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Posts posted by Jennifur

  1. Good Morning all

    Suzanne - good for you -4 :D

    I'm just quick checking in - dd is now sick - poor thing. I have to shower and get myself together - have to be to the fd at 8:30 we have live fire training today. I'm kind of anxious-excited all at the same time. I couldn't do the last one because I didn't have my physical clearance. Here is my workout of the week

  2. Jenn, let me know where you are going on that site. That way I can stalk you, lol. We are in this together and I want to stay with you. I will also stay here if someone doesn't want to try the new site.

    You got it! I am waiting to be able to post there but I'm fishing around, I'll do both too, don't want to lose anyone either - but it is so nice :)

    I have a confession....lately, I have been emotionally eating...bad!! Well, I got on the scale this morning. Yes, I gained. I got my reality check. I did bring Thanksgiving left overs for lunch at work. So, I will be back to eating how I am supposed to! I feel like such crap for letting myself gain again!! Oh well, it's over and done with now. All I can do is move on and fix it! I am right there with you! That is why I got a fill the week before Thanksgiving. I was in complete denial, I gained 15lbs - I'm happy to say -10 since my fill and back in the 170's. Now that I'm focused I'm going to lose my last 20

    I went over to the other site. I didn't register yet. I will be sad to see some of yall go away! Check out some of their support groups, they were positive and helpful. I've been surfing here again looking to get back to the band way, and some are great, but there is so much bad stuff. What is the point of being on liquids if you are not going to change how you prepare what you make. I was looking for ideas of mushie food, and it made me sad to see... and then people complain the band is not working... PLEASE KNOW I AM NOT REFERRING TO THE ENTIRE SITE OR EVERYONE... JUST SOME OF THE STUFF I WAS READING

    I didn't get up in the frenzy this morning. I did go to Tractor Supply and buy DH a big battery charger that he told me would be a good Christmas present. It was $100 off today! DH had to get new tires on his dually. Ugh...I hate spending that much money on 6 tires! lol Especially right here at Christmas!! Oh well, they were completely bald. He needed them. DH's work is slow. They are in between materials, so he won't be working this week. He is trying to get back on where he was a sprinkler fitter. Pray he gets on!! He made great money there! We have 4 presents left to buy! DH said he would get my tree out today so we can decorate it! All of my other decorations are up except the tree!

    Well, I need to get back to work. I'm getting my inventory ready to enter into my new computer whenever it gets here!


    Sick AGAIN!!!!!!! I am so flippin' tired of being sick! Completely impacted sinuses. UGH!!! Yuck, there is bad stuff out there... hope you feel better soon

    Anyway, Kat, what a pain in the pattoot! If Alex is going to abandon you, I don't blame you for leaving. I'll go check out the other site. How did your shopping go? We stay home. I'm NOT a morning person and HATE crowds. Could you see me out there in all of that? LOL!! Maybe on the NEWS when I went nutso and killed someone! LOL!!!!! AND we have an hour drive each way to get to the city so why even go to bed at that point?! Nope, I stay home, in my warm bed, sleeping! Hope you two had a blast!!! I stayed home today too, so nice... nice clean house, made low fat cream of chicken Soup, and going to study in a few

    Jenn, DH wants to get a bunch of decorating done this week when he gets home. Only thing is that we need to get ready for our trip since we're leaving as soon as he gets home and gets the truck loaded. We'll see how far we get! Good luck with that, i just brought my tree down and outside is done. I'll decorate that tomorrow Have fun on your trip

    Tracy, I'm glad you had such a wonderful day w/the ILs. I know you were nervous.

    Suzie, have a great feast today!

    Ashley, have fun w/the new computer. I know it's a work computer but I love new toys! Please don't beat yourself up. You said you know what you need to do. Forgive yourself and move on. I know how hard it is. I beat myself up better than anyone else ever could. Hugs!

    Cindy, hon, if you need to set an alarm on your phone to remind you to eat, please do. I know it's hard w/your mom right now and all but you aren't going to be any good to her or your dad, if you don't eat. Even if it's just a little cheese or Peanut Butter every couple of hours. Make sure you get something in your stomach. Hugs. I second that... I said it to Tracy too. You can't help others if you don't take care of you first

    I did pretty good w/my eating yesterday. Didn't stuff myself, tho ate a plateful of food. Woke up this AM to a loss of a couple of pounds. Interesting. I lost 2 this am too... yipee

    Don't know what we're doing today. Depending on how I feel I may or may not go to my cousin's house tonight. We'll see.

