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Posts posted by achristie

  1. Well here I am 21 days post op and let me just say it was a crazy experience. I noticed for the first week and a half I wasn't getting nearly enough Water or Proteins. I was so tired, and grumpy! I guess you can say I completely avoided the puréed stage of my diet for the sole fact that I could not fathom pureeing a chicken breast or any type of meat for that matter. Ugh.

    Anyways my diet for the past few days have been as follows:

    (mind you i barely finish it all)


    An egg white

    A sausage link


    1/2 c tuna (over a time period)

    A yogurt


    Anything soft that is being served

    I did notice that when I tried to eat chicken last night I was so pumped to eat what I call human food, that it made my insides turn and ache and I regretted it immediately. I know I need to chew chew chew.

    I also know I may be pushing my body's limits by moving forward so fast but I'm in camp. I have no say what is cooked for any meals and lunches are pretty general and I am making due with what I have.

    Just thought I would leave an update, started at 197 and am now at 179!

  2. Ah! Thanks everyone. Sorry it took a few days to reply but here it is. Well later that night at about 9pm I got a call from my doctor saying we were at the wrong hotel, apparently there are 2 Maria Bonita Hotels! (who knew) so we quickly packed our things and awaited instructions, thankfully the manager of the one we were at was also the manager of the other and he showed us over (talk about service.) But my surgery was at 10 am the next morning, and let me tell you was I nervous. I tried to stay calm and collected as I knew me being nervous would just make my mom nervous for me. So the last thing I remember before the anesthesia knocked me out was joking with the doctor in the operating room, no count down, just out cold. When I woke up I was told it was 4 pm, everything was hazy my vision was blurry I was nauseous as could be and in disbelief that I had been out for 6 hours ! Finally I was wheeled to my room where I stayed over night until 9 the next night. I had some moments where I thought " why would I do this o myself, I'm so stupid" but that was only because the build up of surgical gas caused an immense amount of discomfort, that's the worst part in all honesty, is the gas. And the only way to release it, is to walk and trust me, you will not want to walk. But here I am two days later in the airport and I'm glad I made the decision to do it, even though I am still plagued with gassy insides, I know it is for the best! Here's to a new me :)!

  3. Today I arrived today in El Paso, Texas with no complications. But my surgery is across the border in Juarez and finding our hotel was a complete nightmare...Wow. I highly recommend getting a cab, me and mom on the other hand decided to rent a car and pray to god we could navigate through all the signs, talk about culture shock! After a few choice words, and 2 1/2 frustrating hours later we arrived in the beautiful Maria Bonita! So here I am, sitting in my hotel awaiting my surgery which is at 10 am tomorrow morning. I have mixed emotions.. happy to start life as the new an improved me, and scared because who really wants to have surgery, right? All in all. I think it will be okay. I even bought a cute little Mexican dress to remind me that this is the right choice for me, and of course how good I plan to look :)

    Send me your prayers !

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