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Posts posted by ooffa511

  1. I am almost three years out. Everything has been incredibly successful for me. I Lost 118 pounds, even had plastics. However, here I am starting to repeat the same things that got me to 275lbs. I was 157 and now 180. I cannot seem to stop and focus and get back on track. Any tips, advice or strong reality checks are all welcome =(

  2. I'm a little over two years out. I'm eating like crazy again. I've done this before and put on 12lbs. I'm up 8 so far and I can't get a grip!! I need a swift kick in the ass!!!

  3. Thank you to everyone's response. I feel very badly for you guys who were criticized. That has to be a horrible feeling

    My mom showed me really poor habits and I know I have shown poor habits to my daughter. We are definitely working on it. I feel very lucky I can sit and talk w her and she listens. I also am able to apologize to her when I know I was wrong in saying something.

    This weight battle is never ending on so many levels

  4. I had a total thyroidectomy due to cancer. I had everything removed including parathyroid and lymph nodes.

    Your life definitely changes bc of this. Stay on top of your meds. The synthroid is amazing stuff, but I was told to never take generic. As well as Calcium when u take it. Even milk in your coffee will counter act your synthroid

    Once your synthroid gets regulated which could take months to years you will start to feel better. The synthroid actually helps me w my weight now. My doc actually keeps me a lil hyper active now and I love it. Good luck w everything!! Anything else u want to know you can message me. I have been dealing w thyroid issues for about 15 years

  5. My daughter is going to be 12. She is tall for her age 5'5 and is just about 150lbs. She is beautiful w legs for days. But she is eating like a grown man. Shoves food in her face, sneaks food She is becoming covered in stretch marks.

    I don't know how to handle this. I really don't keep a lot of junk in the house. She buys stuff at school or goes to a friends and devours stuff. She talks her grandparents into getting her stuff too

    But I'm the bad one. I try to sit w her and explain to her that she is repeating exactly what I did. That she is creating horrible habits and I don't want to see her go down the same road I did. But now she cries and says I hurt her feelings. I don't want to do that, but I don't know how to stop her. Any help would be great. My heart is breaking bc I feel like I am destroying her. I'm not trying to criticize her but she feels I'm being mean. ????

  6. So I figured I would give an update

    My husband moved out 3 weeks ago. I'm so San bc of it. I feel like a failure. I know I cannot fully blame myself but if I didn't talk to him like shit maybe this would never of happened

    I'm doing what I need to do. I would love to take some time apart so we can both work on ourselves, but he says we are never getting back together. Our relationship was volatile but maybe w some space we can fix this.

    My son wants daddy home. My daughter can care less. I just wish life was easier than this. I'm going to keep working on me, hopefully he can work on him and maybe one day if he is sober we can make this work

    I wish I didn't love him so much =(

  7. We did a trial separation last year for three months. Month one and two I was miserable, but month three I noticed how much more energy I had, how I had more patience with my kids. But he got caught smoking pot in his parents house and they threw him out. He had no where else to go so I took him back.

    The crazy part about it was it was the total opposite for him. He was soooo happy month one and two. I would call begging for him to come home and he would say no. We need this break. After he got caught smoking pot in his parents house he had to come home even though we weren't ready

    He told me last night that he picks us over pot. I was overall happy w the answer but I was still cold towards him. I guess bc I don't believe him

    Well bc I was cold it started a huge fight. I appreciate everyone's support on here. The next step is going to be very difficult

  8. I am all for a joint here and there. With friends, no kids around. Party like atmosphere. But my husbands use is costing us a weeks paycheck.

    His addiction to pot, like how my addiction to food was and is destroying our family.

    I texted him before saying it's us or the drugs. And I texted him the time and address to a MA meeting. I even lines up bb sitting to go with him

    But I have been through this going on 8 years now. The only difference now is this is it or it's over. I just don't know if he really believes me. Sadly, if he doesn't take this seriously it's over

  9. When I divorced my daughters father she was 3. But we didn't have this volatile relationship. We got pregnant accidently at 19 and 22. Our parents said marriage was the right thing to do. So we did. We are the closest of friends now. He is an amazing father, pays his child support, support his daughter and is amazing to my son. But there was no love there, so it was easy to divorce him. I really love my husband. It's almost 17 years that we have been in each other life and I am only 31 and he 33

    But when I say I really love my husband I don't know exactly why. Is it bc our history, is it bc we have a son together?? Is it bc he treats my daughter as his own and accepts the my ex husband is ALWAYS at the house?? He loved me at 275lbs and always made me feel beautiful, but now I know I'm beautiful.

