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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jesscaba

  1. jesscaba

    Nose Bleed

    I was so scared when I woke up with blood all over my hand! I have to call tomorrow to make my first post op appt so I will def mention my nose to him.
  2. jesscaba

    Migrane Help..

    I used to get horrible migraines when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. The only thing that would help me was sitting in a dark room with a cool rag on my forehead with my eyes closed. I hope you find some relief soon!
  3. Hey everyone. I got my band yesterday morning and I'm in quite a bit of pain. I feel like someone is stabbing me in the shoulder and my stomach is very sore. Any ideas of how to feel a little better? I was only able to sleep for 3 hours last night (not even 3 straight hours :-/ )
  4. jesscaba

    Just Banded Yesterday

    Thank you for the ice tip. In laying on the couch with my ice pack now and feeling a little better. I hope you are feeling better than earlier today
  5. jesscaba

    Just Banded Yesterday

    I know everyone keeps saying walking is key but it seems to put me in more pain. This morning I went outside ( I live on the 2nd floor) and walked to the corner and back then back upstairs and I needed to lay down and take a pain pill. And just a little while ago I went into my basement to throw something in the wash and thought I was dying when I got back upstairs. Maybe I should just avoid stairs? I've found I can get comfortable in a half sitting position on my couch so i think that's where I'll be trying to sleep tonight. I only got 3 hours last night :-/
  6. jesscaba

    Just Banded Yesterday

    When I first woke up and felt how badly it hurt I def did say to myself "maybe this was a bad idea" but the pain is only temporary, right? I am hoping and praying that me being only 25 will help me to heal faster.
  7. Yes your children do need you. And that's why you got the band...to make sure they their mama will be around and healthy for a very long time. When my 4 year old asked why I was getting this surgery I told her so that I can chase down het future boyfriends
  8. jesscaba

    Just Banded Yesterday

    I may have to go buy a heating pad. It was so hard to find a comfortable position between the stabbing shoulder pain, sore back, and sore belly. Did the ice help a lot?
  9. jesscaba

    Surgery Today!

    I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is pain or pressure but I do know it's not fun. My nurse said they gave me the max dose of morphine and I had a real hard time staying awake. Are you nauseous? My email is jesscaba@aol.com. Maybe we can stay in touch and embark on this journey together?
  10. Going to be headed to the hospital soon. I'm so nervous and excited all at the same time! I sure wish I could take a sip of water right now!!
  11. jesscaba

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I'm banded! Just hoping the pain goes away fairly quickly
  12. jesscaba

    Surgery Today!

    Banded and home! In a decent amount of pain tho. Hopefully I'll be able to fall asleep soon
  13. jesscaba

    Surgery Today!

    I actually lost another 3 pounds! This is a good start to the journey I think! Just had my bp taken and I'm waiting on an IV. I hope I can hold my arm still long enough!!
  14. jesscaba

    Almost There

    It is very nerve racking, huh? You'll do great!
  15. jesscaba

    April Bandsters!

    Idaho...thank god they found it and thank god your doctor was educated enough to notice it!! You will be in my prayers!
  16. jesscaba

    Question For The Ladies

    No problem! I felt a little silly asking but needed to know. I'll let everyone know how it goes tomorrow. Surgery is at 1030 so I have to be there by 830.
  17. jesscaba

    Question For The Ladies

    Damn periods! Lol I wasn't supposed to get it til next week. Figures it came early hah
  18. jesscaba

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Best of luck to all having surgery tomorrow! I'm so nervous and getting more nervous with each hour that passes. I will have my phone handy to update everyone when I am able to thank you for all the well wishes. This site has been so helpful and ha answered so many of my questions!
  19. jesscaba

    Question For The Ladies

    Tampons should be ok tho when I get home right?
  20. jesscaba

    Question For The Ladies

    Thank you for answering so quickly. I'm so glad it's not going to affect the surgery. I woke up this morning and was like "oh no!" Not looking forward to the paper panties and pad but it a small price to pay!
  21. jesscaba

    Surgery Tomorrow

    My surgery is tomorrow as well. Best of luck to you!
  22. jesscaba

    Bc/bs *** Nj Approval Time

    Just got my approval today! My surgery is on Friday at 10:30am but I have to get there two hours early

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