    Talk atcha soon!

    Tracy... Oh Tracy... where are you??? Hope you are having a good day.

    Well once again I'm totally procrastinating, so off I go to study for a bit, then might have a drink tonight. Only 4 of us in town and available to do calls last night so i was good... see this fd thing is great for me.. it stops me from drinking :)

  3. Good morning all

    well, as sad as it would be to leave lbt, I just went to the other site and after checking it out, I registered... under the same name.. jennifur

    I have to say, what caught me first was I fould someone from Schenectady and quite a few people from New England area. I have never found anyone close to me.

    I am going to go back to visit Tracy, but I get so sad to see you all get together, although in the next year or 2 I will be living down there with ya'll...

    But a few other discussins i read, every single one of them was positive and supportive, something I can't seem to find here anymore. I can deal with site changes but after checking that out, I am going to be there too, either way.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving all

    well it is at least nice to see that I can change my font, color and size

    Tracy - I'm so glad your day went well - :)

    Kat - I hope you had a nice day, that was such a short post - you must be pissed

    Suzanne, I'm going to Dick's when I get up to get some underArmor and that is it.

    Michelle, Cindy, Deb, and all our welcomed new comers... HI :)

    I'm not going anywhere but I do agree with everyone, this site is frustrating as heck

    I'm going to head to bed, tomorrow I'm getting my tree up and going to curl up on the recliner in my room, have a nice little fire, a little music and my computer and take a few practice test so I know where I need to study for my state test. I'm getting a little anxious and need to focus

  5. Good Morning

    Ok - first, I have to say this new format could be good if it freaking worked! why can't i change font and color and stuff?

    Tracy - OMG that is just horrible, but I agree with Cindy, Suzanne and Kat It sounds like she has many issues and is just blowing off on you, second thought was - and don't take this being mean or sarcastic - but she needs medication. She sent that out to other family members too? That is just not right no matter what the situation. That is going to make family pick sides! I'm so proud of you... you had a great response

    Love ya sister!

    Kat -I use a Brine. i went to dinner at a friends a couple years ago and she used a citris one and at first bite it was odd to taste turkey with a hint of orange but you know what - it was the juiciest turkey I ever had in my life. I do it every year, Infact dd will be mixing everything today while she is home.

    I can't eat dinner tomorrow because of my fill YIPEE so dd likes roasted chicken over turkey and it is just her and ds, so I got a little 7lb chicken and will make Soup on friday, or a great stock. I am making Lobster Bisque for me, I'm so excited.

    I'm trying to find veggies for ds, he just wont eat them. So i found a butternut squash Soup that is made with cream cheese so... I called i cream cheese soup and topped with some parm chees and he actually loved it and ate 1/2 cup and will eat more today - It took more time to get my flow going to make it that it the time it took to just do it.

    Well, I got my new computer and got most of it set up. I will be turning over old reliable to ds to use in the back room to play his games and do his stuff. I just want to get anything i need first in case something happens. My new one is 17" monitor which I thought I would hate, but it is so nice and I guess I should take it. Kev bought it for me as a gift asking for nothing in return and giving it to me in writing. Just because I needed one and for all the gifts I got him over the years and blah blah blaha....

    Ok - have a wonderful.....

  6. good morning

    Ok so this is kinda strange. how do i made my adds smaller so i can make my thread bigger?

    I didn't realize how much i look forward to daily check ins and to see how you are all doing!

    Kat - nice to have you back, sorry you are sick, but glad it was all worth it

    I had more to post but i can't find yours on here

    I'm so lost. I'm home with DS today, he is still sick and well, i just stayed home. I'm going to my primary today because i still have abdominal pain from my accident and my neck is a mess

    Well - I'lll be back in a bit... so glad we are up and running[/b]

  7. Good Morning all

    Angela - Oh I can see why you are torn - that has to be tough, but you have a good mind set.

    Maybe that could be good, because there is a totally different set of rules.. like no sugar and things like that. I don't know about you but I know I can eat candy and let me tell you..I sure do, which i never really did before, so maybe it will enhance your journey?

    Ok i don't know where my positive attitude is coming from this am... LOL

    Either way, we are here for you too :)

    Suzanne - hope you got back to sleep. sounds like you are feeling pretty good.

