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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Newfoundlove

  1. Newfoundlove

    Swollen Stomach

    Thanks for your replies everyone. I have my post-op follow-up with my surgeon on Friday so I'm sure he'll tell me if it's unusual or something. To answer the question about gaining weight in after the surgery. I don't know exactly how much I gained, but I know it was a good amount. They pumped me full of fluids by IV before, during, and after the surgery. I also went in the day after surgery for two more bags of fluids. My wedding rings would not fit back on my hand until 4 days after surgery.
  2. 'm 6 days out and feeling generally pretty good. I can tell that my stomach, or rather belly is still swollen. My suture sites are just fine and healing nicely. I can tell though that my belly is swollen inside as it is rock hard. I get that I just had major surgery but just wonder when others noticed their belly wasn't swollen any longer. How far out were you?
  3. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    For hot flashes, I've had success with Evening Primrose Oil and I know others that have had really good results with Black Cohosh. Both are supplements. I think with Black Cohosh you cant take it for more than 6 months. If you know a good naturopath I would ask them about both supplements and you can also do some research on the Internet--try WebMD. On the sheets I received from my surgeon they say to use two forms of birth control for up to two years if you are peri-menopausal or haven't had any menopause symptoms at all. Apparently the surgery increases fertility--can you imagine? At 52 being pregnant. Thank goodness my husband was at the appt. where they talked about this!
  4. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Great job, Sandy! We're practically mirroring each other.
  5. Newfoundlove

    Post Op, Protein, & Paranoia :)

    I am four days out and tried my first cream soup yesterday, watered down with a scoop of unflavored Protein powder. I waited for 30 minutes after I drank 12 ounces of Water before I ate it and it went down really well. Absolutely no issues. Today I tried some thinned sugar free pudding with a scoop of Protein Powder and could only eat half. My sleeve let me know when it was full. I ate it really slowly because even though it was thinned, it was still thicker than a Protein Drink so I assumed I would get full on it. I do not get full on the shakes or water. I can drink them non-stop in little sips until they are gone. I like the unjury chicken broth protein powder too but have to drink that really slowly too for some reason compared to shakes, and I wait for 30 minutes after I drink water. So far I'm not having any negative reaction to the taste of the protein shakes. I'm using Premier shakes from costco. Next Friday I am going to pick up some Peanut Butter protein powder from my NUT to add to my shakes to mix it up a little.
  6. Newfoundlove

    Shoulder Pain - Not Gas Pain

    Did you have a hietal hernia repair? I did and my surgeon told me that's what my shoulder pain is from.
  7. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Day 4 post-op update: I am so counting all of my VSG victories! Still no nausea, although plenty of gas, but not painful. I think the gas is normal from what I've read here and what my doctor has told me. My family is really impressed with my burbs like a sailor moments :-) Yesterday I got 60 grams of Protein in, and 72 ounces of fluids. I tried some cream of chicken Soup, thinned with a scoop of unflavored unjury Protein powder and it tasted really good. The muscle pain is still present but tolerable. I am still taking a small amount of pain medicine at night to help me sleep well, but I may just try Ambien tonight instead. My wounds are healing but really itchy. That's been the hardest part for me so far. Anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with the itching? Tjmom--if you read this let us know how you are doing. I think you had surgery the day before me with Dr, Billing. I hope you are doing well!
  8. Newfoundlove

    Question About Nausea

    I'm 3 days post op and no nausea yet. I am still wearing my scopalomine patch behind my ear from the night before surgery. It makes my mouth dry but that also makes me drink more water so that's good.
  9. Newfoundlove


    My surgeon used the super glue closure method so I've had no problems. Maybe you could convince your doctor to put on the super glue instead? Just a thought.
  10. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Update after 48 hours: still doing really well. Got my 64 oz. fluids in yesterday through water, chicken broth and jello. Got up and walked around the house a few times. Slept okay and was able to sleep on my right side this morning. Using a heating pad for the discomfort in my shoulders. I've moved from the bedroom to the living room sofa and am having my first chocolate protein drink and it tastes good and settling well. I seem to be able to drink larger amounts than what I've seen on here from lots of people. My NUT said it would probably take up to 2 hours to get in my protein drink, but I think i'm on track to finish it in an hour so that's good. I can drink lots of water in a pretty speedy amount of time too. The problem with that though is that I then make very frequent trips to the bathroom :-). But that gets me off my duff to walk more so that's good too! I am so grateful that so far everything has gone so well!
  11. Newfoundlove

    How Are All The May Sleevies Holding Up?

