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Everything posted by LeaveItToSleever

  1. I only have problems if I eat too much. Then it's hello, heartburn. Because the spicey food I love is RIGHT THERE, at my esophagus.
  2. LeaveItToSleever

    water intake

    I drink normally. I don't measure it (never have, never will). Water empties out of the stomach. or sleeve, very quickly. Sorry about the vomiting blood- yikes. Never done that! I'd be VERY worried.
  3. 1. Do you look FORWARD to your meals and Snacks? I guess so? 2. Do you ENJOY what you eat? Yes. 3. Do you feel satisfied with the taste given how little you can actually eat? I can eat plenty. It isn't the taste that satisfies me. It's the food. The taste spurs me on. 4. Do you feel better the further out you get when you do get to eat a little more? No. It worries me. 5. Do you feel the majority of sleevers can eat whatever they want, so long as the portion is right? I think so, but I can only speak for myself, and I can eat anything. 6. How has your feelings or attitudes changed about food? They haven't. 7. Is there anything you really wish you could eat, that you can't? No. I can eat anything. 8. Can you still eat spicy foods? (curries, peppers, etc) Yes.
  4. LeaveItToSleever

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    If you're a 14/16 at 225, you'll probably be a 6/8 at 150.
  5. LeaveItToSleever

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    5'6' 198 lbs size 12, or L
  6. The final straw was partially regaining a 143 lb loss. Losing such a massive amount of weight changed my life drastically. Being slim was better than anything I'd ever imagined, far beyond my wildest expectations. But regaining 90 lbs devastated me like I'd never been devastated before. It was such a huge sense of personal failure. I felt humbled and humiliated. I saw four doctors, joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, even saw an exercise physiologist; but none of them could tell me what was happening inside my body or tell me anything I didn't already know. More importantly, none of them could help. Two of the doctors wanted to put me on antidepressants and get me out the door- they didn't want to (or know how to) deal with the problem at all. Ironically, one of the doctors who offered me Prozac told me to gain weight so I could qualify for surgery. I was flabbergasted, but eventually I did gain enough weight to qualify, and because I had a primary provider's referral, I made an appointment with a bariatric surgery center. That began the process.
  7. No complaints here! I had pain and I was tired in the beginning, but it got better very fast (improving every day) and after 5-6 weeks I was 100% back to normal. I had ZERO complications. I have never been nauseous/irregular/emotional/whatever- nothing! Honestly, it has been SO EASY for me, I must be a freak, because all I ever see written about on here are horror stories. I have nothing negative to say!
  8. LeaveItToSleever

    Taking cold meds

    I don't see why not. I was taking a LOT stronger drugs than that in the first 3 days after surgery. A lot more, too.
  9. LeaveItToSleever

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    5'6" 203 lbs Size 12/14 (L-XL)
  10. I am loving this thread. And I am loving my new clothes, new glances, and new knees!
  11. LeaveItToSleever


    Working out takes effort but it is self-perpetuating. In other words, you need to make the effort, and DO IT, before you feel the increased energy you will feel from doing it. The more exercise you do, the more energy you will have, and in many cases, that will lead to a desire to exercise. The simple fact is that exercise requires effort, and most people have no inherent natural desire to do something that requires serious effort. Most people go directly to reward/gratification/pleasure and prefer to pass the effort/work/discomfort required to receive the payoff.
  12. 1. I've lost a lot of weight 2. I eat a lot less 3. It only takes a few bites to fill me up 4. I've dropped about 5 sizes this year 5. I can shop ANYWHERE now, just for FUN, and try on really GREAT clothes (instead of fugly frumpy offerings in the fat department) and EVERYTHING I try on FITS and looks FANTASTIC on me; and I've lost a lot of money buying AWESOME new clothes.
  13. LeaveItToSleever


    Wait... what? You're going to let somebody else make this decision for you?
  14. LeaveItToSleever

    Going Crazy

    Stop thinking about it! If there's ONE THING you can control, it is what you choose to think about. So stop thinking about negatives (which are extrememly unlikely) and start looking forward to a better future. Worry is a CHOICE.
  15. LeaveItToSleever

