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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mdfinch

  1. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    Ya that Cotton mouth was the worse for me. I asked the nurse for a wet wash rag and she told me only if I wouldn't suck on it. I promised her I just wanted to wet my mouth so I could talk. ha ha
  2. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    Welcome Scooby_who! Glad to see you being banded during May. We started a group called the May blooming bandsters, if you would like to join we would love to have you!
  3. mdfinch

    After Surgery Diet

    Ok we have talked about what kind of diet we were on before surgery. Now lets post what we are allowed to eat after surgery and when we are allowed to eat and how that went for you. The day of my surgery and the day after my surgery I was on clear liquids only. I drank apple cranberry juice that had to be deleted 1/2 & 1/2 per the doctor. Those two day went ok! I had to take small sips at a time. The doctor instructed that I use a medicine cup to drink from. I thought that was a good example to get my drinking sips correctly. Than on the third day I got to eat food. My diet called for breakfast 2oz. of cream o wheat very thin. Ate it 1/2 a tsp at a time. took me about 30 minutes to eat. I thought it went ok. Until I stood up to clean out the dishwasher and I got dizzy and nausea. Than I got afraid to eat. My mom came over during late afternoon so I tried to eat again. This time I was to eat a little more. Lunch was 2oz cream of chicken soup and 2oz. of yogurt. Here is what I did this time. I dipped my spoon in the soup and licked the spoon off. I ddin't put any thing on the spoon just dipped it and that went ok, I also ate my yogurt this way. I was suppose to have 2oz of soup and 2oz of pudding but I was not feeling hungry so I skipped supper. and of course I had to get in my 48-64oz of water.Which I'm sure I got the much water in. Now this is my diet for the next two weeks. So let us know what your diet consist of since you had surgery.
  4. mdfinch


    Ok May banders I'm ready to move on pass all the surgery and liquid diet part. I need someone that I can check in with every night. I need some one that will be my partner that I can tell all of my cheat and victories too. I need some one that will not be afraid to yell at me when I didn't go to the gym like I was suppose to or follow my diet correctly or to cheer me on. I will share my ups and downs. Now I don't have a problem posting to every one here in our group. But If that is what we all agree on than every one will have to check in every night or you will have to post the night before that you will be on vacation and returning on a specfic night. So I'm listening let me know what every one is wanting to do. I think every one of us needs help thru this journey. It is going to be one heck of a bumpy road.
  5. mdfinch

    After Surgery Diet

    ok Mushie was to start today but I started on Sunday because of mothers day! Seen Dietican and she was not thrilled with me starting a few days early but understood why. Ok so what is mushie food you ask. This is what I'm told to do. Use the heck out of my blender or/and food processor for the next 2 weeks. Here is my diet for the mushie stage Breakfast 2oz cream o wheat or oatmel Lunch 2oz meat (put thru the blender or grinder or food processor) 2 oz mashed potatoes (put thru the blender or grinder or food processor) 2 oz vegetables (put thru the blender or grinder or food processor) Supper same as lunch And don't forget water water water that should at least be 64 oz of water.
  6. mdfinch

    Cheating On Pre-Op

    Sabrina76 You are not the only one that had to have a bite to eat before surgery. You did and now it is over. I had a salad about 4 days before my surgery and was so upset with my self I called my doctors office and told them and they was happy I called and told them but they forgave me and I still had my surgery. So I recommend you tell them and move pass it. Take it as a lesson lived and learned.
  7. mdfinch

    May Surgery's

    Ok I have just sent out invites to laulau2199 but I'm not sure of your surgery day so please let me know. Brooke33 I have your surgery date as of May 18 added Geminita Please let me know when your surgery is so I can get you added Lappyloo I also need your surgery date please Kah1213 I did change your date, sorry let me know if it is still wrong Kemullins I have added you to May 23 If there is any one I'm missing please let me know.
  8. mdfinch

    Bandages & Bathing

    Check your hospital release form. It should tell you when you can shower and about the bandages.
  9. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    Yes and I'm still encouraged if I'm not meeting my protein for the day.
  10. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    I'm sorry andi525 But My stomach has not been hurting me. Now I have had some issues with heart burn and now I have to take malanta for the the rest of this week and see if it gets any better and if not I have to get some test done next week to see why. After and during your surgery do you know if the ran any test on you. Like during my surgery they injected blue saline solution to make sure the port and lap band had no leaks. and after surgery I had to drink barium to make sure my stomach looked ok and the placement of the band was good. Andi525 Please leave those patas alone. Way to much for this time. You are to eat mushie foods such as mashed potatoes vegetable and meats. Here is what was recommended by my dietcian. breakfast- 2oz of cream o wheat or oatmeal lunch 2oz meat, 2 oz mash potatoes and 2 oz of vegetables supper same as lunch Almost forgot about the vitiams. Now I was not told any thing about iron. So I take Centrum chewables which is just a multivitamin and I also take calcium . This is all that was told to me by my Dietcian. I just went and got my book out and doubled checked and I am taking every thing that I was told. Call your Dietican and ask them. You pay them good money so get your moneys worth. My dieticain tells me to call her any time I think I have a question. Let me know if I can help with any thing else. I do believe you should call your doctors office and tell them that your stomach is hurting and see if they can help you. let me know what you find out.
  11. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    Not a problem I will get the invite out to you in just a few minutes. But I wanted to let you know how to get there first. If you scroll to the top of the page there are like differnt folder tabs. The first one says forums, than blogs, photos, magazine, chat and than groups. Hit on groups and than May Blooming Bandsters should be found in there. Let me know if you still need help getting there. I'm going now to send your invite now.
  12. mdfinch