    He bring the absolute worse in me. I become this mean, nasty person. I'm always yelling at him and putting him down. Absolutely no sex life ad I now have a freakin hot body!!

    I just don't know how to stay strong through all of this

  10. I have wrote on here before about my marriage issues. I don't know where else to turn bc my friends and family want me to leave my husband

    A little background information, We are high school sweethearts that got reunited after my first marriage. He was the one that got away. But during that time he got addicted to marijuana. I always dabbled too, but it was more social for me. After a while, I started smoking 3, 4 times a day. My weight started going up and up. Finally I got it under control, but hubby has not

    My kids are now smelling it, it's causing major fights between us. Financially it's killing us too. My husband has left countless jobs, wrecked numerous cars and has a family history of alcohol ism and I see him going down that path too

    We fight constantly bc I keep trying to control everything, which then leads me exhausted mentally with my children. I feel my 11 year old gets the brunt of my lack of patience.

    I work 40 to 65 hours a week. I cook, clean, run all the errands while my husband sits back and does bare minimum. He is finally working in an amazing job, but surprise surprise he hates that too. He plans on leaving in a year when he gets called for another job. However, this job drugs tests.

    When I write this all out, I feel like the answer is to leave. Well have him leave. We have been going to therapy for over 4 years and he has made very little change. I don't know what to do. I feel so good about myself. I lost over 120lbs. I got my plastics too. Everything is great but my marriage. I gave him an ultimatum It's us or the drugs. But if it's not the pot then it will be alcohol. I just need help from other married folks. Should I get divorced again, should I try to make this work. I do love him but not all the drama he brings to the table. Thank u for letting me vent

  11. WOW - You looked gorgeous at 275! You look amazing now. I am curious how your journey went and what plastic surgery you have had. (I checked your profile and there wasn't much info). Thanks

    Thank you very much!! My journey so far has been great. I have had ups and downs, but nothing too bad. I had to have my gall bladder removed a year after my sleeve, but I hear that is common. As far as my plastics, I had a TT w Lipo and a breast lift w implant. I am a little over two months now and I am sooooo happy. I finally have my life back. I hope your journey is a good one =)

  12. "These questions are asked quite often by individuals who have lost large amounts of weight and have excess skin folds. We appreciate your desire to donate, however, this kind of donation is unworkable. Allow me to explain why: Our center does not obtain skin from these patients for several reasons. First, this method of obtaining skin is cost prohibitive. The amount of transplantable tissue obtained from tissue reduction surgery is minimal when compared to the amount of tissue obtained from a cadaveric (deceased) tissue donor. The procurement costs would be much greater as it would require the services of doctors, nurses, anesthetists, and other health care professionals as well as the use of an operating room and other hospital services. Cadaveric donation requires only trained tissue recovery technicians, and they can procure tissue after the body has been sent to the morgue (rather than in an operating room), thus keeping expenses to a minimum. Additionally, cadaveric donated tissue can be used for transplant soon after recovery (as soon as quality assurance testing is complete), however, the FDA requires that tissues recovered from living donors must be placed into quarantine for six months. At the end of six months, all serologic testing (HIV and Hepatitis) of the donor must be repeated before that tissue can be used. It is extremely difficult to obtain a skin graft from tissue than has been removed during tissue reduction surgery. The usual procedure for tissue reduction surgery involves the removal of skin and underlying attached tissues, often several centimeters. Skin grafts used for transplant (burn patients) are only 15/1000 (0.015) of an inch thick and do not include these underlying tissues. Skin grafts for transplant are obtained by the use of a surgical device called a dermatome, which peels off a very thin (0.015 inch) uniform layer of skin. I do not know of any tissue bank that would pay for a donor's tissue reduction surgical expenses for the purpose of obtaining skin for transplantation. If you are interested in donating your tissues upon your death I would encourage you to share this information with your family. Your gift can save lives and greatly reduce suffering." From a tissue bank web site. Maybe it is different in some countries?

    I think u have too much free time. All I know is my girlfriend is getting it done and I cannot think of anyone better to have it done.

  13. Ok, so I spoke to my girlfriend. She said you have to go to the musculoskeletal transplant foundation website. After you fill out the questionnaire to see if you are eligible, you have to contact your surgeon and have him call this number 18005812804. If your surgeon is unfamiliar w this process they should help you every step of the way. Hope this helps

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