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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Meredith

  1. Hi all! My husband and I will be relocating to Memphis, and I'm wondering if there's a support group or others in the area who would like to get together and chit chat. I was sleeved almost a year ago on May 30, 2012 and have lost 140lbs, going from 325 to 185. I've been at a stall for close to two months due to traveling and poor food choices, but I'm looking into joining ATC Fitness or Planet Fitness in Bartlett with my husband to get back on track and would love to have someone else to work out with. As far as a support group goes, I have not been to one and am struggling with the mental and emotional issues of losing so much weight and also finding who I am again since I had behind the "fat girl" all throughout my life. Any feedback or friendships would be greatly appreciated!

  2. What is your Protein intake looking like? I'm 9 months out and down 139lbs to 186. My original goal was 180, but since I've been loosing so easily, I do believe I could get down to 160 and muscle up a lot more for definition, etc. I still drink a 30g Protein Shake every morning and sometimes one for lunch/dinner or a 30g Protein Bar then eat a few things here and there. I've been staying away from carbs, pastas, and pretty much anything that isn't good for me, but I have taken a liking to "Baked Naturals" crackers... they are SO DELISH! Cashews are my go-to munchy food, and I buy stock in eggs and 8x protein flavored Greek yogurt.

    In October, I was supposed to get blood work done and have another follow-up appointment, but we've been strapped with money, and I've been putting it off. I've been good on Multivitamins, etc. so I don't feel like anything is wrong. The weight loss has slowed down, but that just means that I need to up my exercise and quit snacking so much throughout the day. Average pounds lost each month is now 8-9 depending on Water and whatever else.

    I say keep up the good work, everyone! From what I read here and there, you all seem to be doing great!

  3. I got sleeved on 5/30/12 and bought a lovely scale (Beuer BF66) to track my weight-loss, bone density, Water, etc., but it was recently damaged (thanks to our upstairs neighbors flooding our apartment) and needs to be replaced. Even though I loved it, Bed Bath & Beyond doesn't carry it anymore for a quick buy, so now I'm looking into other scales that measure everything. I still have a high BMI of 32, so it can't be for the next Iron Man or anything. I'm looking into the Omron HBF514, Seca 804 and browsing into Tanita scales. Any insight would be helpful! Thanks!

  4. I'm still here too, just stay in the dark and watch from a distance. Jafter, do you happen to have a copy of the blood work list Dr. W gave you? I cleaned out my car today and, of course, through mine out. Also, around how much did it cost? I don't have insurance and was self-pay. Right now, I think I'm having gallbladder trouble. I went on to a cheap Walmart Protein (NEVER EVER again), and was sick almost every night. Thinking it was the protein or milk I was mixing it with, I went back on my regular and was feeling good until tonight when I ate ONE french fry (also, NEVER again!). To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Washington didn't talk much about having to possibly take out the gallbladder due to rapid weight loss. Some sleevers who I talk to said that their surgeon went ahead and took theirs out after an ultrasound during their sleeve. Others said that they got medicine one month out in case the gallbladder started acting up. On the 30th, I'll be 3 months out and 72 lbs lighter! It's such an amazing journey, and I can say that it isn't easy but also isn't as hard as I thought it would be. My mom doesn't understand how I can turn away cheesecake or ice cream so easily. Good luck with everyone! I'll be seeing Dr. Washington next month and will ask him all of my questions. Hmmph!

  5. It's so good seeing that everyone is doing great! Congratulations to Mimismom and Sparky on your surgeries! The first week is the hardest part, then you've got it!

    I'd be interested in exchanging recipes or whatnot that you guys have found yummy. I'm still drinking 60-70 grams of Protein through shakes and milk since we're still settling into our new apartment and getting the hang of things. Good luck, everyone!!

  6. I'm mentally going through the same feelings right now. I'm only 12 days post-op and have lost 22lbs since the surgery. I'm still going through my weekly diets, but I'm even afraid to add new foods (cottage cheese, etc.) to my Protein. I know that when I'm able to eat whatever, I'll mentally shut down and go crazy. In the back of my mind, I know I need counseling because it's a big deal emotionally. I've found amazing friends throughout this website. If you're cheating and being stupid with food choices, they'll let you know. Also, they'll help you when you need it most... that's the best part!

  7. Hope everyone is doing great! @Jafter, we need some updates from you!! @futureskinnypants has been keeping me on track and excited both before and after the surgery!

