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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi all shoot ! I actually typed out more than what posted, I'm sad but it is kinda funny well, I am just gaining and gaining. Tomorrow is DS's bday and then that is it, I need to get a grip and lose 10 quickly - I have a fill appt on the 18th and I don't care I can't eat turkey - I'm grossing myself out ok well GO TRACY I'm off to bed, I'm tired. sorry my personal's didn't post, they were good. night all
  2. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all Plain - I would love to hear that story LOL. I had a good time, and ended well. We have done this for years... he will find another girlfriend and I'll be on standby again. Cindy - your hair is great. I so need to get mine done Angela - I'm sorry dad lost. Tracy - nope, I am not doing anything good. I have to stop. I am retaining water so badly but i guess it would go away if I would drink to flush myself. I'm making an appointment with my primary and fill appt today. I need to get this together, I've gained 12lbs, I'm sure 1/2 is water, still doesn't matter it has to go away. I have been feeling like crapola - still stuffy and chest is tight - mostly I'm just completely run down. I didn't go to class last night and went to bed at 6:30 and still could be sleeping. So I'm going to do it again tonight well, I have to run - catch ya'll later
  3. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all quick check in to let you all know I'm alive completely exhausted but here. just getting in from drill, having a drink and going to bed night all - i'll catch up tomorrow
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning ya'll its been a busy couple of days, just work, school, life... but its all good. Tracy - I am so very proud of you, what is it that you are eating? I need to pull out my journal and see what i use to do that I was so content. Ashley- was last night date night or tonight? Kat - I'm so happy you and Rich found each other again, just so nice and perfect after your Ex. husband. Suzanne - so glad you are feeling better. Michelle - that is great about your sister, it must be so liberating for her! Hi Debbie and Angela I had so much to say -I lost my thoughts, I need coffee. I'll be back shortly Going to a party tonight... going to be a TX chainsaw victim. So easy costume - going to be my cute self, western boots & hat, jean skir, tank top and a cute flannel shirt which will be torn with blood all over where I was cut up so makeup and blood will be what makes it. Ya remember when I was working with my friend who does tree service/logging? That is who I'm going with - so just friends but we are going themed together, which I have never done, so it will be fun with no worry or pressure.
  5. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey quick check in Tracy - you go girl Debbie - that was so touching. Thank you!
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    morning ya'll I definately need sleep, I turned my alarm off instead of hitting snooze Trey - I have a few, I love sleeves on guys - some girls can carry it off, but not many. after I finish my foot, I really want one on my wrist, and to wrap around to my thumb. I'm very themed - I have moon and stars on my neck that i want to add a guardian angel over when I find the perfect one. I just don't know what i want on my wrist, and how big, even if I work in construction industry, I still was a banker and always had to be Professional. Tracy- MUAH Love ya sister ok have to run, guys are starting at 6 today
  7. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all Trey - nice new pic! Tracy - I'll email you in am Kat - I love Old Navy - Hope deal with Rick is minor, and then a tattoo is in order.. hmmmmmmmmmm I think I need one Suzanne - feel better Angela ? yes OSHA is a wonderful thing! very complicated but because of the regs, I have a job I love :sneaky: Cindy - Debbie .. Hey there I know I'm missing someone - I need to go to bed, its 11pm and I didn't shower and have to get up at 4, If I don't go to bed now, my mom and cousin will be here and then I'll never sleep night all
  8. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi suzanne I see you! I hope you and hubby are feeling better
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all well - I have to get together, didn't plan on such a long post - have to get ready to go. have a wonderful
  10. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey all Kat - I don't really post for support here, I should, but don't. I am here with my friends and that is more support than anything. That was built in 17 months, I was told I still have at least a year there with the company I'm with, but it is huge. Up until the last few weeks, I had work all over all of my 3 buildings, and now I'm starting some outside work again, just in time for fall/winter Well, got done with drill and the Lt. pulled up on his bike and offered me a ride home.... on his Harley... which he knew I live a block away... so we went for an hr ride, it was a perfect day... As much as I want my own bike again so I can just go when i want to, I really do enjoy riding bitch, you get to see so much more.... Well, went to drill, we had scott pack on and practiced putting out a fire (real hose and pressure and mock fire preping for next weeks real car fire we are going to put out. All I can say is I BETTER START WORKING OUT AGAIN.. holy crapola the gear is heavy, so adding a tank strapped to your back, how did i ever weigh 100lbs more than i do and survive ok off to bed, falling asleep on couch
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Ok here is a link, not of the open house so you can't even get the full effect but the building with the yellow deck on the side is my big one, they don't show my smaller ones. GlobalFoundries delays - YNN, Your News Now So how are you all Tracy - check out Southwest, they are having a 72 hr sale, could get a round trip flight for $120 to come visit me Trey - nice to see you... I'm sure you can handle our abuse Angela - nice - you changed your name. and I think was you... yes, My alarm actually goes off at 3:45 so I can be in the shower at 4. So, I'm going to shower now so i can go to bed and just wake up in the am, get dressed and run Well, I do have to quick shower, have to be at the FD at 6:45 Have a great night all if I don't check back in Sorry if I missed some of you, I had thoughts and well, they just went away
  12. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi guys here is a drawing of the building, I am looking for the link to the video. The big building on the left is mine and the good size building in the middle of the right is mine.
