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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vampy

  1. thanks everyone!

    hi marys..mary?

    well i lost 21lbs in the first 6 weeks of having the band due to been on the liquid diet for like ever well it seemed like it lol

    but after that its been a nightmare really,

    i seem to lose a bit of weight then put it back on again or stay the same weight for years!

    this time last year i weighed 213, now i weigh 210, thats a whopping weight loss of 3lb in a whole year, sometimes i feel like giving up..i do have restriction and have had restriction for a year now which is great but i still cant lose the weight as im eating the wrong foods,

    i managed 18 months ago to lose another 24lbs by going on slimming world which i didnt want to do as its just another diet which i had failed with in the past.

    why do you think your not losing much weight?

    i keep saying to myself that 56lbs of is better than 1lb on, i would be so much bigger than i was if it wasnt for the band so i have that to be greatful of even though i dont like it very much at all!

    marys maybe your bit eating enough..your body gets use to it and will start to store your fat reserves which means you wont lose weight!

    if theres anything you want to ask me then fire away lol


  2. hiya,i was just checking my old email account and there was a message from this site from years ago lol so i came on and i cant believe i remembered my name and passord!

    well i havnt posted scince 2003 lo so a lots happened scince then and none of you will know me!

    Scince my band in 2003 i have only lost 56lb!!

    i have had a constant battle to lose the weight and its really getting me down now, im just so sick of fighting.

    Oh scince last time i have posted when i was a singel mum to two kids well now i live with my fiance and we have a daughter Lacey who is 2! oh how things change lol

    anyway just thought i would say hi, im going to go read all the posts now!



  3. hi...i have posted for years! anyway i have heard one case in england where a young girl had a lapband, this was when they were quite new,

    anyway she ate som echicken and it got stuck in her stoma..the hospital didnt know what to do and they had never delt with it before (all the had to do was take out the saline of her band to let the chicken go through!)

    well she was blocked for hours and her body started to go into shock and shut down, she died, but it wasnt through choking but because her stomach was blocked.

  4. hi happylass,

    hope this post hasnt been removed before you come back on wednesday,

    you asked about if id been on any weight loss medication, well ive been on loads!

    the first time i was 17, i was put on duromine for a few months, it stopped my appetite so much that i didnt eat for days and was making myself ill, but i lost 2 stone on it then i started passing out, it was a horrible medication, the side effects were awful, i would lie awake all night or go sorting out cupboards at 3 in the morning!

    i later found out duromine was like a type of anphetamine, and worked the same way as speed does!, needless to say, duromine was soon banned, so i was put on another tablet called adifax, this never did anything, i didnt lose any weight at all, and about a year ago i discovered that that had also been banned, apparantly it use to stop peoples hearts and they died on the spot!!

    and next i was on orlistat ( xenical right?)

    but i couldnt stand the side affects, as in VERY loose bowel movements!, and i only lost 7l;b with them, so thats when i decided enough was enough and asked about the lap band, i was refered and 18 months later i had it done!, im so glad i did, although i lost a lot of weight at first, ive actually been putting it back on, i seriously need a fill, any way, i hope we can carry on chatting and if you want to email me my address is nikki23@nikki23.karoo.co.uk,

    hi Chris S. - L.I. i havnt actually had a fill yet, my surgeon said that if im losing weight then hes not going to fill me, im disapointed because i feel i really need a fill ive got an appointment in november to see him ( they have moved the appointment back twice which im not pleased about!!), so when i go, it looks like ive got a fight on my hands!!!!

    i know some patients dont need ever fills, but alot of us do, i just want to be super duper restricted so i CANT eat, even if i tryed!...good luck with your band, its a hard but exciting path, but well worth taking!

  5. hi happylass!, just want to say im so pleased someone from near me has joined this site!, its really nice to talk to everyone about their experiences but its even better when they only live a few miles away from you!, i live in hull!!,

    hope you dont mind me asking but did you get your band on the NHS??

    i did, at hull royal infirmary, would love to chat to you!!



  6. thanks alexandra, i havnt dared get weighed again!, im going to wait a few days and see how it is, i really hope it goes back down again, it feels like im taking two steps forward and three steps back, seems a waste of hard work, but i suppose someday i will get there, i know i will!.

  7. hi Ginger2120

    congratulations!, i bet your so happy, i only found out a week before i had my surgery that i was having it!, i was so excited i cryed when i got the letter!,

    hope it goes really well for you, and welcome to the losers! ( in a nice way!)


  8. thanks eveyone, i got weighed again on the same scales and its still saying ive put on 10lb, i will get weighed soemwhere else tomorrow just to make sure,

    i think that maybe ive putt the weight on because i had a throat infection for a week and harl;dt touched a thing, i lost about 7lb that week, so i think that when i started eating agian it just piled straight back on, i just dont know, but im really dissapointed..

  9. llbcurtis shame on you!!!....ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks everyone, thanks bandaid, ill go have a look, i know its hard to believe i was worried about a littlt PRICK ( stop it llbcurtis !!!!!! lol) when ive so many piercing...but i was, i feel much better now so thanks....and llbcurtis has just made my day!!!

  10. hi leo, i was thinking maybe it was around the time of the month, but ive never put on 10lb before because of that! only time will tell i suppose,

    hi bbrecruiter2000,

    the scales i got weighed on are the ones ive been getting weighed on for 8 years!, they are the ones at my local chemist store, and i only got weighed on them last week, so i know they are accurate, i even went back this afternoon just to check again, and its still saying ive put on 10lb!

    i hope it is just Water and not putting back on fat,.....it feels like all this hard wprk is going to waste..

  11. OMG, i got weighed today and the scales which i use every time says i weigh 10lb more than i did last week!

    whats happened?!!! ive not eaten in excess or anything, aww im soooo dissapointed...i really feel like comfort eating because ive let myself down..feel really upset. has anyone else oput this amount of weight on in a week before????

  12. wow robinb3371

    you was only on liquids for 5 days!!

    i was on it for 4 weeks!! so you can guess how hungry i was!!

    i did cheat sometimes, but i lost a lot of weight during that liquid phase so im glad i stuck to it, i tryed a bite of my daughters cheeseburger and PB it all back up again....that was a kick up the butt ..this band means buisness!!

  13. ive just worked out my loss and stuff, and ive just realised ive been putting the wrong weight down!!, i weighed 20 stone before banding ( 280 ) and now i weigh 16 stone 8 lbs, that in pounds is 232lbs so i have lost a total of 48 lbs!!!

    right ive gotta go change my weight thing at the bottom!!!

  14. well done alexandra!!

    ive not really thought about milestones myself....so i think im gonna!, it will give me something to work to and when i hit it i will be so proud......so i weigh 238 now, my next milestone is for 200lbs, i know i will do it!

    well done alexandra...and it was really nice chatting to you the other night ( or day where you are!)

  15. thanks for all your advice, like i said, i know i am doing well so far, but as i am eating normaly i dont think im eating as healthy as i should be, i was just wondering if the high Protein low carb diet would make me feel better or be healthier than what im actually eating now...ive actualy not lost any weight for a few weeks now and i think i need a kick start....or a fill..if my surgeon will give me one!

  16. i know you have probably had this thread a million times before but ive still not found out by anyone if fills hurt!!

    im no wimp and im certainly not scared of needles ( i have my ears,nose,eyebrow,labret,tongue,and navel pierced!)

    but still im a little concerned about getting a fill, im hoping for one when i see my surgeon in october, my port is inbetween my boobs (sternum) and you can really feel it underneath my skin, i can imagine it to hurt when they injected it, can anyone tell me if it will!!???

    thank you!

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