    Dylan is feeling better. Alexandra was borderline not feeling well last night so they are staying home today

    Tracy - how is Macy doing? Did you guys get some sleep i hope?

    Cindy - how was Harry Potter? my dd has been watching all the movies this week and is going tonight (i think) with her friends.

    Well, I guess I have 15 minutes to get ready and I'm still sipping my coffee in my robe. I am down 4 this am, so there is hope I can get down below my lowest

    have a wonderful

  8. Hey guys. Quick post so I can go back to bed.

    They took me an hour early into surgery which was fine with me. I was back in my room about and hour and fifteen minutes later. Woke up and my mouth was so dry and my shoulders felt like they had been kickboxing me. The nurse that that that was what a lot of people complained about. Shoulder pain and it's caused by the gas. She said to get up and get moving and it will works it's way out. We were able to leave close to 3:30pm before there was to much traffic. I fell asleep twice in the 35 minute drive. Came in and went right to bed to see if I could get comfortable Slept for about 2 hours. Now I'm drinking diet 7up and sucking on hard candy to help get my mouth back in order.

    Doc said the surgery went very well, Easy to repair and that the band looked good. Amen. I go see him on Dec. 30th. for a fill.

    Thank You so much for the thoughts and prayers. I truly appreciate them and you guys.

    So glad to hear about Kat's mom, I'm sure that a big relief to Kat and now she can enjoy the grandkids a little more.

    :):thumbup::thumbup: Get some rest, glad went well and you get your fill on the 30th!

    I feel like a new person today after mine.

    night all

  9. Tracy - I never thought of that... although gaining 14lbs you would think it would be tighter... My head is back in the game. So we will see. At least I'm going to nutrition on the 13th. then can schedule another fill if I need to.

    StrangDz - that is odd. I use to take trazadone, now i have a mentally and physically draining job and sleep like a rock. Good luck with the meds, I remember my experimenting..

    Going to snuggle with my Baby

  10. Sure. I'm 42 and had my surgery in April of 2008. I live with my two teenage daughters; who keep me on my toes! My oldest is 17 and plays volleyball, is in chorus, and is the school mascot, Herbie the Hornet. My 15 year old is a varsity cheerleader. I'm an active member in the cheer booster club and spend most of my time supporting the above activities.

    Now about my band life... I fight it every day. I've got 8.25ccs in a 10cc band. About a month ago, I had a fill of .50 and discovered that after losing 13 lbs in 2 weeks, I was too tight. I couldnt get much liquid in and got full after about an 1/8th cup of food. I went for an unfill and they took out .25cc. Now I am too loose! I can eat about a cup of food and have the urge to eat CONSTANTLY (a little confession... I'm eating a Reese's Buttercup as I type! :blushing:) I've gained 4 pounds since my unfill. ugh. ...but it's all on me. If I could stay away from the chocolate and cheetos, i'd be much better off, right?? :w00t: My doc will be back in town towards the end of January, so I will go back for a little fill and hope that does the trick.

    I suffer from chronic depression and had my meds under control for the last 5 years UNTIL... they started making me puke. Violently. and because of the restriction, I cant physically puke, so I would get the dry heaves BAD. OMG, that was horrible. We tried everything, including anti nausea pills, but nothing helped. We had to slowly wean me off of them and are now trying other anti depression meds. Zoloft made me puke too, so I have been on Lexapro for about a week. It doesnt seem to make me sick, so I'm hoping it will help with the depression... Think good thoughts for me.


    good luck with the Lexapro - that is what they started me on and I gained 20lbs in a month! I have not been on Wellburtin for over a year, and i can feel emotions but can deal with them. I couldn't do that either with Lexapro.

    Very nice to have you with us!

    I'm sitting her sipping my broth. I got my fill today they were not going to give it to me, because I blew off a ton of appts and have not been there since Dec. I told her I called and asked to cancel all my appts because no insurance and that they were scheduled in Dec. So she gave me fill, when she unfilled me i almost shit.. (sorry) I was still at 1.5 from last year... then why can i eat like a horse..?

    she gave me .5cc so I'm at 2cc, and since I gained a scary 14lbs and was down 10 from 11mos ago. that sucks, but I'm going to get those 14+lbs off quickly. She told me i can eat regular on day 3, she doesn't know me very well... How about I'm on Clear Liquids for at least 3 days if not longer if I can do it.