  13. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning all well running late. Have 10 minutes to get it together and out the door My site was on the news last night and this am, I'll try to find a link and post it later. DD was upset we didn't go to open house. I didn't think she would be interested at all. When she saw it on the news, she said she now understands why I'm tired when I get home. LOL Have a great day
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ya'll just wanted to say hi I ate like a piggy today - came home and made some ham and cheese soup. So I'll be back on protein shakes and soup for the next week to get rid of this yuck Went out with a friend today, did some running and to lunch, and stopped at homedepot for me, i came home finished shampooing carpets, cleaned floor *Magic Eraser is the BEST thing to clean showers and ceramic tile Now I'm sitting down to read a little, ok trying to... as I'm having a little drink and watching 50 first dates, so we will see how far i get Ok not getting far, I've had this open for almost an hour
  15. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I just had a cup of tea, in my special cup from our SA trip. I fon't feel like I look any different, except I'm white as a ghost, and you all know me and my tanning... I miss the other Tracy, Terri, and a few others...but I LOVE you guys!:sleep::wub: well, off to finish some work and shampoo the carpets again.
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning all i d on't know why I'm up but I am I'm exhausted i would love to go horseback riding... i'll catch up later - my eyes can't even focus without my contacts anymore
  17. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning all I called in late this am :w00t: George just left for his meeting, we had nice night, dinner and movie and coffee and breakfast. I'm going to get my fd physical this am since I was going to be late. Tracy - 1/2lb is better than gaining - I'm afraid to hop on the scale I hope everyone is doing well. Off to shower - to the dr - then to work have a great day
  18. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning ya'll I'm running late - frustrated as can be, I've eaten great and lost 3lbs and gained them back yesterday. I can't give up - I do need a fill Yesterday was horribly stressful, I'm sure that is not helping. I so need a fill. I'm disgusted and embarrassed I've gained 8lbs and I feel it. Trey - you up to speed now? :biggrin: Thinking about it, I'm sure that is part of why I'm in class 3 nights a week and drill 1, keeps me out of trouble and hopefully hang with a different crew and stay away from that crazy life i was living Tracy - how is your new attitude? I'm so proud of you, help me get there:blush: Well, time to run, sitting here, have to leave in 15 mins and still in my sweats and soaking wet hair Have a great day all
  19. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hope I didn't offend anyone Well, its now going for 11, and I'm so over tired and I think I'm blonde again I'm sitting here after class, having a drink and watching the breakup Anyone see that movie??? The end conversation they have about he realizes and she is empty? ME ME ME why is it that when I begged I wasn't good enough, and now I don't have much left in me for anyone, he is nuts and wants me back and is talking to me like we are back together and I should give up my life. I'll be friends and hope someday our children forgive him and will talk to him, BUT - really I've been more emotionally drained in the last 2 weeks than I have in a long time. Guess what... I am having company tomorrow and if he decides to stalk me he is not going to like what he sees... and I don't care. George is not a long term, and I know this, but really the only man i can possibly trust, and yes that includes my dad too Well - I hope you all have a fantastic night, I'm going to pass out, and my alarm goes off at 4 so I will be taking a nap tomorrow after work cause I'm going to have someone to keep me warm tomorrow and will actually sleep well - i can't wait Have a wonderful,
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Quick Good morning all I stayed up way too late, or should i say early this am. I think I need a nap when i get home Debbie - I'm going to pm you too, and look for your pics later Kat - what is in that drink again??? sounds yummy Today is day 2 of healthy eating. I decided after suiting up and playing with the firedept last night I need to get my butt back on the elliptical. I can't wait until class is over so I can sleep. have a wonderful...
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks for the offer LMAO I do have lots of friends who do roll like that, but like I tell them, I like guy parts way too much :huh2: So I'm home from drill, finished my popcorn and have a sip of drink left and heading to bed night all
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    How did I miss a drunk post??? Kat - glad mom is doing better and dad is clear off to shower, the only heat I'll get tonight :cursing:
  23. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hello All I am home for a few Have been trying really hard today, have had about 1100 cals today and 50g protein, I'm trying so very hard I'm going to make some ham and cheese soup, try to shrink my band - my belly is way bloated and I don't know why, my belly is very puffy - I just want it to go away. I'm going to get rid of my 8lbs then get a fill, then my last 20 So how are you all doing? I'm going to take a quick shower and get myself ready for drill... VERY COLD here... I need someone to warm me up
  24. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all Freezing here... going to be a long winter Cindy - Hugs! that is hard enough situation to deal with but then add the financial aspect = will send good thoughts to your family off to work, have a great day

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