    I Can't Eat, But I Can Shop

    Of course you're right. But it seems I'm trading one compulsion for another. Maybe I'm an "emotional shopper" now. And I'm loving size 14s so much more than size 24s.
  16. ... and it's becoming a serious problem! Before, I hated shopping. Nothing fit, and even when it did (somewhat), it didn't look good. After dropping a significant amount of weight, of course I needed to buy a few things, but there is a huge difference: when I shop now, everything fits. I don't need to go to a special store, any store will do. And no matter what I try on, it looks good. I was sleeved only 3.5 months ago, and I've already spent hundreds of dollars on new clothes. I love the "better" labels. One of these days, the salespeople at Macys will start calling me by my first name. I remember how I used to have to really search for clothes that half-way fit. I used to have to "settle" for fugly, frumpy clothes, because that's all there was. Now, I have to learn to be picky! I need to come to terms with the fact that everything looks good on me now, but I can't buy everything! Yay sleeve. Boo wallet.
  17. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    Before (or while) I was making it. I had to reduce the liquid a bit because the protein powder made the pudding resist 'setting up'.
  18. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    Pot, meet kettle. Again, everyone's experience is different. I have no trouble believing that someone feels hungry shortly after surgery, when they have not eaten for 2 or 3 days. The fact that a newly sleeved person is in a lot of pain and CAN'T eat doesn't change the fact that their body still runs on calories, which are not being supplied. JMHO, but it seems reasonable to ME and I would never imply that anyone else is wrong or stupid for disagreeing or experiencing something else.
  19. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    Same as you; I eat frequent, small meals. I also can't eat within 2 or 3 hrs of lying down, because I'll get reflux if I do, so I go to bed hungry.My diet is mostly protein, and some complex carbs (vegetables and legumes) for fiber and phytonutrients. Proteins and fats are harder to digest; I find they last much longer in my stomach and keep my hunger at bay for while.
  20. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    Same here! I was so hopeful and excited reading all the posts where people declared that they were no longer hungry. EVER. I so wanted to be one of them! I was 100% SURE that having my fundus removed would eliminate the gherlin, and thus, solve all my hunger problems. That's didn't happen. I WISH it did, but it didn't. I eat much more frequently now because I can no longer pack in the # of calories it takes to fuel my mass for 6 or 7 hours at a time. The fact that I still get hungry was unexpected and disappointing!
  21. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    I have to agree. My 209 lb body requires a lot of calories to maintain. I get lots of exercise. OF COURSE I get hungry on 800 calories when previously I had been eating 3x that amount. I HAVE had gas, I HAVE had thirst, and I HAVE had reflux, and to me, all of those things still feel like exactly what they are. They still feel like gas, thirst, and reflux, and only hunger feels like hunger, and it's not all in my head. I think it's completely reasonable to feel hungry 3 hrs after a 150 calorie meal. I definitely did, and had to eat very frequently in the beginning. I understand that some people still feel hungry. Everyones experience is different! Thank goodness it takes so much less to fill me up now.
  22. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    I liked butternut squash soup at first. It was made by a company called Pacific- something. It's very smooth and flavorful. I also mixed protein into V8 and pudding. The spasms went away quickly; they got better every day. Most people seem to have a lot more problems than I did, or a lot longer-lasting problems than I did, so I might not be the best example. I healed very quickly and never had issues with gas, vomiting, etc.
  23. LeaveItToSleever

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    Barely 5' 6" 209-210 lbs as of this week Very comfortably size 14
  24. LeaveItToSleever

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    I'm 5' 6". I started at 330 lbs & size 28 (tight).
  25. LeaveItToSleever

    I'm Hungry!

    I'm hungry too! But I'm a lot further out than you. In the first few days, I was extremely thirsty because drinking sent my little sleeve into spasms. It was all I could do to eat some protein pudding or some soup every day. And I slept all day for a whole week, but everyone is different! Best wishes on your journey.

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