    I promised I would be model bandster - so I have nutrition appointment on 12/13 so lets see how much i can lose.

    the scary thing is my bp was very high, scared me high and my pulse was too...my pulse is down to normal range and i don't have a bp cuff here

    my broth is going right down too, could my accident moved stuff in me when my ribs got hit?

    well enough thinking out loud

    Tracy - how is Macy feeling? did her fever break???

    Dylan threw up all over the place in school... there is nasty stuff out there

    Hi everyone - I am so very tired, I might go lie down with ds

  11. Good morning

    Shar - I put my stuff up next weekend. I love xmas decorating too. I enjoy turning on lights and just enjoying decorations. Although last year had bad stuff with kids dad xmas day. Thinking about it, it was a really nice season.

    I am working on my xmas party plans for this year this week too. Going to have everyone bring a dish instead of doing it all.

    Well, I just got invite for fire dept banquet... and it is on my 40th birthday, and the St pattys day parade day. I guess I will be doing something on my bday, and I'm kind of excited.

    Well. Off to finish getting ready for work, I'm late.

    have a good day

  12. Morning all

    well, talked to Future boss again yesterday, they are putting numbers together - safety doesn't work ot but who they bring on they need to... which is no big deal for me, but they want to make sure I'm compensated

    Other than that no time for anything new. Toy party was fun as always! one of the girls booked a party off of me so I didn't get a couple of things i wanted.

    I tried to detox yesterday and came home and had chicken tenders. I am going to do it again today and have real dinner again. I have face the fact I've gained 10lbs but you know what... my head is in the initial surgery game so I will have a good 2 weeks of liquids... so I'm going to go get Dinosaur BBQ, new place that just opened.. which I'm sure will not touch bbq in SanAntonio... but best there is up north.

    Hope all is well with everyone -

    Tracy - pray for my offer... i will get paid vacation time ;)

    Have a wonderful all, off to work, tonight is drill so I'll be nuts.

  13. Good Morning all

    up way too early, going to wallyworld to go get new xmas lights and getting things done. House is nice and clean from party last night so going to work outside before it gets cold again.

    Tracy - I'll pm you

    Until i have my start date I'm still anxious, but very excited. I need this more than anything - it will do so much for my future.

    hope all is well

    Kat be safe :)

  14. Hey all

    so they hired the other guy to start Monday, and I was told they will have me on board within 2 weeks. So I've been told I will be working there but need offer in writing and I'm giving my notice.

    Pay is tremendous, benefits are great and they have a ton of work on this site an 2 other jobs just starting in the area and have jobs all over the country.

    So I'm anxious - but gonna be great! Just want things firmed up

    so emotionally drained, just want to give my notice

    hope all are well, I'll keep you posted!


  15. Hello all

    So much going on here, I have tried to catch up, I'm just exhauted, it has been so cold here and I don't have much work so I'm bored out of my mine, yet freezing cold... so I come home from work, take the longest hot shower in the world, or that my hot Water tank will hold, and go to class or drill.

    I just found out tonight that the new manager is leaving to go to another job, and the old manager is taking control of this huge project I put together... and tomorrow when they announce who will be in charge again, I am pretty sure I will be making a deal with the company that has tried to recruit me for 2 months. I will not ever work for her ever again.

    So class is going well, and drill is good, cliimbed on a roof full gear last night. I need to walk in the pants, hard to move with short legs

    I'm swollen and puffy and don't know why,

    have a fill appt on the 18th

    check out my Facebook - I posted a pic of me and my dd Alexandra. I so love her, and my son but i dont have that pic up

    so that is is, just spending time getting ready for finals and sleeping, which I should be doing now

    oh... and Kev - begging me back, and the more i don't have time for him the more he is getting what he did to me all those years.. I am not making him wait for that reason, but I'm glad he is getting it.

    Off to bed, hope all is well with everyone

    hugs and kissed

  16. Good Morning all

    I know i'm not going to be good today, it is DS's birthday, but I know I will drink Water. I have not had more than 8 oz a day all week, so that is a great start for me today and tomorrow. I'm counting the days to my fill :eek:

    Today we are going to hang out - go to a bowling bday party from 3:30 - 5 and then back to my house for pizza cake and some drinks, and probably play birthday wii games. he is getting party 4 which i heard was amazing and dance 2, and 2 new remotes. and who knows what else.

    It turns into a bunch of drunkin fools playing wii... lol

    Next week is my grown up toy party, so that will be another fun night

    well It has taken me 40 mins to type this much so i'm going to finish my coffee and i'll be back

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