to work on Monday. Looking back I probably shouldn't have gone back that soon, but as a specialized special ed teacher I had to attend meetings and the end of school was looming and there were things I had to get done. I did take it easy between meetings but by the end of the day I was beyone exhausted. I'd say...take a least a week and then do something like go to church, go grocery shopping, walk around the block and see how you feel. If you are still totally exhausted after that little bit of activity maybe you need a few more days. Good luck to you!!!!
  18. brlgirl

    September Autumn Challenge

    I am down 1.4 pounds this week!!! only .6 and I'll offically hit the 50 pound loss!
  19. brlgirl

    One Meal/snack At A Time...

    Good for you!!! I have a 4 year old and my pantry has a few Snacks for him such as Goldfish and gummy snacks. I got the urge to eat some of those delicious little Goldfish last night...and oh my gosh...who'd of thought that those little buggers could cause such pain. I got my first real "stuck" episode and finally realized that I need to really think before I eat...those yummy little fish WERE NOT worth the pain. I am hoping that I will remember this pain next time I start craving something.
  20. brlgirl

    Wedding Dress????

    You know...I was thinking of doing this the other day. Had to laugh because my dress is hanging the back of a very stuffed closet and I think I may lose more just cleaning out the closet enough to actually reach the dress.
  21. brlgirl

    Help! Am I "stuck"?????

    That doesn't sound like a "stuck" episode. When I was 4 1/2 weeks out I was able to eat the same items you described. It wasn't until this last fill that I started feeling those horrible "stuck" pains. I'll bet you are just healing. Good luck to you.
  22. brlgirl

    I Need Some Fellow Bandsters Opinions!

    I guess my question is...why do you want to drink shakes? Why not eat a more well balanced meal? I've found that the processed foods tend to have either lots of sugar and/or sodium. Just curious.
  23. brlgirl

    Rudeness in the other forums

    ♥carolinagirl♥--no it was not you!!! You were great and gave me something to think about. It's all those who think that just because they lost a little weight that they are the foremost experts and that everyone else is stupid because "we" aren't as perfect as they are. ***Ok...getting off the box now***
  24. brlgirl

    Sex Drive

    Sounds like I'm the only one to say this...but yes...my has gone out the door and down the block...oh heck...I think it has packed up and moved. I think it is probably a combination of things that has caused this...such as school starting and me be exhaused (I'm a teacher), keeping up with a 4 year old, house chores, and a husband who keeps different hours. To be quite honest...I feel great with my small loss...but I don't really miss the sex at all. I just want to sleep.
  25. After years and years of this weight loss journey I have learned that when you are craving something NOTHING is going to take away the craving except to have that item...so...have some chocolate. Have just a bite or two and quell that craving--no sense in driving yourself crazy trying to figure out to make something to take it's place. What I do is get some M&Ms (for example) and take a few then give the rest of the small bag to my son (age 4) who finishes them. I look at it as a special treat for both of us.

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