    What Are Your Nsv Goals?

    One of my most important ones would be to enjoy falling from one size to the next size in clothing. That puts a smile to my face just thinking about it. My pocket book is frowning!
  13. mdfinch

    New To Group

    I did the same thing also. Lost 10 lbs before surgery, lost 10 lbs my 1st week and now It's been another week with nothing lost. My first week I thought oh my I'm losing to much to fast and I'm going to be really flabby and of course I start to worry and lose nothing now. Ok I'm so sorry I even thought that, Now can I please start losing agiain. JUst trying to talk my body back into the lose lose stage! ha ha
  14. mdfinch

    Do You Need Accountability?

    I would love to find a buddy like this. I do better when I have a buddy to report to. It makes me think twice before I take the one extra bite or stop exercising 5 minutes early.
  15. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    For all the New May banders, Welcome! Sorry I have not been on a bunch. But been very busy since my surgery (5-2-12). My mother just had surgery today and my mother in law is in the hospital. So Hopefully things are starting to slow down and I'll have more time for all my new best friends "The May Banders". We also have a group called the May Blooming Bandsters. If you would like to join we would love to have you! If you have any problems joining let me know and I will send you an invite. You may also add your surgery to our calendar there or let me know and I will add you to the May bander calandar. As most of you are finding out that the May banders are a group of great people. Please come JOin in all the support and love we give to each other. Let go a journey together!
  16. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    I don't believe so, Your soups are all suppose to be 98 fat free and I really don't believe that Panera is selling fat free soups.
  17. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    congrats Kathy The May banders is a great bunch of people and everyone is very sopportive of every one. We also have a group called the May blooming banders if you would like to join jump on in. You may add your surgery date also. If you have any problems just let me know.
  18. mdfinch

    Going In For The Edg....

    Going on two weeks! Tuesday will be two weeks
  19. mdfinch

    What Are Your Nsv Goals?

    Great goals Natalie Ok let me think a minute. Ok here are a few to start with. To feel more comfortable with my self. To have more energy To be able to shop any where for clothes other than the plus size departments To feel comfortable in my clothes. Not have to worry about the seat belt fitting me in the airplanes Hopefully never getting diabetes (grandmother, mother, Aunt and cousins have it already) hopefully stop the pain in my back Hopefully the weight lose will help with my plantar facshitis To give me a longer healtier life span To continue....
  20. mdfinch

    Going In For The Edg....

    Tammy thanks for feeling us in on your Friday test. I'm glad every thing is fine and you surger is going to be able to happen for you. I've been doing ok. other than going stir crazy. I can't wait to get back to work. I hope I will get to go back on Thursday, I see the doctor on Wednesday.
  21. mdfinch

    Going In For The Edg....

    Tammy Did every thing go okay on your test on Friday? Please let us know how your doing! Debbie
  22. mdfinch


    I'm taken Centrum chewable vitamins. They only come in orange but a lot cheaper than the bariatric Vitamins. Did your doctor tell you that you could crush your pills? No one told me to crush mine and I think that they are getting stuck in my chest and that is why my heart burn is so bad. I was talking to my friend and she told me that when her mother was in the nursing home they crushed her meds and would put them in any thing soft, such as pudding, yogurt and Soups and so on.
  23. mdfinch

    Todays Surgery May 4Th

    Lose-it I was also told no straws are to be used. I think you need to check with your doctor on this. Before surgery I always had a glass with a straw in my hand and was told no more. Could be why you are burping so much. I have terrible heart burn and I was told that drinking from a straw puts to much air in the stomach,
  24. mdfinch

    After Surgery Diet

    My diet will change to puree foods two weeks after surgery. And a month after surgery I'm pretty much back to normal with lots of chewing of my food.
  25. mdfinch

    May Bandsters!

    I'm still tender but my biggest problem is the heart burn. I had terrible problems with heart burn before so It's nothing really new just been giving me heck when I take my meds. So in the morning I'm calling the doctor to see if I should crunch my med or what.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