    It's been 12 days since my surgery, and I've lost already lost 22lbs since then, 37lbs with pre-op. I'm dying for the "applesauce consistency" diet this Wednesday! It hasn't been too terribly bad this past week. It helps a lot when you're not hungry and see the weight coming off. Protein Shakes have been my best friend, but it's a struggle to get in the other liquid. I've been walking a few times each day with the dog, so that keeps me distracted and out of the kitchen. So far, this is one of the best decisions of my life. Hopefully in a few weeks, my energy level will be out of the roof (it's GREAT right now), but it feels wonderful to get some weight off. I'm so excited for everyone still waiting for this. It's wonderful!

  8. Things are going pretty good! Surgery went well, and I had the catheter taken out around 12 to go walk around. My diaphragm hurts from them puffing me up to work, but Tylenol is helping. I have been dry heaving which makes me even more sore. For the most part, it's going great! The citrus cotton swabs make me gag, so I'm stuck swallowing spit and waiting for the leak test in the morning. Thanks for all the well wishes. I was definitely a basket case the past few days!

  9. Here goes... I'm getting sleeved Wednesday morning in Myrtle Beach, SC, and am psychologically struggling with replacing my "eating fun" with real fun. I've greatly struggled on my pre-op diet, mainly because I don't know how to say "no" to food or an easy fix for dinner over my Protein Shakes. My husband and I have always associated fun with food if it's watching a movie on tv and eating a whole bag of Oreo's or wanting to go out to eat for a new experience when we travel a bit. He knows how important it is to stick on my pre-op and even get the nutrients I need post-op, but we both don't know how to deal with me drinking a Protein Shake and whatnot. I told him that post-op, going out to eat will be super cheap since it's just going to be him eating for the most part, and I'll nibble here and there, but I don't want my need to have fun to revolve around food. My husband has gained a lot of weight since we started dating (3 years ago), and I would love to say that once I start losing weight and feeling better, I'll want to get out more and either go kayaking, hiking, etc.

    I guess through all of this, I'm just looking for some guidance, advice and help off the cliff. I need this surgery to change me not only physically but mentally also. With a surgery next week, it might be too late to change BEFORE, but I want to be able to deal with the change even better when I HAVE to.

  10. I'll definitely will be stopping at The Vitamin Shoppe after my weigh-in Tuesday. It's crazy to think that I will be flying out tomorrow. The past few nights have been hell, as I've been having bad dreams of being turned down for the surgery because I haven't lost enough weight. I've tried REALLY hard this past week but have hiccuped with pizza and a few Cookies. Grrr! SkinnyPants, August will be here before you know it. And just think, this is the last swimsuit season that you'll be fat! ;)

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to substitute food with fun, cheap activities? I think that's our biggest problem because we have always enjoyed eating, and now that I won't be able to (and choose not to), we're struggling. It's very easy for my husband to respond to an "I'm hungry" by suggesting we go out for dinner or grab a pizza, but I glare at him and stomp to the kitchen for my Protein Shake. I must say that I didn't drink as much Water yesterday as I'm supposed to, and I could feeeeeel it. Without that water filling me up, I was contemplating eating a car full of pizza and drinking Chick-fil-A milkshakes until I drop. It's all a mental change, and I'm struggling... I'm not usually one to admit that, but I know that if I don't do something about that now, I'll be more apt to find a way to cheat post-op and eat the pizza toppings but not the crust.

  11. Jafter, your ticker is making me drool!! I'm not losing the weight that I need to on the pre-op, but I am known to retain Water like a camel. I've been walking 30 mins twice a day and am trying to get enough "umph" built up to crawl to the gym. They changed my surgery date back to the 30th, but I do have a weigh-in on the 29th at 9am. I'm just now sitting down and studying the diet handout Effie had emailed. For the most part, it doesn't look too bad, but I did goff at the price of Isopure from GNC and am throwing around the idea of starting my own lab to make cheap Protein (JUST KIDDING). Reality is setting in for me, but it's a good thing. Futureskinny, I signed up to start a youtube blogging thingy, so we'll see how that goes. In the meantime, everyone keep up the good work. Thanks for all of the encouragement. I don't know what I'd do without "Dr. Washington's Crew".

  12. Alright, guys. I'm finally emerging from the chaotic world of weddings, moving and getting used to the married life. My surgery date was moved from the 30th to the 29th at 10:10. Since I am flying into Myrtle Beach at 10pm on the 28th, Suzette is meeting me at the office at 7:45 for my last weigh-in. I have NOT been good with my pre-op and am going into fits about the possibility of things going wrong during the surgery with my liver. I'm about to temporarily clean out the whole kitchen or rope everything off so I don't start sniffing around. I'm temporarily living in Tennessee while my husband is interning, so I'm not working and am left to stay at home, exercise by my own free will *rolls eyes* and keep the dog happy. Any suggestions on how to keep me busy would be so great!

