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Posts posted by Billysbelly

  1. Well still doing the Atkins thing since my big stall. My weight was not coming off anymore. Now Basically 10-20 carbs a day and I am satisfied with that. 5 weeks now on Atkins. the blood sugar is the best its ever been, really no need for any meds. I really lost my INCREDIBLE urge for sweets. Now even diet iced tea tastes very sweet to me. I've been averaging 3-4 lbs a week lately and my personal goal of 199 is right around the corner, although my Surgeon would like to see me at 180. Dam I will me a skeleton! My stomach is the last thing to go I guess since that is we're most of my left over weight is. So if your as far out as me and you have a BIG stall(mine 5months) you got to change something. Try one of those old diets before you had surgery, it may just work better this time. Take care my vsg buddies.

  2. Well I'm finally getting back on track, I was stalled for almost 6 months, yea 6 months just hovering around 230 and not going any where. I needed to kick start again with either different diet or more exercise. Well I have had a hard time with sugar and carb intake and I'm a diabetic 2. I could not kick putting sugar in my coffee, Splenda tastes terrible in it. Well I decided to try the Atkins thing again like I tried several times before my operation with little success. Let me tell you, it is easier now. I don't know if it has to do with the operation but, after a week I do not have a appetite anymore, I think that sugar and heavy carbs was making me crave more. The weight is really melting off again. My exercise is still not that strenuous but I need some muscle tone so I'm gonna hit some weights. If your wondering what I can eat well I can eat a whole sandwich, whole burger, or whole hotdog and still have a tiny bit of room. I wish it were like weeks after the surgery when I could never finish a whole sandwich. Maybe my surgeon made my pouch a little bigger because I wasn't that heavy going in?? I don't know? I'm still taking the Vitamins and the Calcium supps and haven't seen a protien shake since right after the surgery. Im really itching to get to my goal of 199, I haven't seen that since probably 8th grade. Well I hope all is well with my VSG buddies. Take care. And I'll be back.

  3. Well I haven't been on in months. I've just been slowly watching my pant size go down. I've noticed lately that I can eat more. I can eat a hole hamburger or sandwich with no problem. That would be it then, I'd be full. Six months ago, no way I could finish it. There isn't a dam thing I can't eat. There's a lot of things I shouldn't be eating. The operation did nothing about my sweats craving, well only in the beginning but its back where it was before. This isn't brain surgery but that's what I need. I truly wonder if my stomach is stretching in there? I can also drink a lot more Water at one time now. Before if I drank to fast I'd almost pass out. It really seems the 1/2 cup of food does not satisfy anymore. I started the operation at 277 and am now 225 and I've been stalled for about a month or two. Truthfully its all been with little to NO exercise. It would melt off by it self. I guess I need to get my ass in the gym as much as I hate it. If I don't, I think I'll be at this weight till I do. My goal is 199 by Jan 11 my one year. We will see.

  4. Well I've been type two diabetic for about five years and Im about one month out from surgery and the doctor who released me from the hospital said to drop my 5mg glyboride(1time a day) and my 1000mg metformin(2 times a day) and just take my Lantus 25 units a day. Leaving the hospital my readings were 190. Well my readings were 190 so I continued with the glyboride and metformin on my own. Even with the small amount I eat do I ever see it under 100. My 30day average is 148. Before surgery it was about 210 average with a1c of 10. I got this surgery primarilly for the diabetes and Im a little depressed that I may be in that percentage that it does not go into remission. Any one else out there in the same boat? Does it take longer to take affect? Ive heard so many great stories about people dropping all there meds when they left the hospital. Oh please diabetes GO AWAY!

  5. I'll be four weeks wen and I try to stay at about 1000 calories a day. I've tried just about everything and nothing has disagreed except too much sugar. I love Reece's and had two Reece's hearts, I know bad but I paid the price. I was only 277 at 6'1" going in to surgery and I'm at 256 now I've been at around 260 for three week sloooooow going. A normal day is coffee in the morning with sugar free apple sauce 1 cup, maybe a little beef Jerky or some almonds for snack then some Soup for lunch or a yogurt. Then supper I can eat more than a cup of salad or soup or small peice of chicken. Not going to lie I do eat the occasional corn chip or cookie the kids have. Which I know I shouldn't. Try to drink all day. I love the morning orange sugarless powder to add to my Water, tastes just like Tang and the closest to orange juice with no calories. From Walmart. Hope this helps. Your not alone. Your prob in a stall.

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