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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Bellatrix

  1. I had a band in 08 it slipped and gave me a bowel obstruction in 2010 so had emergency removal i regained all my lost weight and had a vsg 5 days ago, my surgeon said there was no scar tissue and everything was straight forward, he did warn me pre surgery that if there was lots of scar tissue he may have to convert to open, I don't suppose they can tell until they are inside x x

  2. I was also sleeved on 24th April, I'm finding it hard mainly cos I have virtually no appetite! I'm probably having 250kcal per day at the most, and maybe 1 litre of Fluid, it says in my post op diet plan I should be having Soups purreed and shakes and milky fortified drinks but honestly I just don't feel up to it yet, a cup of tea takes me an hour and i previously was a tea freak! I'm going to stick to my few cups of tea and fruit cordial with Water till my appetite comes back, I'm taking my pills and Vitamins ok, I'm just going to concentrate on getting enough fluids in, I can't see not having soups and Protein Shakes for a few days can super harm me, i don't wanna force myself and end up vomming everywhere! I have a telephone consultation with a nurse today to check my progress so will see, day 5..... Sore, tired, nauseous, but still smiling! B x

  3. Thanks for everyone's support, just managed a cup of tea and waiting for my meds from pharmacy, I made a formal complaint to the ward manager this morning about my husband having to wash me in the evening because no nurse had offered to assist me, and having to wait over an hour for analgesia, and getting told despite the fact I was nil by mouth I couldn't have IV paracetamol cos it was too expensive despite the fact I have scrimped and saved to self fund! I must say though the night nurses were wonderful! And my surgeon was amazing! Thanks for everyone's kind wishes! Go April Sleevers!

  4. Just wanna go home! The care here is not good I complained to the sister today, no one offered me a shower I had to ask my husband to wash my bottom cos I couldn't reach, oh the shame what 26 yr old wants to ask that! I buzzed for painkillers and had to wait over an hour, what they don't know is I myself am a nurse so iI am going to complain cannot believe I've paid ten thousand for this!

  5. I have been nil by mouth all day and feeling a lot better now, the doctor has just been to get some bloods, no more vomiting or retching, just trying to deep breath and cough with the towel pressed against my chest for support, The surgeon has just been in and said I have to be nil by mouth for 2 days, just incase when I was retching and vomiting I have I inflammed the sleeve, so I'm on IV fluids. But a lot less tired, just gonna take it easy, thanks for everyone's support x x

  6. I have the most pain I have ever had, worst when I breath in. Had to be put back to NBM this am as I'm continuously retching which hurts so bad! and I vomited black stuff! Nursing staff really tried to push me yesterday, one of them even told me I couldn't have IV paracetamol as it was too expensive, needless to say my husband wasn't impressed as we self funded! I feel awful! Did any one find it tough breathing when they were in pain? X

  7. Massively struggling with my one week pre op diet! Only on day 2! It comprises of one litre of semi skimmed milk, two low fat yogurts and then Water or Decaf tea/ coffee oh and u can have one bovril drink, but that's it! My dog is looking so yummy right now! And I have to work :( and I'm probably going to murder my husband, bring on 24/4/12! I should be happy I only have to endure it for one week! B x

  8. 9 days to go! Start the 7 day milk diet on Monday! Pretty much said good bye to all my evil favourite foods and southern comfort and cola! But will all be worth it, me and my best friend are already planning a special night out in 6 months and a huge clothes shopping trip! And even discussed going on a super late honeymoon with the hubby! So already planning exciting things! And cannot wait to go on rides at Alton towers! There's so much I want to do that my weight stops me! Bring on the hard work, 8 months till christmas, I will be slinky! B x

  9. Hi fellow UK sleevies! I'm having my sleeve surgery on April 24th in Leeds, I'm a revision patient as had a band which went horribly wrong after 18 months and I slowly gained the weight back as I was living abroad and couldn't get sleeve revision until I got back:( Looking forward to getting my sparkle back!

    Got some great chewable Centrum from America off eBay so much cheaper than the bariatric chewables! So all set! Hope everyone is well,

    B x

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