  13. Hi girls! Yesterday, I went to Conway and met with Emily Choi, Dr. Washington's assistant, and it was a great experience! Honestly, I thought we were to meet with Dr. Washington himself, but that's not until later... the staff there is absolutely wonderful! As my mom described the office, "it's like you could walk around with your butt showing, and they wouldn't care". Suzette took my vitals and told us about the lap band that she got on 3/30. They were all sooooo normal and made us feel comfortable. I guess I should back up a bit and state that the office is located on the Medical Arts wing of Conway Medical. It was clean and extremely spacious with up-to-date decor in the waiting room.

    Talking with Emily Choi, she was very knowledgable and covered all of the bases before I could ask anything. We went through the pro's and con's, covering the possibility of a leak, etc. They do request that everyone stay in town for a week, so my family is going to make it into a vacation. My husband is unable to take off work, but my fam will keep him in the loop.

    Lauren... where do I start with her? She is God's gift to us! She worked with our schedule and was just so incredibly helpful! As of yesterday, I have a surgery date for May 30th!!!! She had that appointment come available or I would have had to wait until August. The only thing I feel bad about is that 2 weeks after I get married, I have to leave the hubby for another week and be "out of order" for a while, but it works better since we don't know our moving, school and work schedule in August. Lauren pulled strings so that I could do all of my pre-op stuff on May 3rd. The dietician was in vacation, so I was unable to meet with her yesterday, but she will be calling me for our first meeting. I will have a 2nd meeting with her in the 3rd, as well as meeting with the anesthesiologist, Dr. Washington and having a endoscopy. I'll be coming back on the 29th for a pre-op weigh-in before the surgery.

    I am incredibly excited yet worried because this is happening a lot faster than we had imagined. AAAAH!!! :)

  14. I'm 22 and weigh 315. I go for a consultation tomorrow and am hoping to schedule a surgery in June or July. For being big, I've got pretty tight skin, so I'm hoping that everything will shrink post-op and that I won't have the flab everywhere. But I'd much rather deal with flab in a size 6 and not a 24.

  15. I'm about 4 1/2 hours away from Conway, so my mom and I will be leaving around 7am to make sure we get there in enough time to fill out some paperwork before the consultation at 1pm. We were going to grab a hotel to stay overnight in Myrtle, but we'll more than likely just make our way back home that afternoon.

    I'm excited to go and be the "eyes" for all of us. Lauren called to confirm today and reminded me to bring in a list of current medications. I'm going to bring in a Protein Shake and see if I'm able to use it for pre-op drinking.

    The hardest part of scheduling is planning around my (almost) hubby's moving schedule. After our wedding on May 12th, we'll be going up to Memphis, Tennessee where he has been at an internship since January. Depending on if he can stay an work an extra month, we'd either be moving back to Columbia, South Carolina (2 1/2 hours from Conway) at the end of June or July or unpacking. With him working and going to school both full time, I don't want to add the stress of him taking care of me post-op (on top of our dog), so I would more than likely spend a week at my parents' house and only have to worry about going up and down stairs.

    I haven't told many about the surgery, as there are different opinions on spending that amount of money and thinking that it's "cheating". When you suffer being overweight your whole life, a weightloss surgery is just the boost our body needs to give us the energy and motivation to eat healthy and small amounts and to exercise like a beast.

    I'm going to need to start looking up good exercise techniques to burn the fat and tighten the skin. AAAH! It's all so exciting yet scary for us all. It's so good to have support from people going through the same thing in life :)

  16. I'll be using Premier Protein shakes from Sam's Club. It's got 30g Protein and 1g sugar. With tax, it comes out to $18ish for 12 shakes, so you can do the math. I love the taste of Slim Fast, and I even think the Protein Shakes taste better. It's not going to be hard doing strictly shakes for two weeks prior to surgery. With the amount of protein, you stay full for pretty much the whole day. Maybe I can take the 7/18 date if it's still available!! ;)

  17. I live about 4 hours away from Conway, SC, so I will be going to his office on April 9th for the consultation. I'm getting married to my best friend in May and have decided to trim the wedding down to close friends and family so that we will be able to use the extra money towards the surgery. I have heard great things about Dr. Washington and am so excited that I found him instead of going to Mexico for the price. Are the surgery dates all the way out to September? To say that I am excited is a complete understatement.

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