    I'm almost 48 hours out. Had my surgery on Thursday, and got in 36 ounces of water plus 16 oz of chicken broth the same day. My doctor said it is really unusual for patients to get that much fluid in the day of surgery. My surgery was outpatient. Yesterday was slightly challenging. Lots of discomfort on right side from muscles where larger incision was made. But, I got in all my fluids through water, jello and chicken broth--64 ounces. I really took it easy yesterday, walked some, and mostly stayed in my bed watching movies. Slept pretty well last night with heating paid on my shoulders since I have discomfort there resulting from the fix on my hiatal hernia. I can also sleep on my right side--yippee!! This morning I am having my first chocolate protein drink and it tastes good and is going down great! My tummy is gurgling and gas is present, but it's not uncomfortable. I am so thankful that things are going well so far! For those of you struggling, I'm praying it gets better for you!!!
  12. Newfoundlove

    **please Help With Protein Question**

    Yes a tiny bit but dissipates when I stir or twirl it for a second in my mug.
  13. Newfoundlove

    **please Help With Protein Question**

    My NUT said to get a mug warmer so I did. I actually got two of them, one for home and one for work when I go back. I use the Unjury Chicken broth and actually like it just barely warm. I've used the warmer here at home and it keeps the broth just perfect. Will most likely work for thinned soups too. I got my warmers at Bed, Bath & Beyond. maybe that will help if you can get one.
  14. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Home now. Everything went great. Getting in my water with no problems. It feels really good with my sore throat. Discomfort is tolerable. I'm walking a little every hour. They had to fix a hiatal hernia so my chest between shoulders in front is slightly sore trying to get big breaths in. Husband is being awesome! Go back in tomorrow at 7 am to pump in more fluids. Nap time now :-) Stats: Pre oop appt weight 253 DOS weight 233 BMI 41.3
  15. Newfoundlove

    Where are the 50s ???

    Here I go. My surgery is at 11:15 am today I'm a little nervous but mostly anxious for it to be all done! I am 51 years old (stretching for 52). My doctor had me on a 2-3 week low carb diet and I did really well on that and lost 16 pounds. My liver better look fantastic! My surgery is out patient at the Puget Sound Surgery Center in Edmonds, WA. My surgeon is Dr. Billing. I love him! I did the insurance nutrition and fitness dance for six months and insurance is paying 100% and I know how fortunate I am because of that. I have loved following the posts in this group and you all have been so supportive and a source of inspiration for me! Keep up the great work everyone and I'll be sure to post updates here.
  16. Newfoundlove

    Nervous About The Pain!

    I was having the same issues. My surgery date is tomorrow. About three weeks ago I asked my surgeon to prescribe me something to sleep because of the anxiety. He prescribed Ambien and what a tremendous help it was. I slept like a baby. I still woke up occasionally with anxiety, but at least it wasn't 3 or 4 in the morning, more like 6 am so at least had more sleep! Tell your doctor about your anxiety and don't be afraid to ask for help, medical or otherwise.
  17. My surgery is next week. My surgeon is Dr. Billing. I researched a lot of doctors and actually interviewed several surgeons before I chose Dr. Billing. He is also associated with the nutritionist that I've been seeing for several years now and her recommendation was this center. I have been very happy so far with my communications with Dr. Billing. He is always attentive and answers my questions thoroughly. He looks you direct in the eyes when he talks to you. I talked with several of his post-op patients and they all raved about him. I'm very confident in my choice.
  18. Newfoundlove

    How Longs Is Your Pre-Op Diet?

    My doctor has us on a high protein, low carb diet. I don't have to drink protein shakes, just high protein foods and keeping carbs to 40 grams per day. They gave me a two week menu to follow and it's actually pretty decent and easy to follow.
  19. Hello everyone. I've been lurking on the forum for a while. I started my journey seven months ago, selecting my surgeon, going through the mandatory six-month nutrition and fitness program, and have received approval by insurance for my surgery. My surgery date is May 3 with Dr. Billing in Edmonds, WA. I have been waking up at night with the jitters surrounding the surgery itself. I feel I am ready for everything that can happen post-op, but the surgery itself is scaring the daylights out of me. Or maybe I should say the surgery preparation. I am petrified of needles. Just getting my blood work done has been difficult for me. I scare the daylights out of the lab techs, making them use the smallest needle they have, giving me a place to lay down while they draw the blood, doing my deep breathing exercises, etc. I even told one tech that she had just one chance to get the needle in. I scared her enough she had to go get her supervisor. Please understand I was not rude about it and I kind of joke about it, but it's a real thing for me. So, of course I am thinking about the IV they will be inserting and the blood work and possibly other needles involved while I am in a waking state. I know I am a wimp about this, but I have been known hyperventilate I get so nervous about needles. Anyone else out there have this issue and how are/did you deal with it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
